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View Full Version : Two police officers arrested after 6-year-old boy shot, killed in Louisiana

11-11-2015, 11:38 AM
So why isn't the nation in an uproar? This was a CHILD killed, with severe autism. And the killing was done by black police officers. Why is the reaction different? I'm not being racist, I'm dead serious, WHY is the reaction different? Why does this poor little kid basically get forgotten or ignored?


MARKSVILLE, La. — Two police officers in Louisiana are facing murder charges after a 6-year-old boy was shot to death in the front seat of his father’s vehicle, authorities said.

The shooting happened on a dead-end street at the end of a Tuesday night chase in Marksville, a town of about 5,500 about 90 miles northwest of Baton Rouge, authorities said.

It’s unclear why officers pursued or why shots were fired, since investigators say there were no outstanding warrants against the father, Chris Few, and that no firearm was found in his vehicle.

Jeremy Mardis, a first-grader, was hit by five bullets in the head and chest as the officers pursued his father’s car, according to WAFB. His father was hospitalized with gunshot wounds and was listed in critical condition.

“We took some of the body cam footage. I’m not gonna talk about it, but I’m gonna tell you this — it is the most disturbing thing I’ve seen and I will leave it at that,” State Police Col. Michael Edmonson said at a press conference late Friday. “That little boy was buckled into the front seat of that vehicle and that is how he died.”


Christie Brinkley
11-11-2015, 11:42 AM
Hit hard as a baby and ignored when he is murdered by cops a few years later by the mainstream media. Disgusting.

11-11-2015, 11:44 AM
Hit hard as a baby and ignored when he is murdered by cops a few years later by the mainstream media. Disgusting.

Yes, it is. :( We have issues with the police here, with race & with the media. We've seen it with blacks and whites being shot, black and white police. I blame the media even more here, as they are the ones who get the country in an uproar when it's a white cop shooting a black person, and then get everyone frenzied up to want to riot. Now it's the reverse and you have to search to find out information on what happened.

Abbey Marie
11-11-2015, 11:47 AM
Disgusting, that race determines coverage/attention.

Christie Brinkley
11-11-2015, 11:48 AM
Yes, it is. :( We have issues with the police here, with race & with the media. We've seen it with blacks and whites being shot, black and white police. I blame the media even more here, as they are the ones who get the country in an uproar when it's a white cop shooting a black person, and then get everyone frenzied up to want to riot. Now it's the reverse and you have to search to find out information on what happened.
Notice when the media report white on black crime they always specify the race like

"a white cop shot an unarmed black man"

Why is race important? All people can be attacked by some nut case cop.

11-11-2015, 11:50 AM
Disgusting, that race determines coverage/attention.

Notice when the media report white on black crime they always specify the race like

"a white cop shot an unarmed black man"

Why is race important? All people can be attacked by some nut case cop.

You both nailed it, and it's HOW it's portrayed, by the media especially. But all of those that go nutso about a cop shooting someone - will they now care? Or is it only when a black person is shot? Or when a white person pulls the trigger?


11-11-2015, 11:52 AM
tragic story.

but to your question, um, there's a whole thread full of similar cases on this board and people seem in "an uproar" that folks post only bad stuff about cops. Can we explain that? few seems concerned or believe that this type of story should be in the news, or brought up very much, if at all.

But in general there are whole websites dedicated to documenting events like this. MOST of these stories don't make national news.

11-11-2015, 11:54 AM
tragic story.

but to your question, um, there's a whole thread full of similar cases on this board and people seem in "an uproar" that folks post only bad stuff about cops.
Can we explain that?

But in general there are whole websites dedicated to documenting issues like this. MOST of these stories don't make national news.

I stopped reading that thread at about page 3, and checked in from time to time. And most of them that I did see I was already aware of. (I know that's just me...)

And I wasn't referring to this board and uproars, but rather the nation. I don't see the reactions as even remotely near the same.

Black Diamond
11-11-2015, 11:56 AM
I stopped reading that thread at about page 3, and checked in from time to time. And most of them that I did see I was already aware of. (I know that's just me...)

