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View Full Version : Point out black stats = you are racist

11-25-2015, 02:22 PM
At least that's what I see with it, as someone else is punished for doing so.


All Madison Gesiotto wanted to do when she met with the dean of her law school was report a threat prompted by a newspaper column she wrote pointing out the high abortion rate in the black community.

She assumed the meeting would last 10 minutes. Instead, she said, she was there for about an hour as three deans at the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law critiqued her on what they saw as problems with her Oct. 23 column in The Washington Times, “The number one killer of black Americans.”

“This is my freedom of speech, but they kept going on and on about how, ‘This is a flawed article, it’s not a good legal piece, it’s not a good journalistic piece, either,’” Ms. Gesiotto recalled. “They asked me to explain to them why I would put that [line] in, what that means, and how I should have followed that up by saying other things to support these black women.”

A second-year law student who writes the Millennial Mindset column for The Washington Times online opinion pages, Ms. Gesiotto said she tried repeatedly to steer the conversation back to the threat made against her, but that the deans appeared to “blow it off.”

“I’m a very tough person. I very rarely get upset or sensitive about things,” said Ms. Gesiotto. “But I was crying in that meeting for about 30 minutes, I was so shocked. I’ve never been in a situation with people I respected and looked up to and felt so violated.”

Ms. Gesiotto knew that many of her peers at the law school would disagree with the column. She expected to take some flak. What she didn’t expect, she said, was having administrators show less interest in her safety than in tearing apart a column entirely unrelated to her coursework.

Dean Alan C. Michaels said in a statement to The Times that the university “takes any alleged threat against its students very seriously,” while noting that the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act prohibits the university from discussing specific disciplinary or conduct cases.

“The university and the college of law each have procedures for assessing alleged threats and for responding appropriately,” Mr. Michaels said. “These procedures are used for each such allegation received.”


Abbey Marie
11-25-2015, 02:29 PM
I see free speech is alive and well in law school these days, too.

Next step, the Gulag.

Black Diamond
11-25-2015, 02:31 PM
I see free speech is alive and well in law school these days, too.

Next step, the Gulag.

In Obama's gulag, they would torture you until you say Black lives matter.

11-25-2015, 02:46 PM
What all of us fail to recognize is...Anyone who accuses another of being a Racist...for any reason; must first be a RACIST. That's why it is so easy to call Obama a Racist. The TRUTH always wins.

And, before anyone calls me a racist because I said it. I know. Obama, and other BLACK LIVES MATTER racists called me that already.

Abbey Marie
11-25-2015, 03:31 PM
I think Russ pointed out somewhere on here that we are getting tired of hearing the near-constant complaining and anger about race in our country. Along with the regular pulling of the race card if we try to say the slightest thing about it. Even asking white students to leave the room so blacks can congregate comfortably. (Segregation, anyone?)

I think of it as "race fatigue". Congrats to the BLM movement! They are managing to turn off the very people who were disposed to side with them.

11-25-2015, 04:36 PM
What all of us fail to recognize is...Anyone who accuses another of being a Racist...for any reason; must first be a RACIST. That's why it is so easy to call Obama a Racist. The TRUTH always wins.

And, before anyone calls me a racist because I said it. I know. Obama, and other BLACK LIVES MATTER racists called me that already.

That is so damn accurate AT!