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View Full Version : Immigration Vs. Illegal Immigration

11-06-2015, 07:14 PM
Why is this truly so hard for many to grasp? When some talk about Trump, they never use the word illegal. They make it sound like his comments of people coming across our borders are solely about legal immigration, which couldn't be further from the truth.

Now the subject is huge and on the news every night. And still, 99% of the time they are screwing it up. And I have no doubt at all that it's done deliberately. They try and make conservatives look bad by claiming they don't want immigrants coming to this country, which again is 100% incorrect. There's an issue with illegal immigration, and everyone knows it. And now, it's more or less being used as a weapon. Twist the lingo around and make groups, or candidates, look like they are racist.

The MSM is at fault here, and no doubt a lot of politicians are trying to take advantage of this. But more scary? What about the listeners/viewers? Are these folks smart enough to understand the difference?

There's a huge issue with illegal immigration in our country, but if you stand up against it, speak up about wanting to make changes, you will be vilified and pay a price for wanting to enforce laws or better our country.

11-06-2015, 07:21 PM
​You are correct...it is all Deliberate...Lots of twist and spin...and coming from the folks that Fear Trump the most....Illegal Parasites and the Left...which needs Illegals to keep their machine running...