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View Full Version : Germany Will Become Majority Muslim Country In Under 25 Years

Christie Brinkley
10-24-2015, 02:25 PM
Just done the numbers and this is disturbing. By the way this does not take into account natural increase (we know muslim immigrants generally have more children than the native population).

According to a national census conducted in 2011, 1.9% of Germany's population (around 1.5m people) declared themselves as Muslim. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22727898)

In February there was reportedly 4.3 million in Germany- 5% of Germany's population (http://www.dw.com/de/studie-deutlich-mehr-muslime-in-deutschland/a-4419533)

Germany will achieve a minimum of 1.5 million mostly muslim illegal immigrants.

Now do the math my friend if this continues to make a muslim majority population you would need around 25 years

1.5 million X25 =37.5 million

37.5million+4.3million=41.8 million

Making Germany a majority muslim country. I was wrong it was 4 times worse than I thought.

Black Diamond
10-24-2015, 03:03 PM

10-24-2015, 04:48 PM
Stupidest thing I have ever heard. :rolleyes:
There is too much assuming in this thread, which makes an ass out of u and whoever believes you.
Anyone who thinks Muslims (or any group) will take over Germany obviously knows nothing about the country.

Christie Brinkley
10-24-2015, 05:46 PM
Stupidest thing I have ever heard. :rolleyes:
There is too much assuming in this thread, which makes an ass out of u and whoever believes you.
Anyone who thinks Muslims (or any group) will take over Germany obviously knows nothing about the country.
So do you have any facts for that? Because I have just done the sums and if trends continue it will become a muslim majority nation.

10-24-2015, 06:15 PM
So do you have any facts for that? Because I have just done the sums and if trends continue it will become a muslim majority nation.

As will nearly all of Europe.

Christie Brinkley
10-24-2015, 07:08 PM
As will nearly all of Europe.
Next would be Sweden then France.

10-24-2015, 07:25 PM
Next would be Sweden then France.

Years ago I read The Death of the West by the great Patrick Buchanan in which he discussed the end of Europe related to the Muslims.


Christie Brinkley
10-24-2015, 07:31 PM
Years ago I read The Death of the West by the great Patrick Buchanan in which he discussed the end of Europe related to the Muslims.

Cheers, I will look into getting the book!

10-24-2015, 07:39 PM
Cheers, I will look into getting the book!

Another good book in this same vein is by Canadian Mark Steyn "America Alone". He describes how the last line of defense against the Muslim is America. It was written before Obama was elected.


10-24-2015, 09:01 PM
So...how will muslim infestation be stopped? Any ideas...?

"IS NO PLACE IN AMERICA SACRED? Now, Even Alaska Is Infested With Muslims, And People Don’t Like It"



"Maine’s/America’s Somali Infestation:Barbarism On Display.Islam MUST Be Exposed.Banned! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki"

"BUT in order to bring civilized folks on board to this reality-based western imperative, it is clearly not enough to rehash all the barbarism committed in the name of Islam, the so-called “religion of peace.” (http://www.inquisitr.com/1448836/isis-islam-and-obama-understanding-the-threat-to-the-free-world-special-report/) However, what may finally turn the tide has yet to become common knowledge, resultant, it should be the highest priority of all: Unmask Allah!"



Will St. Patick’s Day disappear now that Islam has infested Ireland?


The clock is ticking...


10-24-2015, 09:42 PM
The vast majority of Muslims are not radical. They are peaceful.
Immigrants will never have power in Germany because only residents can vote or stand for elections.
Not all immigrants are Muslims.

Christie Brinkley
10-25-2015, 07:08 AM
The vast majority of Muslims are not radical. They are peaceful.
Immigrants will never have power in Germany because only residents can vote or stand for elections.
Not all immigrants are Muslims.
They will be given EU passports and become German citizens when their asylum applications are approved. The asylum criteria is so wide that almost anyone can be granted. Majority of the immigrants are Muslim with a small percentage probably being hindu or christian, but 95%+ are Muslims. True, most Muslims are peaceful but they do not integrate. They live in their own communities away from the rest of society which will only breed more extremism. Islam is a religion which has not reformed itself and is living in the dark ages. Remember when Christians beheaded people for insulting Christ or threw people off cliffs for being a witch? Well Christianity reformed itself, islam has not. Even if 5% are radicals then Germany is finished.

All the problems associated with islam will increase like FGM/Sharia courts/domestic abuse/extremism/non integration.