View Full Version : ......7 of the Most Shocking Sci-Fi Movie Deaths

11-09-2015, 01:25 AM
`Nothing pulls a viewer into a story like an unexpected demise of a character, and directors have been astonishing film-goers with onscreen deaths since the invention of the medium. Some of the most memorable and shocking death scenes ever committed to film can be found in Hollywood classics like Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho and Steven Spielberg’s Jaws.

However, since the science fiction genre specializes in alternative universes, alien creatures, and futuristic technologies, it should come as no surprise that sci-fi stories offer filmmakers plenty of opportunities to stage imaginative and unexpected ways for movie characters to bite the dust.

....Although it is difficult to say which of the many death scenes in the history of sci-fi films have unnerved audiences the most, here are seven sci-fi film deaths that still have the power to shock and amaze viewers today. Spoiler alert: Movie fans who haven’t experienced the following sci-fi death scenes in context may want to skip the film selections they haven’t seen yet, or watch all the films in full first.`:thumb:

1. Alien (1979) Kane’s “Chestburster” Death


2. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999) Darth Maul’s Bisection


3. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Frank Poole’s Asphyxiation


4. District 9 (2009) Exploding Man Death


See the other 3 here...
