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View Full Version : WOW -- Holm defeats Rousey!

11-15-2015, 12:56 AM
Screw pay-per-view. My daughter and I watched a live stream of the Holly Holm kicking the crap out of Rhonda Rousey. By knockout in the opening minute of the second round. Rousey was never in it. Holm was on her from the beginning. She tagged Rousey in the second round, then put her down with a head kick.

11-15-2015, 10:26 AM
http://www.glocktalk.com/proxy.php?image=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FzJ7UC6D .png&hash=85af782a0659c9f36e6f289b0ef47ae3

11-15-2015, 10:28 AM
Screw pay-per-view. My daughter and I watched a live stream of the Holly Holm kicking the crap out of Rhonda Rousey. By knockout in the opening minute of the second round. Rousey was never in it. Holm was on her from the beginning. She tagged Rousey in the second round, then put her down with a head kick.

There's no "wow". Rousey is predictable. Bumrush and Judo submission hold. Holm is a standup fighter, and big and strong and fast enough and has EXCELLENT kicking skills, and she had reach. She went in and played HER game, not Rousey's. Rousey is a one trick pony.

And I mean no offense to her. Lot of blood, sweat n tears goes into being a fighter. But I said several years ago a good stand up fighter would take her out.

And the media just couldn't help themselves. Dana White was backpedaling and Joe Rogan probably needed two crying towels. They've been up Rousey's butt for a few years. But they were already doing the subliminal rematch hints and comparing Holm to Buster Douglas. I say give the woman her due and her time in the spotlight. She flat kicked Rousey's ass.

11-15-2015, 10:41 AM
Not sure who decided it was a good idea for her to go toe to toe with a kickboxer. She wasn't going to win this unless it went to the ground and pound. That was a brutal kick to the face to end things!

11-15-2015, 10:44 AM
"Ronda Rousey Eerily Predicted How She Would Lose"

"If Ronda Rousey doesn't regain her UFC title one day, she might want to try soothsaying for a career"


11-15-2015, 10:47 AM
Not sure who decided it was a good idea for her to go toe to toe with a kickboxer. She wasn't going to win this unless it went to the ground and pound. That was a brutal kick to the face to end things!

You DON'T go toe to toe with a kickboxer. THAT is actually what I did. They didn't have MMA in MY heyday. You go toe to toe with a kickboxer that has reach on you, it's not fun. And that was a perfectly executed left round kick to head that ended things.

Funny (to me anyway) note: She's from ABQ. Never heard of her. Now everyone here's a karate expert and she could run for mayor. :laugh:

11-15-2015, 10:49 AM
I like how she says "she wants to make me impatient and then kick me in the head" and that's exactly what happened. You could see the frustration in her face as she continued to charge at Holly, but it didn't matter. I'd say she should have went for the take down much more, but I honestly don't know Holly's defensive techniques and how easy/hard it would have been. She's obviously the real deal with her long history.

11-15-2015, 10:53 AM
I like how she says "she wants to make me impatient and then kick me in the head" and that's exactly what happened. You could see the frustration in her face as she continued to charge at Holly, but it didn't matter. I'd say she should have went for the take down much more, but I honestly don't know Holly's defensive techniques and how easy/hard it would have been. She's obviously the real deal with her long history.

Exactly like she "predicted" unknowingly...at the time...

11-15-2015, 11:05 AM
I like how she says "she wants to make me impatient and then kick me in the head" and that's exactly what happened. You could see the frustration in her face as she continued to charge at Holly, but it didn't matter. I'd say she should have went for the take down much more, but I honestly don't know Holly's defensive techniques and how easy/hard it would have been. She's obviously the real deal with her long history.

Sure. She kept going for the quick takedown. It's worked for her every time. The one time she got Holm in a takedown, Holm reversed it.

Holm actually has a boxing championship. You don't fight a boxer's fight if you're a wrestler. My best guess is Rousey started believing her own hype. Thought no one could beat her. If I can get in your head, you already lost.

And I'm not just picking on Rousey. She DID need comeuppance. But how much of her persona is act and how much is real I don't know. EVERYONE hated Muhammed Ali in the 60s. And he was mostly act. Makes people pay to see him lose. So, who knows with Rousey? Hard to tell where the hype begins and ends.

