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View Full Version : New Poll: Americans more likely to vote for Mormon than woman or minorities

07-10-2007, 11:13 AM

Interesting change to one a few months ago that said the opposite. I dont know what changed. Perhaps just the polling methods or Romney becoming more recognized. I'm not sure whether it really matters at this point in the election but i still think its interesting.

Polling Data

Do you think America is ready to elect…

A Mormon president (Romney)
66% - YES
27% - NO

An African-American president (Obama)
59% - YES
30% - NO
11% - NOT SURE

A woman president (Clinton)
58% - YES
32% - NO
10% - NOT SURE

A Hispanic president (Richardson)
39% - YES
48% - NO
13% - NOT SURE

Source: Princeton Survey Research Associates / Newsweek
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,001 American adults, conducted on Jul. 2 and Jul. 3, 2007. Margin of error is 4 per cent.

07-10-2007, 11:19 AM
I always wonder about polls. What if the poll questions were:

"Would you rather Mit Romney be president, or a another 4 years of GWB?"

- 66% said Romney

"Would you rather Obama be president or a 9 year old kid from Bronx?"

- 59% said Obama

"Would you rather Hillary Clinton be president or Satan himself?"

- 58% said Clinton

"Would you rather Richardson be president, or a bag of wallnuts?"

- 39% said Richardson.

07-10-2007, 11:26 AM
did they call the residents of Salt Lake City for this survey?

before anyone votes Mormon, they have to watch the South Park where they explain it all

The ClayTaurus
07-10-2007, 12:12 PM

Interesting change to one a few months ago that said the opposite. I dont know what changed. Perhaps just the polling methods or Romney becoming more recognized. I'm not sure whether it really matters at this point in the election but i still think its interesting.The title to this thread should be "New Poll: Americans think America is more likely to elect a Mormon than a woman or minorities."

07-10-2007, 12:54 PM
It's just because us Americans are such racists and anti-women.

Or.........it could be the people questioned just don't like Clinton or Obama as much as Romney.