View Full Version : Namvet-Gabby from Netanyahu thread

10-21-2015, 09:12 PM
Quite a few Palestinians fought for the Nazis. This says nothing about the Mufti's influence on Hitler. Of which there was none.
The Mufti met with Himmler and Von Ribbentrop before obtaining a audience with Hitler. The Mufti presented 15 proposals, none of which were considered by Hitler.
According to Von Ribbentrop's memoirs, Hitler had this response to al-Husseini's requests:

Holocaust historian Christopher Browning summed up their meeting this way:

go suck a niggers dick

10-21-2015, 09:21 PM
You don't know shit about it, and have proven that you don't.

If you had an ounce of decency, you'd thank and rep Black Diamond for educating you with the Madagascar Plan.

Now you don't have zero knowledge of that bit of history. Any step in the right direction is good, though. Keep reading.

You are the one that doesn't know shit about the subject. The fact that you are unable to acknowledge this just adds to your BS level.
Unlike Black Diamond, I didn't have to search the internet for information about the Madagascar Plan. I already knew about it.

go suck a niggers dick

The typical response of an old fool who has had his idiocy unveiled is usually an insult. :rolleyes:

10-21-2015, 09:39 PM
You are the one that doesn't know shit about the subject. The fact that you are unable to acknowledge this just adds to your BS level.
Unlike Black Diamond, I didn't have to search the internet for information about the Madagascar Plan. I already knew about it.

The typical response of an old fool who has had his idiocy unveiled is usually an insult. :rolleyes:

pull your pants up. your breath stinks

10-21-2015, 09:50 PM
I already knew about Madagascar, you ugly twat. I was linking the history for Noir. He was asking Bibi for sources, so I thought I would do that for him regarding Madagascar. Go fuck yourself.

well said



Black Diamond
10-21-2015, 11:10 PM
well said



I was talking about her persona. :cool:

10-22-2015, 09:37 AM
...you ugly twat...Go fuck yourself.

go suck a niggers dick

Some quality posts. :rolleyes:

10-22-2015, 12:04 PM
Some quality posts. :rolleyes:

Truly. But BD did not use those words, they were added by another.

10-22-2015, 12:12 PM
Truly. But BD did not use those words, they were added by another.

I assumed BD edited them out after NV had already quoted his post.

10-22-2015, 12:15 PM
I assumed BD edited them out after NV had already quoted his post.

Hmm, possible. Doesn't seem like him though.

Black Diamond
10-22-2015, 12:22 PM
I assumed BD edited them out after NV had already quoted his post.

You know what happens when you assume..

10-22-2015, 12:42 PM
You know what happens when you assume..

Fair enough, my mistake.
In which case NamVet should be held to account for adding such vulgar comments, ontop of his own, and making it appear as though another poster was posting them.

Black Diamond
10-22-2015, 01:14 PM
Fair enough, my mistake.
In which case NamVet should be held to account for adding such vulgar comments, ontop of his own, and making it appear as though another poster was posting them.

People and life are more complex than one might think.

10-23-2015, 06:31 AM
Fair enough, my mistake.
In which case NamVet should be held to account for adding such vulgar comments, ontop of his own, and making it appear as though another poster was posting them.

No one holds YOU to account for some of the dumb crap YOU post.

10-23-2015, 06:38 AM
No one holds YOU to account for some of the dumb crap YOU post.

The dumb crap i post is never the likes of "you ugly twat"

10-23-2015, 06:42 AM
The dumb crap i post is never the likes of "you ugly twat"

And? I'd say NamVet doesn't care much for Gabby. Just a wild guess.:rolleyes:

Both have been around for years and I have no idea what the deal is with those two but guess what ... none of my business. Neither is it yours.

10-23-2015, 06:48 AM
And? I'd say NamVet doesn't care much for Gabby. Just a wild guess.:rolleyes:

Both have been around for years and I have no idea what the deal is with those two but guess what ... none of my business. Neither is it yours.

It is all of our business (and our interest) as a community that the forum rules are maintained.
NamVet is in clear breach of two stated rules.

10-23-2015, 07:00 AM
It is all of our business (and our interest) as a community that the forum rules are maintained.
NamVet is in clear breach of two stated rules.

If you were capable of analysis you'd probably be able to make note of the fact her comments aren't real popular with military vets.

As a community we tolerate one another and not just on the good days. And unless Jim's changed the rules, I'm betting money I know them better than you since I ran a board for years with basically the same ones.

