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View Full Version : Students across U.S. to march over debt, free public college

11-12-2015, 11:24 AM
These folks feeling entitled to everything is sickening. No debt, free education and then a pay raise?



(Reuters) - Students were set to walk out of classrooms across the United States on Thursday to protest ballooning student loan debt for higher education and rally for tuition-free public colleges and a minimum wage hike for campus workers.

The demonstrations are planned just two days after thousands of fast-food workers took to the streets in a nationwide day of action pushing for a $15-an-hour minimum wage and union rights for the industry.

Events for Thursday's protests, dubbed the Million Student March, have been planned at colleges and universities from Los Angeles to New York. Thousands of people signed up to attend on Facebook groups, though it remained to be seen how many would ultimately participate.

"Education should be free. The United States is the richest country in the world, yet students have to take on crippling debt in order to get a college education," the movement's organizers said in a statement on their website.

Organizers are demanding tuition-free public colleges, a cancellation of all student debt and a $15-an-hour minimum wage for campus workers.


Christie Brinkley
11-12-2015, 11:26 AM
These idiots want everything and anything for free... how about work.

11-12-2015, 11:27 AM
These folks feeling entitled to everything is sickening. No debt, free education and then a pay raise?



(Reuters) - Students were set to walk out of classrooms across the United States on Thursday to protest ballooning student loan debt for higher education and rally for tuition-free public colleges and a minimum wage hike for campus workers.

The demonstrations are planned just two days after thousands of fast-food workers took to the streets in a nationwide day of action pushing for a $15-an-hour minimum wage and union rights for the industry.

Events for Thursday's protests, dubbed the Million Student March, have been planned at colleges and universities from Los Angeles to New York. Thousands of people signed up to attend on Facebook groups, though it remained to be seen how many would ultimately participate.

"Education should be free. The United States is the richest country in the world, yet students have to take on crippling debt in order to get a college education," the movement's organizers said in a statement on their website.

Organizers are demanding tuition-free public colleges, a cancellation of all student debt and a $15-an-hour minimum wage for campus workers.


I hate ungrateful punks.

11-12-2015, 11:29 AM
These idiots want everything and anything for free... how about work.

No kidding. All of these illegals are a direct result of these lame butts thinking they're too good to work.

11-12-2015, 11:29 AM
These idiots want everything and anything for free... how about work.

They already want others to do that for them too - where do they think the money comes from for the pay raises, free schooling and dropping all debt?

When I was younger I wasn't always fond of paying my bills, nor working. But I KNEW there was going to be shit hitting the fan if I didn't pay a bill, never once did I even think of getting it for free, or someone else paying for it. And I KNEW damn well that if I didn't work, I didn't have any money in my pocket, that was just common sense. I wish I had known back then that I was "entitled" to everything I wanted. :dunno:

Christie Brinkley
11-12-2015, 11:32 AM
They already want others to do that for them too - where do they think the money comes from for the pay raises, free schooling and dropping all debt?

When I was younger I wasn't always fond of paying my bills, nor working. But I KNEW there was going to be shit hitting the fan if I didn't pay a bill, never once did I even think of getting it for free, or someone else paying for it. And I KNEW damn well that if I didn't work, I didn't have any money in my pocket, that was just common sense. I wish I had known back then that I was "entitled" to everything I wanted. :dunno:
Students don't have the first idea about economics. They do not know how expensive it is for small businesses to pay staff so much. They hate wealth and prosperity BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE IT.

11-12-2015, 11:35 AM
They already want others to do that for them too - where do they think the money comes from for the pay raises, free schooling and dropping all debt?

When I was younger I wasn't always fond of paying my bills, nor working. But I KNEW there was going to be shit hitting the fan if I didn't pay a bill, never once did I even think of getting it for free, or someone else paying for it. And I KNEW damn well that if I didn't work, I didn't have any money in my pocket, that was just common sense. I wish I had known back then that I was "entitled" to everything I wanted. :dunno:

I used to drag a lawn mower and gas can through base housing every Saturday. My first legit job was pumping gas at a full service station where you checked EVERYTHING on the car. Think I got $2.15 an hour for that.

And we don't even want to get into how well the Marine Corps paid. I was making more money as a bouncer.

Go out and get a damned job and quit whining. These people take for granted what they've been given but won't work for it.

11-12-2015, 11:55 AM
I used to drag a lawn mower and gas can through base housing every Saturday. My first legit job was pumping gas at a full service station where you checked EVERYTHING on the car. Think I got $2.15 an hour for that.

And we don't even want to get into how well the Marine Corps paid. I was making more money as a bouncer.

Go out and get a damned job and quit whining. These people take for granted what they've been given but won't work for it.

That's funny, I did too. I used to walk the neighborhood with our lawn mower and knock on doors looking to mow the lawns. I think most did it because they felt bad for me, but the pay wasn't too great. But even at 12-15 years old I was learning that if you wanted to earn some money, you had to do something to earn it. I took a job taking out some fat ladies garbage 2x a week when I was a kid, made like $4 or 5 bucks per week. That was the first boss I ever hated I think.

