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View Full Version : Trump rises after Paris attacks

11-19-2015, 09:46 AM
As to the bold portion, and contrary to what many say is "no plans" or that he solely states "he'll have good people" - many of us love his actual plans as well!!


Donald Trump has gained political strength since the Paris terrorist attacks last Friday, according to most of the polls released in the aftermath.

Trump’s gains show him once again confounding Beltway wisdom, where the widespread view was that such a grave event would lead voters to look toward White House candidates who are purportedly more mature and sophisticated than the erstwhile star of “The Apprentice.”

Instead, it seems that Republican voters have found themselves drawn to Trump’s emphatic rhetoric.

“You have voters who are saying loudly and clearly that they want a strong leader to run our country, and that leader is Mr. Trump,” the business mogul’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, told The Hill. “Some of the other candidates didn’t have that vision. ... They have not had the foresight to predict these problems.”

Trump’s approach, which tends to be vigorous in tone but light on specifics, draws plenty of criticism even within the GOP.

“Trump makes up for his shortcomings with his force of personality,” said one Republican strategist in New Hampshire who did not want to be identified but is not working for any of Trump’s presidential rivals. “I don’t think that, on the global stage, you beat [Russian President Vladimir] Putin by offering up your own Putin, in terms of macho charisma. It’s far more involved than that.”

But many Republican voters seem to welcome Trump’s bravado after last week’s assault on French civilians that left 129 people dead. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the massacre.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-19-2015, 11:02 AM
IF/WHEN , he wins look for this nation to turn around and race away from the liberal infested insanity forced upon us by the democrat maggot and totally worthless piece of shit named bammyboy the muslim loving bastard, son of a whore and an idiot, freeloading, black muslim father. .
I fail to see how we could have ever chosen a worse bastard to lead this nation. --Tyr

11-19-2015, 11:03 AM
IF/WHEN , he wins look for this nation to turn around and race away from the liberal infested insanity forced upon us by the democrat maggot and totally worthless piece of shit named bammyboy the muslim loving bastard, son of a whore and an idiot, freeloading, black muslim father. .
I fail to see how we could have ever chosen a worse bastard to lead this nation. --Tyr

Wow, you don't like Obama, do you? :lol:

11-19-2015, 11:32 AM
IF/WHEN , he wins look for this nation to turn around and race away from the liberal infested insanity forced upon us by the democrat maggot and totally worthless piece of shit named bammyboy the muslim loving bastard, son of a whore and an idiot, freeloading, black muslim father. .
I fail to see how we could have ever chosen a worse bastard to lead this nation. --Tyr:clap::clap::clap::clap:

Still, you're lucky our Jeremy Corbyn isn't an American who is, or could be, your President. Corbyn is the most Left-wing extremist figure to lead our Labour Party in the past 30 years, in fact, he's so bad, that even LABOUR PARTY members are finding ways to defy him.

His current stances (just the current ones) ...

He's against the UK taking part in bombing ISIS, in Syria. Corbyn has made a big thing out of being 'inclusive' to all strands of opinion in his Party, but when it comes to bombing Syria, he's changed his tune ...


Jeremy Corbyn has dealt a blow to David Cameron's hopes of bombing Syria by confirming he won't allow Labour MPs a free vote.

The Labour leader suggested he won't 'offer' shadow ministers the chance to back air strikes against ISIS, despite many being in favour.

His comments in the wake of 129 deaths in Paris could scupper the PM's plan to push a bombing plan through Parliament with the help of Labour rebels.

Mr Cameron suffered a humiliating Commons defeat over Syria bombing raids in 2013 and he is anxious to avoid the same thing happening again.

Britain is attacking ISIS targets, also called ISIL or Islamic State, in Iraq but Parliament has not given approval to extend raids into Syria.

Corbyn is against our police - in the scenario, say, of a Paris-style attack being committed in a major British city - having the freedom to 'shoot to kill' .. !! Sure, the terrorists can shoot to kill, be it police or civilians. Ah, but the police dare not shoot to kill THEM ...


Labour in open revolt as Corbyn is isolated over refusal to let police shoot to kill terrorists as even his own frontbench backs 'lethal force'

Armed police and military told to 'take swift action to neutralise terrorists'
But Labour leader says shoot to kill is 'dangerous and counter-productive'
Furious MPs confront Corbyn over pacifist's stance on tackling terrorists
Shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn backs 'lethal force' to save lives
Benn refuses to rule out quitting over Corbyn links to anti-war group
Row as Corbyn plans to attend fundraiser for Stop The War Coalition
Group said Paris 'reaps the whirlwind' of backing 'violence' in Middle East
Met commissioner Hogan-Howe wants to double number of armed officers

Jeremy Corbyn today faces open revolt over his refusal to support police shooting dead marauding terrorists, with even his own shadow foreign secretary distancing himself from the Labour leader.