And rule Numero Uno would be: Why don't you let the moderators do the moderating? If you're THAT offended, you have the ability to report the post and it'll show up in their Admin forum that you can't see. Or, you can PM a mod. I'd suggest the former. Admin/mods hate to log on to a list of whines in their PM boxes.

Otherwise, unless someone made you a mod since last I looked, butt out.

Black Diamond
10-23-2015, 07:35 AM
It is all of our business (and our interest) as a community that the forum rules are maintained.
NamVet is in clear breach of two stated rules.

Still going on about this crap? *I* changed the fucking thing. But I did it *before* I knew namvet quoted me. Grow the fuck up. Gabby is an ugly person (on the inside) and I knew the fucking history of the Madagascar Plan. You wanted sources and I got you one.

10-23-2015, 07:47 AM
Still going on about this crap? *I* changed the fucking thing. But I did it *before* I knew namvet quoted me. Grow the fuck up. Gabby is an ugly person (on the inside) and I knew the fucking history of the Madagascar Plan. You wanted sources and I got you one.

I actually don't believe that. Gabby purposefully provokes people. I've gone off on her on bad days. Until I figured out I was just giving her what she wanted. She's just who she is. If you think ANY of us are "normal" please point them out to me. Goes back to the tolerance thing I mentioned. I'm more normal than the whole lot of you. :halounplugged:

My problem with Mr Rulebook is that he wants to cherrypick the rulebook. There's a proper way to report a real or perceived offense in those rules and dragging it across the board AIN'T it.

But even THAT is a double edged sword. His whines DO give us someone to pick on. :laugh:

10-23-2015, 07:49 AM
I find some comments very interesting in light of the following thread happening at the same time:

Mia Matsumiya - Online Harrassment (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=772232#post772232)

10-23-2015, 08:00 AM
Still going on about this crap? *I* changed the fucking thing. But I did it *before* I knew namvet quoted me. Grow the fuck up. Gabby is an ugly person (on the inside) and I knew the fucking history of the Madagascar Plan. You wanted sources and I got you one.

Atleast you tried to edit the comments out, after realising they were improper,
all the same, why you would feel them acceptable to include in the first place is poor form.
Anyways - thread derailed enough, adios.

10-23-2015, 08:00 AM
I find some comments very interesting in light of the following thread happening at the same time:

Mia Matsumiya - Online Harrassment (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=772232#post772232)

I see a difference between the two. If NamVet was constantly PMing Gabby and creating crap on the internet based solely on her comments, and stalking her around I could see it. Being told off in a post on a message board? Nah.

10-23-2015, 08:08 AM
I find some comments very interesting in light of the following thread happening at the same time:

Mia Matsumiya - Online Harrassment (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=772232#post772232)

Not even remotely close to the same thing.

10-23-2015, 09:08 AM
It is all of our business (and our interest) as a community that the forum rules are maintained.
NamVet is in clear breach of two stated rules.

If the target of such a post is upset, they can report the post, and we will handle it. If you as a reader are offended by the post, report it and we'll handle it. Outside of that, it's 2 members that don't like one another. If it ever went over into harassment, following, PM's, it would be handled in one manner, while a one off name calling here and there I don't see as a big deal.

The only issue I have is with the vulgar words, certainly not my cup of tea. And it should have been in the cage. But we all know how well that works out. I'll be slicing off the offending posts now...

10-23-2015, 09:29 AM
Guys, I'm not AWOL or MIA when it comes to such things. I don't want to be a micro-manager, or one that thinks he is tough and therefore has to rule over others. But yes, I also want to kinda keep things in check. Sometimes I prefer to talk things out instead of banning folks or getting people overly pissed. With members that won't place one another on ignore, and won't even report posts, I'm not sure I should take any action. My only concern is OTHER folks reading the vulgarity. But how far do we go in censoring? The "C" word is history, the only one I know of. I would rather common sense and respect rule after that. I fully understand that sometimes this doesn't work.

No matter what others may say, things aren't crazy here, nor out of control. We have a handle on things. Sure, some things here or there piss a few people off, it's impossible for me to make everyone happy.

If someone still has an issue, please feel free to report a post and I will handle the best I can.

10-23-2015, 09:41 AM
I see a difference between the two. If NamVet was constantly PMing Gabby and creating crap on the internet based solely on her comments, and stalking her around I could see it. Being told off in a post on a message board? Nah.

The similarity is in how one is told off.

Not even remotely close to the same thing.

Disagree. :)

Black Diamond
10-23-2015, 09:58 AM
The similarity is in how one is told off.

Disagree. :)

Only way it's similar is if the woman in your mentioned thread is half the attention whore Gabby is.

10-23-2015, 01:07 PM
The similarity is in how one is told off.

Disagree. :)

Why? Again, Gabby likes to push the vets around here. Nobody has ever accused us of being polite n shit. And I think you need you need to lay off. NamVet wasn't having a good day. He's usually pretty stoic. Y'all want to read all these interviews but you don't know how to read people. He's out of character. Leave him alone. If you want a few vets piling on your ass, keep going. You'll damned sure learn what "closing ranks" means.

I ain't going to sit here and give you a class on combat vets. Don't pick on my squids. He had a moment. LET IT GO.

10-23-2015, 02:44 PM
Only way it's similar is if the woman in your mentioned thread is half the attention whore Gabby is.


Men on internet saying disgusting things about women. Aim higher.

10-23-2015, 05:11 PM
The similarity is in how one is told off.

Disagree. :)

You can disagree all you want but syntax and intent are two different things. Just like you comparing apples to oranges.

10-23-2015, 05:18 PM
Men on internet saying disgusting things about women. Aim higher.

Asserting your morality on others? I've never said I agreed with what NamVet said. I DO understand the how and why and you and Noir won't just shut the fuck up. This goes beyond a stupid message board so shut the fuck up. What part of LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE don't you get? Y'all just just can't STFU and you have no idea what a war vet can do. But you can run your mouth on a board, right?

Don't fuck with my brothers. Doesn't work out real well.

Leave him the fuck alone. This vector is closed unless you want a war. I'm more than willing to provide.

10-26-2015, 06:34 AM
And? I'd say NamVet doesn't care much for Gabby. Just a wild guess.:rolleyes:

Both have been around for years and I have no idea what the deal is with those two but guess what ... none of my business. Neither is it yours.

AAA I would say that is a understatement. :laugh::laugh:

10-26-2015, 07:42 AM
... a war.

:confused: Who wants a war? I just gave an opinion.

10-26-2015, 08:32 AM
:confused: Who wants a war? I just gave an opinion.

Last I checked, you're entitled to it. But don't try playing dumb with me. You also have to temper your opinion based on the personalities involved. And I've watched you pull chains for quite awhile so I KNOW you can read people. I've known namvet for years and he usually posts in the music thread and sometimes the military thread. I don't think I've ever seen him go off like that.

Hint: He's pissed at something and Gabby got in his way. It's HIS business.

As Noir likes to call us a community and claim it's our business, then so to is it our RESPONSIBILITY to know the players in the game before going off half-cocked with an uninformed opinion.

10-26-2015, 08:52 AM
I'll add THIS: If you look at that patch he sports as an avatar, they don't hand those out for free. But if he was in the Gulf of Tonkin that means 60s-early 70s Navy. Now, who thinks "cussin' like a Sailor" came from out of the blue? That was pretty reserved from some of the crap I've heard on board ship. That was actually kind of polite for squid. Get in front of some on the mess deck and you'll hear stuff you've never even dreamed of.

Now you got ME wondering about namvet. "twat' is kinda PC for a squid. :laugh:

10-26-2015, 09:04 AM
I'll add THIS: If you look at that patch he sports as an avatar, they don't hand those out for free. But if he was in the Gulf of Tonkin that means 60s-early 70s Navy. Now, who thinks "cussin' like a Sailor" came from out of the blue? That was pretty reserved from some of the crap I've heard on board ship. That was actually kind of polite for squid. Get in front of some on the mess deck and you'll hear stuff you've never even dreamed of.

Now you got ME wondering about namvet. "twat' is kinda PC for a squid. :laugh:

Maybe namvet was in a good mood?

Regardless, I have all the respect in the world for those who put their lives on the line to save mine.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2015, 09:52 AM
:confused: Who wants a war? I just gave an opinion.

Playing innocent every time called on your crap is a character trait with you I see.
Namvet is an ok dude and anybody can have a bad day.
Yet you seem to love to yank chains and if called on your crap--then play all innocent.
I've only seen that here hundreds of times from you .. tis amusing to say the least.. :laugh::laugh::laugh:-Tyr

10-26-2015, 11:18 AM
Maybe namvet was in a good mood?

Regardless, I have all the respect in the world for those who put their lives on the line to save mine.