I just wasn't real cool with the way Rogan and White acted about it. It was like, did you just miss that right elbow to face? Or was it the left roundkick to the head? Their girl got her ass beat. I bet Rogan peed himself.

11-15-2015, 12:01 PM
You guys are so totally correct. That video clip is amazing as well.
My friend in England began kick boxing to get back into shape after having her first child. Her trainer said the basic strategy for a kick boxer with strong legs is to lure an opponent into lunging at you and then kick then in the side of the head. I didn't think about that until I read Gunny's comments.

What I thought was most interesting was that Rousey toured the world in the time leading up to the fight, doing interviews and appearances. Holm basically said and did nothing.
Which strategy worked best? :cool:

11-15-2015, 12:19 PM
You guys are so totally correct. That video clip is amazing as well.
My friend in England began kick boxing to get back into shape after having her first child. Her trainer said the basic strategy for a kick boxer with strong legs is to lure an opponent into lunging at you and then kick then in the side of the head. I didn't think about that until I read Gunny's comments.

What I thought was most interesting was that Rousey toured the world in the time leading up to the fight, doing interviews and appearances. Holm basically said and did nothing.
Which strategy worked best? :cool:

I live in ABQ and never heard of her.

Depends on your kicking style how you lure someone in. I can kick over most people's heads. Most people cannot. Most kickboxers go for a round kick to the ribs or a shin kick. What I notice most of these people not doing is going to the body. If I can bust up your ribs in boring fashion, consider it done. If I can screw up your ability to move with shin kicks and foot stomps, consider it done. If you can't breathe or walk, you're not going anywhere. And any fool tries to kick ME in the head is going to have a hurt leg. That kick to the head was a finishing shot. As it should be. I'm not putting my leg above your lower ribs unless you're going down.

And if I can nail you in the face with an elbow? Think I've been arrested for that one.

As far as hype strategy goes, as I mentioned above, Rousey could just be playing heel to bring in the money. I'm not sure how MMA works, but back in the day, the fighters got a percentage of the gate. The more people you draw in, the more you make. I really don't know a lot about her because watching women act like men doesn't really entertain me. I just know she plays the heel, If she's actually THAT mean in real life, she needs a therapist. I'd bet most is propaganda to make $.

Fight strategy? Holm won. She fought her fight.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-15-2015, 02:40 PM
Great news for me. I bet 25 bucks that Rousey would lose !!!!
Folks, there is a reason this same fighter beat her ass last time they fought.
I knew to bet on the previous winner and it paid off.
Experience- personal, nobody I ever defeated came back the second time and took me out.
A few tried but no dice, thus I went with my gut and own past experiences despite all the hype about how Rousey was going to demolish her.
Fighting is fighting , with or without rules...

11-15-2015, 02:56 PM
UFC's Dana White: I wouldn't expect Ronda Rousey back any time soon



11-15-2015, 04:00 PM
https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/12227708_907502822671939_2936601813499153960_n.jpg ?oh=ee9e491e8ab2e66bdb5bc92753443abc&oe=56AC5F9D

11-15-2015, 04:14 PM
Cant win em all......

11-15-2015, 04:23 PM
https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/12227708_907502822671939_2936601813499153960_n.jpg ?oh=ee9e491e8ab2e66bdb5bc92753443abc&oe=56AC5F9D

Join the club. I paid once to watch a 80 second Mike Tyson fight Was closed circuit back then and we had to go to the Freeman Coliseum. Never again. Lesson learned. And I had cheap tickets through military special services.

11-15-2015, 04:36 PM
Cant win em all......

No, you can't. I used to HATE this Korean f*cker. Ass was 6'6" and I spent more energy trying to get inside his reach than anything else. And when you're on a mat, there's no cage nor ropes to trap them in. Dude used to whip my ass every day until U caught him with a right. We were actually friends though.

These pro's are at a whole different level. You never know who is who because it's as much about money as it is ability. From what I hear, Rousey got her jaw broke. How apropos for a loudmouth. :laugh:

But no, you'll never win them all and it wouldn't be much of a sport if you did.

11-15-2015, 04:42 PM
Wonder how much it would cost to send Holm to the White House? She could either teach O-blah-blah how to fight or break his his damned jaw. I'd be rooting for the latter. I'm sick of his ass on my tv, spewing words and saying nothing.

11-15-2015, 04:54 PM
Another thing I noticed in the prelims was a southpaw squaring up to a right hander. No, no and NO. You stay outside their left foot and take away half their power.

Black Diamond
11-15-2015, 04:56 PM
Another thing I noticed in the prelims was a southpaw squaring up to a right hander. No, no and NO. You stay outside their left foot and take away half their power.

Southpaw nothin'. I'll drop him in 3.

11-15-2015, 06:01 PM
Southpaw nothin'. I'll drop him in 3.

Not me you won't. I'm a chess player. Also ambidextrous but left hand dominant. And I know how to use it. And I got an attitude. That bonehead last night would have made it about half a round with me.

I wonder about this in a LOT of sports though. Whatever happened to the fundamentals of the game(s)? If you don't know your basics you ain't on my damned team. I think one of my most favorite compliments EVER was a Marine Sgt that said"if I don't pick Gunny, he'll bury our asses with a 3 pointer on the last shot.

Holm knew her fundamentals. Rousey knows one martial art and has tried to acquire some others mixing them. Hence, MMA. But you have to be able to look in the mirror and know what your weaknesses are and be able to find something to cover them up. Arrogant people think they can't be beat. Some honest introspection always works. I ain't walking in and rolling around on the floor playing your game on your battlefield. I have 3 black belts and I STULL ain't wrestling with a judo queen. She'd kick my ass. SO you can bet the elbows, knees and roundhouse are coming.

I was just surprised that Holm reversed the take down. I figured if Rousey got her down it was a done deal. Obviously some studied her opponent.

Black Diamond
11-15-2015, 06:19 PM
Not me you won't. I'm a chess player. Also ambidextrous but left hand dominant. And I know how to use it. And I got an attitude. That bonehead last night would have made it about half a round with me.

I wonder about this in a LOT of sports though. Whatever happened to the fundamentals of the game(s)? If you don't know your basics you ain't on my damned team. I think one of my most favorite compliments EVER was a Marine Sgt that said"if I don't pick Gunny, he'll bury our asses with a 3 pointer on the last shot.

Holm knew her fundamentals. Rousey knows one martial art and has tried to acquire some others mixing them. Hence, MMA. But you have to be able to look in the mirror and know what your weaknesses are and be able to find something to cover them up. Arrogant people think they can't be beat. Some honest introspection always works. I ain't walking in and rolling around on the floor playing your game on your battlefield. I have 3 black belts and I STULL ain't wrestling with a judo queen. She'd kick my ass. SO you can bet the elbows, knees and roundhouse are coming.

I was just surprised that Holm reversed the take down. I figured if Rousey got her down it was a done deal. Obviously some studied her opponent.

Lol. It's what Apollo Creed says about Rocky.

11-15-2015, 06:48 PM
Lol. It's what Apollo Creed says about Rocky.

Rocky would never have won without a script. Stallone used the 29 Palms Drum and Bugle Corps in Rocky III. I actually got close enough to realize he's a 5'6" crock. Mr T was smaller than me.

Art imitates life. You can hit me as hard you want. I've had poolsticks broken on my face and got the scars to prove it. Had it put through a windshield. All I did was get pissed. And that was before Rocky. I have every one one of the movies. I just don't want to be his friend. Longevity doesn't seem to work too well for his friends unless you're a fat little alcoholic bum.:laugh:

11-15-2015, 10:27 PM
You guys have some intriguing fantasies. :p

11-16-2015, 01:47 AM
FYI.....:thumb:~ "UFC champ Ronda Rousey endorses Bernie Sanders for president" ~

"Mixed martial arts' Ronda Rousey's mind may be focused on her upcoming bout but she has already weighed in on the 2016 presidential race (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/us_presidential_election_2016/index.html) ahead of her weigh in for a fight on Saturday.
The undefeated UFC champion, 28, has said that she is supporting Vermont's senator Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination and the White House."


11-16-2015, 02:22 AM
You guys have some intriguing fantasies. :p

Yours are worse. You're a Dem, right?

