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View Full Version : Republicans find a way to avoid a destructive Congressional war: SURRENDER!

10-28-2015, 02:44 PM
Apparently Republicans have agreed to a budget deal the throws out all spending caps, raises the debt limit hugely, and agrees to exploding government for years to come.

Remind me again why we voted these particular Republicans into office? And tossed out more Democrats in the last 6 years than at any other time in the country's history?

If we had left the acknowledged tax-and-spend-and-borrow Democrats in office, how would the result have been different from this?



Massive Debt Budget Deal Introduced in the Dark of Night, Vote violates another Boehner pledge

by Matthew Boyle
Oct. 27, 2015
Washington DC

The giant debt ceiling increase rolled together with a budget deal was introduced at 11:36 p.m. Monday, in the dead of night, several congressional sources confirm to Breitbart News.

The text is 144 pages long and increases the debt ceiling beyond when President Barack Obama leaves office, all the way until March 2017. It also, according to Politico, increases spending by $50 billion this year and $30 billion more the following year.

As AP reports, House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) is pushing for a Wednesday vote, this would be yet another instance in which he has broken his promise to give members and the public three full days—72 hours—to read legislation before voting on it.

10-28-2015, 02:46 PM
If we had left the acknowledged tax-and-spend-and-borrow Democrats in office, how would the result have been different from this?

You do recall 2009 and 2010 don't you?

Black Diamond
10-28-2015, 02:52 PM
You do recall 2009 and 2010 don't you?

Yeah. We would get something as damaging as Obamacare

10-28-2015, 02:56 PM
I agree, Little-Acorn. I am so angry with the Republican elite right now.

10-29-2015, 06:17 AM
I agree, Little-Acorn. I am so angry with the Republican elite right now.

There is no real difference between Republican'ts and Dumbo-crats. They're career bureaucrats. They concoct wedge issues in their game of smoke and mirrors to keep people distracted from what they are doing. They tossed the Constitution out the window in 1860. Note: The Republicans were the liberals and the Dems the conservatives THEN. They don't care which way they have to dance just so long as they keep their dance going.

It "Black Lies Matter" now. It was Wallstreet before that. Equal Rights. Civil Rights. Roe v Wade. Watergate. Name it. They're all wedge issues so they can dance around the issue while collecting taxpayer money for doing nothing. Run around the world telling others how they should be and act when they can't even get their own sh*t together. Bet they'll get THEIR pay raise though.


10-29-2015, 06:58 AM
I agree, Little-Acorn. I am so angry with the Republican elite right now.


I don't vote for ANY Demolicans