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View Full Version : Astroturf- lies in the media and elsewhere

11-08-2015, 05:15 PM
The whole point of astroturf is to try to convince you there’s widespread support for or against an agenda when there’s not.The language of astroturfers and propagandists includes trademark inflammatory terms such as: anti, nutty, quack, crank, pseudo-science, debunking, conspiracy theory, deniers and junk science. Sometimes astroturfers claim to “debunk myths” that aren’t myths at all. They declare debates over that aren’t over. They claim that “everybody agrees” when everyone doesn’t agree. They aim to make you think you’re an outlier when you’re not.
Astroturfers and propagandists tend to attack and controversialize the news organizations, personalities and people surrounding an issue rather than sticking to the facts. They try to censor and silence topics and speakers rather than engage them. And most of all, they reserve all their expressed skepticism for those who expose wrongdoing rather than the wrongdoers. In other words, instead of questioning authority, they question those who question authority....
Top 10 Astroturfers | Sharyl Attkisson (http://sharylattkisson.com/top-10-astroturfers/)

there's A lot to take away from that talk but what i think mostly need to be taken to heart is what she mentions about the astro turfers technic of attacking those that question the authority. And the labeling of questions as "myth" "nutty" and "lies". And labeling those that question as "quacks", "paranoid" "conspiracy theorist" "nuts" and "cranks". rather than addressing available facts.

Christie Brinkley
11-08-2015, 05:41 PM
revelarts You missed out the insult "tin foil"/"tin foil hat" which people often say when they are either scared or when their narrative is falling apart.

Another method used by propagandists is the grouping together of fact with obvious fiction...

Like "some people believe private banks and corporations control the world as well as flying saucers and lizards." Quickly followed by 'nutty' 'tinfoil'.

11-08-2015, 08:12 PM

there's A lot to take away from that talk but what i think mostly need to be taken to heart is what she mentions about the astro turfers technic of attacking those that question the authority. And the labeling of questions as "myth" "nutty" and "lies". And labeling those that question as "quacks", "paranoid" "conspiracy theorist" "nuts" and "cranks". rather than addressing available facts.

So are you talking about the turf? Or the people making money from it? Astroturf came out in the early 60s and it's about as nice as landing on the street. I guess they've improved it since then since they line it with cork and stuff now.

11-08-2015, 08:32 PM

there's A lot to take away from that talk but what i think mostly need to be taken to heart is what she mentions about the astro turfers technic of attacking those that question the authority. And the labeling of questions as "myth" "nutty" and "lies". And labeling those that question as "quacks", "paranoid" "conspiracy theorist" "nuts" and "cranks". rather than addressing available facts.

It's the age old game:


11-08-2015, 08:38 PM
It's the age old game:


Got to start somewhere. :laugh:

11-08-2015, 08:40 PM
Wasn't Astroturf invented by the same people who built the Astrodome? Something about how real grass wouldn't grow inside the dome.

11-08-2015, 08:46 PM
Wasn't Astroturf invented by the same people who built the Astrodome? Something about how real grass wouldn't grow inside the dome.

Wow. Gabby knows something. You are correct, ma'am.

11-08-2015, 08:53 PM
Wow. Gabby knows something. You are correct, ma'am.

One of the many lores of baseball. How the word took on another meaning is beyond me.

11-08-2015, 09:02 PM
One of the many lores of baseball. How the word took on another meaning is beyond me.

It's named after where it started -- the Astrodome. I remember going there when it opened. What they call "turf" now is not original Astroturf. Original Astroturf was basically a plastic rug over cement. They try to pad it up nowadays.

One thing I've noticed though is the teams that play outside usually are the winning teams. Look how tough the Vikings used to be. The Lions. They moved into a dome and pffft.

11-09-2015, 09:44 AM
It's the age old game:


Matter of fact, there's a really good movie out about that, and a VERY questionable suicide:

KILL THE MESSENGER (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1216491/)


11-09-2015, 10:14 AM
Matter of fact, there's a really good movie out about that, and a VERY questionable suicide:

KILL THE MESSENGER (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1216491/)


I haven't seen the movie but i'm very familiar with the story of Gary Webb the mainstream news reporter and his exposing the CIAs part in drug trafficking that supplied the crack cocaine epidemic in the 90s.

I should see the film.
I have his book "Dark Alliance: (http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Alliance-Contras-Cocaine-Explosion/dp/1888363932/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1447081873&sr=8-2&keywords=Dark+Alliance)The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion"

He eventually lost his job and began writing a follow up but before it was finished or published he committed suicide.
If i remember right he shot himself in the head ...twice.

11-09-2015, 10:24 AM
there's also a documentary named "kill the messenger"

Sibel Edmonds Documentary - Kill The Messenger

It recounts PART of the Sibel Edmonds story. She was an FBI translator after 911 who found evidence that the FBI had knowledge of various aspect of the 911 event. And found evidence of gov't officials including taking foreign gifts and trading arms and nukes secrets. and also found foreign spies in the FBI.
tried to go through EVERY legal channel (internal FBI, administrative, executive, congressional, and the courts) to get the info out and was blocked, clip, threatened and legally gagged at every point.