SOme of us live a life a person like you could never understand. I fight. That's what I'm good at But I srick to my damned stuff. You don't see me telling tyr how to write poems, do you> And I sure as Hell ain't in a quite a few forums on this board. A lesson YOU could learn. You're always running your mouth about shit you know nothing about. I'm smart enough to keep mine closed. I might pick at some of the people I know, but you get off your meds, open your mouth about something you know nothing about, like politics, and take some snide shot.

Just because YOU are a fraud doesn't mean we all are.

11-18-2015, 03:47 PM
I just noticed. The place I was thinking about going back and trying to train is where Holly Holm trains. Great. I can get my ass kicked by a chick every day. :laugh:

11-18-2015, 04:24 PM
Great. I can get my ass kicked by a chick every day. :laugh:

If you were married, you would be used to this. Ask Jim. :cool:

11-18-2015, 04:58 PM
No, you can't. I used to HATE this Korean f*cker. Ass was 6'6" and I spent more energy trying to get inside his reach than anything else. .


11-18-2015, 06:59 PM

11-19-2015, 10:41 AM
If you were married, you would be used to this. Ask Jim. :cool:

Been married twice. More than one way to kick an ass. But I don't hang with women that can actually beat me up. And it was a joke. She's a bantamweight. I'm a heavyweight. I'd never even have to fight her. I just thought it was humorous because I told my GF a week before the Holm Rousey fight I was thinking about checking out this gym a few blocks away. Turns out it's Holm's gym. I might still look but I'm a tad bit old for MMA. I know traditional Asian martial arts and used to kickbox. That rolling on the mat with another dude for 3 5 minute rounds doesn't exactly get me going.

11-19-2015, 10:44 AM

I'm surprised he didn't break down and cry. He's been Rousey's pimp for a few years. I give White credit for taking the UFC from gutter fighting to actually having rules, but he needs to notch back a few clicks on the hype machine.

11-19-2015, 10:53 AM
Joe Rogan's response to the knockout


11-19-2015, 10:59 AM
Joe Rogan's response to the knockout


I was trying to avoid mentioning HIM again. :laugh: Might as well have castrated him with a butterknife. He'd have been in less pain. :laugh:

11-19-2015, 11:01 AM
I was trying to avoid mentioning HIM again. :laugh: Might as well have castrated him with a butterknife. He'd have been in less pain. :laugh:

I like him though. I think he's a good announcer for MMA events, he knows his shit. He's also a very funny bastard!! Ever see him do his standup?

11-19-2015, 11:11 AM
I like him though. I think he's a good announcer for MMA events, he knows his shit. He's also a very funny bastard!! Ever see him do his standup?

Uhhhh ..... maybe. I know he and White took MMA out of the gutter. It used to be walking idiot bullies like Tank Abbott. I do NOT like their obvious bias. I KNOW I've beat guys on the mat and in the ring and STILL lost because I wasn't the popular guy (go figure :laugh:). White and Rogan have ridden Rousey for all she's worth for a few years, AND she was declared immediately eligible for a rematch.

11-19-2015, 01:58 PM
Regardless of who won, I am proud that there are some women out there who can fight! I really think if I had come of age during this time, I would have been interested in MMA.

11-19-2015, 02:05 PM
Regardless of who won, I am proud that there are some women out there who can fight! I really think if I had come of age during this time, I would have been interested in MMA.

We'll have to disagree on this one. I like women. I don't like ones that are a better man than me. I've known my share. It's a turn off. If that's what they want to do, fine. Power to 'em. Just not my thing.

11-19-2015, 03:02 PM
We'll have to disagree on this one. I like women. I don't like ones that are a better man than me. I've known my share. It's a turn off. If that's what they want to do, fine. Power to 'em. Just not my thing.

Gunny, I'm five feet tall. I doubt I could ever be a better man than you, lol. Besides, we women have easier ways to control men! :)

07-23-2016, 07:25 PM
I'm glad I hurt my ribs and had to lay off awhile. I went to Jackson's and the tour and everything.

Last night I actually saw the fight. No thanks. Working out is supposed to HELP your self esteem, not get your ass kicked by a girl. That was one wicked round kick to Rousey's head.