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View Full Version : Jim, please tell Jeff I am about to

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-19-2015, 09:52 AM
pick up my favorite gun and lead a search party for him!--Tyr

Black Diamond
10-19-2015, 09:54 AM
Are we breaking out the bloodhounds?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-19-2015, 09:58 AM
Are we breaking out the bloodhounds?
Maybe, let them sniff a fresh granola bar and then race of to find a tree hugging Jeff.;)-Tyr

10-19-2015, 11:01 AM
No sh*t. Where IS that pantywaist? Hell, I've been sick with infant crud for a week and I can still show the f- up. :slap:

10-19-2015, 11:43 AM
No sh*t. Where IS that pantywaist? Hell, I've been sick with infant crud for a week and I can still show the f- up. :slap:

I think ya'll like him but it sure is hard to tell sometimes!!!! lol

10-19-2015, 06:47 PM
I think ya'll like him but it sure is hard to tell sometimes!!!! lol

Of course we like him. Just don't tell HIM. He'll get a big head about it and we'll never hear the end of it. :laugh:

Otherwise, he's being a wuss and a slacker. :laugh:

10-20-2015, 12:11 PM
I spoke with him yesterday morn. He should be back on soon, I hope. First he was sick with the cold, which apparently turned worse and towards a pneumonia, and then he had some serious issues with his oxygen level in his blood. Then even worse, the battery for his mouse had died and he doesn't have a spare. Let's see how long it takes him to get a new battery. :laugh:

Seriously, hopefully he'll get to feeling better soon and be back.

10-20-2015, 09:47 PM
I spoke with him yesterday morn. He should be back on soon, I hope. First he was sick with the cold, which apparently turned worse and towards a pneumonia, and then he had some serious issues with his oxygen level in his blood. Then even worse, the battery for his mouse had died and he doesn't have a spare. Let's see how long it takes him to get a new battery. :laugh:

Seriously, hopefully he'll get to feeling better soon and be back.

No he's blaming the mouse? Oh brother. THAT's a new low even for him. :laugh:

10-20-2015, 10:04 PM
I spoke with him yesterday morn. He should be back on soon, I hope. First he was sick with the cold, which apparently turned worse and towards a pneumonia, and then he had some serious issues with his oxygen level in his blood. Then even worse, the battery for his mouse had died and he doesn't have a spare. Let's see how long it takes him to get a new battery. :laugh:

Seriously, hopefully he'll get to feeling better soon and be back.

A mouse is for a piker. Someone who can REALLY handle a computer only needs a keyboard.

10-20-2015, 10:10 PM
Sounds like Jeff needs a snickers! :laugh:

Oh yeah, I just went there.

10-20-2015, 10:19 PM
Are we breaking out the bloodhounds?

"I will Find YOU Jeff"......http://static.ddmcdn.com/en-us/apl/breedselector/images/breed-selector/dogs/breeds/bloodhound_02_lg.jpg


Black Diamond
10-20-2015, 11:19 PM
We should start a mouse fund.

10-21-2015, 02:42 AM
We should start a mouse fund.

Mouse fund my ass. Sounds like someone needs some testosterone. And a box of tissues. :laugh:

10-21-2015, 07:46 AM
I appreciate the concern ( I think :laugh: ) Hell my best friends Mom was in Hospice and excepted to pass right away, she hung in for 14 days, then there was the funeral and all that. Then I got so sick it was unreal, at one point the Ol Lady took a day off of work just to try and talk me into going to the Docs ( my oxygen level was down around 81 or so and when I went to coughing bad it would drop to the low 70's, normal is 95 to 100 ) well I truly felt like I was croaking so there was no way I was going to go pay a Doc to tell me what I thought I knew, hell if I was croaking I wanted to do so at my own house.

Anyway I seem to be getting better, oxygen level is up in the 90's and yesterday I actually stepped outside for a bit, I certainly don't feel good but I don't feel like i am ready for the ol dirt nap either.

Looking forward to getting back involved here and having fun. :thumb:

10-21-2015, 08:14 AM
I was worried that Jeff was so ill, he had gone to that Muslim compound near his home to blow himself up.
Finding the 41 biker babes to celebrate his martyrdom would have been a problem. :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-21-2015, 08:30 AM
I was worried that Jeff was so ill, he had gone to that Muslim compound near his home to blow himself up.
Finding the 41 biker babes to celebrate his martyrdom would have been a problem. :rolleyes:

Now thats funny!!! :clap:--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-21-2015, 08:33 AM
I appreciate the concern ( I think :laugh: ) Hell my best friends Mom was in Hospice and excepted to pass right away, she hung in for 14 days, then there was the funeral and all that. Then I got so sick it was unreal, at one point the Ol Lady took a day off of work just to try and talk me into going to the Docs ( my oxygen level was down around 81 or so and when I went to coughing bad it would drop to the low 70's, normal is 95 to 100 ) well I truly felt like I was croaking so there was no way I was going to go pay a Doc to tell me what I thought I knew, hell if I was croaking I wanted to do so at my own house.

Anyway I seem to be getting better, oxygen level is up in the 90's and yesterday I actually stepped outside for a bit, I certainly don't feel good but I don't feel like i am ready for the ol dirt nap either.

