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View Full Version : Most very likely THE Greatest President Ever! Screw Oreilly

11-14-2015, 03:56 AM
I am afraid that there was only 1 REAGAN :salute:


"Our Spirit is back but we haven't re institutionalized it" ~President Ronald Reagan~

And some pin head would like to tarnish the history that is President Ronald Reagan.

He can't even use his pin head imagination with a title for his new book. Oreilly has become a revisionist. Ed Meese wasn't even interviewed for the book. Maybe Orielly should read the Reagan Diaries

http://www.salon.com/2015/11/13/the_real_reason_george_will_is_fuming_at_bill_orei lly_the_fox_newser_told_the_truth_about_ronald_rea gan/

(http://www.salon.com/2015/11/13/the_real_reason_george_will_is_fuming_at_bill_orei lly_the_fox_newser_told_the_truth_about_ronald_rea gan/)

11-14-2015, 07:57 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-14-2015, 09:32 AM
I am afraid that there was only 1 REAGAN :salute:


"Our Spirit is back but we haven't re institutionalized it" ~President Ronald Reagan~

And some pin head would like to tarnish the history that is President Ronald Reagan.

He can't even use his pin head imagination with a title for his new book. Oreilly has become a revisionist. Ed Meese wasn't even interviewed for the book. Maybe Orielly should read the Reagan Diaries

http://www.salon.com/2015/11/13/the_real_reason_george_will_is_fuming_at_bill_orei lly_the_fox_newser_told_the_truth_about_ronald_rea gan/

(http://www.salon.com/2015/11/13/the_real_reason_george_will_is_fuming_at_bill_orei lly_the_fox_newser_told_the_truth_about_ronald_rea gan/)

Reagan takes fourth place --Behind number 1. George Washington, number 2. Thomas Jefferson 3. James Monroe.....

1. George Washington

2. Thomas Jefferson

3.James Monroe

4. Ronald Reagan

5. Andrew Jackson

However, in the list of modern presidents , none even come close to Reagan!!!!!! -:beer: -Tyr

11-14-2015, 10:43 AM
I liked Reagan but he wasn't all that good. He hosed the military bigtime.

It intrigues me all the people that fawn over rhetoric instead of looking at substance. It's happening now. Who looks good on TV vs who doesn't. Reagan was an actor and he played his role. And people STILL love him. His VP was a better president than he was. But George the First is boring. Just like his son is now.

We started electing rock stars with JFK. And it started with these damned debates. You'd think the GOP might have learned something since 1960.

11-14-2015, 10:45 AM
Reagan takes fourth place --Behind number 1. George Washington, number 2. Thomas Jefferson 3. James Monroe.....

1. George Washington

2. Thomas Jefferson

3.James Monroe

4. Ronald Reagan

5. Andrew Jackson

However, in the list of modern presidents , none even come close to Reagan!!!!!! -:beer: -Tyr

Everyone on your list BUT Reagan is a redneck. You left out Teddy. :slap:

Black Diamond
11-14-2015, 11:21 AM
I liked Reagan but he wasn't all that good. He hosed the military bigtime.

It intrigues me all the people that fawn over rhetoric instead of looking at substance. It's happening now. Who looks good on TV vs who doesn't. Reagan was an actor and he played his role. And people STILL love him. His VP was a better president than he was. But George the First is boring. Just like his son is now.

We started electing rock stars with JFK. And it started with these damned debates. You'd think the GOP might have learned something since 1960.

Force your candidate to wear makeup :cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-14-2015, 06:58 PM
Everyone on your list BUT Reagan is a redneck. You left out Teddy. :slap: