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View Full Version : Father, Adopted Son Seek Right To Marry Each Other

11-03-2015, 10:34 PM
And they said it would never happen.

One by one by one the dominoes start falling. Each prior case setting horrid precedent for future cases. A mockery is being made out of marriage.


WASHINGTON (CBSDC)– If you asked Nino Esposito and his partner five years ago when they thought same-sex marriage would be legal, they’d say the day would never come.

Prior to the Supreme Court’s legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide, many gay couples used adoption laws as a way to gain legal family ties in order to get benefits, as reported by CNN.

This was the case for Esposito, a retired teacher, and his now adopted partner Roland “Drew” Bosee, a former freelance and technical writer. The couple went through with the adoption in 2012 after 40 years of being together.

The couple is now trying to reverse the adoption in order to get married, but a state court judge has rejected that request saying adoption annulments are generally limited to cases of fraud.

“We never thought we’d see the day,” 78-year-old Esposito told CNN regarding the legalization of same-sex marriage.

“[The adoption] gave us the most legitimate thing available to us,” 68-year-old Bosee added.

ACLU says that many couples across the states took advantage of adoption laws as a way to legally become family, but now that same-sex marriage is legal, these same couples seeking marriage licenses are running into trouble.


11-03-2015, 10:44 PM
Liberals / Socialists in power (for now) ...*allow... the Cancer to spread...everyday it gets worse for America and "Americans"...


Black Diamond
11-03-2015, 10:51 PM
You reap what you sow, more than you sow, and later than you sow. And I think that's true for nations.

11-03-2015, 11:32 PM
You reap what you sow, more than you sow, and later than you sow. And I think that's true for nations.

I like that statement, Black Diamond.

11-03-2015, 11:35 PM
One by one by one the dominoes start falling.

Jim, I hope you don't mind me using just the one line from your post....

The dominoes falling is exactly what I see in America right now. We are falling inwards bit by bit, but those bits are getting larger and larger. I am sad for what my adopted country has become.

11-03-2015, 11:44 PM
You reap what you sow, more than you sow, and later than you sow. And I think that's true for nations.

....True in a way....a small minority does the "Sow`-ing" ..."seeding"....while the good "majority" remains quite..and always say..."it can Never happen...."...Until one day.."they (the minority) gets the power"....then shit floods the streets of America...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2015, 12:03 AM
And they said it would never happen.

One by one by one the dominoes start falling. Each prior case setting horrid precedent for future cases. A mockery is being made out of marriage.


WASHINGTON (CBSDC)– If you asked Nino Esposito and his partner five years ago when they thought same-sex marriage would be legal, they’d say the day would never come.

Prior to the Supreme Court’s legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide, many gay couples used adoption laws as a way to gain legal family ties in order to get benefits, as reported by CNN.

This was the case for Esposito, a retired teacher, and his now adopted partner Roland “Drew” Bosee, a former freelance and technical writer. The couple went through with the adoption in 2012 after 40 years of being together.

The couple is now trying to reverse the adoption in order to get married, but a state court judge has rejected that request saying adoption annulments are generally limited to cases of fraud.

“We never thought we’d see the day,” 78-year-old Esposito told CNN regarding the legalization of same-sex marriage.

“[The adoption] gave us the most legitimate thing available to us,” 68-year-old Bosee added.

ACLU says that many couples across the states took advantage of adoption laws as a way to legally become family, but now that same-sex marriage is legal, these same couples seeking marriage licenses are running into trouble.


Watch out amigo--there you go with one of those slippery slope fallacies again! :laugh:
You know the ones the lib fools always bellow out is wrong but eventually happens and
they wander on down the road as their blathering idiocy never happened!
Never admit mistakes, never apologize, never have any shame--because to do so one must have some integrity which those raving, ignorant ass-hats do not. --Tyr

11-04-2015, 06:32 AM
Since the adoption 40 years ago was a way to assure legal rights as far as property & visitation and the couple lived as a couple not as Father & Son, I don't see the stink. At ages 78 & 68 presently does anyone really see them as Father & Son?

11-04-2015, 10:16 AM

Prior to the Supreme Court’s legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide, many gay couples used adoption laws as a way to gain legal family ties in order to get benefits, as reported by CNN.