And I wasn't referring to this board and uproars, but rather the nation. I don't see the reactions as even remotely near the same.
I think the media and President have a lot to do with that

Christie Brinkley
11-11-2015, 11:58 AM
First black president and the nation has been put back into 1960's levels of racial tension... this time the 'racism' is mostly imaginary.

Abbey Marie
11-11-2015, 11:59 AM
tragic story.

but to your question, um, there's a whole thread full of similar cases on this board and people seem in "an uproar" that folks post only bad stuff about cops. Can we explain that? few seems concerned or believe that this type of story should be in the news, or brought up very much, if at all.

But in general there are whole websites dedicated to documenting events like this. MOST of these stories don't make national news.

We are reacting to the disparity in coverage, not whether it should be covered in the first place.

Why have we not heard of this story AT ALL? There were pix of Trayvon Martin at a much younger age than he currently was, plastered all over the news. Here we have an actual 6 year old, and no pictures?

11-11-2015, 12:03 PM
And Jim i have to say I'm a bit surprised at your view on this event.

Seems the cops had to chased the guy in the car. Then he was trapped in a dead end, then he backed his car into the cops. then the cops fired. That's the story so far.

if that's the case I'm really SHOCKED that you aren't claiming that the shooting here wasn't COMPLETELY justified and that's what the kid gets for being in a car with a criminally stupid father who wouldn't do as the cops said.

You've said similar things on drones strikes where woman and children are killed and the like.

why is this case different?

11-11-2015, 12:09 PM
We are reacting to the disparity in coverage, not whether it should be covered in the first place.

Why have we not heard of this story AT ALL? There were pix of Trayvon Martin at a much younger age than he currently was, plastered all over the news. Here we have an actual 6 year old, and no pictures?

I read about the story the other day and decided not to post it here after i read the circumstances. I didn't think it would get any sympathy. Since people think that a girl walking to slowly and sassing a cop deserves a beat down . A guy slamming his car into cops getting shot surly would not rate a sympathetic ear from this crowd.
And BTW when i read the story It didn't highlight skin color. i didn't know what color the cops of the child was.
Doesn't really make a difference to me.

11-11-2015, 12:15 PM
This story is all over social media.
Good to see that atleast some police are held to account for their actions.

11-11-2015, 12:16 PM
And Jim i have to say I'm a bit surprised at your view on this event.

Seems the cops had to chased the guy in the car. Then he was trapped in a dead end, then he backed his car into the cops. then the cops fired. That's the story so far.

if that's the case I'm really SHOCKED that you aren't claiming that the shooting here wasn't COMPLETELY justified and that's what the kid gets for being in a car with a criminally stupid father who wouldn't do as the cops said.

You've said similar things on drones strikes where woman and children are killed and the like.

why is this case different?

So wait a minute... I made a comment in the past, about a Awlaki being in the car with KNOWN TERRORISTS in Yemen. You somehow think that's the same as a kid being in the back seat with a driver who didn't stop? Perhaps this is different because the kid wasn't with known terrorists, and Dad isn't a terrorist?

Furthermore, the first I heard of this story, they said that Dad posed no threat at all, hence the charges. So why would I condemn Dad?

Only a fucking idiot would compare a driver who wouldn't stop with a terrorist group.

11-11-2015, 12:17 PM
This story is all over social media.
Good to see that atleast some police are held to account for their actions.

Like the white officer found to be in a similar situation, shooting someone who wasn't a threat, also now sitting in jail?

11-11-2015, 12:19 PM
Also, why do the citizens who are aware of this not riot, ruin neighborhoods, call for the death of officers, light things on fire... I wonder why the reactions are so much different?


11-11-2015, 12:22 PM
Who else, just like Revelarts, thinks when this guy ran from the police they should have just ignored him? As they should ignore other "criminals", unless they have a warrant?

11-11-2015, 12:51 PM
Who else, just like Revelarts, thinks when this guy ran from the police they should have just ignored him? As they should ignore other "criminals", unless they have a warrant?

Is there a way to not ignore them *and* not try and kill whoever's in the car?

11-11-2015, 12:53 PM
Is there a way to not ignore them *and* not try and kill whoever's in the car?

Of course, and we both know how - good police work. Shooting someone that is not a threat in any way is not good police work. The weapon should never come out, IMO unless a cop feels threatened, and certainly never used unless they feel their life is in danger in some manner. These guys were rightfully arrested and charged.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-11-2015, 01:10 PM
So why isn't the nation in an uproar? This was a CHILD killed, with severe autism. And the killing was done by black police officers. Why is the reaction different? I'm not being racist, I'm dead serious, WHY is the reaction different? Why does this poor little kid basically get forgotten or ignored?


MARKSVILLE, La. — Two police officers in Louisiana are facing murder charges after a 6-year-old boy was shot to death in the front seat of his father’s vehicle, authorities said.

The shooting happened on a dead-end street at the end of a Tuesday night chase in Marksville, a town of about 5,500 about 90 miles northwest of Baton Rouge, authorities said.

It’s unclear why officers pursued or why shots were fired, since investigators say there were no outstanding warrants against the father, Chris Few, and that no firearm was found in his vehicle.

Jeremy Mardis, a first-grader, was hit by five bullets in the head and chest as the officers pursued his father’s car, according to WAFB. His father was hospitalized with gunshot wounds and was listed in critical condition.

“We took some of the body cam footage. I’m not gonna talk about it, but I’m gonna tell you this — it is the most disturbing thing I’ve seen and I will leave it at that,” State Police Col. Michael Edmonson said at a press conference late Friday. “That little boy was buckled into the front seat of that vehicle and that is how he died.”


Because the bastard in the Whitehouse says---


11-11-2015, 01:24 PM
Also, why do the citizens who are aware of this not riot, ruin neighborhoods, call for the death of officers, light things on fire... I wonder why the reactions are so much different?

#white_lives_matterHow about we use his LICENSE plate number to find him.... This is my problem with a number of LEO's they are willing to escalate a situation of non-violence into one that becomes just that!! IF it is a non-violent infraction there should NOT be violence used by the police....

Why do we see more and more police using force and violence on non-violent encounters. This leads to someone fighting back and getting shot or arrested on trumped up charges. Many will say "comply" and no worries however when someone is grabbing your arm throwing you to the ground for something as simple as jaywalking your going to try to protect yourself or pull away a little so you don't get your head slammed into the ground or loose teeth because some jerk wants to body slam you to the ground...


11-11-2015, 01:30 PM
Hit hard as a baby and ignored when he is murdered by cops a few years later by the mainstream media. Disgusting.

You're ridiculous. You have NO idea what the circumstances are. Unless New Orleans landed in England when I wasn't looking. The media's got you and the rest of its drones overreacting without a clue to anything a cop does.

I'm fine. I say get rid of the cops and anyone that wants to defend themselves can carry. Problem solved.

11-11-2015, 01:32 PM
First black president and the nation has been put back into 1960's levels of racial tension... this time the 'racism' is mostly imaginary.

He's NOT black. He claims to be. He's as white as he is black and if you look at the crap he wore in his photos in school, there wasn't a damned thing black about any of Barry's crap.

11-11-2015, 01:33 PM
Because the bastard in the Whitehouse says---


I don't recall the hashtag 'onlyblacklivesmatter', you may remember it's actually 'blacklivesmatter'

I also enjoy the sentiment behind 'this text must be in all caps, and bold, and bigger than regular font' xD

11-11-2015, 01:43 PM
I don't recall the hashtag 'onlyblacklivesmatter', you may remember it's actually 'blacklivesmatter'

I also enjoy the sentiment behind 'this text must be in all caps, and bold, and bigger than regular font' xD

Using caps is for emphasis. People that over-use them defeat the purpose.

And I don't think 12.5% of our population should be ruling shit. I think they should get out and get a damned job.

Black Diamond
11-11-2015, 02:22 PM
]I don't recall the hashtag 'onlyblacklivesmatter', you may remember it's actually 'blacklivesmatter'

I also enjoy the sentiment behind 'this text must be in all caps, and bold, and bigger than regular font' xD

And you may remember whenever anyone says " all lives matter", the niggers go wild. Just ask that dipshit Democrat O'Malley.

11-11-2015, 02:32 PM
It's just fine for black folks to single out one race and use the "black lives matter". But when "police lives matter" or "white lives matter" was used, far too many people got angry. Then when it was EVERYONE involved with "all lives matter", still, people got angry. Race issues will be better when folks stop PURPOSELY tending to just one race, instead of putting everyone together as one. It starts with the media, and unfortunately as of late, right from the leader of our country.

Christie Brinkley
11-11-2015, 02:35 PM
You're ridiculous. You have NO idea what the circumstances are. Unless New Orleans landed in England when I wasn't looking. The media's got you and the rest of its drones overreacting without a clue to anything a cop does.

I'm fine. I say get rid of the cops and anyone that wants to defend themselves can carry. Problem solved.
Shooting a kid with autism? So the kid had a gun pointing it at the cops then?

Do cops have to machine gun people and throw them in a ditch before you criticize them?

Abbey Marie
11-11-2015, 03:48 PM
I don't recall the hashtag 'onlyblacklivesmatter', you may remember it's actually 'blacklivesmatter'

I also enjoy the sentiment behind 'this text must be in all caps, and bold, and bigger than regular font' xD

Please explain that to our current President. He seems confused about it.

11-11-2015, 03:56 PM
Please explain that to our current President. He seems confused about it.

Has he said "only black lives matter"?

Abbey Marie
11-11-2015, 03:59 PM
Has he said "only black lives matter"?

In very way possible, besides uttering the exact phrase.

11-11-2015, 04:02 PM
In very way possible, besides uttering the exact phrase.

So no.

11-11-2015, 04:22 PM
So no.

What he did was spoke up on many matters dealing with black issues, but ignored SO many issues that were similar or the same with white issues. If "all" the lives mattered to him, he would speak up equally about tragedies. And one would think that the loss of police officers lives would rank a mention. He has divided the country on racial issues - by speaking in defense of so many black issues while ignoring so many white issues - of the same thing. And you do this as sitting president of the USA? That's a recipe for racial tensions, and we've been seeing it. You can ignore it, others might ignore it, but it's simply true, and people have been saying it for a few years now.

So yeah, he HAS in fact stated that only black lives matter - by omission in his duty as president. You simply don't call out for one race and then ignore matters when the identical thing happens to another race. He stoked the flames.

11-11-2015, 04:46 PM
he HAS in fact stated that only black lives matter

No, he has not.

11-11-2015, 04:50 PM
No, he has not.

However you want to narrow it down. Bottom line - he has contributed to racial tensions in our country more than the average joe, and he's the president. He doesn't need to outright state things when he's contributing to them directly.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-11-2015, 06:46 PM
I don't recall the hashtag 'onlyblacklivesmatter', you may remember it's actually 'blacklivesmatter'

I also enjoy the sentiment behind 'this text must be in all caps, and bold, and bigger than regular font' xD

Do you truly think I give a damn that you did not like my all caps??
What you did not like my outrage at the hypocrisy and liberal shat being tossed on us.

The slogan was "blacklivesmatter" --the ffing reality was and still is--
ONLY BLACK LIVES MATTER and to hell with ANYBODY that does not like my caps.


11-11-2015, 06:54 PM
do you truly think i give a damn that you did not like my all caps??
What you did not like my outrage at the hypocrisy and liberal shat being tossed on us.

The slogan was "blacklivesmatter" --the ffing reality was and still is--
only black lives matter and to hell with anybody that does not like my caps.

Emphasis mine , it comes off much better when face to face pedro!--tyr

ok bro!

Abbey Marie
11-11-2015, 09:16 PM
So no.

So yes.

Let me remind you of a very apt phrase that has stood the test of time:

"Actions speak louder than words".

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-11-2015, 09:26 PM
What he did was spoke up on many matters dealing with black issues, but ignored SO many issues that were similar or the same with white issues. If "all" the lives mattered to him, he would speak up equally about tragedies. And one would think that the loss of police officers lives would rank a mention. He has divided the country on racial issues - by speaking in defense of so many black issues while ignoring so many white issues - of the same thing. And you do this as sitting president of the USA? That's a recipe for racial tensions, and we've been seeing it. You can ignore it, others might ignore it, but it's simply true, and people have been saying it for a few years now.