Looking forward to getting back involved here and having fun. :thumb:

Good to see ya back amigo. :beer: :beer:

10-21-2015, 09:09 AM
Good to see ya back amigo. :beer: :beer:

Don't be nice to him. What the crap is wrong with you? :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-21-2015, 09:56 AM
Don't be nice to him. What the crap is wrong with you? :laugh:

Happy mood this morn, got a double--last night and early morn! ;)
Feeling generous even to a tree hugging rascal like Jeff.- :laugh: --Tyr

Abbey Marie
10-21-2015, 09:59 AM
I appreciate the concern ( I think :laugh: ) Hell my best friends Mom was in Hospice and excepted to pass right away, she hung in for 14 days, then there was the funeral and all that. Then I got so sick it was unreal, at one point the Ol Lady took a day off of work just to try and talk me into going to the Docs ( my oxygen level was down around 81 or so and when I went to coughing bad it would drop to the low 70's, normal is 95 to 100 ) well I truly felt like I was croaking so there was no way I was going to go pay a Doc to tell me what I thought I knew, hell if I was croaking I wanted to do so at my own house.

Anyway I seem to be getting better, oxygen level is up in the 90's and yesterday I actually stepped outside for a bit, I certainly don't feel good but I don't feel like i am ready for the ol dirt nap either.

Looking forward to getting back involved here and having fun. :thumb:

I'm sure that makes sense on some level, seeing that you were kinda delirious at the time. :laugh2:

Now get back here and start posting. Don't make me come down there, young man!

10-21-2015, 10:01 AM
Happy mood this morn, got a double--last night and early morn! ;)
Feeling generous even to a tree hugging rascal like Jeff.- :laugh: --Tyr

First off that's TMI. Second, I'm jealous.

Third, is Jim going to have to make you a ribbon for you not acting your own age?:laugh:

10-21-2015, 10:03 AM
Happy mood this morn, got a double--last night and early morn! ;)
Feeling generous even to a tree hugging rascal like Jeff.- :laugh: --Tyr

Wow, a Two-Fer? Attaboy!

I remember the days of Triples and even Quads!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-21-2015, 10:06 AM
Wow, a Two-Fer? Attaboy!

I remember the days of Triples and even Quads!

ha, back in my early twenties I remember ten'ers --all day Saturdays (first wife).. :laugh:-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-21-2015, 10:08 AM
Jim, where the hell is my ribbon!!!!! ;)
And the triple was last month , guys.
nights like that one does not forget. ;) -Tyr

10-21-2015, 10:08 AM
I appreciate the concern ( I think :laugh: ) Hell my best friends Mom was in Hospice and excepted to pass right away, she hung in for 14 days, then there was the funeral and all that. Then I got so sick it was unreal, at one point the Ol Lady took a day off of work just to try and talk me into going to the Docs ( my oxygen level was down around 81 or so and when I went to coughing bad it would drop to the low 70's, normal is 95 to 100 ) well I truly felt like I was croaking so there was no way I was going to go pay a Doc to tell me what I thought I knew, hell if I was croaking I wanted to do so at my own house.

Anyway I seem to be getting better, oxygen level is up in the 90's and yesterday I actually stepped outside for a bit, I certainly don't feel good but I don't feel like i am ready for the ol dirt nap either.

Looking forward to getting back involved here and having fun. :thumb:

I know you don't need or want to hear me squawk about it, as I'm sure your wife is already giving you hell.... but you have to stop that "No Doctor Unless I'm Shooting Blood 10' Out Of An Artery" mindset.

It's that exact behavior that killed 75% of my family, when it all could have been avoided by going to see the Doc when it was apparent there was a problem... stubbornness is what killed them, because by the time they finally did go to the Doctor, things had deteriorated to the point that it was a hopeless battle.

10-21-2015, 10:12 AM
Jim, where the hell is my ribbon!!!!! ;)
And the triple was last month , guys.
nights like that one does not forget. ;) -Tyr

Somebody needs to fix your ass, dude. Are you a chihuahua or what? :laugh:

10-21-2015, 10:14 AM
ha, back in my early twenties I remember ten'ers --all day Saturdays (first wife).. :laugh:-Tyr

I think my record was at the tender age of 21... a nympho got ahold of me and we went 10 rounds after one hell of a party.

I really wasn't interested after 4, but she managed to get my attention again... and again... Damn girl almost killed me.

10-21-2015, 11:31 AM
I think my record was at the tender age of 21... a nympho got ahold of me and we went 10 rounds after one hell of a party.

I really wasn't interested after 4, but she managed to get my attention again... and again... Damn girl almost killed me.

Why is it Jim and Jeff threads always turn into porn crap? :laugh:

10-21-2015, 12:33 PM
Why is it Jim and Jeff threads always turn into porn crap? :laugh:

Don't blame me, I was barely here!!

Abbey Marie
10-21-2015, 03:54 PM

10-21-2015, 05:46 PM
Don't blame me, I was barely here!!

Only because no one has invoked the magic word: "boobies". You're like white on rice for THAT. :laugh: