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View Full Version : Carson lies about scholarship offer from West Point

11-06-2015, 01:29 PM
First Ben Carson makes up some ludicrous story about Abraham having the Egyptian pyramids built to store grain.
Now Carson has been called out on his claim about being offered a full scholarship to attend West Point.
What else is he not telling us? Or perhaps told us incorrectly?


11-06-2015, 01:30 PM
Who pays to go to West Point anyway?

Black Diamond
11-06-2015, 01:35 PM
Who pays to go to West Point anyway?

At Annapolis, you pay for your education with 8 years of your life. I imagine West Point is the same.

Abbey Marie
11-06-2015, 01:37 PM
From the quoted article:

He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors. They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission. There are “Service Connected” nominations for stellar High School ROTC appointments. Again he was the top ROTC student in Detroit. I would argue strongly that an Appointment is indeed an amazing full scholarship. Having run several Congressional Offices I am very familiar with the Nomination process.
Again, though his Senior Commander was in touch with West Point and told Dr. Carson he could get in, Dr Carson did not seek admission.

Perhaps you should be worried about Shrillary's lies and negligence (at best) with our nation's secrets?

11-06-2015, 01:38 PM
At Annapolis, you pay for your education with 8 years of your life. I imagine West Point is the same.

That's my understanding as well; I had two cousins attend and they were in for x years afterward. Seems odd to offer a scholarship to an institution that doesn't accept tuition, odd phrasing IMO. I don't think this particular bit of news is earth shattering.

11-06-2015, 01:41 PM
What a crock. West Point, like every other US Military Academy is based on appointment and NOT "scholarships". If you are going to try to create drama at least get the little white lies straight.

Black Diamond
11-06-2015, 01:44 PM
More misinformation from Gaby

11-06-2015, 01:44 PM
What a crock. West Point, like every other US Military Academy is based on appointment and NOT "scholarships". If you are going to try to create drama at least get the little white lies straight.

It appears Carson used "scholarship" in his 1990 book; I don't think his word usage is a big deal.

Black Diamond
11-06-2015, 01:48 PM
Carson isn't my candidate.. But if he won he would certainly drive the left batshit crazy. I would enjoy watching that.

Black Diamond
11-06-2015, 01:49 PM
It appears Carson used "scholarship" in his 1990 book; I don't think his word usage is a big deal.

No. He is a lying uncle Tom...

Be ready for that kind of rhetoric because it's coming.

Abbey Marie
11-06-2015, 01:51 PM
No. He is a lying uncle Tom...

Be ready for that kind of rhetoric because it's coming.

I agree. And what an interesting attempt at deflection from the lies of the probable Dem nominee.

11-06-2015, 04:52 PM
*Carson didn't lie about anything....Left wing Media twist ...spin and Ignorance...

*Watch...Think and listen carefully....


11-06-2015, 05:10 PM
At Annapolis, you pay for your education with 8 years of your life. I imagine West Point is the same.

It is at all Academies.

FJ is just blowing smoke up his ass, and Gabby does not have a clue.:laugh:

11-06-2015, 06:38 PM
First Ben Carson makes up some ludicrous story about Abraham having the Egyptian pyramids built to store grain.
Now Carson has been called out on his claim about being offered a full scholarship to attend West Point.
What else is he not telling us? Or perhaps told us incorrectly?


Gabby, you appear to be the gullible victim of a left-wing smear campaign against Ben Carson, initiated by Politico and then picked up by the Guardian and a number of other liberal rags around the world.

Check out this link:

It is a Foxnews article on how the story you quoted is not holding up to the sniff test. You should have had some suspicions when your article did not quote anyone in Carson's campaign by name. Another tell is that the quote says "Dr. Carson did not seek admission" but the Politico story (and you) somehow translated that into 'he lied' or he 'made up a ludicrous story'. Being offered a spot at West Point is not a contradiction of not seeking admission there.

By the way, I've noticed that yellow journalism media outlets like Politico are suddenly spending a lot of time "fact checking" little stories from Ben Carson's past. They accuse him of not actually being present at a fast-food robbery 30 years ago, not getting into trouble when he was a kid, and now of not being offered a spot a West Point 30 years ago. All this while one of the most compulsive liars in politics is getting a free pass on all her lies. It looks to me like the liberal media has decided that Ben Carson has a chance to win the election, and now its time for them start the smearing attacks as hard as they can. Maybe they're getting scared...

