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View Full Version : Georgia College Student Criticizes Black Lives Matter, Becomes Victim Of Witch Hunt

11-19-2015, 10:24 AM
How DARE anyone speak about something, while others are speaking about something!! Only one side is allowed an opinion. And how dare Paris have a terror attack while they are attention whoring!! This crap is BS. Demands? Soon they'll want reparations from the school too. :rolleyes:


One young student at Georgia Southern University (GSU) is learning the consequences for publicly criticizing the racially-charged protests at the University of Missouri after being fired from her job and having a number of her fellow classmates demand her expulsion.

Emily Faz, a senior at the public university, shared a November 14 Washington Times article on Monday that reported on how some Mizzou protesters and Black Lives Matter activists were upset that the Paris attacks were stealing the media spotlight.

Faz wrote above the link, “I swear if I see this B.S. at Southern I will make you regret even knowing what a movement or a hashtag is, and you’ll walk away with your tail tucked.”

She continued on to say, “The whole black lives matter movement is misguided and out of hand. Maybe no one likes or takes y’all seriously because no one can see past your egotistical bullshit. Some people might just look past it, but fair warning I am not one. All lives matter, that has always been the case, and you part of the problem if you think other wise [sic].”

According to the WJCL 22, that post soon went viral at the GSU campus and infuriated some African-American students who took the post as a threat. Responses to Faz’s opinion on Twitter were fierce.

The GSU NAACP staged a “Black Out, Walk Out” on Tuesday in response to Faz’s post and issued demands to the school. Those demands included hiring more black professors and expanding the African Studies program. “I think it’s important to know the difference between freedom of speech and a threat, and it seems like when it comes from a white student at this school, that sometimes the line is being blurred because of who it comes from,” KeyAnna Tate, a participant in the walk out, told the Statesboro Herald. Some of these student activists called for Faz to be expelled and the school president, Jean Bartels, issued a statement on the matter and acknowledged the numerous calls for disciplinary action to be taken against the offending co-ed. Bartels appeared to conclude Faz’s post was protected by the First Amendment and could not result in punishment. However, the young student appears to have lost her job at the local Wild Wing Cafe franchise over the controversy, according to Everything Georgia. Some activists had urged supporters to call the restaurant about Faz prior to her dismissal.


11-20-2015, 12:30 AM
As ya'll might know, I have had a pinched nerve in my neck. It resulted from a small part of my body pressing on a very small nerve fiber. It has caused me great suffering.

Such is the black radical movement in America. Such a tiny fraction of society causes great discomfort to everyone else.

The difference is my pinched nerve will finally heal. The black movement will not. The 1960s released a monster and we can't get it back in the box. Well, we could, but....