View Full Version : Swords guys. Mine never rusts in its scabbard.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2015, 10:51 AM
My daughter is not as naive as I thought
Started by gabosaurus, Yesterday 10:31 PM Manage View
1 Deleted Post(s)
Thread deleted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
Reason Rules violation and chaotic trash beginning.

SWORDS ............
I have mine out--what say yee???
Simple rules to hard to understand or what.
Or was my asking nicely taken as a sign of weakness. Cold day in hell before I'll be that damn weak.
Go head take your first attempted cuts. I don't play around .
If poetry is not your bag then don't comment there is my suggestion.
Think I abuse my authority given there take it up with Jim or try to blast me here.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2015, 11:07 AM
SWORDS ............
I have mine out--what say yee???
Simple rules to hard to understand or what.
Or was my asking nicely taken as a sign of weakness. Cold day in hell before I'll be that damn weak.
Go head take your first attempted cuts. I don't play around .
If poetry is not your bag then don't comment there is my suggestion.
Think I abuse my authority given there take it up with Jim or try to blast me here.

Jim set the rules for that forum not me. Yet I do not mind having to defend the rules set.
If asking nicely gets me slapped I do not sit idly by and cry . I hit back--always have, tis why I have so
many scars, enemies and past fights....
Don't like me being nice--ok lets go...
Got censorship concerns , get Jim to change the rules there and have at it.
And still try me here any day, assholes.. --Tyr

10-25-2015, 11:19 AM
Jim set the rules for that forum not me. Yet I do not mind having to defend the rules set.
If asking nicely gets me slapped I do not sit idly by and cry . I hit back--always have, tis why I have so
many scars, enemies and past fights....
Don't like me being nice--ok lets go...
Got censorship concerns , get Jim to change the rules there and have at it.
And still try me here any day, assholes.. --Tyr

I have a katana and know how to use it. It's actually called a daito. The shirt one is called a shaito. And I can use BOTH at the same damned time.

10-25-2015, 11:28 AM
I don't follow what's going on. Is this man stuff?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2015, 11:30 AM
I have a katana and know how to use it. It's actually called a daito. The shirt one is called a shaito. And I can use BOTH at the same damned time.

Gonna be damn hard to reach that far through the screen to cut me ain't it. :laugh:
Best try to sharpen your words .
And congrats given to both you and tailfins for taking her bait.
Looks to me like Gaby outsmarted you both and got what she wanted.
I had her neutered until you two blazing idiots fell right into her trap..
Or was it just a convenient excuse to launch at me? Why yes it was...
O' my , am I supposed to be scared? --:laugh:

Listen up asshole,I been hit, stabbed and jumped on by three badasses before-they lost not me!
So your feeble teats mean squat to me....
Jim can give you my address any time dude-I left that permission open last time we jousted here. Remember??
Idiot--I don't play... Thats not idle boasting.. --Tyr


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2015, 11:34 AM
I don't follow what's going on. Is this man stuff?

It is about two fools(gunny and dumbass tailfins) that let gabby play them. They both then attacked me in the creative writing sub-forum. I closed that thread -now gunny is mad that he can not break rules there in that thread.
I hold my fire on no man! Never have, its my way. And I have the damn scars to prove it..-Tyr

10-25-2015, 11:40 AM
Gonna be damn hard to reach that far through the screen to cut me ain't it. :laugh:
Best try to sharpen your words .
And congrats given to both you and tailfins for taking her bait.
Looks to me like Gaby outsmarted you both and got what she wanted.
I had her neutered until you two blazing idiots fell right into her trap..
Or was it just a convenient excuse to launch at me? Why yes it was...
O' my , am I supposed to be scared? --:laugh:

Listen up asshole,I been hit, stabbed and jumped on by three badasses before-they lost not me!
So your feeble teats mean squat to me....
Jim can give you my address any time dude-I left that permission open last time we jousted here. Remember??
Idiot--I don't play... Thats not idle boasting.. --Tyr


I don't need to sharpen my words. Arguing with hypocrites on a message board leads to nothing. YOU are fucking wrong, PERIOD. And I guarantee YOU, asshole, I can easily one-up your I been shot at shit so stick it in your ass. What's the name of this board? Debate POLITICS. It ain't Debate Poetry. As I said, I don't care if you like poetry. Your business. I responded to a post. PERIOD. But if you're going to drive your political message through your damned poems and they show up in the Top Ten,, count on a response.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2015, 12:58 PM
I don't need to sharpen my words. Arguing with hypocrites on a message board leads to nothing. YOU are fucking wrong, PERIOD. And I guarantee YOU, asshole, I can easily one-up your I been shot at shit so stick it in your ass. What's the name of this board? Debate POLITICS. It ain't Debate Poetry. As I said, I don't care if you like poetry. Your business. I responded to a post. PERIOD. But if you're going to drive your political message through your damned poems and they show up in the Top Ten,, count on a response.

