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View Full Version : Clock Boy Heads to Qatar

10-24-2015, 08:32 AM
I think Ahmed Mohamed will fit right in over there in Qatar.

Sadly, it doesn't say if his muzzie activist father will also move there with him. Still, once he's over there I think the odds are good that he'll make the 'no fly' list and will be barred from re-entry to the US.

Enjoy that Sharia, Ahmed! Good riddance.

The Texas teen who set off a firestorm by bringing a re-assembled clock to his Dallas-area school, then announced through his family plans to leave the country they accuse of anti-Islamic bigotry, may not find his new digs in Qatar so nice, either.

Ahmed Mohamed, who earned the nickname “Clock Boy” as well as a White House invitation from President Obama, is headed to the Gulf nation, where he has been given a scholarship at the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development. The 14-year-old’s family announced they will accompany him to the new home, which is a world away from Texas – in more ways than one.

“Qatar has harsh Shariah law - stoning for apostasy, lashing for alcohol, death penalty for homosexuality - and is an absolute monarchy without even a shred of democracy,” Tim Furnish, who holds a doctorate in Islamic Studies and served as an Arabic linguist in the U.S. Army, told FoxNews.com. “The analogy between Texas and Qatar is the heat. Ahmed should be careful about what he wishes for.”

The clock, which had been dismantled and stuffed into a pencil box, set off alarms at the school, where a teacher thought it could be a bomb. When the boy was taken from the school in handcuffs, critics said it was a case of Islamaphobia. But in the ensuing days, pictures of the homemade device that circulated on the Internet generated speculation the entire incident was a stunt.

“Good luck bringing a fake bomb to school in that environment,” quipped Furnish. “They’ll probably cut off your hands, instead of inviting you to meet the country's ruler.”

Many observers defended the school staff and police for being cautious about the device, which was not part of any assignment and appeared to require no engineering prowess. Concerns were also directed toward his father Mohamed Elhassan, who has been depicted as being known in Irving, Texas, as a prominent activist and advocate of Sharia law.

“This form of political correctness will open the door for future attacks,” said Dan O’Shea, terrorism expert and former Navy SEAL. “His teacher took responsible steps to report a potential threat as required by school policy.”

Still, the family’s departure has prompted hand-wringing from people who believe the boy was a victim.


10-24-2015, 08:38 AM
You know, at first I thought it was just stupid. I thought the school was correct in simply not taking chances, and simply doing what they were taught. But the more I have read about this, and his Dad... I don't think they had intent, as in like terrorist stuff - but I do think they knew what they were doing, that it would be seen as a 'bad' thing, as a bomb of sorts.

Funny though, that he did something with that box that a retard could do, no real experience there at all. Kind of like Obama and his 143 hours in congress before running for President.

10-24-2015, 08:44 AM
You know, at first I thought it was just stupid. I thought the school was correct in simply not taking chances, and simply doing what they were taught. But the more I have read about this, and his Dad... I don't think they had intent, as in like terrorist stuff - but I do think they knew what they were doing, that it would be seen as a 'bad' thing, as a bomb of sorts.

Funny though, that he did something with that box that a retard could do, no real experience there at all. Kind of like Obama and his 143 hours in congress before running for President.

I could build a radio -without ripping off Radio Shack - by the time I was 8. My dad's a geek.

And I agree on the appearances. if I put on my cammies and a k-bar and walk through the mall you suppose I'll get a WH invite?

10-24-2015, 09:02 AM
You know, at first I thought it was just stupid. I thought the school was correct in simply not taking chances, and simply doing what they were taught. But the more I have read about this, and his Dad... I don't think they had intent, as in like terrorist stuff - but I do think they knew what they were doing, that it would be seen as a 'bad' thing, as a bomb of sorts.

Funny though, that he did something with that box that a retard could do, no real experience there at all. Kind of like Obama and his 143 hours in congress before running for President.

I have that exact clipboard that the kid used, it's aluminium with a black vinyl cover and you can fit quite a bit into it. It's not really a "pencil box" like the news stories say - you could easily pack in quite a bit of explosives.

My take on it is the muzzie activist father instigated the whole thing. He knew that having that big aluminum clipboard with a disassembled digital clock with wires everywhere would set off alarms, especially being wielded by a muslim boy. At a school. He didn't actually make anything, he simply took apart a clock and made it look like it was a bomb at first glance. It probably wouldn't have fooled an Army explosives expert, but it was shown to a school teacher.

Sure, it's the father's fault - but that doesn't matter anymore. Muzzie kids are sent on suicide missions all the time, and who knows what the kid has been programmed with.

Qatar is a great move for everyone concerned and I hope it starts a trend. USA is too muzzie unfriendly? No problem! Qatar wants you. We'll help you pack.