What I've noticed, and most recently as a matter of fact, you civilians and us military guys don't speak in the same language. I've ALWAYS been accused of being mean because I stand back and watch. I'm not mean at all. You of all people know how vicious I can get. But once it's over it's over. I move on. I've been banned from THIS board for being too vicious in the Steel Cage. Go figure THAT one out. In the end, it doesn't matter.

I don't know why a big deal has been made out of this. A personal attack on a message board. Gee, there's a new one. :rolleyes:

We either have freedom of speech or we don't and this board gives you more freedom speech than any other I see running. Jim doesn't need to be stuck in the middle. Been there done that got the tee shirt.

And this isn't aimed at you, Perianne. General statement. Just happened to quote you.

10-26-2015, 11:26 AM
What I've noticed, and most recently as a matter of fact, you civilians and us military guys don't speak in the same language. I've ALWAYS been accused of being mean because I stand back and watch. I'm not mean at all. You of all people know how vicious I can get. But once it's over it's over. I move on. I've been banned from THIS board for being too vicious in the Steel Cage. Go figure THAT one out. In the end, it doesn't matter.

I don't know why a big deal has been made out of this. A personal attack on a message board. Gee, there's a new one. :rolleyes:

We either have freedom of speech or we don't and this board gives you more freedom speech than any other I see running. Jim doesn't need to be stuck in the middle. Been there done that got the tee shirt.

And this isn't aimed at you, Perianne. General statement. Just happened to quote you.

I totally understand that you military guys speak a different language from the rest of us. And nurses have our talk. Any group does, but the military lives together for years at a time, right? So of course your way of talking and behaving will be different. Totally understandable.

10-26-2015, 11:36 AM
I totally understand that you military guys speak a different language from the rest of us. And nurses have our talk. Any group does, but the military lives together for years at a time, right? So of course your way of talking and behaving will be different. Totally understandable.

We're always let's say "too harsh" for civilians. You understand better because you are a first responder. Nothing politically correct about the things we say. Your average Joe Smith doesn't understand that we'll make fun of anything because it relieves nervous tension. They want to Monday morning quarterback us for saying something not PC but don't understand the reason behind it.

I can see me breaking down and crying when 46 touches down and all you see is burnt civilians about as much as I can you doing it when a crash cart comes in. We do what we are trained to do and deal with it how we can.

Then we got these little basement dwelling morons second guessing our decisions in the news.

Trust me, I hear ya.

10-26-2015, 11:44 AM
We're always let's say "too harsh" for civilians. You understand better because you are a first responder. Nothing politically correct about the things we say. Your average Joe Smith doesn't understand that we'll make fun of anything because it relieves nervous tension. They want to Monday morning quarterback us for saying something not PC but don't understand the reason behind it.

I can see me breaking down and crying when 46 touches down and all you see is burnt civilians about as much as I can you doing it when a crash cart comes in. We do what we are trained to do and deal with it how we can.

Then we got these little basement dwelling morons second guessing our decisions in the news.

Trust me, I hear ya.

I have likely not seen anything like you have, as I never see the dead ones. But I have seen faces partially blown away from gun shots (and lived), shotgun blasts to the body, organs hanging out from injuries, etc. I have had my hands inside another person's wounded body. You do what you have to do and think about it later.

10-26-2015, 11:56 AM
... I see.

Not really. You are blinded by rage and hypocrisy.

10-26-2015, 11:59 AM
I have likely not seen anything like you have, as I never see the dead ones. But I have seen faces partially blown away from gun shots (and lived), shotgun blasts to the body, organs hanging out from injuries, etc. I have had my hands inside another person's wounded body. You do what you have to do and think about it later.

Yeah. Fun. But you didn't do enough, right? Asswipes.

Point is, I don't know namvet. Think we've crossed paths in the music threads on a couple of boards. You'd be surprised, but us vets don't talk to each other. There's nothing for us to say. We know the deal. I think I've talked to CSM a little and that's about it. But we speak our own language.

What I DO know if a war vet is going off, let him go. Especially if he's doing it on a message board. It means he's not in the local restaurant with a semi-automatic weapon.

10-26-2015, 12:33 PM
Yeah. Fun. But you didn't do enough, right? Asswipes.

Point is, I don't know namvet. Think we've crossed paths in the music threads on a couple of boards. You'd be surprised, but us vets don't talk to each other. There's nothing for us to say. We know the deal. I think I've talked to CSM a little and that's about it. But we speak our own language.

What I DO know if a war vet is going off, let him go. Especially if he's doing it on a message board. It means he's not in the local restaurant with a semi-automatic weapon.