The Labour party is in uproar after Mr Corbyn said he was 'not happy' about armed officers and special forces had an order to kill fanatics to bring an atrocity to an end.

In the biggest challenge to Mr Corbyn's authority to date, he was branded a 'f***ing disgrace' by one frontbencher, while shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn insisted it was 'perfectly reasonable' to use 'lethal force'.

It also emerged Mr Corbyn plans to attend a Christmas party for an anti-war campaign which blamed the Paris atrocities on western intervention in the Middle East.[/quote]

Imagine Obama issuing a 'you mustn't shoot to kill' order if an American city went through what Paris just has !!

Corbyn has also declared that if he became our PM, he'd never, under any circumstances, use our own independent nuclear deterrent capabilities ('Trident') ...


LONDON, Sept 30 (Reuters) - The new leader of Britain's opposition Labour Party said on Wednesday he would not be prepared to use the country's nuclear weapons if he became Prime Minister.

Anti-war campaigner Jeremy Corbyn is against the renewal of Britain's Trident nuclear deterrent, due to be voted on by parliament next year, putting him at odds with many of his senior team including his defence spokeswoman Maria Eagle.

The party's existing position is to back keeping the weapons but Corbyn, elected earlier this month, has said it will hold a debate among party members to decide whether to stick with this.

Asked by BBC TV on Wednesday whether there were any circumstances under which he would use the weapon if he became prime minister, Corbyn said: "No".

Corbyn said he believed it was "immoral" to have or use nuclear weapons.

Would even Obama make such a public declaration, as Corbyn already HAS .. ?

11-19-2015, 11:33 AM
Wow, you don't like Obama, do you? :lol:

I wouldn't trust that SOB to walk my dog.

11-19-2015, 11:35 AM
I wouldn't trust that SOB to walk my dog.

I wouldn't trust him to walk my pet cockroach. He would probably steal it, grant it rights, give it welfare, a drivers license and call it a "undocumented cockroach" and then let it vote for Hillary.

11-19-2015, 11:46 AM
I wouldn't trust him to walk my pet cockroach. He would probably steal it, grant it rights, give it welfare, a drivers license and call it a "undocumented cockroach" and then let it vote for Hillary.


So you are just going to be enemies with my bruised ribs, huh?

11-19-2015, 11:50 AM

So you are just going to be enemies with my bruised ribs, huh?

You think that was a joke? LOL

Imagine if a democrat had a pet roach named "Joe". They probably signed him up as a dependent on their tax returns. And undoubtedly he'll be voting. And guess what? Joe will still be voting even after he's dead!

11-19-2015, 11:52 AM
You think that was a joke? LOL

Imagine if a democrat had a pet roach named "Joe". They probably signed him up as a dependent on their tax returns. And undoubtedly he'll be voting. And guess what? Joe will still be voting even after he's dead!

Well you know he'll be voting. So will all his relatives that have been stepped on over the years.:laugh:

11-19-2015, 11:55 AM
Well you know he'll be voting. So will all his relatives that have been stepped on over the years.:laugh:

And now you know why we have Obama in office. :)

11-19-2015, 11:59 AM
And now you know why we have Obama in office. :)

Actually he's in office as much because of non-voters on the right as he is morons on the left. But I've been calling leftwingers roaches for years. Glad it's catching on.

I need to start patenting shit. I was shaving my head years before Jordan but once he stole my look, everyone was in on it. Same with calling Democrats cockroaches. O'Reilly will probably be using it tonight now.:laugh:

11-19-2015, 12:02 PM
Actually he's in office as much because of non-voters on the right as he is morons on the left. But I've been calling leftwingers roaches for years. Glad it's catching on.

I need to start patenting shit. I was shaving my head years before Jordan but once he stole my look, everyone was in on it. Same with calling Democrats cockroaches. O'Reilly will probably be using it tonight now.:laugh:

Also - because black voters who voted solely because he was black. And then black folks who voted thinking they would get freebies from him because he was also black. And he's failed at everything towards the black communities as well, other than standing with them if/when there is a tragic event, regardless of the facts.

11-19-2015, 12:17 PM
Also - because black voters who voted solely because he was black. And then black folks who voted thinking they would get freebies from him because he was also black. And he's failed at everything towards the black communities as well, other than standing with them if/when there is a tragic event, regardless of the facts.

What freebies have they actually gotten from the Dems? Welfare? WIC? Oh yea ... I got a gubmint debit card and know which supermarket will sell me some 40s on it. :rolleyes:

11-19-2015, 12:27 PM
What freebies have they actually gotten from the Dems? Welfare? WIC? Oh yea ... I got a gubmint debit card and know which supermarket will sell me some 40s on it. :rolleyes:

Blacks make up between 12-13% of the nation, but now LEAD all of welfare recipients at nearly 40% of the total recipients. Welfare has SKYROCKETED since Obama came into office.