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11-26-2015, 08:11 PM
I have no real problem with blacks because of the color of their skin. I DO have a problem with Black Lies Matters feeling they're entitled to more than any of the rest of us get. Now they're threatening to shut down Black Friday in protest of a white copy shooting a black guy in Chicago. For WHAT? The cop's been charged with 1st degree murder. We got a higher charge in this country?

Treason. These same Black Lies Matter twerps might want to go picket Hillary's house.

And in usual self-destructive style, they want to stop the taxpayers from shopping at the merchant taxpayers WHO PAY FOR THEIR DAMNED HANDOUTS. Somebody ought to get a damned clue.

11-26-2015, 08:35 PM
I have no real problem with blacks because of the color of their skin. I DO have a problem with Black Lies Matters feeling they're entitled to more than any of the rest of us get. Now they're threatening to shut down Black Friday in protest of a white copy shooting a black guy in Chicago. For WHAT? The cop's been charged with 1st degree murder. We got a higher charge in this country?

Treason. These same Black Lies Matter twerps might want to go picket Hillary's house.

And in usual self-destructive style, they want to stop the taxpayers from shopping at the merchant taxpayers WHO PAY FOR THEIR DAMNED HANDOUTS. Somebody ought to get a damned clue.

Well...if they riot, wreck, and loot the stores, they will celebrate 'Black Friday'! Some might want a new wide-screen to watch 'Baketbawl',
or shoes for the Baketbawl court.:laugh:

11-26-2015, 08:41 PM
Well...if they riot, wreck, and loot the stores, they will celebrate 'Black Friday'! Some might want a new wide-screen to watch 'Baketbawl',
or shoes for the Baketbawl court.:laugh:

I'm surprised the NAACP hasn't filed a lawsuit in the name of Black Lies Matter for calling it "Black" Friday.

11-26-2015, 09:43 PM
Isn't it great how the POTUS has led this movement.

11-26-2015, 10:06 PM
Isn't it great how the POTUS has led this movement.

You mean because he can't fight ISIS but CAN get involved in state matters? And can't get his ugly mug off my tv?

11-27-2015, 01:08 AM
Well...if they riot, wreck, and loot the stores, they will celebrate 'Black Friday'! Some might want a new wide-screen to watch 'Baketbawl',
or shoes for the Baketbawl court.:laugh:

Hell seems like they have been cerebrating black Friday somewhere or the other for the last 7 years, go figure. that was when the biggest thieves took over the WH.

Black Diamond
11-27-2015, 01:12 AM
I'm surprised the NAACP hasn't filed a lawsuit in the name of Black Lies Matter for calling it "Black" Friday.

You must spread reputation around..

Man that's funny shit.

Black Diamond
11-27-2015, 01:14 AM
Hell seems like they have been cerebrating black Friday somewhere or the other for the last 7 years, go figure. that was when the biggest thieves took over the WH.
Doesn't the White House being white represent years of oppression?

11-27-2015, 01:37 AM
Doesn't the White House being white represent years of oppression?

Certainly it does, anything that is white is wrong. pretty soon the color white is going to be illegal, that will teach em for pulling them out of the jungles. Dam Peckerwoods !!!

11-27-2015, 01:41 AM
Doesn't the White House being white represent years of oppression?

Where have YOU been? Last I saw it was rainbow colored

Black Diamond
11-27-2015, 02:35 AM
Where have YOU been? Last I saw it was rainbow colored

Yeah that pissed me off. Took five days to lower flag for Marines killed in Chattanooga. And only then because boehner shamed him into it.

But two hours to project faggot flag off White House.

11-27-2015, 06:34 AM
Certainly it does, anything that is white is wrong. pretty soon the color white is going to be illegal, that will teach em for pulling them out of the jungles. Dam Peckerwoods !!!

Actually, white isn't a color, and neither is black, although it is called a color...


11-27-2015, 09:10 AM
Actually, white isn't a color, and neither is black, although it is called a color...


They are called "colored" people.

11-27-2015, 11:43 AM
Actually, white isn't a color, and neither is black, although it is called a color...


And neither race is actually black or white. Casper the Ghost is white.

11-28-2015, 06:47 AM
They are called "colored" people.


11-28-2015, 06:48 AM
And neither race is actually black or white. Casper the Ghost is white.

Yes, such is the world we live in...

11-28-2015, 06:51 AM
Doesn't the White House being white represent years of oppression?

Yes, gonna have to change that...


11-28-2015, 07:21 AM
I have no real problem with blacks because of the color of their skin. I DO have a problem with Black Lies Matters feeling they're entitled to more than any of the rest of us get. Now they're threatening to shut down Black Friday in protest of a white copy shooting a black guy in Chicago. For WHAT? The cop's been charged with 1st degree murder. We got a higher charge in this country?

Treason. These same Black Lies Matter twerps might want to go picket Hillary's house.

And in usual self-destructive style, they want to stop the taxpayers from shopping at the merchant taxpayers WHO PAY FOR THEIR DAMNED HANDOUTS. Somebody ought to get a damned clue.

You got that right.

11-28-2015, 07:27 AM
The cop's been charged with 1st degree murder. We got a higher charge in this country?

It's not just the shooting, it's the attempted cover-up that followed. They want the Mayor and Prosecutor relieved of their command also.

11-28-2015, 07:44 AM
Yes, such is the world we live in...

Everything and everyone has a label. It's called a descriptor. Necessary for language/communnication to work. When people get offended for being called who and what they are, too damned bad. Get over it.

And I'm sick and tired of this Black Lies Matter crap. Every time some black doesn't get his way he starts whining that he somehow is getting a worse deal than some poor white guy. They never take responsibility for THEIR actions. Don't be a damned criminal. I notice that usually keeps the cops away. Blacks whine about how many blacks are in prison, but WTF? Guess they should have a get out of jail free card because they're black? Their problem is themselves. Get out of the hood and get out of the gang and DO something besides selling dope to kids.

11-28-2015, 08:26 AM
It's not just the shooting, it's the attempted cover-up that followed. They want the Mayor and Prosecutor relieved of their command also.

Yea and they want want want , when does the wants end. Hell they want every white worker to leave his job it seems, Anytime there is any issue what so ever they demand that so and so be relieved of his/her duties or they will burn the bitch down, I say open fire, enough is enough.

11-28-2015, 09:05 AM
Isn't it great how the POTUS has led this movement.

Yeah, and he has led the ISIS carnage as well. Ever wonder why he call them ISIL, and not ISIS? He has practically led them
ISIL. Islamic State of Iraq and Levant
The Levant CAN refer to all the territory from the Mediterranean Sea to Iran–Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, parts of Turkey and Egypt, and even more territory in the Arabian Peninsula. However, “Levant” can also refer just to Syria, or even only to the area around Damascus. Some Arab scholars say the way ISIS (or ISIL) uses the term, that’s what they mean–The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

However, others (perhaps the Obama administration, but it’s unsure) use “Levant” in the broader sense because they say that is the group’s aspiration–to establish an Islamic state covering all of those countries.


11-28-2015, 09:18 AM
Yeah, and he has led the ISIS carnage as well. Ever wonder why he call them ISIL, and not ISIS? He has practically led them
ISIL. Islamic State of Iraq and Levant
The Levant CAN refer to all the territory from the Mediterranean Sea to Iran–Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, parts of Turkey and Egypt, and even more territory in the Arabian Peninsula. However, “Levant” can also refer just to Syria, or even only to the area around Damascus. Some Arab scholars say the way ISIS (or ISIL) uses the term, that’s what they mean–The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

However, others (perhaps the Obama administration, but it’s unsure) use “Levant” in the broader sense because they say that is the group’s aspiration–to establish an Islamic state covering all of those countries.


That half white pos will do anything to weaken the US.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-28-2015, 12:11 PM
Yea and they want want want , when does the wants end. Hell they want every white worker to leave his job it seems, Anytime there is any issue what so ever they demand that so and so be relieved of his/her duties or they will burn the bitch down, I say open fire, enough is enough.

