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11-24-2015, 02:09 PM
How do ya'll feel about gayness?

Is it the same when two women make out as it is when two men make out? I don't mean should it be the same, but is it the same in your mind?

The one woman I discussed in other threads was a coworker who I had a few weeks' affair with. I miss her, but have moved on. I have dated several hundred men over the years, but she was the only woman I was ever with.

I think it is different with women.

11-24-2015, 02:13 PM
"Gay is gay is gay."

11-24-2015, 02:18 PM
"Gay is gay is gay."

Calm down, FJ ... :gay:

11-24-2015, 02:19 PM

:confused: Just repeating what I've learned in the other thread.

11-24-2015, 02:22 PM
:confused: Just repeating what I've learned in the other thread.

... as only YOU can ... :gay: ?

11-24-2015, 02:23 PM

Did the quotes confuse you?

11-24-2015, 03:05 PM
Did the quotes confuse you?

FJ, I promise you, I'm definitely not the 'confused' one ...:eek::eek:

11-24-2015, 03:10 PM

Are you done trolling?

11-24-2015, 03:20 PM
Are you done trolling?

Are you done with your own enthusiasm-fuelled text offerings to this thread ?


11-24-2015, 03:22 PM

Apparently not.

11-24-2015, 03:29 PM
Apparently not.:hyper::hyper: :cow::cow::cow:

11-24-2015, 03:46 PM
No issue with anyone else's sexuality, but as a heterosexual male, I'd rather see two women than two men, for.obvious reasons.

11-24-2015, 04:07 PM

11-25-2015, 11:55 AM
I was at work early one morning when she first showed interest in me. She was standing at the Accudose machine, getting medicine for her patient. I walked in the med room and stood behind her, waiting for my turn. I noticed she was just standing there, looking at the screen. Then I noticed there were tears in her eyes. I asked her if she was okay. She turned and asked me "Why do men want to hit us?" She knew I had been the victim of physical abuse.

We stood there for a while and talked. We hugged at the end, and then she kissed me on the lips. I think she was just looking for comfort from me....from anyone....and she knew that I understood. I told her we could have lunch some day and talk about it.

Over the next few days we saw each other several times. She came over my house and we sat and talked. We shared our stories with each other. We hugged each other for comfort. Again she kissed me. This time I kissed back and one thing led to another.

I am five feet tall. She is one inch taller than me. We are similarly built except I am more muscular and she is softer. Neither of us had fear of the other. It was totally relaxed. No one was going to stick an organ roughly in the other. No one was going to force an organ into an orifice not made for penetration. No one was going to grasp the other's breasts too roughly. No one was going to force the other's legs into unnatural positions. No one was going to force the other's head down onto an organ. No one was going to kiss so hard that our lips got bruised. No one was going to leave bruises anywhere on the other. And both of us knew exactly what a woman wants.

Of course with time, we both missed the touch of a man and we each went our separate ways. But looking back, I don't regret what we did. I had always before considered gay and lesbian romance as disgusting and something to be avoided and she told me she had always felt the same way. But at the time, she had struck by her boyfriend; the bruises were present on her body. I have also been punched, kicked, swung into walls, slapped, humiliated in public, etc. by men. Maybe I am too mouthy at times. Maybe I am too insistent on getting my way. Maybe, maybe, maybe. But I never understood why a man twice my size felt it necessary to inflict injury on the body he at other times worshipped.

A friend told me that a hate/worship relationship will have highs and lows that the average person will never experience.

My mother died at 65 years of age. Until the last couple of years of her life, she looked twenty years younger than her age. I am fortunate to have inherited her genes. People say I look like I am late thirties to early forties. I suppose there is a certain percentage of people, however small it is, that simply don't look their age. Maybe I am one of that few. My husband was six years younger than me, but I looked younger than he by many years. He enjoyed showing me off to his friends. Eventually he enjoyed more than showing me off, forcing me to do things I didn't want to do. He used psychological means to get me to agree to things. As I have admitted on here, I have schizophrenia (which has effectively disappeared in the years since he has been gone). He had total legal control over me and threatened to have me admitted to a local mental health facility if I did not cooperate. I hated that place, so it was easier to cooperate with his deviant wishes.

It went on for years. I would leave him and threaten divorce several times, but I loved him in spite of his cruel treatment of me. He was the father of my daughter and I knew he would give his life to protect her and to a lesser extent to protect me. But I had no one to protect me from him. I stayed and endured whatever cruel games he wanted to play with me. To be honest, most of the time I adored him and he adored me; probably 95% of the time it was that way. But for the other times, it was hell.

Those were the things I never had to worry about with her. We both simply wanted someone who would be gentle with us, to hold and share tenderness. Those are things I have never consistently gotten from a man. From a man everything eventually leads to sex and what I can do for him. It doesn't matter that I keep a spotless house, that I am an excellent cook, that I make good money, that I do all the work around the house including yard work, that I keep myself in great physical condition, that I always look my best.... none of that mattered. What has always mattered most to the men in my life is what I can do for them sexually.

My BFF has a seventeen year-old son. On his birthday this past June, he reminded me that he would be eighteen (and legal) the next year. Within the last five years I have dated men from twenty years old to early seventies. I see little difference in any of them. It is always about what they can get from me. I don't have to worry about that with a woman.

11-25-2015, 01:09 PM
How do ya'll feel about gayness?

Is it the same when two women make out as it is when two men make out? I don't mean should it be the same, but is it the same in your mind?

The one woman I discussed in other threads was a coworker who I had a few weeks' affair with. I miss her, but have moved on. I have dated several hundred men over the years, but she was the only woman I was ever with.

I think it is different with women.

Totally different. Two women are hot, two dudes are revolting.

Them's the rules! :smoke:

11-25-2015, 01:14 PM
Totally different. Two women are hot, two dudes are revolting.

Them's the rules! :smoke:

And my "friend" was lovely just by herself.

11-27-2015, 02:53 AM
Why do men want to hit us?

Let's take a look-see.

First - stop nagging. Stop poking the bear. I love it - when I see a woman on TV crying about "Her man HIT her!" I wonder why they never show what happened 5 minutes before. We NEVER hear "...And so he was sleeping, so I took some scissors and was trying to cut off his wang, when he awoke and he HIT ME!" - all we see is "He hit me!" and people start praising the 'bravery' of the woman.

Second - I said WITH CHEESE, bitch...dont make me slap you over some stupid shit.

Third - two words "Family Court". Men get dry-screwed by women and the law of the land condones it - no, PROMOTES it!
Court: "Oh, you're a man. Okay, full custody and "child" support to the mother. ("Child Support" = extorting stupid amounts of money from a man that is SUPPOSED to go for care of the kids - which the court just forcibly removed from HIS care and placed them with the mom. Yet that "Child Support" is NEVER accounted for nor is the mother required to even partially set aside for direct care of the kids. The court is saying "I'm FOCING bankruptcy upon you. and if you dont pay your debts you go to jail deadbeat. Instead of saying "You can't afford this STUPIDLY HIGH montly bill, okay, I'll put the kids back in your care" - the court says "Go to jail instead")

Fourth - Why did you hump my brains out for three years, only to somehow 'have a headache' the MOMENT your lips touched wedding cake?

Fifth - Stop berating me. Stop joking with your family how "Dad" sure messes things up! I thought we were friends?


But really, numbers 1, 3, 4, 5.

But I liked your lesbian story. And I get it. People - you two - were attracted to connecting with another living soul in the most intimate and kind and soft way. Pics or it never happened.

11-27-2015, 06:18 AM
Why do men want to hit us? Let's take a look-see.

The worst thing about this place is when decent people make horrible posts ):

11-27-2015, 08:35 AM
I was at work early one morning when she first showed interest in me. She was standing at the Accudose machine, getting medicine for her patient. I walked in the med room and stood behind her, waiting for my turn. I noticed she was just standing there, looking at the screen. Then I noticed there were tears in her eyes. I asked her if she was okay. She turned and asked me "Why do men want to hit us?" She knew I had been the victim of physical abuse.

We stood there for a while and talked. We hugged at the end, and then she kissed me on the lips. I think she was just looking for comfort from me....from anyone....and she knew that I understood. I told her we could have lunch some day and talk about it.

Over the next few days we saw each other several times. She came over my house and we sat and talked. We shared our stories with each other. We hugged each other for comfort. Again she kissed me. This time I kissed back and one thing led to another.

I am five feet tall. She is one inch taller than me. We are similarly built except I am more muscular and she is softer. Neither of us had fear of the other. It was totally relaxed. No one was going to stick an organ roughly in the other. No one was going to force an organ into an orifice not made for penetration. No one was going to grasp the other's breasts too roughly. No one was going to force the other's legs into unnatural positions. No one was going to force the other's head down onto an organ. No one was going to kiss so hard that our lips got bruised. No one was going to leave bruises anywhere on the other. And both of us knew exactly what a woman wants.

Of course with time, we both missed the touch of a man and we each went our separate ways. But looking back, I don't regret what we did. I had always before considered gay and lesbian romance as disgusting and something to be avoided and she told me she had always felt the same way. But at the time, she had struck by her boyfriend; the bruises were present on her body. I have also been punched, kicked, swung into walls, slapped, humiliated in public, etc. by men. Maybe I am too mouthy at times. Maybe I am too insistent on getting my way. Maybe, maybe, maybe. But I never understood why a man twice my size felt it necessary to inflict injury on the body he at other times worshipped.

A friend told me that a hate/worship relationship will have highs and lows that the average person will never experience.

My mother died at 65 years of age. Until the last couple of years of her life, she looked twenty years younger than her age. I am fortunate to have inherited her genes. People say I look like I am late thirties to early forties. I suppose there is a certain percentage of people, however small it is, that simply don't look their age. Maybe I am one of that few. My husband was six years younger than me, but I looked younger than he by many years. He enjoyed showing me off to his friends. Eventually he enjoyed more than showing me off, forcing me to do things I didn't want to do. He used psychological means to get me to agree to things. As I have admitted on here, I have schizophrenia (which has effectively disappeared in the years since he has been gone). He had total legal control over me and threatened to have me admitted to a local mental health facility if I did not cooperate. I hated that place, so it was easier to cooperate with his deviant wishes.

It went on for years. I would leave him and threaten divorce several times, but I loved him in spite of his cruel treatment of me. He was the father of my daughter and I knew he would give his life to protect her and to a lesser extent to protect me. But I had no one to protect me from him. I stayed and endured whatever cruel games he wanted to play with me. To be honest, most of the time I adored him and he adored me; probably 95% of the time it was that way. But for the other times, it was hell.

Those were the things I never had to worry about with her. We both simply wanted someone who would be gentle with us, to hold and share tenderness. Those are things I have never consistently gotten from a man. From a man everything eventually leads to sex and what I can do for him. It doesn't matter that I keep a spotless house, that I am an excellent cook, that I make good money, that I do all the work around the house including yard work, that I keep myself in great physical condition, that I always look my best.... none of that mattered. What has always mattered most to the men in my life is what I can do for them sexually.

My BFF has a seventeen year-old son. On his birthday this past June, he reminded me that he would be eighteen (and legal) the next year. Within the last five years I have dated men from twenty years old to early seventies. I see little difference in any of them. It is always about what they can get from me. I don't have to worry about that with a woman.

Any further details and/or pictures can be sent through PM, if you need my e mail address I will happily supply it. :thumb:

11-27-2015, 08:41 AM
Two men = :puke3:

Two ugly woman = :dunno:

Two ( or more ) good looking woman = :bow2::cool::thanks::mm: and maybe even a little of this :smoke: unless they want ya to join in. :banana:

11-27-2015, 08:59 AM
I was at work early one morning when she first showed interest in me. She was standing at the Accudose machine, getting medicine for her patient. I walked in the med room and stood behind her, waiting for my turn. I noticed she was just standing there, looking at the screen. Then I noticed there were tears in her eyes. I asked her if she was okay. She turned and asked me "Why do men want to hit us?" She knew I had been the victim of physical abuse.

We stood there for a while and talked. We hugged at the end, and then she kissed me on the lips. I think she was just looking for comfort from me....from anyone....and she knew that I understood. I told her we could have lunch some day and talk about it.

Over the next few days we saw each other several times. She came over my house and we sat and talked. We shared our stories with each other. We hugged each other for comfort. Again she kissed me. This time I kissed back and one thing led to another.

I am five feet tall. She is one inch taller than me. We are similarly built except I am more muscular and she is softer. Neither of us had fear of the other. It was totally relaxed. No one was going to stick an organ roughly in the other. No one was going to force an organ into an orifice not made for penetration. No one was going to grasp the other's breasts too roughly. No one was going to force the other's legs into unnatural positions. No one was going to force the other's head down onto an organ. No one was going to kiss so hard that our lips got bruised. No one was going to leave bruises anywhere on the other. And both of us knew exactly what a woman wants.

Of course with time, we both missed the touch of a man and we each went our separate ways. But looking back, I don't regret what we did. I had always before considered gay and lesbian romance as disgusting and something to be avoided and she told me she had always felt the same way. But at the time, she had struck by her boyfriend; the bruises were present on her body. I have also been punched, kicked, swung into walls, slapped, humiliated in public, etc. by men. Maybe I am too mouthy at times. Maybe I am too insistent on getting my way. Maybe, maybe, maybe. But I never understood why a man twice my size felt it necessary to inflict injury on the body he at other times worshipped.

A friend told me that a hate/worship relationship will have highs and lows that the average person will never experience.

My mother died at 65 years of age. Until the last couple of years of her life, she looked twenty years younger than her age. I am fortunate to have inherited her genes. People say I look like I am late thirties to early forties. I suppose there is a certain percentage of people, however small it is, that simply don't look their age. Maybe I am one of that few. My husband was six years younger than me, but I looked younger than he by many years. He enjoyed showing me off to his friends. Eventually he enjoyed more than showing me off, forcing me to do things I didn't want to do. He used psychological means to get me to agree to things. As I have admitted on here, I have schizophrenia (which has effectively disappeared in the years since he has been gone). He had total legal control over me and threatened to have me admitted to a local mental health facility if I did not cooperate. I hated that place, so it was easier to cooperate with his deviant wishes.

It went on for years. I would leave him and threaten divorce several times, but I loved him in spite of his cruel treatment of me. He was the father of my daughter and I knew he would give his life to protect her and to a lesser extent to protect me. But I had no one to protect me from him. I stayed and endured whatever cruel games he wanted to play with me. To be honest, most of the time I adored him and he adored me; probably 95% of the time it was that way. But for the other times, it was hell.

Those were the things I never had to worry about with her. We both simply wanted someone who would be gentle with us, to hold and share tenderness. Those are things I have never consistently gotten from a man. From a man everything eventually leads to sex and what I can do for him. It doesn't matter that I keep a spotless house, that I am an excellent cook, that I make good money, that I do all the work around the house including yard work, that I keep myself in great physical condition, that I always look my best.... none of that mattered. What has always mattered most to the men in my life is what I can do for them sexually.

My BFF has a seventeen year-old son. On his birthday this past June, he reminded me that he would be eighteen (and legal) the next year. Within the last five years I have dated men from twenty years old to early seventies. I see little difference in any of them. It is always about what they can get from me. I don't have to worry about that with a woman.this reinforces my thoery about gays. Men turn gay because they can't find a woman to have perverted sex with. Woman turn gay because they are tired of men's perversions.

11-27-2015, 09:19 AM
this reinforces my thoery about gays. Men turn gay because they can't find a woman to have perverted sex with. Woman turn gay because they are tired of men's perversions.

I don't know so much about perversions (at least not all the time), but men are relentless in their pursuit of sexual gratification. Most of the time I simply want to have some companionship and not have to be on guard.

11-27-2015, 09:49 AM
I don't know so much about perversions (at least not all the time), but men are relentless in their pursuit of sexual gratification. Most of the time I simply want to have some companionship and not have to be on guard.

Sex all the time is a perversion itself.

11-27-2015, 10:00 AM
this reinforces my thoery about gays. Men turn gay because they can't find a woman to have perverted sex with. Woman turn gay because they are tired of men's perversions.

Considering that the story had nothing to do with gay men it can't really reinforce that part your theory.

11-27-2015, 04:34 PM
Considering that the story had nothing to do with gay men it can't really reinforce that part your theory.

Sure it does, because the male was a perv, and the females not.

11-27-2015, 05:28 PM
The worst thing about this place is when decent people make horrible posts ):

satire. ;)

Black Diamond
11-27-2015, 05:30 PM
satire. ;)

Satire happens.

11-27-2015, 07:28 PM
A friend told me that a hate/worship relationship will have highs and lows that the average person will never experience.


Those were the things I never had to worry about with her. We both simply wanted someone who would be gentle with us, to hold and share tenderness. Those are things I have never consistently gotten from a man. From a man everything eventually leads to sex and what I can do for him. It doesn't matter that I keep a spotless house, that I am an excellent cook, that I make good money, that I do all the work around the house including yard work, that I keep myself in great physical condition, that I always look my best.... none of that mattered. What has always mattered most to the men in my life is what I can do for them sexually.

My BFF has a seventeen year-old son. On his birthday this past June, he reminded me that he would be eighteen (and legal) the next year. Within the last five years I have dated men from twenty years old to early seventies. I see little difference in any of them. It is always about what they can get from me. I don't have to worry about that with a woman.

I think you are a bit rough on yourself, Peri.

11-27-2015, 10:31 PM
this reinforces my thoery about gays. Men turn gay because they can't find a woman to have perverted sex with. Woman turn gay because they are tired of men's perversions.

Just because one is tired of a mans perversions, should not turn one to another perversion. It is unnatural. Sorry guys.... but if you are ok with women being gay. It just makes you a bunch of perverts!:coffee:

11-27-2015, 10:35 PM
Perianne. I am very sorry about your bad experiences with men. I wish I could say, I don't understand

11-27-2015, 10:42 PM
@Perianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2722). I am very sorry about your bad experiences with men. I wish I could say, I don't understand

Who hasn't had a bad experience or two? I make no excuses for what I have done. It was a one-time thing and I am 99% certain it will never happen again with any other woman. It was just the situation at the time. I found her to be one of the most lovely women I have ever met. Charming, petite...everything. She said the same about me. We were both unhappy at the time due to actions of men...it just sorta happened. No excuses.

I have been asked out a couple of times in the last few weeks, but I refused. I don't mean to keep saying it, but I have been in pain due to a pinched nerve. Dating has been the last thing on my mind. But when I DO date again, it will be with a man. I adore men even with all their faults.

11-28-2015, 08:51 AM
Sure it does, because the male was a perv, and the females not.

But yet not gay.

11-28-2015, 09:15 AM
But yet not gay.


11-28-2015, 09:31 AM

Completely relevant given that there was nothing in the post that reinforced your "gay" hypothesis.

11-28-2015, 10:30 AM
Sure it does, because the male was a perv, and the females not. Not all pervs are gay if that's where you're going.

11-28-2015, 12:27 PM
Sure it does, because the male was a perv, and the females not. Not all pervs are gay if that's where you're going.

You attempted to make a conclusion about gay men from a story in which gay men were not a subject or even referenced.

11-28-2015, 12:53 PM
How do ya'll feel about gayness?

Is it the same when two women make out as it is when two men make out? I don't mean should it be the same, but is it the same in your mind?

The one woman I discussed in other threads was a coworker who I had a few weeks' affair with. I miss her, but have moved on. I have dated several hundred men over the years, but she was the only woman I was ever with.

I think it is different with women.

This wouldn't have anything to do with being gay. :)

11-28-2015, 03:05 PM
You attempted to make a conclusion about gay men from a story in which gay men were not a subject or even referenced.

No I didn't. Her story supported my existing theory.

11-28-2015, 08:00 PM
I don't know so much about perversions (at least not all the time), but men are relentless in their pursuit of sexual gratification. Most of the time I simply want to have some companionship and not have to be on guard.


11-29-2015, 05:44 PM
No I didn't. Her story supported my existing theory.

Yeah OK. With anecdotal support like that who needs actual evidence. :rolleyes:

11-30-2015, 08:32 AM
Yeah OK. With anecdotal support like that who needs actual evidence. :rolleyes:
That's how theories work. One makes an assumption based on observations, knowledge of the subject matter and reasoning. If later observations support the theory, then the theory gains strength. If observations do not support the theory, then the theory must adapt for that.

11-30-2015, 09:06 AM
@PixieStix (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3344)

Who hasn't had a bad experience or two? I make no excuses for what I have done. It was a one-time thing and I am 99% certain it will never happen again with any other woman. It was just the situation at the time. I found her to be one of the most lovely women I have ever met. Charming, petite...everything. She said the same about me. We were both unhappy at the time due to actions of men...it just sorta happened. No excuses.

I have been asked out a couple of times in the last few weeks, but I refused. I don't mean to keep saying it, but I have been in pain due to a pinched nerve. Dating has been the last thing on my mind. But when I DO date again, it will be with a man. I adore men even with all their faults.

If I was a woman I would be a lesbian sure enough, hell I like lesbians, we have a lot in common. :laugh:

11-30-2015, 09:14 AM
I have been asked out a couple of times in the last few weeks, but I refused. I don't mean to keep saying it, but I have been in pain due to a pinched nerve. Dating has been the last thing on my mind. But when I DO date again, it will be with a man. I adore men even with all their faults.

I got asked out this past weekend by a handsome young man.

11-30-2015, 09:15 AM
I got asked out this past weekend by a handsome young man.

Are ya going out with him?

11-30-2015, 09:15 AM
Are ya going out with him?

Yes, we are having dinner tonight.

11-30-2015, 09:38 AM
I got asked out this past weekend by a handsome young man.

Are ya going out with him?

Yes, we are having dinner tonight.

Well, look at the bright side. If he won't talk to you, at least YOU will. :laugh:

11-30-2015, 09:40 AM
Well, look at the bright side. If he won't talk to you, at least YOU will. :laugh:

Quit interrupting our conversation! :laugh:

11-30-2015, 01:15 PM
That's how theories work. One makes an assumption based on observations, knowledge of the subject matter and reasoning. If later observations support the theory, then the theory gains strength. If observations do not support the theory, then the theory must adapt for that.

Uh huh.