Stupid laws beget stupid decisions.

11-04-2015, 11:33 AM
Since the adoption 40 years ago was a way to assure legal rights as far as property & visitation and the couple lived as a couple not as Father & Son, I don't see the stink. At ages 78 & 68 presently does anyone really see them as Father & Son?

What if the ages were 78 and 63? Or 78 and 58? Where does one draw the ever-moving line?

11-04-2015, 11:45 AM
Stupid laws beget stupid decisions.

I'm curious as to what happens if they should win such a suit. It's not truly father/son, but close enough. It's still child to spouse. And disgusting. Will this further the fight for relatives to get married in other ways? And will more and more court cases help polygamy, bigamy and all the other weird associations? I think in the long run, yes.

11-04-2015, 11:48 AM
Since the adoption 40 years ago was a way to assure legal rights as far as property & visitation and the couple lived as a couple not as Father & Son, I don't see the stink. At ages 78 & 68 presently does anyone really see them as Father & Son?

If/when the courts should make a decision, it will be listed as an adopted son, and that's what matters. Ask any adopted kid who their parent is, they'll tell you their adopted parents. Ask a parent, they'll tell you I raised that kid, he's mine. With such a decision, if in the books granting rights to "Father/son or Father/Adopted son" - then it opens doors.

11-04-2015, 02:48 PM
I'm curious as to what happens if they should win such a suit. It's not truly father/son, but close enough. It's still child to spouse. And disgusting. Will this further the fight for relatives to get married in other ways? And will more and more court cases help polygamy, bigamy and all the other weird associations? I think in the long run, yes.

Not really. Besides, they want the adoption annulled not the right to marry as man and son. I wonder what the penalty is if they admit to fraud.

11-04-2015, 03:11 PM
Not really. Besides, they want the adoption annulled not the right to marry as man and son. I wonder what the penalty is if they admit to fraud.

It's all coming - multiple marriages is next, likely challenges on bigamy. I see marriages from within the family somehow. And all of these paths will be based in the domino that fell just before them. It's difficult to give rights to one person/group and then deny the next. Not impossible, but gets harder and harder. The box has been opened. Loony Tunes are running around the house.


11-04-2015, 03:46 PM
I see marriages from within the family somehow.

But this is not an example of that.

11-04-2015, 04:03 PM
And they said it would never happen.

One by one by one the dominoes start falling. Each prior case setting horrid precedent for future cases. A mockery is being made out of marriage.


WASHINGTON (CBSDC)– If you asked Nino Esposito and his partner five years ago when they thought same-sex marriage would be legal, they’d say the day would never come.

Prior to the Supreme Court’s legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide, many gay couples used adoption laws as a way to gain legal family ties in order to get benefits, as reported by CNN.

This was the case for Esposito, a retired teacher, and his now adopted partner Roland “Drew” Bosee, a former freelance and technical writer. The couple went through with the adoption in 2012 after 40 years of being together.

The couple is now trying to reverse the adoption in order to get married, but a state court judge has rejected that request saying adoption annulments are generally limited to cases of fraud.

“We never thought we’d see the day,” 78-year-old Esposito told CNN regarding the legalization of same-sex marriage.

“[The adoption] gave us the most legitimate thing available to us,” 68-year-old Bosee added.

ACLU says that many couples across the states took advantage of adoption laws as a way to legally become family, but now that same-sex marriage is legal, these same couples seeking marriage licenses are running into trouble.


... you realize the adoption. Has only been since 2012, after 4 DECADES as a couple, right?

The entire thing was an end around so they could be considered proper family for legal purposes.they were no more father and son than me and my first girlfriend Jess were father and daughter.

11-04-2015, 04:09 PM
What if the ages were 78 and 63? Or 78 and 58? Where does one draw the ever-moving line?

Here: they were 75 and 65 respectively at the time of the adoption. Both men are well into legal adulthood, and capable of making sound decisions. At that point, it's not our business anymore. When they got together, they were 35 and 25 respectively, both well into legal adulthood and capable of making sound decisions. At that point, it's not our business anymore.

The same would be true if it were two women, or even a heterosexual couple. Can they give informed consent? Then fuck off, it's not your business.