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11-25-2015, 06:05 PM
When all the icebergs melt and the ocean rises 500 feet, what are you gonna do? I know many of our members live on the coasts.

FWIW, Lexington is nearly a thousand feet above sea level.

11-25-2015, 07:23 PM
When all the icebergs melt and the ocean rises 500 feet, what are you gonna do? I know many of our members live on the coasts.

FWIW, Lexington is nearly a thousand feet above sea level.

Put an ice cube in a tumbler of water. As it melts, watch the water level FAIL to rise.

Even if we believed the climate change doom-mongers, a great deal of the ice melting wouldn't make the smallest difference. If the Arctic ice all melted, it'd have zero effect upon water levels, because Arctic ice is present above a body of water which its bulk is already displacing.

There is one, ONLY one, area of possible alarm, this coming from the melting of Antarctic ice .. since Antarctica sits on a landmass, I believe.

... but consider this. If the world's polluters stopped all their pollution right this instant, if all pollution activities incurred a sudden and ultra-effective cure, STILL, it'd do nothing about the pollutants ALREADY in the environment. All we can possibly do is try and regulate, even then ineffectively, the rate at which we ADD to the 'problem'.

This is why all the global climate doom-mongers, insisting that we all curb our emissions 'to save the planet', are just moonshine peddlars. The assumption somehow seems to be that the Earth can, itself, wave a magic wand and clean up the environment all on its own. But no scientific basis exists to suppose anything of the kind is possible.

One might as well believe in the viability of time travel, and revisiting Dallas, November 1963 .. or maybe the birth of Christ. There'd be the 'small' matter of the Earth's movement in space to account for and to traverse, also the Sun's movement in our galaxy, to say nothing of the galaxy's own movement relative to other galaxies, AND an expanding Universe, to factor into it all ......

11-25-2015, 09:56 PM
I am not worried in the least about such things happening because the GLOBAL WARMING/COOLING idiots say so. This Earth is Millions, upon Millions of years old, and throughout the ages. The Earth has been the deciding factor in WHAT LIVES, and WHAT DOESN'T LIVE.

Nobody living today can change, or do ANYTHING about what nature, the Earth, and Destiny will, or will not BRING to all of us.

The poles of the Earth control everything, and melting, or freezing will always take place no matter how many times AL GORE, and the other FINGER IN THE DIKE crybabies say otherwise while MAKING MILLIONS on the scare tactics of threatening Mankind....just because THEY CAN.