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View Full Version : Gang of Six Beat Two White Men over Confederate Sticker on Truck

11-05-2015, 07:13 AM
I wonder if in fact this will be charged as a hate crime? Especially of they purposely waited around.


This happened in Downtown SLC, Utah outside of a nightclub, police won't admit this is a hate crime.

2 White guys were here from Wyoming for a country concert. A Group of black men (thugs) noticed a confederate sticker on their truck and stuck by waiting for the owners to show up. The rest follows.

At this stage, SLC Police are not going to investigate this is a hate crime.
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=291_1446689516#YegZlBw7z0E5ZzGr.99

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=038f96cb54c7" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

11-05-2015, 07:31 AM
Last night a brother of mine and myself stopped at a Hardee's on the way to a little Italian Pizza place, well these 2 young black dudes walked in and the one was doing something with his head and shoulders. We where wearing our cuts for the club which have the flag on them. Well all of a sudden the dude that looked half normal said to the lady behind me " My Bra sure can dance huh " he then tapped me on the shoulder and said the same thing, I turned to look straight at him ( the flag is on the front side of the vest so I know he was able to see it at that point ) and my answer to him was you don't really want the truth do ya , and he got real serious looking and said "yea I Do " I said Homie looks like he is having some kind of Fing fit, a seizure or something and maybe you ought to get the poor F to the hospital, the guy stopped, looked, and then shut the hell up. :laugh::laugh:

11-05-2015, 08:01 AM
*From what I heard its not being charged as a "Yes we can" hate crime....

Driver / victim.... should have been more prepared for an assault...Live and learn...

11-05-2015, 08:41 AM
Last night a brother of mine and myself stopped at a Hardee's on the way to a little Italian Pizza place, well these 2 young black dudes walked in and the one was doing something with his head and shoulders. We where wearing our cuts for the club which have the flag on them. Well all of a sudden the dude that looked half normal said to the lady behind me " My Bra sure can dance huh " he then tapped me on the shoulder and said the same thing, I turned to look straight at him ( the flag is on the front side of the vest so I know he was able to see it at that point ) and my answer to him was you don't really want the truth do ya , and he got real serious looking and said "yea I Do " I said Homie looks like he is having some kind of Fing fit, a seizure or something and maybe you ought to get the poor F to the hospital, the guy stopped, looked, and then shut the hell up. :laugh::laugh:

"( the flag is on the front side of the vest so I know he was able to see it at that point )"
so you wanted him to see the flag because "it's about southern culture" not dancing?
Or because some of your other blacks friends wear them and you wanted to share with them?
Or because the flag means he'd know you have credentials to judge good dance moves?
Or because that means you know something about seizures?

I'm just wondering what a random question about dances moves has to do with "the flag" here?

11-05-2015, 08:45 AM
"( the flag is on the front side of the vest so I know he was able to see it at that point )"
so you wanted him to see the flag because "it's about southern culture" not dancing?
Or because some of your other blacks friends wear them and you wanted to share with them?
Or because the flag means he'd know you have credentials to judge good dance moves?
Or because that means you know something about seizures?

I'm just wondering what a random question about dances moves has to do with "the flag" here?

First off it was anything but dance moves, the guy looked like he was having a fit. And to answer your question when the sides are even ( 2 against 2 ) not a word spoken about the flag, I guess 6 on 1 makes it much easier to hate a piece of cloth. :rolleyes:

11-05-2015, 08:46 AM
OOO and Rev it's on the front side right below the American flag, for no other reason than we are from the south. American by birth Southern by choice.

11-05-2015, 08:52 AM
If I lived in an area where folks were acting in crazy ways about the flag - assaults, thefts, shootings and other crazy things over an inanimate object. If I did, I would wear one in the front - and the reasoning wouldn't be nothing more than to show that I won't be intimidated by others into telling me what I can wear and what I can't, what I'm free to express and what not.

I've long gotten over state properties, we've fought that battle with more than the flag. But almost the instant that decision was made, people were demanding it get removed everywhere, condemning it everywhere and the person who owns it, assaulting people who flew it and so many other crazy things.

I don't care WHAT the reason is that someone doesn't like it, you don't get to assault, steal, burn and all that other crap. All it does really is make folks angry at them, and make others then want to fly it in defiance.

11-05-2015, 08:59 AM
First off it was anything but dance moves, the guy looked like he was having a fit. And to answer your question when the sides are even ( 2 against 2 ) not a word spoken about the flag, I guess 6 on 1 makes it much easier to hate a piece of cloth. :rolleyes:

Ah, so you think all or most black people will complain about and/or want to fight over every confederate flag they see then?
Especially after they asking people about dance moves?
sorry Jeff putting the flag in peoples face looking for a reaction of some kind, after a question about dancing?

I don't get it Jeff.

11-05-2015, 09:03 AM
Ah, so you think all or most black people will complain about and/or want to fight over every confederate flag they see then?
Especially after they asking people about dance moves?
sorry Jeff putting the flag in peoples face looking for a reaction of some kind, after a question about dancing?

I don't get it Jeff.

How is him having it on his motorcycle jacket "putting it in peoples faces"? And do you really think folks in such clubs go around, and see what folks reactions would be? I don't get that, really. For all you know, these flags/patches could have been on these jackets for 10 years now. 10 years of looking for reactions? :rolleyes: :dunno:

11-05-2015, 09:07 AM
How is him having it on his motorcycle jacket "putting it in peoples faces"? And do you really think folks in such clubs go around, and see what folks reactions would be? I don't get that, really. For all you know, these flags/patches could have been on these jackets for 10 years now. 10 years of looking for reactions? :rolleyes: :dunno:
"...he then tapped me on the shoulder and said the same thing, I turned to look straight at him ( the flag is on the front side of the vest so I know he was able to see it at that point )..."

11-05-2015, 09:11 AM
Ah, so you think all or most black people will complain about and/or want to fight over every confederate flag they see then?
Especially after they asking people about dance moves?
sorry Jeff putting the flag in peoples face looking for a reaction of some kind, after a question about dancing?

I don't get it Jeff.

You don't get it Rev because you are acting like a racist yourself at this moment. I wear a flag because we are being told we can't, I have it tattooed on me and have never thought of it as hate, but when people start demanding it be removed and mountains be sand blasted because there is civil war history on it well hell yea I am going to wear it. As to why I was surprised that the Fing drug addict last night didn't say a word, is because they are the ones crying about the flag in the first place, yea had I been by myself and there where 10 of them then they would of said something, *note* they wouldn't of done a dam thing, because I can and will protect myself. Rev you don't see a issue with a guy acting like he is having a seizure in a public restaurant and his buddy asking people ( that want nothing to do with them) about what a good dancer he is, they thought they could scare the peckerwoods into there little idiot game and they where called on it, plain and simple.

Rev twist it turn it do what ever you want with it, bottom line is when its 6 on 1 game on, when you are going to tote a ass whoopin haul tail and run, yea real tough.

11-05-2015, 09:11 AM
"...he then tapped me on the shoulder and said the same thing, I turned to look straight at him ( the flag is on the front side of the vest so I know he was able to see it at that point )..."

Don't you turn around when someone taps you on the shoulder? :laugh:

Then Jeff turned around.

And then he simply said he knew he was able to see it now, BECAUSE he turned around. Where in the world does it say that he was putting it in peoples faces looking for reactions? :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-05-2015, 09:13 AM
OOO and Rev it's on the front side right below the American flag, for no other reason than we are from the south. American by birth Southern by choice.

haha, back in tha day I wore that flag on my hippie jacket. Yes , I was once a long haired hippie, age 18 to 24.
That flag, my jacket(and my long hair) with other Southern pride patches got me in well over 30 fights-and was why I wore it so often those years.
And bro' they never seem to want to fight if the numbers match evenly.
Yet let it be at least 4 or 5 against one--they bez ready!
Hell, back in the day-when I was smarted off to by three or four of them(a few times)-my reply was always the same- here in unvarnished text-" Kiss my ass you wimpy mutherffkkers"!
Amazingly, they must have thought they needed that number 5 -because other than them talking shit and walking away nothing happened.:laugh:
O' yea, often they'd just say-- "you just one crazy mutherffkker" .. And maybe I was -back then .... - :laugh:--Tyr

11-05-2015, 09:15 AM
"...he then tapped me on the shoulder and said the same thing, I turned to look straight at him ( the flag is on the front side of the vest so I know he was able to see it at that point )..."

Rev make it what you want, I said I knew he could see it because i was facing him, and if I had been a feeble old man there would of been some shit, but they realized what was going to happen if they said something ( and not out of hate, at least we don't hate them, but out of not taking shit from a punk )

OOOO and Rev as you try and turn this into me being racist, aaa we have a black dude that rides with us, that fly's the same cut as the rest of us, get over your racist views Rev, it has nothing to do with color, its all about some punk ass BS

11-05-2015, 09:18 AM
Don't you turn around when someone taps you on the shoulder? :laugh:

Then Jeff turned around.

And then he simply said he knew he was able to see it now, BECAUSE he turned around. Where in the world does it say that he was putting it in peoples faces looking for reactions? :rolleyes:

IN Rev's mixed up racist mind.

Rev you are a great guy, but Bro you got to realize not everyone is out to get blacks, personally skin color has nothing to do with it, my response if it was 2 white dope heads last night would of been exactly the same.

11-05-2015, 09:25 AM
That flag, my jacket(and my long hair) with other Southern pride patches got me in well over 30 fights-and was why I wore it so often those years.

You guys gotta be some old bastards!! LOL I only had one when I was younger, and it was on some stupid glass I won at a fair. I may have had a banner of sorts on my wall, or maybe my brother? Either way, as I said once before, I always thought and looked at it as a "rebel flag". I honestly and truthfully didn't know about any history when I had them. Yes, I was a dummy at that age. Yes, they probably taught that in school. And yes, while I got superb grades, history wasn't one of them. :)

Just kidding about the age you old bastard!! http://i.imgur.com/9Bu6ZSL.gif

11-05-2015, 09:35 AM
Jeff, how do you know the guys were drug addict?
How do you know there would have been trouble if you were old?
you didn't say that the guys were threatening the 1st time in anyway, you just said they one was "dancing" in a way you didn't like. the other "looked half normal" .
And you made the point about wearing the flag and turning so they could see it not me.

and your the one that seems to think if there had been more guys dancing who saw the flag then there would have been some trouble.
seems to me that you're a bit oversensitive.

No one there said don't wear the flag right? Or even paid attention until you just happened to turn around?
How many people have told you not to wear the flag personally anyway?

And hey here's a thought. I wonder if the way you commented about the dancing might upset someone.
people have fought over less right?

but hey maybe i've got it all wrong.

11-05-2015, 09:43 AM
And you made of point about wearing the flag and turning so they could see it not me.

He said he turned around. Then he stated that he could now probably see it. He never said he turned around SO THAT they could see it. This is you seeing more out of it than is there. And then he even clarified, and now you still twist it a tiny bit so it sounds as if he did it to shove it in their faces. Either way, both ways you have stated it are incorrect. Now you have been corrected several times. You're welcome.

11-05-2015, 09:52 AM
He said he turned around. Then he stated that he could now probably see it. He never said he turned around SO THAT they could see it. This is you seeing more out of it than is there. And then he even clarified, and now you still twist it a tiny bit so it sounds as if he did it to shove it in their faces. Either way, both ways you have stated it are incorrect. Now you have been corrected several times. You're welcome.

"so" they could see it, means they could see it as well right. don't make my words any worse either thanks.

IN Rev's mixed up racist mind.
Rev you are a great guy, but Bro you got to realize not everyone is out to get blacks, personally skin color has nothing to do with it, my response if it was 2 white dope heads last night would of been exactly the same.

So please tell me what's the point of mentioning the flags in this your story if the guys are white "dope heads"?
have white dope heads told you to remove the flag too?

11-05-2015, 09:58 AM
"so" they could see it, means they could see it as well right. don't make my words any worse either thanks.

Context, Rev:

the flag is on the front side of the vest so I know he was able to see it at that point

He didn't say he turned SO they could see it. At least not unless you want to butch grammar. Rev, his reason for turning around was because he was tapped on the shoulder by someone. Then he further stated that the flag was on the front, so now they could see it. You're stating something that he simply didn't write.

Whatever, I'll leave you to Jeff if you want to misinterpret what he wrote. You're saying that he is purposely putting the flag in someones face, which is calling him a racist AND that's not what he said.

11-05-2015, 10:51 AM
Why would a group of black people be in Salt Lake City?

11-05-2015, 11:04 AM
Why would a group of black people be in Salt Lake City?

Free chicken.

11-05-2015, 11:06 AM
I didn't think they allowed black people in Utah.

11-05-2015, 11:08 AM
Last night a brother of mine and myself stopped at a Hardee's on the way to a little Italian Pizza place, well these 2 young black dudes walked in and the one was doing something with his head and shoulders. We where wearing our cuts for the club which have the flag on them. Well all of a sudden the dude that looked half normal said to the lady behind me " My Bra sure can dance huh " he then tapped me on the shoulder and said the same thing, I turned to look straight at him ( the flag is on the front side of the vest so I know he was able to see it at that point ) and my answer to him was you don't really want the truth do ya , and he got real serious looking and said "yea I Do " I said Homie looks like he is having some kind of Fing fit, a seizure or something and maybe you ought to get the poor F to the hospital, the guy stopped, looked, and then shut the hell up. :laugh::laugh:

Y'all need to stop talking about Waffle House and Hardees. Making me homesick.

Only 6? I got a rebel flag t shirt and sticker. Can pick up one my Marine buddies on the way. He was MY kenjutsu instructor. Not to mention we both favor .45s.

11-05-2015, 11:11 AM
I didn't think they allowed black people in Utah.

I'm confused as to what the hell you're getting at? But if you truly must know, the black population make up 2.7% of Salt Lake City. They make up 1% of Huntington Beach California.

11-05-2015, 11:19 AM
I'm confused as to what the hell you're getting at? But if you truly must know, the black population make up 2.7% of Salt Lake City. They make up 1% of Huntington Beach California.

Having a bad day? She's getting at .. oh .. nothing. My stance is you don't like my Colours, come get them. Got a Confederate Battle Flag on one side and a Marine Corps flag on the other. Got an axe handle in the back and a .45 under the seat. And I'm always angry about something.

Come take MY shit. But no, they have to mob up in a gang of 6 and pick at some wimps.

Black Diamond
11-05-2015, 11:24 AM
I'm confused as to what the hell you're getting at? But if you truly must know, the black population make up 2.7% of Salt Lake City. They make up 1% of Huntington Beach California.

Man that's funny shit. :laugh:

Maybe in Socal, they keep their blacks in Compton. Maybe all the liberal whites out there have white guilt for a reason. :laugh:

11-05-2015, 11:34 AM
Man that's funny shit. :laugh:

Maybe in Socal, they keep their blacks in Compton. Maybe all the liberal whites out there have white guilt for a reason. :laugh:

They keep them in downtown San Diego too. Go out for a run early in the morning and all you smell is piss and puke.

Black Diamond
11-05-2015, 11:37 AM
They keep them in downtown San Diego too. Go out for a run early in the morning and all you smell is piss and puke.


I was out there a few weeks ago. I couldn't smell the piss and puke from encinitas. Must have been far enough away.

11-05-2015, 11:41 AM

I was out there a few weeks ago. I couldn't smell the piss and puke from encinitas. Must have been far enough away.

Different than getting up at 4:30 to go for a run and all that fog has trapped the smell in. I ended up moving to La Mesa. About 10 miles or so east on I-8. Then I got to run up and down the mountain instead.

11-05-2015, 03:11 PM
Y'all need to stop talking about Waffle House and Hardees. Making me homesick.

Only 6? I got a rebel flag t shirt and sticker. Can pick up one my Marine buddies on the way. He was MY kenjutsu instructor. Not to mention we both favor .45s.

Great one to have at your side. never leave home without it.

Having a bad day? She's getting at .. oh .. nothing. My stance is you don't like my Colours, come get them. Got a Confederate Battle Flag on one side and a Marine Corps flag on the other. Got an axe handle in the back and a .45 under the seat. And I'm always a prick about something.

Fixed it for ya brother. :laugh:

Come take MY shit. But no, they have to mob up in a gang of 6 and pick at some wimps.

They keep them in downtown San Diego too. Go out for a run early in the morning and all you smell is piss and puke.

Gunny I have never been to San Diego, but I can tell you what LA ( and most every other big city) smells like in the wee hours of the morning and you are spot on.

11-05-2015, 03:16 PM
Great one to have at your side. never leave home without it.

Gunny I have never been to San Diego, but I can tell you what LA ( and most every other big city) smells like in the wee hours of the morning and you are spot on.

I've lived in DC, Miami, San Antonio, San Diego -- you can leave out the gory details. :laugh: DC and Miami were the absolute WORST.

11-05-2015, 03:29 PM
Rev I will try this one more time and then I will leave you to believe what ever it is you want.

We stopped at a Hardee's last night ( not a Dance hall ) and while standing in line to young punks ( mid 20's or so ) walked in and the one looked like he had a serious health issue, as he jerked his shoulders and head around like he was having a seizure, The one that didn't look like he needed the meat wagon then decided he was going to disturb people in line and try and threaten folks, he started with a lady all by herself, by asking don't my boy dance great ( who really gives a fuck how he dances or for that matter if he takes another breath ) The woman smiled ( in fear ) he then moved further up in the line and taped me on my shoulder ( see Rev at that point I thought about knocking the fuck out of him, don't touch me unless you are a female and we are about to have some fun, or you want to fight, if I don't know ya ) and yes at that point I turned around and faced him eye to eye ( not so he could see my flag but so that he could see there wasn't nothing even close to the look of fear in my eyes but being as I was facing him now, yes he could see the flag and yes these are the same young thug punks running around screaming about the flag ) he asked me about his Boy's dancing, I asked him did he want a honest answer he said yes and got all serious ( doing his best Bad ass look, and by the way my 14 year old looks more threatening when he gets mad ) so I told him, the boy looks like he is having a seizure, he looked me up and down and then didn't say a word and walked away. Yes he knew he was going to tote a serious ass whoopin if he pursued so he walked, if I had been another woman he would of kept going.

See Rev I think it is just the difference between where you live ( or how you where raised ) I don't know, but see when I go in somewhere we where taught not to make a ass of ourselves and not to bother others, we where taught to respect others not to try and intimidate, but then again we where taught how to get dressed in the morning and how to buy close that fit us, so you see it's just the different way we where raised i guess,

11-05-2015, 03:37 PM
Rev I will try this one more time and then I will leave you to believe what ever it is you want.

We stopped at a Hardee's last night ( not a Dance hall ) and while standing in line to young punks ( mid 20's or so ) walked in and the one looked like he had a serious health issue, as he jerked his shoulders and head around like he was having a seizure, The one that didn't look like he needed the meat wagon then decided he was going to disturb people in line and try and threaten folks, he started with a lady all by herself, by asking don't my boy dance great ( who really gives a fuck how he dances or for that matter if he takes another breath ) The woman smiled ( in fear ) he then moved further up in the line and taped me on my shoulder ( see Rev at that point I thought about knocking the fuck out of him, don't touch me unless you are a female and we are about to have some fun, or you want to fight, if I don't know ya ) and yes at that point I turned around and faced him eye to eye ( not so he could see my flag but so that he could see there wasn't nothing even close to the look of fear in my eyes but being as I was facing him now, yes he could see the flag and yes these are the same young thug punks running around screaming about the flag ) he asked me about his Boy's dancing, I asked him did he want a honest answer he said yes and got all serious ( doing his best Bad ass look, and by the way my 14 year old looks more threatening when he gets mad ) so I told him, the boy looks like he is having a seizure, he looked me up and down and then didn't say a word and walked away. Yes he knew he was going to tote a serious ass whoopin if he pursued so he walked, if I had been another woman he would of kept going.

See Rev I think it is just the difference between where you live ( or how you where raised ) I don't know, but see when I go in somewhere we where taught not to make a ass of ourselves and not to bother others, we where taught to respect others not to try and intimidate, but then again we where taught how to get dressed in the morning and how to buy close that fit us, so you see it's just the different way we where raised i guess,

Fukkin A. I'd actually have to not be too lazy to give a sh*t to have to go read what rev said. But I hear ya. brother. You don't f*ck around in line at Hardees. And you damned sure don't get between me n roast beef and cheddar with some curly fries. Then picking on a girl?

Should have put your boot up his ass. Apparently you have a better temperment than I do. And as I recall, them Hardee's tables bolted down. Getting bodyslammed on one would suck.

11-05-2015, 03:46 PM
Fukkin A. I'd actually have to not be too lazy to give a sh*t to have to go read what rev said. But I hear ya. brother. You don't f*ck around in line at Hardees. And you damned sure don't get between me n roast beef and cheddar with some curly fries. Then picking on a girl?

Should have put your boot up his ass. Apparently you have a better temperment than I do. And as I recall, them Hardee's tables bolted down. Getting bodyslammed on one would suck.

Bro if ya had seen the look on the punks face when he tried to do his best bad ass retreat as he looked me up and down and then just walked away, it just wasn't worth getting locked up over, but when he walked away the woman he originally started with smiled and said thank you.

11-05-2015, 03:47 PM
I've lived in DC, Miami, San Antonio, San Diego -- you can leave out the gory details. :laugh: DC and Miami were the absolute WORST.

NYC has a lovely smell that time of night as well. :puke:

11-05-2015, 03:58 PM
Rev I will try this one more time and then I will leave you to believe what ever it is you want.

We stopped at a Hardee's last night ( not a Dance hall ) and while standing in line to young punks ( mid 20's or so ) walked in and the one looked like he had a serious health issue, as he jerked his shoulders and head around like he was having a seizure, The one that didn't look like he needed the meat wagon then decided he was going to disturb people in line and try and threaten folks, he started with a lady all by herself, by asking don't my boy dance great ( who really gives a fuck how he dances or for that matter if he takes another breath ) The woman smiled ( in fear ) he then moved further up in the line and taped me on my shoulder ( see Rev at that point I thought about knocking the fuck out of him, don't touch me unless you are a female and we are about to have some fun, or you want to fight, if I don't know ya ) and yes at that point I turned around and faced him eye to eye ( not so he could see my flag but so that he could see there wasn't nothing even close to the look of fear in my eyes but being as I was facing him now, yes he could see the flag and yes these are the same young thug punks running around screaming about the flag ) he asked me about his Boy's dancing, I asked him did he want a honest answer he said yes and got all serious ( doing his best Bad ass look, and by the way my 14 year old looks more threatening when he gets mad ) so I told him, the boy looks like he is having a seizure, he looked me up and down and then didn't say a word and walked away. Yes he knew he was going to tote a serious ass whoopin if he pursued so he walked, if I had been another woman he would of kept going.

See Rev I think it is just the difference between where you live ( or how you where raised ) I don't know, but see when I go in somewhere we where taught not to make a ass of ourselves and not to bother others, we where taught to respect others not to try and intimidate, but then again we where taught how to get dressed in the morning and how to buy close that fit us, so you see it's just the different way we where raised i guess,

I feel you did good....and I feel I would of done similar...with me...I don't do anything unless attacked ...I will play the stare down game if need be...In my case I would need to be attacked for me to respond...in some sort of way....(let me explain) I carry 3 things with me always...a knife to cut apples or clean my nails or to use as a need tool for anything...and I carry pocket mace....and of course I carry concealed...so I have 3 choices....One thing for sure ..carrying concealed is a big responsibility ...I better be damn sure I am attacked and hopefully by 3 or more and I have witnesses ....wrestling..or fighting on the ground...jumping around and throwing punches is not good for concealed carry....

....with one punk...maybe two..the mace will work...and maybe the Knife...Myself ...I try to mind my own businesses ....in crazy situations.... I dont talk much ...I mostly stare listen and think...and expect ANYTHING...what happens next is up to the perps...

11-05-2015, 03:59 PM
Bro if ya had seen the look on the punks face when he tried to do his best bad ass retreat as he looked me up and down and then just walked away, it just wasn't worth getting locked up over, but when he walked away the woman he originally started with smiled and said thank you.


People that haven't been locked up don't get that and want to fight. Over a place in line. STFU and wait your turn. I want Hardee's, not some grade d baloney and government sammich in jail.

11-05-2015, 05:52 PM
I didn't think there were six Black men in Utah...

11-05-2015, 09:06 PM
I didn't think there were six Black men in Utah...

Again, they heard there was gonna be some free chicken. I don't know how that rumor started.

11-05-2015, 09:09 PM
Have any of you guys ever fought more than one person at a time? W

hen my husband and I were young, actually my daughter was an infant, my husband got into a fight with two nigros. Now my husband was probably only about 150 pounds at that time, but he beat the tobacco juice out of those two blacks. When he died many years later, he was about 210 pound of muscle. I bet he could have fought more than two and left a mark or two on them.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-05-2015, 11:19 PM
You guys gotta be some old bastards!! LOL I only had one when I was younger, and it was on some stupid glass I won at a fair. I may have had a banner of sorts on my wall, or maybe my brother? Either way, as I said once before, I always thought and looked at it as a "rebel flag". I honestly and truthfully didn't know about any history when I had them. Yes, I was a dummy at that age. Yes, they probably taught that in school. And yes, while I got superb grades, history wasn't one of them. :)

Just kidding about the age you old bastard!! http://i.imgur.com/9Bu6ZSL.gif

Yep, but I lived to get to this age when most of my friends from 35 /40 years ago did not.:beer:
Trust me, it wasn't just dumb luck--I moved about in some bad-ass circles and was around guys that served time for murder etc. The real ones know how to size a man up correctly and if ya are the real thang they give ya respect.
Additionally, I never went into any deals with them on anything---money, whores and drugs get ya ass knifed or shot in a heartbeat.
SOB's always like me just for my toughness and my tolerance of them without my looking down my nose at 'em.
I stayed out of their business they stayed out of mine! That last part was what kept them safe--not me. Damn, I didnt give a damn for at least 7 solid years.. Lucky to still be here.
I saw several guys get totally messed up doing dumbass shat. Dudes didnt play around. -Tyr

That emoticon looks like my old pal that I played dominoes with when I was a teenager. Cane and all.

11-05-2015, 11:30 PM
Yep, but I lived to get to this age when most of my friends from 35 /40 years ago did not.:beer:
Trust me, it wasn't just dumb luck--I moved about in some bad-ass circles and was around guys that served time for murder etc. The real ones know how to size a man up correctly and if ya are the real thang they give ya respect.
Additionally, I never went into any deals with them on anything---money, whores and drugs get ya ass knifed or shot in a heartbeat.
SOB's always like me just for my toughness and my tolerance of them without my looking down my nose at 'em.
I stayed out of their business they stayed out of mine! That last part was what kept them safe--not me. Damn, I didnt give a damn for at least 7 solid years.. Lucky to still be here.
I saw several guys get totally messed up doing dumbass shat. Dudes didnt play around. -Tyr

That emoticon looks like my old pal that I played dominoes with when I was a teenager. Cane and all.

I'm wired right now, They might need to bring a couple of extra assholes to get their ases kicked.

I'm white and got a rebel flag. And I'm pissed. Come get some,

11-05-2015, 11:50 PM
NYC has a lovely smell that time of night as well. :puke:

Are you sure it is not the odor of New Jersey wafting over the river? :p

11-06-2015, 07:37 AM
Are you sure it is not the odor of New Jersey wafting over the river? :p

Could be, Jersey City doesn't smell all that well nor does Newark.:laugh:

11-06-2015, 09:37 AM
Are you sure it is not the odor of New Jersey wafting over the river? :p

Should see the smog on I-5 when you 10 miles out at sea. One long orange turd. I was shocked first time I saw it. I actually breathed that crap every day.

But people who live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones.

11-06-2015, 05:08 PM
Should see the smog on I-5 when you 10 miles out at sea. One long orange turd. I was shocked first time I saw it. I actually breathed that crap every day.

But people who live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones.

No they shouldn't Gunny, but hey she is right here, the cities in Jersey are no different than others. But I have to agree with you, I use to delivery to LA and man crossing the state line into CA it is beautiful, I loved the desert, but the closer you got to LA it got Gloomy ( and of course every time I was there it was overcast so that made it worst I am sure ) but that turd that hangs over the entire area :laugh: Dam I will never forget that.

11-06-2015, 05:12 PM
No they shouldn't Gunny, but hey she is right here, the cities in Jersey are no different than others. But I have to agree with you, I use to delivery to LA and man crossing the state line into CA it is beautiful, I loved the desert, but the closer you got to LA it got Gloomy ( and of course every time I was there it was overcast so that made it worst I am sure ) but that turd that hangs over the entire area :laugh: Dam I will never forget that.

98% of Jersey is just fine. NYC has some areas that suck, but all told, the majority of ALL of New York is just fine. And I sure as hell would rather take either of those 2, over a state filled with liberal idiots who think they are just too smart, and so smart that they need to run the lives of others.

11-06-2015, 05:13 PM
I don't get it Jeff.

You don't get a lot.

11-06-2015, 05:15 PM
I wonder if in fact this will be charged as a hate crime? Especially of they purposely waited around.


This happened in Downtown SLC, Utah outside of a nightclub, police won't admit this is a hate crime.

2 White guys were here from Wyoming for a country concert. A Group of black men (thugs) noticed a confederate sticker on their truck and stuck by waiting for the owners to show up. The rest follows.

At this stage, SLC Police are not going to investigate this is a hate crime.
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=291_1446689516#YegZlBw7z0E5ZzGr.99

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=038f96cb54c7" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Hate Crime?


11-06-2015, 05:19 PM
98% of Jersey is just fine. NYC has some areas that suck, but all told, the majority of ALL of New York is just fine. And I sure as hell would rather take either of those 2, over a state filled with liberal idiots who think they are just too smart, and so smart that they need to run the lives of others.

You know so many people that travel through NJ or NY have no idea what beautiful states they are, hell the pike runs through such shit holes in NJ and then you cross the GW into the city :laugh:, both states have so many beautiful places that it is a shame travelers only get to see the bad. That is why I included how nice CA was until LA, they say Northern CA is gorgeous, and although I have only seen them on TV the beaches look great as well. Hell I have learned after traveling through most states each one has beauty and ghetto's ( inner cities ) and most cities have that beautiful smell at night time.

11-06-2015, 05:25 PM
Should see the smog on I-5 when you 10 miles out at sea. One long orange turd. I was shocked first time I saw it. I actually breathed that crap every day.

But people who live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones.

We saw that entering port on the ship.

City lights are supposed be called 'loom'. With the smog
in LA we called it gloom.

Went up to Big Bear many times and looking out
towards the ocean was just like you say...long orange turd
above the landscape below.

11-06-2015, 07:28 PM
You know so many people that travel through NJ or NY have no idea what beautiful states they are, hell the pike runs through such shit holes in NJ and then you cross the GW into the city :laugh:, both states have so many beautiful places that it is a shame travelers only get to see the bad. That is why I included how nice CA was until LA, they say Northern CA is gorgeous, and although I have only seen them on TV the beaches look great as well. Hell I have learned after traveling through most states each one has beauty and ghetto's ( inner cities ) and most cities have that beautiful smell at night time.

South Jersey is nice in Cape May County, except for the mosquitoes.
Up around the Delaware Water Gap is great. I did a canoe trip there once.

Further up into New York, the Army Military Academy on the Hudson
is spectacular. I hunted and fished there for years.

I lived in the redwoods on the far NW part of California...just amazing!
It is green and clean unlike LA, San Diego, San Fran, or Sacramento/Stockton.
My step-dad had a place in the foothills of the Sierra's. It was right in the middle
of the Mother Lode Gold country. Panned for gold, found a lot, and the fishing
was great.