I will try to stay clear of them!!! :)

10-26-2015, 12:46 PM
I will try to stay clear of them!!! :)

As I said, you've seen ME on a bad day. I know who that poster that was being discussed on that other board is. If I ever get my hands on him in real life he can write it in and I hope his will's up to date. I generally don't hold grudges but he is one of them. He's a weak-ass little game playing pansy on the internet because he obviously isn't a man in real life.

And when you trip OUR triggers? Game on.

We all have our likes and dislikes and we all have our experiences. I've noticed most vets respond in just about the same way. We attack.

10-26-2015, 03:26 PM
As I said, you've seen ME on a bad day. I know who that poster that was being discussed on that other board is. If I ever get my hands on him in real life he can write it in and I hope his will's up to date. I generally don't hold grudges but he is one of them. He's a weak-ass little game playing pansy on the internet because he obviously isn't a man in real life.

And when you trip OUR triggers? Game on.

We all have our likes and dislikes and we all have our experiences. I've noticed most vets respond in just about the same way. We attack.

I don't remember who it was that made you angry. If ya wanna, you could PM me. Only if you want to.

10-27-2015, 07:52 AM
I don't remember who it was that made you angry. If ya wanna, you could PM me. Only if you want to.

Most of the people here know who it is. He's got more duplicate accounts under masked IPs than Carter has little liver pills. Either he's banned from here or we aren't presenting enough excitement/opportunity for him. He likes to play dress up as a female. Not that THAT surprises me for a pantywaist.

He also thinks he's some kind of computer/internet guru when all he really is is a backstabber.

10-29-2015, 04:27 PM
now I know why my ears were burning. while its true I don't like dinosaurus at all ill admit i let her have it with the bark on when i should have backed off.. she does bait vets as i know all to well. when she posts its a reflex reaction for me to hit back with brass knuckles. but now as a rule i just post around it. since it caused such a commotion ill apologize to those it offended. all I can do. I don't put members on ignore. does no good anyway.

10-30-2015, 09:50 AM
now I know why my ears were burning. while its true I don't like dinosaurus at all ill admit i let her have it with the bark on when i should have backed off.. she does bait vets as i know all to well. when she posts its a reflex reaction for me to hit back with brass knuckles. but now as a rule i just post around it. since it caused such a commotion ill apologize to those it offended. all I can do. I don't put members on ignore. does no good anyway.

I hear ya, brother. That's part of the problem and I do it too. You hit me I'm coming back and the rule is there ain't no damn rules when I engage. I took it for what it was.

10-30-2015, 10:23 AM
I hear ya, brother. That's part of the problem and I do it too. You hit me I'm coming back and the rule is there ain't no damn rules when I engage. I took it for what it was.

rule # 1: its unfair to play fair :salute:

10-30-2015, 11:21 AM
You guys have some competition when it comes to hitting back with brass knuckles!! Only I have to bite my tongue far too often being that it's my place. I've had a few moments where I lost my temper and told a few folks how I really feel about them. Contrary to such worldwide opinions, I'm not the nice guy that everyone portrays me to be. :coffee:

10-30-2015, 11:54 AM
You guys have some competition when it comes to hitting back with brass knuckles!! Only I have to bite my tongue far too often being that it's my place. I've had a few moments where I lost my temper and told a few folks how I really feel about them. Contrary to such worldwide opinions, I'm not the nice guy that everyone portrays me to be. :coffee:

ok Jim nobody will now think of your other than totally rotten :laugh:

10-30-2015, 11:57 AM
You guys have some competition when it comes to hitting back with brass knuckles!! Only I have to bite my tongue far too often being that it's my place. I've had a few moments where I lost my temper and told a few folks how I really feel about them.
Contrary to such worldwide opinions, I'm not the nice guy that everyone portrays me to be. :coffee:

You have always been sweet and kind to me, sir.

10-30-2015, 12:21 PM
ok Jim nobody will now think of your other than totally rotten :laugh:

Good! No expectations of me. :)

10-30-2015, 12:22 PM
You have always been sweet and kind to me, sir.

And you the same in return from you. :)

10-30-2015, 12:50 PM
You guys have some competition when it comes to hitting back with brass knuckles!! Only I have to bite my tongue far too often being that it's my place. I've had a few moments where I lost my temper and told a few folks how I really feel about them. Contrary to such worldwide opinions, I'm not the nice guy that everyone portrays me to be. :coffee:

I keep pointing that out. There ARE advantages to NOT running the place. :happy0203: