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11-19-2015, 10:00 AM
Enjoy the facts. Another few articles from experts show the radicalized Muslims could be as high as 500 million of them. Of course the usual ninnies will come in and scoff at the facts, but proof is in the never ending blood and deaths. Of course we only see the big things - but overall there has been 27,000+ radical Muslim related terror attacks - JUST SINCE 9/11

The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority

Over the weekend, former President Jimmy Carter attended the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) conference in Detroit. There, he assured Muslims that the “principles of Allah” were designed to “bring peace and justice to all.” ISNA’s ties to terror-supporters are quite deep.

But Carter isn’t alone. For years, American leaders have lectured Muslims on the nature of Islam, in the fruitless hope that pooh-poohing Islamic extremism as a fringe element will somehow convince Muslims all over the world that America is more of a friend to them than Islamic radicals are. This week, Barack Obama said, “ISIL speaks for no religion” — which comes a shock to those who live in the world of reality, given that ISIL certainly speaks for a certain segment of a religion. Eric Holder has said that radical Islam is not consistent with the teachings of Islam. For years, George W. Bush assured Americans that Islamic extremists represented but a tiny minority of Muslims. Hillary Clinton wrote in her new memoir Hard Choices that “Not all Islamists are alike…it is in America’s interest to encourage all religiously based political parties and leaders to embrace inclusive democracy and reject violence.”

This may be true. Or it may not be true. What is certainly true is that American politicians, mostly Christian or atheist, know less about the nature of Islam and Islamic radicalism than members of ISIS. To suggest that a cursory examination of platitudes about the Koran provides enough knowledge to spout paternalistic expertise about the religion is insulting to Muslims of all stripes.

Here’s what we do know: the polls show that Islamic extremism is on the rise. That’s not because it’s a fringe element. It’s because the West has swallowed multiculturalism wholesale, to the point where it’s politically unpalatable to condemn Islamic extremism for the mass rape of children.

So, here is the evidence that the enemy we face is not a “tiny minority” of Muslims, let alone a rootless philosophy unconnected to Islam entirely. It’s not just the thousands of westerners now attempting to join ISIS. It’s millions of Muslims who support their general goals, even if they don’t support the group itself.

France. A new, widely-covered poll shows that a full 16% of French people have positive attitudes toward ISIS. That includes 27% of French between the ages of 18-24. Anne-Elizabeth Moutet of Newsweek wrote, “This is the ideology of young French Muslims from immigrant backgrounds…these are the same people who torch synagogues.”

Britain. In 2006, a poll for the Sunday Telegraph found that 40% of British Muslims wanted shariah law in the United Kingdom, and that 20% backed the 7/7 bombers. Another poll from that year showed that 45% of British Muslims said that 9/11 was an American/Israeli conspiracy; that poll showed that one-quarter of British Muslims believed that the 7/7 bombings were justified.

Palestinian Areas. A poll in 2011 showed that 32% of Palestinians supported the brutal murder of five Israeli family members, including a three-month-old baby. In 2009, a poll showed that 78% of Palestinians had positive or mixed feelings about Osama Bin Laden. A 2013 poll showed 40% of Palestinians supporting suicide bombings and attacks against civilians. 89% favored sharia law. Currently, 89% of Palestinians support terror attacks on Israel.

Pakistan. After the killing of Osama Bin Laden, the Gilani Foundation did a poll of Pakistanis and found that 51% of them grieved for the terrorist mastermind, with 44% of them stating that he was a martyr. In 2009, 26% of Pakistanis approved of attacks on US troops in Iraq. That number was 29% for troops in Afghanistan. Overall, 76% of Pakistanis wanted strict shariah law in every Islamic country.

Morocco. A 2009 poll showed that 68% of Moroccans approved of terrorist attacks on US troops in Iraq; 61% backed attacks on American troops in Afghanistan as of 2006. 76% said they wanted strict sharia law in every Islamic country.

Jordan. 72% of Jordanians backed terror attacks against US troops in Iraq as of 2009. In 2010, the terrorist group Hezbollah had a 55% approval rating; Hamas had a 60% approval rating.

Indonesia: In 2009, a poll demonstrated that 26% of Indonesians approved of attacks on US troops in Iraq; 22% backed attacks on American troops in Afghanistan. 65% said they agreed with Al Qaeda on pushing US troops out of the Middle East. 49% said they supported strict sharia law in every Islamic country. 70% of Indonesians blamed 9/11 on the United States, Israel, someone else, or didn’t know. Just 30% said Al Qaeda was responsible.

Egypt. As of 2009, 87% of Egyptians said they agreed with the goals of Al Qaeda in forcing the US to withdraw forces from the Middle East. 65% said they wanted strict sharia law in every Islamic country. As of that same date, 69% of Egyptians said they had either positive or mixed feelings about Osama Bin Laden. In 2010, 95% of Egyptians said it was good that Islam is playing a major role in politics.

United States. A 2013 poll from Pew showed that 13% of American Muslims said that violence against civilians is often, sometimes or rarely justified to defend Islam. A 2011 poll from Pew showed that 21 percent of Muslims are concerned about extremism among Muslim Americans. 19 percent of American Muslims as of 2011 said they were either favorable toward Al Qaeda or didn’t know.

In short, tens of millions of Muslims all over the world sympathize with the goals or tactics of terrorist groups – or both. That support is stronger outside the West, but it is present even in the West. Islamist extremism is not a passing or fading phenomenon – it is shockingly consistent over time. And the West’s attempts to brush off the ideology of fanaticism has been an overwhelming failure.


11-19-2015, 05:11 PM
*Baldfaced Truth! Thanks for the share..


~ "The only means by which people will understand the truth of Islam is by telling the truth.....in all of its graphic ugliness.
Evil has to be shown in all its depths,...so people cannot claim 'it is not that bad' or 'it can never happen here.' To do nothing....to not acknowledge evil when found or when it appears.... is to give consent for it to grow unchecked.
ISIS is showing us the true psychotic perversion and evil of Radical Islam; the only means to deal with such is systematic and complete annihilation." ~

11-20-2015, 10:53 AM
The ones we should worry about have means, motive, and opportunity. That is assuredly less than 500mm

11-20-2015, 10:58 AM
The ones we should worry about have means, motive, and opportunity. That is assuredly less than 500mm

I worry about ALL radicals. They ALL have motive if you read the Quran, Hadiths and Imams, who will talk about kuffir and infidels. The opportunity for many is quite easy, so long as they have a knife.

11-20-2015, 11:04 AM
I worry about ALL radicals. They ALL have motive if you read the Quran, Hadiths and Imams, who will talk about kuffir and infidels. The opportunity for many is quite easy, so long as they have a knife.

So we can agree that it's less than 1.6bb and 500mm?

11-20-2015, 11:11 AM
So we can agree that it's less than 1.6bb and 500mm?

I'll agree to less than ALL of them, but won't go below the estimates of 500 million. And when I see an issue with 1/3rd of an entire people - sorry, but I'll just avoid all to make sure me and mine remain alive.

11-20-2015, 11:15 AM
I'll agree to less than ALL of them, but won't go below the estimates of 500 million. And when I see an issue with 1/3rd of an entire people - sorry, but I'll just avoid all to make sure me and mine remain alive.

500mm Muslims do not have means, motive, and opportunity.

11-20-2015, 11:33 AM
500mm Muslims do not have means, motive, and opportunity.

I believe differently. But I never said they did anyway. If you invite them in, THEN they would. I'll avoid that option.

11-20-2015, 11:35 AM
I believe differently. But I never said they did anyway. If you invite them in, THEN they would. I'll avoid that option.

I'll agree to less than ALL of them, but won't go below the estimates of 500 million. And when I see an issue with 1/3rd of an entire people - sorry, but I'll just avoid all to make sure me and mine remain alive.


11-20-2015, 11:38 AM

Are you really this fucking stupid today?

I said there were perhaps 500 million radicalized muslims. You asked if we could agree on numbers. I agreed that it was less than all of them, but I wouldn't go less than likely 500m of them radicalized. You said they didn't have the means, motive or opportunity. I stated that I never said that they did. And now you're lost? Would you like me to write it in crayon for you?

11-20-2015, 11:43 AM
And now you're lost?

Not at all.

11-20-2015, 11:47 AM
Not at all.

All the more reason to find it sad when someone is blind.

11-20-2015, 11:54 AM
All the more reason to find it sad when someone is blind.

Agreed. You do realize that most of those people live in third world crap-holes and couldn't get near us if they wanted to?

11-20-2015, 12:04 PM
500mm Muslims do not have means, motive, and opportunity.

Where are you going with all this stupidity, FJ (the likes of which the average Leftie would happily applaud) .. ?

How many terrorists did it take to perpetrate 9/11 ? 7/7 ? The Atocha bombing, in Spain ? The Charlie Hebdo attack, in Paris ? The one just seen, again in that city ? Or, the 'current' one in Mali ?

How may THOUSANDS of terrorists did all those atrocities require ?

How many thousands does it take of them to plant a bomb ? Or to fire a machine gun ?

And if they ever get WMD's, how many thousands of terrorists will be needed to deploy it ?

Your typically Leftie 'let's find reasons for complacency' bilge is appeasement-making in its character. It argues FOR Muslims more than against them, which, for you, is no particular departure .. is it ?

You advertise yourself as a Conservative. Isn't it time you started giving us some actual PROOF of it ?

... or is that asking the impossible ? Do you have an appeasement agenda you must follow, instead ?

Lefties don't like other Lefties to go off-script ...

11-21-2015, 08:07 AM
stupidity ... complacency ... Lefties :blabla:

Before we get into why your imagination is wrong again, point out what I've said that isn't true.

11-21-2015, 08:13 AM
No such thing as a good Muzzie, they all read and believe the same shit, difference is some of them act on what the believe and the others cheer them on, Kill Em all and let them get their Sluts ( virgins )

11-21-2015, 09:54 AM
No such thing as a good Muzzie, they all read and believe the same shit, difference is some of them act on what the believe and the others cheer them on, Kill Em all and let them get their Sluts ( virgins )

If we took a poll in the U.S. I wonder what percentage would agree with that statement?

11-21-2015, 11:50 AM

all Muslims should be relocated and re educated

11-21-2015, 11:55 AM
If we took a poll in the U.S. I wonder what percentage would agree with that statement?

You mean if you did the usual poll where you have an agenda a poll the people you want? Or actually polling each and every person? To include EVERY rural redneck/farmer/rancher, whatever you want to call them? You just posted some BS alleged "stats" about San Diego in a different thread.

If EVERY person in this country went and voted, there'd be no Democratic Party.