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View Full Version : Don't mess with a Jeweler

11-10-2015, 03:54 PM
This is awesome.

A man named Matthew Shawon Elliott, a twice-convicted armed robber, died on the sidewalk in front of the store after threatening Long’s wife, children and customers with a gun. Elliott was hit twice with buckshot fired from a 12-gauge shotgun.

By the weekend, blood that had been spilled had been cleaned up and glass display cases smashed during the siege had been replaced. Business had returned to normal, more or less.

The only signs that anything unusual had taken place were almost imperceptible. Three holes in a door leading from the showroom to the back of the store, a dent in the metal framing of a display case and a couple marks in the wall all left by the buckshot told part of the story.

The rest needed to come from Long.

“He was standing right there with a gun pointed right at my face,” Long said, gesturing toward the door. “All I saw was a gun barrel. As soon as I saw him, I pulled the trigger.”


11-10-2015, 04:04 PM
The grocery store where my sister shops displays the following sign in several places:

Advertencia! Algunos encargados de la tienda llamó a la policía después del robo! Me llamo la mortuorio!

Which, translated, means "Warning! Some shopkeepers call the police after robberies! I call the mortuary!" :cool: