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View Full Version : Bush, Kasich seal their fates by pandering to illegal immigrants

11-11-2015, 02:41 PM
And rightfully so, IMO


MILWAUKEE — As if Jeb Bush’s campaign were not already finished, the candidate drilled several additional screws into his own coffin during Tuesday night’s debate here.

“Even having this conversation sends a powerful signal,” he whined as real estate mogul and presidential front-runner Donald Trump tangled with the Democratic wing of the Republican Party over the insanity of allowing 12 million illegal aliens to roam free in America without the slightest concern that our country’s laws might just apply to them.

Outside the debate hall, protesters beat drums and screamed for amnesty. One man with a bullhorn kept repeating over and over again that justice is not possible in America. And every third time or so he accused Mr. Trump of being a “racist” for vowing to enforce America’s immigration laws. No word on whether he was a plant, paid for by the Bush campaign.

On stage inside the debate hall, Mr. Trump stuck to his guns and said that immigration laws passed by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and approved by presidents from both parties should simply be enforced. That is all he is saying.

Yet Mr. Bush not only thinks these laws should be summarily dismissed, he said during the debate that even having a discussion about enforcing our immigration laws is a terrible thing. We should dismiss these laws and there should not even be a debate about it.


11-11-2015, 02:59 PM
> "IMO"...Only 3 Candidates I would (_Really_) trust ....when it comes to Illegals...

*In order....Trump....Cruz....Carson

Black Diamond
11-11-2015, 03:00 PM
I hope this is the final nail. Jeb has been a dipshit this entire campaign. And I went into it thinking *he* would be the guy.

11-11-2015, 03:02 PM
I hope this is the final nail. Jeb has been a dipshit this entire campaign. And I went into it thinking *he* would be the guy.

`Agree friend...."Personally"...I caint stand (Jeb) Bush and Kasich....

Christie Brinkley
11-11-2015, 03:06 PM
I hope this is the final nail. Jeb has been a dipshit this entire campaign. And I went into it thinking *he* would be the guy.
Jeb is finished. Jog on.

Black Diamond
11-11-2015, 03:08 PM
Jeb is finished. Jog on.

Sounds good to me. I hope you're right

Abbey Marie
11-11-2015, 03:58 PM
Kasich seems like a whiner. Even his body language during the debate shouted whiner to me.

11-11-2015, 04:50 PM
Kasich seems like a whiner. Even his body language during the debate shouted whiner to me.

​Oh...Abbey....You said it the way I wanted to say it ...exactly!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-11-2015, 06:50 PM
I hope this is the final nail. Jeb has been a dipshit this entire campaign. And I went into it thinking *he* would be the guy.
I went in thinking that he would be one of the worst guys.
His immigration stand proves it beyond any doubt IMHO.--Tyr

11-11-2015, 07:23 PM
*​Coincides with what were talking about....

Hmmm....Interesting..."from the media"


`3 winners and 2 losers from last night's Republican debate`


11-11-2015, 07:26 PM
Honestly, what he said wasn't all that pro-illegals. Yeah, there was Kasich, who was blatant, but Jeb just said 8t was important to be having the talk, and that the way it's being discussed is tactically bad

He's right. The Dems are totally going to spend 2016 calling conservatives racists again, and the immigration rhetoric is going to be their highlight reel. I mean, seriously, in other news, water is wet.

11-11-2015, 07:53 PM
Honestly, what he said wasn't all that pro-illegals. Yeah, there was Kasich, who was blatant, but Jeb just said 8t was important to be having the talk, and that the way it's being discussed is tactically bad

He's right. The Dems are totally going to spend 2016 calling conservatives racists again, and the immigration rhetoric is going to be their highlight reel. I mean, seriously, in other news, water is wet.

Thats all the Dems have left....most folks understand this....and the indoctrinated Politically brain damaged will always remain the same...

Just an Opinion:
Kasich - the Red Bull in the China shop. Desperate.

Bush - nada, done, no saving.

Paul - made some good points, but, past comments haunt him.

Trump - confident, didn't delve too deep into details. Thinks The People get it.

Rubio - sharp, but, lost me at wanting a "no fly zone" = war.

Cruz - sharp, connects the dots quick, an excellent debater, would shred Hillary.

Fiorina - smart, but history of losses hurts her.

Carson - usual calm, logical, but, didn't stand out in this debate.

Black Diamond
11-11-2015, 08:24 PM
Kasich seems like a whiner. Even his body language during the debate shouted whiner to me.

Veep candidate. We need Ohio