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View Full Version : ``Who are these people who live in guilt and victim-hood all day? ``

11-13-2015, 10:27 PM
*Something I found that I like......

​"I am not wired that way. I am wired to beat you. I will use every advantage I have to do so. I don't want a fair game, I want victory. Even the lion picks the easy prey but his will still take down the biggest muther as well. I don't feel guilty when I win and I dont feel like a victim when I lose.`
`I want it all, I want everything and I dont feel sorry for your bad choices. I will spike the football, I will strut, I will revel in my conquests. I will enjoy the spoils of the battles I wage. If you show weakness I will exploit it. If you try to rob me of my joy,

I will seek to destroy you. I fully expect you to enjoy the <nobr style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'PT Sans', Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px; line-height: 13.6889px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);">rewards (http://www.glocktalk.com/#)</nobr>of your accomplishments. If we can benefit each other, let us do so in peace. If we can be friends, let us make marry. If we can do so in love, let us unite.

​I dont have to care about you pain, I have my own pain. I dont have to care what adversity you have, I have my own.

I dont have to care if it is for the children, I have my family to worry about. If I give, and I will, it should be from my heart, not at the point of a government gun.

If I show compassion it is because I want to, not because you are protesting. If I empathize with you it is because I see the reality of your struggle, not because you wish government to force me to. "