Abbey Marie
11-06-2015, 06:41 PM
By the way, I've noticed that yellow journalism media outlets like Politico are suddenly spending a lot of time "fact checking" little stories from Ben Carson's past. They accuse him of not actually being present at a fast-food robbery 30 years ago, not getting into trouble when he was a kid, and now of not being offered a spot a West Point 30 years ago. All this while one of the most compulsive liars in politics is getting a free pass on all her lies. It looks to me like the liberal media has decided that Ben Carson has a chance to win the election, and now its time for them start the smearing attacks as hard as they can. Maybe they're getting scared...

Good description of Hillary.

11-06-2015, 07:24 PM
FJ is just blowing smoke up his ass...

:confused: Beg pardon?

11-06-2015, 07:28 PM
:confused: Beg pardon?

Do you do this from regular exhaling of a cigarette, or is this to mean some other type of device? :dunno: :laugh:

11-06-2015, 07:33 PM
Gabby, you appear to be the gullible victim of a left-wing smear campaign against Ben Carson, initiated by Politico and then picked up by the Guardian and a number of other liberal rags around the world.

You got that right.

I like Gabby, but again she flies away from accuracy and reality.

11-06-2015, 07:35 PM
:confused: Beg pardon?

I do believe you heard me correctly.

11-06-2015, 07:37 PM
It appears Carson used "scholarship" in his 1990 book; I don't think his word usage is a big deal.

BTW, West Point refers to its policy of not charging its students, as a "scholarship" too.

Gabby is just spreading the usual lies she always spreads, since the truth does not support her liberal agenda.

11-06-2015, 07:42 PM
Gabby, you appear to be the gullible victim of a left-wing smear campaign against Ben Carson, initiated by Politico and then picked up by the Guardian and a number of other liberal rags around the world.

Gabby, you appear to be the willing cohortof a left-wing smear campaign against Ben Carson, initiated by Politico and then picked up by the Guardian and a number of other liberal rags around the world.
Fixed it for you.

11-06-2015, 07:45 PM
Do you do this from regular exhaling of a cigarette, or is this to mean some other type of device? :dunno: :laugh:

Only when I'm hitting the bong pretty hard.

I do believe you heard me correctly.

OK. I still don't know where you're coming from.

BTW, West Point refers to its policy of not charging its students, as a "scholarship" too.


11-07-2015, 12:10 AM
It appears Carson used "scholarship" in his 1990 book; I don't think his word usage is a big deal.
17 year old kids contemplating going to college, and trying to figure out how to pay for it all, quickly find that a lot of them offer "scholarships" to deserving students who worked hard and produced top grades.

They also get told that the military academies offer a solid education and pay your way all the way through, every dime of it, for every student. And they say, "Wow, what a great scholarship that is!"

And Democrats come along and say they are lying.

11-07-2015, 12:20 AM
17 year old kids contemplating going to college, and trying to figure out how to pay for it all, quickly find that a lot of them offer "scholarships" to deserving students who worked hard and produced top grades.

They also get told that the military academies offer a solid education and pay your way all the way through, every dime of it, for every student. And they say, "Wow, what a great scholarship that is!"

And Democrats come along and say they are lying.

There is a difference between being offered a full scholarship to a state school (I got one) and being offered a place in a military academy.
And not everyone who accused Carson of lying is a Dem.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
November 6, 2015 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/662672380561661952) "@Robostop10 (https://twitter.com/Robostop10): @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump) This is not good. https://t.co/lvv0MRfgtH" WOW, one of many lies by Ben Carson! Big story.

11-07-2015, 02:26 AM
There is a difference between being offered a full scholarship to a state school (I got one) and being offered a place in a military academy.
And not everyone who accused Carson of lying is a Dem.

If someone said that Carson robbed 342 banks, Trump would agree at this point. They are running against one another. I don't think that one is valid at all. As for the scholarship, YOU may claim to know the difference... until I read all of this thread, I personally would have assumed you could get a scholarship from West Point. And considering that someone of the likes of Carson could run endless circles around someone like you, I don't think he would somehow need to lie about being able to get into certain schools.