So yeah, he HAS in fact stated that only black lives matter - by omission in his duty as president. You simply don't call out for one race and then ignore matters when the identical thing happens to another race. He stoked the flames.

He is a Marxist, PRACTICES ALINKY'S RULES FOR RADICALS-- Divide and Conquer!
And he started the first day in office and has never let up for a damn minute since! Fact.-Tyr

11-12-2015, 07:51 AM
Do you truly think I give a damn that you did not like my all caps??
What you did not like my outrage at the hypocrisy and liberal shat being tossed on us.

The slogan was "blacklivesmatter" --the ffing reality was and still is--
ONLY BLACK LIVES MATTER and to hell with ANYBODY that does not like my caps.


Brother these liberal POS play the word game, he knows dam well ( as does anyone with a first grade education ) what you are saying. Don't even bother with a reply, But when the sheot hits the fan and these liberals realize that all there sticking up for the black life matters crowd means shit because these people hate anyone that is white, well let him try his funny word games there. And yes I know he is not here, another reason a liberal will talk big, he isn't in the line of fire, but he will be, it may not be blacks but Obama has pushed much more than blacks.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-12-2015, 09:14 AM
Brother these liberal POS play the word game, he knows dam well ( as does anyone with a first grade education ) what you are saying. Don't even bother with a reply, But when the sheot hits the fan and these liberals realize that all there sticking up for the black life matters crowd means shit because these people hate anyone that is white, well let him try his funny word games there. And yes I know he is not here, another reason a liberal will talk big, he isn't in the line of fire, but he will be, it may not be blacks but Obama has pushed much more than blacks.

And the Lizard King laughs at the liberal/leftist fools that bow to him. For he hates them too and plans on executing them as well. People like Noir haven't a damn clue IMHO.
Yet dare try to lecture me for my speaking truth to others.--Tyr

11-12-2015, 09:19 AM
And the Lizard Kings laughs at the liberal/leftist fools that bow to him. For he hates them too and plans on executing them as well. People like Noir haven't a damn clue IMHO.
Yet dare try to lecture me for my speaking truth to others.--Tyr

Let him blow hot air. He's been provided that right by better men than him. When it hits the fan? I'm taking care of MINE. Hope he figures out how to load that musket by then because I'm DONE fighting for the rights of the ungrateful.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-12-2015, 09:35 AM
Let him blow hot air. He's been provided that right by better men than him. When it hits the fan? I'm taking care of MINE. Hope he figures out how to load that musket by then because I'm DONE fighting for the rights of the ungrateful.

Trust me on this, I'll be protecting mine first and foremost,any others may be in that group by way of marriage,etc.
I have 5 brothers and 4 sisters plus their families to think about.
Three of my brothers share my philosophy and are excellent with rifles, pistols and shotguns. Two of that three have bought and stored the correct defending equipment/ammo. Thus we three will defend all others. And key to victory most often is - being prepared and having a plan--we do. :beer: -Tyr

11-12-2015, 10:13 AM
Trust me on this, I'll be protecting mine first and foremost,any others may be in that group by way of marriage,etc.
I have 5 brothers and 4 sisters plus their families to think about.
Three of my brothers share my philosophy and are excellent with rifles, pistols and shotguns. Two of that three have bought and stored the correct defending equipment/ammo. Thus we three will defend all others. And key to victory most often is - being prepared and having a plan--we do. :beer: -Tyr

Got one brother and 3 cousins. We're ALL Marines. Oh yeah, got another cousin that's a squid. He can drive the boat.:laugh:

11-12-2015, 10:21 AM
And my extended family -- damned moonshining hillbillies -- we're from halfway between Huntsville and Scotsbotough on US 72. I GOT a plan. We're going to the hills just below the Tennessee River. We'll have a sign out. "Come Get Some". There's about 2 dozen of us don't like being jacked with.

And don't make me bust out dad. Older'n dirt and still meaner than spit.

Black Diamond
11-12-2015, 10:43 AM
Got one brother and 3 cousins. We're ALL Marines. Oh yeah, got another cousin that's a squid. He can drive the boat.:laugh:
