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View Full Version : Reporter puts together another lie: "Trump wants to register Muslims in a database!"

11-20-2015, 02:02 PM
Donald Trump was talking about his proposal for a wall on our southern border. A "reporter" asked out of the blue, if he would “require registering Muslims in a database or giving them a form of special identification that noted their religion.”

Trump ignored the question and kept talking about the wall, and about monitoring mosques as the U.S. has done many times in past years. “We’re going to have to–we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely. We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”

The "reporter" then announced that Trump hadn't actually "ruled out" the reporter's idea of registering Muslims... and hey! That meant that Trump approved of it!

In truth Trump had never even mentioned it. He ignored the reporter's proposal with the contempt it deserved.

But the lie was planted: Trump approves of registering Muslims in a special database!

It's the latest in a series of outright fibs the media and other Democrats have ginned up about Republicans. These people know Trump never approved of their suggestion to register Muslims. But they're willing to keep the lie going, in hopes of fooling other people into thinking it was true anyway.

This is what the media's "we tell people what actually happened" has come to.

Naturally, liberals across the country are chiming in as hard and fast as possible: "Trump wants to register Muslims!"

Even when it's pointed out to them that Trump never suggested and certainly never approved of it, the liberals go on screaming as loudly as they can, "Trump wants to register Muslims in a database!"

Trump didn't have to lift a finger. The liberal reporter made up the charge out of thin air, and now the liberals are trying to spread it as though it was true.

Is there any depths these people won't sink to?

See the original fib here: https://www.yahoo.com/politics/donald-trump-has-big-plans-1303117537878070.html