11-12-2015, 12:04 PM
That's funny, I did too. I used to walk the neighborhood with our lawn mower and knock on doors looking to mow the lawns. I think most did it because they felt bad for me, but the pay wasn't too great. But even at 12-15 years old I was learning that if you wanted to earn some money, you had to do something to earn it. I took a job taking out some fat ladies garbage 2x a week when I was a kid, made like $4 or 5 bucks per week. That was the first boss I ever hated I think.

I got $5 a lawn. And that included trimming. Thing is I got over because I had a captive audience. If your lawn was jacked up when the base inspector came around, you got written up. So if you didn't want to mow your own lawn, Gunny was right there with his mower and gas can. :laugh2: Had to mow OUR lawn first, and pay for my own damned gas. My dad is a bigger prick than I am.

But I get tired of these whiny sh*ts crying about dumb sh*t. Like Halloween costumes at Yale. Give me a f*cking break. The 1st Amendment isn't a one way street. Did you see that crap with a professor in communications no less trying to get a reporter bullied? I've seen it 3-4 times and STILL can't believe it.

11-12-2015, 12:06 PM
And I REALLY feel sorry for Wiccan being green and flying around on a broom n stuff. She ain't got a chance. :laugh:

11-12-2015, 12:10 PM
I use to work in the for the UK student loans, over recent years our system has started to buckle. How exactly is the system financed in the states?

11-12-2015, 12:16 PM
I use to work in the for the UK student loans, over recent years our system has started to buckle. How exactly is the system financed in the states?

Government pays the loans in advance, then student pays back after college in any number of years, I've seen from 3-20 years. If it's too costly, they should shop around and go to a more affordable college, not demand the government just forgive the loan. SOMEONE is paying for these things somewhere.

11-12-2015, 12:19 PM
I use to work in the for the UK student loans, over recent years our system has started to buckle. How exactly is the system financed in the states?

Student loans? I went to a college called Marine Corp Recruit Depot San Diego. All expenses were paid.

Student loans ARE a problem here but I'm not much up on them. From what I can tell, you end up paying those off for years and years.

It's a shell game. Obama wants to give out free tickets to college but who is going to pay for it? The taxpayers. The people who go out and work and earn something. While lame-asses like punks at the University of Missouri and Yale get a free ride on our dime. Screw THAT.

11-12-2015, 01:23 PM
A bunch of children are whining that they should be given everything, shouldn't have to work for it, and someone else should pay for what they are receiving? And they are screaming, breaking things, and saying they won't stop until they get their way?

This is news?

Children always do that.

Spank them, explain to them why they are being spanked, and send them on their way.

What's the problem?

11-12-2015, 02:47 PM
I hate ungrateful pukes.

Fixes it Bro

11-12-2015, 03:46 PM
And I REALLY feel sorry for Wiccan being green and flying around on a broom n stuff. She ain't got a chance. :laugh:

:laugh::laugh::laugh: !!

11-12-2015, 03:47 PM
Back when I was a kid in Massachusetts the state had a program called SECA or something like that. If your family was low income it qualified your employer to get reimbursed for 1/2 your pay. My family didn't qualify so I could never find employment- all the jobs went to the SECA kids. That was my first lesson how GovCo sucks.

Never made any money cutting lawns- everyone did it themselves where I lived. My grandfather would pay me a few bucks for helping him at his cabin on weekends and I did a lot of work for him when I was 13, 14, 15. I learned a lot from him: gardening, composting, splitting rock, painting, plumbing repair, roofing...

Once I turned 16 and got my driver's license my big break came. A friend's mom set us up moving furniture with her old Chevy pickup, for $24/ hour. I drove, his mom advertised, scheduled the moves, paid the expenses, and the three of us split it evenly three ways. That was great money back then.

11-12-2015, 06:04 PM
Government pays the loans in advance, then student pays back after college in any number of years, I've seen from 3-20 years. If it's too costly, they should shop around and go to a more affordable college, not demand the government just forgive the loan. SOMEONE is paying for these things somewhere.

Can you clarify the bold parts - If the gov pays in advance, how it any one college 'too much'?

11-12-2015, 06:41 PM
Can you clarify the bold parts - If the gov pays in advance, how it any one college 'too much'?

You tell me, as many now want debt relief since they have trouble paying back their school debts. If I go to a local community college, it would be like $3k per semester. If I go to a great university, it may be as much as $40k. Also, not everyone qualifies for loans for the entire amount.

But folks choose where they go to school to get their education. But they also created a contract to pay back the money they borrowed. They shouldn't get a free pass on their debt just because times are tough. Hell, the times are tough for everyone!

11-12-2015, 08:15 PM
Of course, the students will complain about debt, and paying for college...they were taught (Liberally), that everything they THINK they deserve...should be free because Government should pay for everything. What they will never understand is WHERE, and WHO the funds will come from to give them all those FREEBIES...other than from their parents for all the BEER BONGS, and FREE PARTIES.

They have no concepts about how economics has a PRICE.

11-12-2015, 08:57 PM
I use to work in the for the UK student loans, over recent years our system has started to buckle. How exactly is the system financed in the states?

Through a giant Ponzi scheme called "Sallie Mae". The idea is to "give" a college education to some kids that seems free at first, but actually comes with a lifetime of debt, while at the same time astronomically driving up the cost of college for everyone else. Politicians created this mostly to use a a 10-second talking point during debates.

Abbey Marie
11-12-2015, 09:36 PM
Everything people are protesting about these days, student or otherwise, is a direct result of Obama making statements that give them a feeling of discontent and entitlement.

Just another service brought to you by the WORST. PRESIDENT. EVER.

11-12-2015, 11:39 PM
Neil Cavuto asks: Who's gonna pay?



11-13-2015, 12:04 AM
Neil Cavuto asks: Who's gonna pay?



They need to go back to high school and learn simple mathematics.

Black Diamond
11-13-2015, 12:09 AM
How about this? Join the military. When you're out, college is paid.

11-13-2015, 12:35 AM
Can you clarify the bold parts - If the gov pays in advance, how it any one college 'too much'?

Government does not pay in advance. Students take loans through Sallie Mae or other banks and some are subsidized (interest paid by the Federal government) and some are not. But the amounts depend on the tuition at any particular college.

11-13-2015, 02:40 AM
Can you clarify the bold parts - If the gov pays in advance, how it any one college 'too much'?

Colleges, even state universities here, are essentially private companies, and can decide their own pricing. How does this effect loans? Well basically, since there's no regulation on the pricing for colleges, and from their perspective theyre charging the government, the price of colleges here has SKYROCKETED, far, FAR in excess of inflation.

11-13-2015, 08:11 AM
Through a giant Ponzi scheme called "Sallie Mae". The idea is to "give" a college education to some kids that seems free at first, but actually comes with a lifetime of debt, while at the same time astronomically driving up the cost of college for everyone else. Politicians created this mostly to use a a 10-second talking point during debates.

Not exactly. Like any other government program it starts out doing something nice, usually for the middle class, and then it turns into a nightmare of unintended consequences.

Colleges, even state universities here, are essentially private companies, and can decide their own pricing. How does this effect loans? Well basically, since there's no regulation on the pricing for colleges, and from their perspective theyre charging the government, the price of colleges here has SKYROCKETED, far, FAR in excess of inflation.

Not exactly, state universities are beholden to the states, regulated as it were, in how they handle tuition increases, but extra cash thrown at students ultimately finds its way to universities who have no market pressure to keep prices in line with reality. It's not the lack of regulation on pricing that causes increases, it's the lack of a truly free market in higher education.

11-13-2015, 09:18 AM
Have the 1% pay for everything?????

Tax the 1% at 90%????????

Some people just need :leather:

Black Diamond
11-13-2015, 09:20 AM
Have the 1% pay for everything?????

Tax the 1% at 90%????????

Some people just need :leather:

Just think. These ass wipes will be the people taking care of us.

11-13-2015, 09:21 AM
Just think. These ass wipes will be the people taking care of us.

Well, when that time comes, they can tax THEIR money at 90% to take care of me. :)

11-13-2015, 09:23 AM
Well, when that time comes, they can tax THEIR money at 90% to take care of me. :)

I think they need to just march off a cliff. At least I have my daughter who is a chip off the old block. :laugh:

Abbey Marie
11-13-2015, 12:52 PM
They need to go back to high school and learn simple mathematics.

They need to go back to childhood and be re-parented.

11-13-2015, 01:28 PM
They need to go back to childhood and be re-parented.

You know I got put on restriction for a week because my mom caught my GI Joe was shooting college protesters on the White House lawn. :laugh2:

Had a .30 Browning on a tripod, two cans of ammo, and the goofy blonde Gi Joe Squid loading.

11-13-2015, 03:57 PM
Colleges are pushing the "college experience" and parents and students are falling for it.

I have two in college right now and another one starting next year. We recently went for a college visit where we were told students who stay on campus are happier, smarter, blah blah blah. My senior looked at me and said mom "the tuition is lower than the room and board, why would someone want to live on campus?"

He's such a smart kid :2up:

Kids are coming out with useless degrees and the vast majority of their loans are for housing. But it must be someone else's fault that they chose a degree in music history are $80,000 in debt and can't find a job. :lame2:

11-13-2015, 08:31 PM
today college is a total waste of time and money

11-13-2015, 09:26 PM
These are certainly troubling times. The Mizzou protesters are having a fit that the Paris attacks are taking the spotlight off their cause.


11-13-2015, 09:42 PM
These are certainly troubling times. The Mizzou protesters are having a fit that the Paris attacks are taking the spotlight off their cause.


cause dey ain't got a leg to stand on

11-13-2015, 09:54 PM
These are certainly troubling times. The Mizzou protesters are having a fit that the Paris attacks are taking the spotlight off their cause.


Maybe we should give them to ISIS. They'd fit in better there.