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View Full Version : Republican "Brand"

11-06-2015, 02:00 PM
What is the Republican "brand" that the eventual nominee should/could run on the will appeal to a majority of the voters? What positions will resonate with the base and the independents?

Abbey Marie
11-06-2015, 02:09 PM
Good question. You first... ;)

11-06-2015, 02:15 PM
Good question. You first... ;)

Well it should start with limited/simplified taxation and the message that government is a hindrance and not a help; I don't think "deregulation" will sell these days.

Black Diamond
11-06-2015, 02:20 PM
Probably softer on immigration. Strong on foreign policy. Tough on crime, although in spite of Obama's horseshit, I don't know if that's so much a federal issue

Abbey Marie
11-06-2015, 02:22 PM
When I watch look at any polling of Independents (or late-in-the-election undecideds, who I think have a similar mindset), I get no feel for what appeals to them as a group. I do get the feeling that they don't really care strongly about much, and perhaps like all the attention in being pursued.

As for the base, we have a divide between the fiscal Cons and the social Cons that doesn't seem to be coming together any time soon. Having said all that, as a "social", I still like your two platform points. It is a good starting point.

For me, a good point to appeal would be the vow to appoint only proven conservative justices. That would solve a boatload of problems right there, IMO.

11-06-2015, 02:23 PM
Probably softer on immigration. Strong on foreign policy. Tough on crime, although in spite of Obama's horseshit, I don't know if that's so much a federal issue

Softer on immigration? What do you mean by that?
Stronger foreign policy; definitely.
Crime I don't think is really a Federal issue either given that I think violent crime stats are still low/falling? in spite of recent news.

Black Diamond
11-06-2015, 02:23 PM
Probably softer on immigration. Strong on foreign policy. Tough on crime, although in spite of Obama's horseshit, I don't know if that's so much a federal issue

Oops. This is in reference to the middle.

Black Diamond
11-06-2015, 02:28 PM
Softer on immigration? What do you mean by that?
Stronger foreign policy; definitely.
Crime I don't think is really a Federal issue either given that I think violent crime stats are still low/falling? in spite of recent news.

Winning latino votes could be critical. "Build a wall and send people back" will give Hillary almost 100% of the Latino vote.

11-06-2015, 02:28 PM
When I watch look at any polling of Independents (or late-in-the-election undecideds, who I think have a similar mindset), I get no feel for what appeals to them as a group. I do get the feeling that they don't really care strongly about much, and perhaps like all the attention in being pursued.

As for the base, we have a divide between the fiscal Cons and the social Cons that doesn't seem to be coming together any time soon. Having said all that, as a "social", I still like your two platform points. It is a good starting point.

For me, a good point to appeal would be the vow to appoint only proven conservative justices. That would solve a boatload of problems right there, IMO.

Wishy/washy independents are tough to gauge I guess but that's why it's important to appeal to them without scaring them off with over the top social conservative, that sound preachy, stances. If the electorate is still mostly conservative, which I believe, then we don't need to pursue them; we need to appeal to their innate positions.

I think "conservative justices" will work out any social issues going forward. Not sure I like that phrasing though. "Justices who will interpret the Constitution" sounds better.

11-06-2015, 02:29 PM
Oops. This is in reference to the middle.

Then I agree.

Winning latino votes could be critical. "Build a wall and send people back" will give Hillary almost 100% of the Latino vote.

We can advance immigration reform without alienating voters.

11-06-2015, 02:33 PM
Corporate tax reform but I'm not sure how to sell it.

11-06-2015, 02:48 PM
When I watch look at any polling of Independents (or late-in-the-election undecideds, who I think have a similar mindset), I get no feel for what appeals to them as a group. I do get the feeling that they don't really care strongly about much, and perhaps like all the attention in being pursued.

As for the base, we have a divide between the fiscal Cons and the social Cons that doesn't seem to be coming together any time soon. Having said all that, as a "social", I still like your two platform points. It is a good starting point.

For me, a good point to appeal would be the vow to appoint only proven conservative justices. That would solve a boatload of problems right there, IMO.

Common sense and being tired of the SOS.

11-06-2015, 04:32 PM
Winning latino votes could be critical. "Build a wall and send people back" will give Hillary almost 100% of the Latino vote.

*Let more in and let the others stay ..America is finished...Just call it Mexico from then on...

11-06-2015, 04:33 PM
Immigration. People have an interest in immigration on various levels. Anywhere from amnesty to deporting illegals. I wouldn't call this a "brand" though but rather a topic of huge importance, that wasn't quite center stage in prior elections.

Black Diamond
11-06-2015, 06:47 PM
*Let more in and let the others stay ..America is finished...Just call it Mexico from then on...

Would rather have a Republican be President of "Mexico" than Hillary. The crux of the thread has to do with electability imo

11-06-2015, 07:11 PM
Would rather have a Republican be President of "Mexico" than Hillary. The crux of the thread has to do with electability imo

*Protecting America from low info voters...Parasites and Leftist is the only thing that matters... having the correct "Republican" with the American "brand" is key and should be the "crux" of all thinking...

11-06-2015, 07:50 PM
Immigration. People have an interest in immigration on various levels. Anywhere from amnesty to deporting illegals. I wouldn't call this a "brand" though but rather a topic of huge importance, that wasn't quite center stage in prior elections.

The brand is what are Republicans for like a marketing campaign.