Best learn to properly comprehend the written word gunny. The only thing political was the poem which pushed the edge hard--gabby's poem not mine. I should have deleted it and this would not have ever started.
Then you and tailfins came in all political and I---POLITELY-- REMINDED ABOUT THE RULES THERE--SET BY ADMINISTRATION--NOT ME.
Not my problem if you so drastically misinterpret posts.
And if you do not like poetry but see a poem then go off on it why cry out if reminded of rules in that sub-forum--again rules not set by me.
I deleted TF's comment and let yours stand-then you blasted me or at least tried to.

I had gabby neutered on her little ploy but you and TF fell right into her trap IMHO.

I have no problem if Jim wants to open it up to chaos and political bickering.
Thats his call not mine.
However, no man alive gets to attack me and not get hit back. I've paid a damn heavy price all my life living by that and at my age be a cold day in hell before I ever abandon it. Fact..-Tyr

Also want to take it up with Jim, your right, BUT YOU'LL NOT GET TO BULLY ME--NOBODY EVER HAS AND GOT BY WITH IT ! I don't play that shit, comprehende?? -Tyr

10-25-2015, 01:44 PM
Best learn to properly comprehend the written word gunny. The only thing political was the poem which pushed the edge hard--gabby's poem not mine. I should have deleted it and this would not have ever started.
Then you and tailfins came in all political and I---POLITELY-- REMINDED ABOUT THE RULES THERE--SET BY ADMINISTRATION--NOT ME.
Not my problem if you so drastically misinterpret posts.
And if you do not like poetry but see a poem then go off on it why cry out if reminded of rules in that sub-forum--again rules not set by me.
I deleted TF's comment and let yours stand-then you blasted me or at least tried to.

I had gabby neutered on her little ploy but you and TF fell right into her trap IMHO.

I have no problem if Jim wants to open it up to chaos and political bickering.
Thats his call not mine.
However, no man alive gets to attack me and not get hit back. I've paid a damn heavy price all my life living by that and at my age be a cold day in hell before I ever abandon it. Fact..-Tyr

Also want to take it up with Jim, your right, BUT YOU'LL NOT GET TO BULLY ME--NOBODY EVER HAS AND GOT BY WITH IT ! I don't play that shit, comprehende?? -Tyr

I comprende espanol better than you. I ain't taking this up with anyone. You're letting gabby accomplish just what she intended. Jus a microcosm of the entire leftwing srtategy. Driving a wedge. And using ANY means to do it. How about WE don't be part of the problem?

And I'm may be outspoken, but I don't bully anyone. My words on a screen have no more weight than your words on a screen. I don't want to fight with you. YOU started this. Actually Gabby started this and you played right in and I got caught up for awhile.

This is a perfect example of the right. The left stirs up crap and gets us so busy infighting we don't pay attention to their loser BS.

10-25-2015, 01:51 PM
I have a katana and know how to use it. It's actually called a daito. The shirt one is called a shaito. And I can use BOTH at the same damned time.

I have Pistols (practice quit a bit) and have a couple of old swords...I have worked out with them....But not as much as with my Knochucks....using Knochucks `keeps one sharp and aware`...because if they are careless...one can have serious injury to their head...or their private parts...

Perianne...Ya...this is guy stuff..unless you like swords...knives and Knochucks...:laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2015, 01:52 PM
I comprende espanol better than you. I ain't taking this up with anyone. You're letting gabby accomplish just what she intended. Jus a microcosm of the entire leftwing srtategy. Driving a wedge. And using ANY means to do it. How about WE don't be part of the problem?

And I'm may be outspoken, but I don't bully anyone. My words on a screen have no more weight than your words on a screen. I don't want to fight with you. YOU started this. Actually Gabby started this and you played right in and I got caught up for awhile.

This is a perfect example of the right. The left stirs up crap and gets us so busy infighting we don't pay attention to their loser BS.

You are correct- my mistake was in not deleting her political poem. Had I done so this would never have became an issue.
You have my apology as now looking back on it, it was up to me to deal with her stuff first-I failed to do so.
I am sorry for my error and the resulting confrontations ...
I beg your pardon... -Robert J. Lindley

edit -and my request made to another member when he replied ,I sent a request asking him delete his comment, he obliged me. I apologize to that friend and also beg his pardon as well. Robert J. Lindley.

10-25-2015, 02:12 PM
You are correct- my mistake was in not deleting her political poem. Had I done so this would never have became an issue.
You have my apology as now looking back on it, it was up to me to deal with her stuff first-I failed to do so.
I am sorry for my error and the resulting confrontations ...
I beg your pardon... -Robert J. Lindley

edit -and my request made to another member when he replied ,I sent a request asking him delete his comment, he obliged me. I apologize to that friend and also beg his pardon as well. Robert J. Lindley.

I don't need an apology. The poem should have been moved out of your forum, IMO. I also think we should be made aware of the rules of specific forum and no one needs to zoom in and pop one up. The one thing Gabby's been right about is if it's more than 4 sentences ....

I also don't want you to delete her poem. I didn't look. That's on ME. I usually don't. But the censorship thing goes both ways with me ... I want the dumb to show everyone how dumb they are. You've got a case here of the politically naive teaching someone else to be just as naive while claiming not to be, and attempting to use it as a wedge. I refuse to let that work. If you do, that's on you.

I also offer an apology for getting pissed. I have problem with you and never have. Was the situation.