11-07-2015, 07:00 AM
17 year old kids contemplating going to college, and trying to figure out how to pay for it all, quickly find that a lot of them offer "scholarships" to deserving students who worked hard and produced top grades.

They also get told that the military academies offer a solid education and pay your way all the way through, every dime of it, for every student. And they say, "Wow, what a great scholarship that is!"

And Democrats come along and say they are lying.

Yup, not a big deal.

And not everyone who accused Carson of lying is a Dem.

Trump would probably call him a liar after saying, "hello, my name is Ben."

11-07-2015, 08:01 AM
*​I hope Ben gets out of this mess unscathed...based on who is pushing it...

....Should be fun seeing Donald tonight (snl) :)

Black Diamond
11-07-2015, 08:12 AM
Yup, not a big deal.

Trump would probably call him a liar after saying, "hello, my name is Ben."

You sure trump isn't a dem?

Abbey Marie
11-07-2015, 08:18 AM
Looks like this one fizzled. :thumb:

I understand that now his sweet wife is being criticized for her looks and dress. :mad:

Black Diamond
11-07-2015, 08:20 AM
Looks like this one fizzled. :thumb:

I understand that now his sweet wife is being criticized for her looks and dress. :mad:

Imagine if Obama had been picked on in such a way.

Abbey Marie
11-07-2015, 08:21 AM
Imagine if Obama had been picked on in such a way.

Seriously. Or Hillary herself for that matter.

Black Diamond
11-07-2015, 08:24 AM
Seriously. Or Hillary herself for that matter.

Yoire only saying that cause he's black/she's a woman

Abbey Marie
11-07-2015, 08:26 AM
Yoire only saying that cause he's black/she's a woman

Uh oh, you got me.

11-07-2015, 09:05 AM
From the quoted article:

Perhaps you should be worried about Shrillary's lies and negligence (at best) with our nation's secrets?

That would be lies, gross negligence and violation of the USC.

11-07-2015, 01:04 PM
You sure trump isn't a dem?

I am not at all sure.

11-07-2015, 04:38 PM
Imagine if Obama had been picked on in such a way.


Shoulders up she is a pretty lady.

Otherwise all over Michelle looks like a power forward.

11-07-2015, 11:18 PM
Gabs lie has been exposed and Carlson made fundraising records.

11-08-2015, 04:33 AM
Carson used a term most would understand; Worst thing is you less-intelligent are willfully missing the fucking point of what Carson was talking about. Instead of listening to Carson's point you are stuck on "OMG!! Carson said HAPPY when the TRUTH is Carson was GLAD!!! OMG!!ohnoes!!!11 scandal!!!"

Fuck you gabs, and your ilk. You are ruining the country. You are ruining humanity by willfully taking advantage of the stupidity of the masses. Instead of fixing the stupidity of humanity, you manipulators are keeping down knowledge to stay in power.

11-08-2015, 06:43 AM
First Ben Carson makes up some ludicrous story about Abraham having the Egyptian pyramids built to store grain.
Now Carson has been called out on his claim about being offered a full scholarship to attend West Point.
What else is he not telling us? Or perhaps told us incorrectly?


Carson came from humble, if not poor, background. He was probably told that all of his costs or expenses would be covered IF he went to West Point. In Carson's mind, that translated to a full scholarship. But per usual, the idiot left is trying to fundamentally transform his interpretation back then...into an intentional lie. And as usual, the idiot leftists are PROJECTING.

11-08-2015, 06:46 AM
Gabby, you appear to be the gullible victim of a left-wing smear campaign against Ben Carson, initiated by Politico and then picked up by the Guardian and a number of other liberal rags around the world.

Check out this link:

It is a Foxnews article on how the story you quoted is not holding up to the sniff test. You should have had some suspicions when your article did not quote anyone in Carson's campaign by name. Another tell is that the quote says "Dr. Carson did not seek admission" but the Politico story (and you) somehow translated that into 'he lied' or he 'made up a ludicrous story'. Being offered a spot at West Point is not a contradiction of not seeking admission there.

By the way, I've noticed that yellow journalism media outlets like Politico are suddenly spending a lot of time "fact checking" little stories from Ben Carson's past. They accuse him of not actually being present at a fast-food robbery 30 years ago, not getting into trouble when he was a kid, and now of not being offered a spot a West Point 30 years ago. All this while one of the most compulsive liars in politics is getting a free pass on all her lies. It looks to me like the liberal media has decided that Ben Carson has a chance to win the election, and now its time for them start the smearing attacks as hard as they can. Maybe they're getting scared...

Isn't it amazing......how the idiot left couldn't care less about Obama's lies and Hillary's lies, with blood all over their hands from those lies, and yet suddenly, magically and mysteriously.....character and lying does matter and count ....

only if/when, of course, it's not a gdamned DemocRat.

11-08-2015, 01:19 PM
https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/12191419_955240011213950_2369536874577718295_n.jpg ?oh=99a683b9d322ae81d663c614502c5074&oe=56C90CC8

11-08-2015, 01:23 PM
What a crock. West Point, like every other US Military Academy is based on appointment and NOT "scholarships". If you are going to try to create drama at least get the little white lies straight.

Ain't that no shit? Carson needs ro work a little on his wording of some things. But I mean ... REALLY? Scholarship to a military academy? :laugh:

11-08-2015, 01:29 PM
https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12187831_957984624277766_8254330903713981730_n.jpg ?oh=c9c98d7f3dc8eb95d13b9438bf57eca8&oe=56B96E09

Black Diamond
11-08-2015, 01:49 PM
Ain't that no shit? Carson needs ro work a little on his wording of some things. But I mean ... REALLY? Scholarship to a military academy? :laugh:

My sister in law went to Annapolis on scholarship. She's in year 3 of 8 paying it back. :cool:

Black Diamond
11-08-2015, 01:50 PM
https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12187831_957984624277766_8254330903713981730_n.jpg ?oh=c9c98d7f3dc8eb95d13b9438bf57eca8&oe=56B96E09

Deal breaker. I hated fuckers who didn't rewind tapes. I am voting for Hillary now.

11-08-2015, 01:51 PM
My sister in law went to Annapolis on scholarship. She's in year 3 of 8 paying it back. :cool:

You STILL have to have an appointment first. Scholarship is second. Was she ROTC? And yeah, you're giving up 8 years. Used to be 6.

Black Diamond
11-08-2015, 01:57 PM
You STILL have to have an appointment first. Scholarship is second. Was she ROTC? And yeah, you're giving up 8 years. Used to be 6.

I'm kidding about the scholarship. She received an appointment from sen Carl Levin

11-08-2015, 02:17 PM
I'm kidding about the scholarship. She received an appointment from sen Carl Levin

S'okay. Wasn't looking for an apology. Was looking at the stupidity of the accusation. A man intelligent enough to be a brain surgeon wouldn't be offered an appointment?

I like the guy. He just comes right out. I always wondered what I would do if I ran for office. Yeah, I used to work in a biker bar and smoke pot. BFD. He was a bad kid? Who cares? I like the fact he doesn't pretend he's something other than what he is.

He's a man that rose above himself and his surroundings. If anyone's waiting on ME to not appreciate THAT, don't hold your breath. I wasn't a nice guy as a teenager but I rose above what I was doing. He rose all the way up in my points.

11-08-2015, 06:45 PM
First Ben Carson makes up some ludicrous story about Abraham having the Egyptian pyramids built to store grain.
Now Carson has been called out on his claim about being offered a full scholarship to attend West Point.
What else is he not telling us? Or perhaps told us incorrectly?


Gabby. You could have saved yourself from all the hyperbole above, and simply said WHY you hate Carson!

11-09-2015, 07:06 AM
Ain't that no shit? Carson needs ro work a little on his wording of some things. But I mean ... REALLY? Scholarship to a military academy? :laugh:

I have no doubt that since most civilians do not understand how the military academies fill their halls, the term "scholarship" is an easy and convenient way to explain the process.

11-09-2015, 07:26 AM

Shoulders up she is a pretty lady.

Otherwise all over Michelle looks like a power forward.

And here I was liking her to a "T Rex" :laugh:

11-09-2015, 07:37 AM
https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12196212_958156144260614_34225110347280266_n.jpg?o h=734c1a1287b0337e897aff157354d797&oe=56AE4D4C

11-09-2015, 08:05 AM
Gabby. You could have saved yourself from all the hyperbole above, and simply said WHY you hate Carson! For the same reason she claims conservatives hate The Obama, because she's racist! Lol

11-10-2015, 11:54 AM