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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-17-2015, 08:42 PM

Russia Pounds ISIS With Biggest Bomber Raid in Decades

Putin’s air force just uses its nuclear bombers to lay waste to the captial of the “Islamic State.”
The Russian air force just pulled off one of the biggest and most complex heavy bomber missions in modern history—sending no fewer than 25 Backfire, Bear, and Blackjack bombers on a coordinated, long-range air raid against alleged ISIS forces in Syria.

The Tuesday mission, which launched under the cover of darkness from a base in Ossetia in southern Russia, signaled a significant escalation of Moscow’s air war in Syria—and heralded the rebirth of Russian heavy bomber squadrons that once had withered from a lack of funding.

Gen. Valery Gerasimov, chief of Russia’s general staff, announced the raid on Tuesday, calling it part of “a new plan [for] the air campaign.”

“During a massive airstrike today, 14 important ISIL targets were destroyed by 34 air-launched cruise missiles,” Gerasimov said, using an alternative acronym for the terror army. “The targets destroyed include command posts that were used to coordinate ISIL activities in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo, munition and supply depots in the northwestern part of Syria.”

Idlib and Aleppo are not ISIS strongholds. Indeed, U.S.-backed rebels hold much of both provinces. Russia has maintained all along that its roughly six-week-old intervention in Syria is aimed at defeating ISIS, but in fact many Russian air and missile strikes have hit rebel groups that oppose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and ISIS.
Russian officials notified U.S. planners at a coalition headquarters in Qatar before the strike, Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said. It was the first time the Russians and Americans have put into action an October agreement to coordinate their countries' respective operations in Syria.
The raid came of the same day that Kremlin officials publicly announced that a “terrorist act” brought down Russian Metrojet 9268 last month over the Sinai Peninsula. ISIS has since taken credit for the attack.

The Russian defense ministry released a video depicting three types of bombers arming, taking off, dropping munitions and then returning to base, escorted along their flight paths by Su-27 fighters.

The swing-wing, jet-propelled Tu-22M Backfires apparently carried unguided “dumb” bombs. The videos depicts airmen loading clusters of cruise missiles in the bomb bays of the propeller-driven Tu-95 Bears and the huge, swing-wing Tu-160 Blackjack jets, which at 177 feet long are the biggest combat planes ever built.

All three models of bomber can fly thousands of miles while hauling no less than 20 tons of weaponry. Only China and the United States possess similar heavy warplanes.

Launching 25 bombers on one mission is an impressive undertaking. Russia possesses just 70 Backfires, 58 Bears and 13 Blackjacks. The 14 Backfires, six Bears, and five Blackjacks that reportedly struck Syria represent a significant proportion of the overall fleet. The massive raid is evidence of improving readiness on the part of the Russian air force, which in the 1990s and early 2000s grounded most of its aircraft because it couldn’t afford to fuel them or pay their pilots.

By comparison, on any given day 57 of the U.S. Air Force's 77 B-52s, 35 of its 60 B-1s and nine of its 20 B-2 stealth bombers are even flyable, according to statistics from 2013.

The Tuesday mission signaled a significant escalation of Moscow’s air war in Syria—and heralded the rebirth of Russian heavy bomber squadrons that once had withered from a lack of funding.
And when they do fly, America’s bombers often sortie alone or in pairs, only rarely coming together in large numbers. Seven B-52s flew together to launch cruise missiles at Iraq in the early hours of Operation Desert Storm in 1991, and a group of eight of the giant warplanes repeated the feat on the first day of Operation Iraqi Freedom in March 2003.

In other words: This Russian attack was “shock and awe”—on steroids.

Russia’s bomber raid was certainly impressive, and has propaganda value in addition to bolstering Moscow’s operations in Syria. When 25 of the planet’s most powerful warplanes attack at the same time, it’s more than a mere air raid. It’s a statement to the whole world.

The Tuesday mission signaled a significant escalation of Moscow’s air war in Syria—and heralded the rebirth of Russian heavy bomber squadrons that once had withered from a lack of funding.
And when they do fly, America’s bombers often sortie alone or in pairs, only rarely coming together in large numbers. Seven B-52s flew together to launch cruise missiles at Iraq in the early hours of Operation Desert Storm in 1991, and a group of eight of the giant warplanes repeated the feat on the first day of Operation Iraqi Freedom in March 2003.

In other words: This Russian attack was “shock and awe”—on steroids.

Russia’s bomber raid was certainly impressive, and has propaganda value in addition to bolstering Moscow’s operations in Syria. When 25 of the planet’s most powerful warplanes attack at the same time, it’s more than a mere air raid. It’s a statement to the whole world.

Does anybody now wonder why the ffing traitor obama is so pissed off now??
Russia is not running a fake war like he is!!!!
They bez killing his stinking muzzy brothers!--Tyr

11-17-2015, 08:53 PM
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-A2Km60-BeW4/UIS9x0_kVeI/AAAAAAAAZwU/CQd5QdL2DD8/s1600/WHEN+BARACK+OBAMA+MET+VLADIMIR+PUTIN.jpg#PUTIN%20S PANKS%20OBAMA%20551x472

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-17-2015, 08:56 PM
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-A2Km60-BeW4/UIS9x0_kVeI/AAAAAAAAZwU/CQd5QdL2DD8/s1600/WHEN+BARACK+OBAMA+MET+VLADIMIR+PUTIN.jpg#PUTIN%20S PANKS%20OBAMA%20551x472

I'd gladly give a hundred bucks to see Putin spit on the lying whimpy bastard...Tyr

11-17-2015, 09:20 PM
Does anybody now wonder why the ffing traitor obama is so pissed off now??
Russia is not running a fake war like he is!!!!
They bez killing his stinking muzzy brothers!--Tyr


Because Obama does not have a clue.

11-17-2015, 09:29 PM

Because Obama does not have a clue.

Much simpler - The USA had no intention to destroy what they had created as a result of their intervention into Iraq in 2003.

11-17-2015, 09:46 PM
Much simpler - The USA had no intention to destroy what they had created as a result of their intervention into Iraq in 2003.

​Naaaaa....You sound like a Leftist Russian....Muslim hate for the western world started long before....You see Balu...the muslim cacaroaches cant stand freedom and a free People...

11-17-2015, 09:58 PM
​Naaaaa....You sound like a Leftist Russian....Muslim hate for the western world started long before....You see Balu...the muslim cacaroaches cant stand freedom and a free People...

Everything was fine with Muslims when you supported them in Kosovo, when you were destroying Yugoslavia to ruins.
Tell me why do you think, that YOUR vision of Freedom and Free People is universal for the Whole World and must be implemented all over the World? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif

11-17-2015, 10:04 PM
Much simpler - The USA had no intention to destroy what they had created as a result of their intervention into Iraq in 2003.

Ridiculous. You're saying that the USA actually APPROVES of what the aftermath of the 2003 invasion brought about ?

Then why were American troops stationed in Iraq, to fight terrorism ?? How come they DID so ?

I read that, Balu, as an insult to every single soldier who died from terrorist action in Iraq post-2003 invasion ! The mess in that area, today, is a result of Obama's decision to withdraw troops long before it made proper sense to do it.

11-17-2015, 10:08 PM
Ridiculous. You're saying that the USA actually APPROVES of what the aftermath of the 2003 invasion brought about ?

Then why were American troops stationed in Iraq, to fight terrorism ?? How come they DID so ?

I read that, Balu, as an insult to every single soldier who died from terrorist action in Iraq post-2003 invasion ! The mess in that area, today, is a result of Obama's decision to withdraw troops long before it made proper sense to do it.


11-17-2015, 10:10 PM
Everything was fine with Muslims when you supported them in Kosovo, when you were destroying Yugoslavia to ruins.
Tell me why do you think, that YOUR vision of Freedom and Free People is universal for the Whole World and must be implemented all over the World? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif

*I didnt support them I got bombed...

​Clinton bombed the wrong people...another appeasing Leftist making a stupid decision...
Take the time to read...and digest before you start Blathering...comrade

"WHY CLINTON BOMBED THE SERBS: An Analysis (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1514131/posts)"


`Kosovo: Clinton bombed the wrong people`

. Everything clinton touched turned to shit.

`If you want to see a place where Christians are outside of the law on their own ancestral land – come to Kosovo. `

Whether Clinton did it to divert attention from a burgeoning sex scandal, or whether it was part of a global anti-Christian campaign by Western liberals with a cultural death-wish, the results for the Kosovo Christians – and all non-Albanians in Kosovo – are the same. -


11-17-2015, 10:18 PM
Ridiculous. You're saying that the USA actually APPROVES of what the aftermath of the 2003 invasion brought about ?

Then why were American troops stationed in Iraq, to fight terrorism ?? How come they DID so ?

I read that, Balu, as an insult to every single soldier who died from terrorist action in Iraq post-2003 invasion ! The mess in that area, today, is a result of Obama's decision to withdraw troops long before it made proper sense to do it.

Before your intervention Iraq and Libya were rather calm and prosperous countries. I would remind you the last words of Qaddafi.

Qaddafi curse comes trueIt's no secret that in Europe the invasion of immigrants becomes catastrophic. Head of security of Great Britain, France and Germany issued a joint statement in which they expressed the need for a speedy settlement of the refugee problem, exploding in Europe. Among the proposed measures - the creation by the end of the year special "hot spots" in Italy and Greece. There migrants (and their main stream goes through these countries) is expected to register and take their fingerprints.


The fact that at the current rate of migration to these martial "hot spots" will soon turn the whole of Europe, chose not to speak, because it is not tolerated. The fact that fingerprinting would help migrants, as dead poultices - too.
In this situation, European politicians do permission traditional Russian question "Who is guilty?".
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius called the policy of Eastern European countries towards migrants "outrageous" and contrary to the values ​​of the European Union.
"When I see that certain countries do not accept the group, I find it outrageous"- He said. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted Hungary, calling it scandalous policy.
"Hungary does not respect European values, European authorities therefore need to seriously discuss this with the Hungarian authorities'- Said Fabius. Hungary had just finished building a fence with barbed wire on the border with Serbia.
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said that"Europe can not fence from migrants new" iron curtain ". They need support, integrate, creating a parallel perspective in the countries from which they come ". He added that Germany's population is aging, and the state should replenish the social system."Without that, in the future we will not be able to pay pensions", - he said. The question that a significant portion of migrants coming from countries of the "third world" is not going to bore the body overwork, preferring to live on social benefits, he walked around the delicately.
Pope Francis sharply condemned crimes against illegal immigrants, noting that they are risking their lives to reach Europe, and urged to pray for them.
The Pontiff said that in recent years a huge number of migrants killed at "their terrible journeys."
Statements on the issue of migrant workers set. But one thing is obvious - nobody really knows what to do with them. Take them to the current quantity and equip Europe will soon be able to. But stop them all an increasing stream - also impossible.
One is forced to recall the recent appeal of Colonel Gaddafi that he had made a few hours before a painful death:
"Now listen, you, the people of NATO! You bomb the wall, do not miss the flow of African migration to Europe, the wall stops the terrorist "Al Qaeda". This wall was Libya. You are destroying it. You - idiots. Thousands of migrants from Africa, with the support of "Al-Qaeda" burn you in hell. And so it is. I never lie. Do not lie and now ".

Gaddafi did not lie - "people from NATO," they are the same idiots who really bombed the country, the former wall to migration to Europe. Now Libya - not a wall of her most recently scattered haughty prosperous population.
However, the American "people from NATO," this neither hot nor cold. Ran is not for them, and to the European "people from NATO." That these really different like an idiot in the current situation can not be called. And this is a completely idiotic suicidal character ...


11-17-2015, 10:45 PM
Before your intervention Iraq and Libya were rather calm and prosperous countries. I would remind you the last words of Qaddafi.

Qaddafi curse comes true

It's no secret that in Europe the invasion of immigrants becomes catastrophic. Head of security of Great Britain, France and Germany issued a joint statement in which they expressed the need for a speedy settlement of the refugee problem, exploding in Europe. Among the proposed measures - the creation by the end of the year special "hot spots" in Italy and Greece. There migrants (and their main stream goes through these countries) is expected to register and take their fingerprints.


The fact that at the current rate of migration to these martial "hot spots" will soon turn the whole of Europe, chose not to speak, because it is not tolerated. The fact that fingerprinting would help migrants, as dead poultices - too.
In this situation, European politicians do permission traditional Russian question "Who is guilty?".
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius called the policy of Eastern European countries towards migrants "outrageous" and contrary to the values ​​of the European Union.
"When I see that certain countries do not accept the group, I find it outrageous"- He said. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted Hungary, calling it scandalous policy.
"Hungary does not respect European values, European authorities therefore need to seriously discuss this with the Hungarian authorities'- Said Fabius. Hungary had just finished building a fence with barbed wire on the border with Serbia.
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said that"Europe can not fence from migrants new" iron curtain ". They need support, integrate, creating a parallel perspective in the countries from which they come ". He added that Germany's population is aging, and the state should replenish the social system."Without that, in the future we will not be able to pay pensions", - he said. The question that a significant portion of migrants coming from countries of the "third world" is not going to bore the body overwork, preferring to live on social benefits, he walked around the delicately.
Pope Francis sharply condemned crimes against illegal immigrants, noting that they are risking their lives to reach Europe, and urged to pray for them.
The Pontiff said that in recent years a huge number of migrants killed at "their terrible journeys."
Statements on the issue of migrant workers set. But one thing is obvious - nobody really knows what to do with them. Take them to the current quantity and equip Europe will soon be able to. But stop them all an increasing stream - also impossible.
One is forced to recall the recent appeal of Colonel Gaddafi that he had made a few hours before a painful death:
"Now listen, you, the people of NATO! You bomb the wall, do not miss the flow of African migration to Europe, the wall stops the terrorist "Al Qaeda". This wall was Libya. You are destroying it. You - idiots. Thousands of migrants from Africa, with the support of "Al-Qaeda" burn you in hell. And so it is. I never lie. Do not lie and now ".

Gaddafi did not lie - "people from NATO," they are the same idiots who really bombed the country, the former wall to migration to Europe. Now Libya - not a wall of her most recently scattered haughty prosperous population.
However, the American "people from NATO," this neither hot nor cold. Ran is not for them, and to the European "people from NATO." That these really different like an idiot in the current situation can not be called. And this is a completely idiotic suicidal character ...


Unfortunately, Gaddafi was dismissed in many quarters as being a despotic nutcase. Yet, because it suits your argument, you think that the West 'must' have taken him seriously in this instance, and planned accordingly ? Besides, Gaddafi was speaking out of self-interest, hardly a fair critic ...

Iraq - a calm, prosperous country ? Ruled by a despot, one choosing not to be accountable to anyone for WMD stocks, a despot who'd defied the UN and mucked them about for well over a decade. Left alone, this would've signalled to anyone and everyone that the UN could be safely ignored, that any regime could stock whatever weaponry it chose to. Action HAD to be taken, and, it was.

As for Libya, what can I say ? Like Saddam, Gaddafi was his own brand of tyrant. To label Iraq and Libya as 'calm and prosperous countries' does nothing to recognise the dreadful reality of everyday life for citizens in each of those countries. Those who took over Libya after Gaddafi's death were not Americans ... they were rebels who'd reacted to the nature of rule under Gaddafi.

So anyway, Balu, tell us about your wholly unjustified invasion of Afghanistan, which caused the formation of the Mujahiddeen, later becoming AL QAEDA ! And .. how far would you like this to be argued, anyway ? Could it be said that by causing the need for the formation of the forerunner of Al Qaeda, your country holds indirect responsibility for the eventual 9/11 attack .. ??

11-17-2015, 11:11 PM
Unfortunately, Gaddafi was dismissed in many quarters as being a despotic nutcase. ...

Iraq - a calm, prosperous country ? Ruled by a despot, one choosing not to be accountable to anyone for WMD stocks, a despot who'd defied the UN and mucked them about for well over a decade. ...

As for Libya, what can I say ? Like Saddam, Gaddafi was his own brand of tyrant. ...

So anyway, Balu, tell us about your wholly unjustified invasion of Afghanistan ... Could it be said that by causing the need for the formation of the forerunner of Al Qaeda, your country holds indirect responsibility for the eventual 9/11 attack .. ??

Who are you, Americans, to judge who is Tyran and who is not? And who gave you a Right to act without UN Security Council Resolution? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif

Soviet military contingent was sent to Afganistan at the request of the Afghan Government and under the Treaty of Friendship, Good-Neighborliness and Cooperation of December 5, 1978.

And as 9/11, please, tell me how it was possible to ruin by TWO Boeings THREE high-rise buildings by the industrial method of destruction, those buildings which were designed and constructed to resist the direct hit of jet liner?
Then, how it happened that the jet engine blades were not found in Pentagon?
Besides, ANY pilot knows, that NO ONE jet liner is able to fly at 0.82M at ground level. Its airframe will be destroyed.

11-18-2015, 01:05 AM

It looks like he is pleading for the next star on his shoulder straps. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif

U.S. President Barack Obama said he always supported the struggle of Russia against the terrorist group "Islamic state" betrays RIA Novosti (http://www.ria.ru/). He noted that intends to discuss the issue of increasing Russian actions in the fight against IG with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In the framework of G20 summit in Turkey the presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama managed twice to talk. On November 15 the heads of state held a 20-minute meeting on the sidelines, discussed the situation in Syria and Ukraine. The Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said that the leaders of the two countries, including, discussed "quite a critical situation" associated with the terrorist attacks in Paris and other manifestations of terrorism. According to the press service of the White house, the parties agreed that Syria needs political transformation, "the leadership role which must be played by the Syrians".
Later, Putin and Obama talked during the reception the Prime Minister of Turkey Ahmet Davutoglu. As told by the Sherpa of the Russian Federation (the official representative of the President in "the Big twenty") Svetlana Lukash, the meeting of presidents was held in "a completely friendly, totally constructive" manner. "Everything was very constructive in order, I don't know, maybe I thought it was, in my opinion, even the glimmers of a smile were," she said, commenting on photos of a meeting between the two leaders.


11-18-2015, 02:44 PM
Who are you, Americans, to judge who is Tyran and who is not? And who gave you a Right to act without UN Security Council Resolution? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif

Soviet military contingent was sent to Afganistan at the request of the Afghan Government and under the Treaty of Friendship, Good-Neighborliness and Cooperation of December 5, 1978.

And as 9/11, please, tell me how it was possible to ruin by TWO Boeings THREE high-rise buildings by the industrial method of destruction, those buildings which were designed and constructed to resist the direct hit of jet liner?
Then, how it happened that the jet engine blades were not found in Pentagon?
Besides, ANY pilot knows, that NO ONE jet liner is able to fly at 0.82M at ground level. Its airframe will be destroyed.

You are so full of shit.

The U.N. pussied out because many of them were involved with the
"Oil for Food" scheme. We do not need the U.N. telling us what to do.

No building will withstand the impact of a huge jetliner,
unless it is a fortress. Trade Center Towers were not fortresses.

There were engine blades found, wheels, and airframe
at the Pentagon.

11-18-2015, 02:52 PM
You are so full of shit.

The U.N. pussied out because many of them were involved with the
"Oil for Food" scheme. We do not need the U.N. telling us what to do.

No building will withstand the impact of a huge jetliner,
unless it is a fortress. Trade Center Towers were not fortresses.

There were engine blades found, wheels, and airframe
at the Pentagon.

Ever watch the tv show Branded with Chuck Connors? THAT is what would happen to that uniform.
