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View Full Version : Bush: Commanders trump politicians on war strategy

07-10-2007, 04:58 PM
Story Highlights

"Surge" has only been fully in place a few weeks, Bush says
McCain calls for more time for Bush strategy; criticizes Iraqi government
Sen. Joe Lieberman accuses Bush dissenters of bowing to opinion polls
GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander: Bush needs Iraq strategy with broad support


The damn Democratic Senator's need to quit knifeing our troops in the back.:salute:

07-10-2007, 05:48 PM
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say the senate will command the troops of the US military. They need to knock that shit off now. The libs want a loss in iraq so bad they can taste it. It doesn't matter what happens after we leave as long as they get their way.

07-10-2007, 06:12 PM
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say the senate will command the troops of the US military. They need to knock that shit off now. The libs want a loss in iraq so bad they can taste it. It doesn't matter what happens after we leave as long as they get their way.

In a sense they can control the Military, all's they have to do is cut funding.