Or at least start fighting back-- fire with like fire!
As it is now, we just sit back and take it because the ffing leftist media bombards us with this stinking pile of lying shit.
I for one am damn tired of the lies and hypocrisy..
If things go (very badly)South, some of us may just get to give back that which is ever so richly deserved unto these ffing lying, liberal/socialist bastards. :mad::mad::mad:--Tyr

11-28-2015, 12:55 PM
Many blacks still talk of reparations. Well, then I want reparations from all of the riots and destruction so many of them have created over the years. No matter the fact that I wasn't there, nor harmed in any way. I'll just cry victim and blame them anyway. :rolleyes:

11-28-2015, 02:30 PM
Many blacks still talk of reparations. Well, then I want reparations from all of the riots and destruction so many of them have created over the years. No matter the fact that I wasn't there, nor harmed in any way. I'll just cry victim and blame them anyway. :rolleyes:

Move to Northern VA. There's a whole lobby of those reparation idiots. Should we give all the Irish sweatshop worker descendants reparations too? My families were the victims of Reconstruction US Military occupation. Where's MINE?

11-28-2015, 03:09 PM
If they want reparations, they should be getting them from southern Democrats.

Black Diamond
11-28-2015, 03:13 PM
Move to Northern VA. There's a whole lobby of those reparation idiots. Should we give all the Irish sweatshop worker descendants reparations too? My families were the victims of Reconstruction US Military occupation. Where's MINE?

You're not the right color.

11-28-2015, 03:20 PM
You're not the right color.

But we can all claim the same thing. My maternal grandfather picked cotton on the farm until he was forced to find a job during the depression. If the crop failed, there was no owner to come around and feed my great gandparents and their 9 kids.

So I'd say these blacks need to free themselves from the mindset that "Massah" needs to come around and take care of them. Blacks in the US are as bad as Islam. They can't move on. They're slaves to themselves, still looking for a handout from the back door.

Black Diamond
11-28-2015, 03:22 PM
But we can all claim the same thing. My maternal grandfather picked cotton on the farm until he was forced to find a job during the depression. If the crop failed, there was no owner to come around and feed my great gandparents and their 9 kids.

So I'd say these blacks need to free themselves from the mindset that "Massah" needs to come around and take care of them. Blacks in the US are as bad as Islam. They can't move on. They're slaves to themselves, still looking for a handout from the back door.


11-28-2015, 11:44 PM
That half white pos will do anything to weaken the US.

And Israel for that matter. Look what country is smack dab in the middle of the "Levant". Our greatest ally in the ME.

I am sick too death of having this America hater in OUR Whitehouse!

11-29-2015, 11:42 PM
It's not just the shooting, it's the attempted cover-up that followed. They want the Mayor and Prosecutor relieved of their command also.

If ANYBODY deserves an ass kicking, it's those idiot blacks WHO VOTED FOR THOSE DEMOCRATS IN THE FIRST PLACE.

They are getting precisely what they deserve: a hellhole for a home.

12-01-2015, 09:40 AM
If ANYBODY deserves an ass kicking, it's those idiot blacks WHO VOTED FOR THOSE DEMOCRATS IN THE FIRST PLACE.

They are getting precisely what they deserve: a hellhole for a home.

Problem is, the rest of us DON'T deserve it.

12-01-2015, 11:34 AM
Problem is, the rest of us DON'T deserve it.

That IS a dilemma. If you're a reasonably educated individual in Chicago who voted for Ronald Reagan twice, this is the ultimate shit sandwich.

If you're down here in GOP Friendly Florida, where Chicagoans are moving down at a rapid rate to escape the high taxes, crime and liberal politics, this is that same sandwich with just the bread.

12-01-2015, 11:40 AM
That IS a dilemma. If you're a reasonably educated individual in Chicago who voted for Ronald Reagan twice, this is the ultimate shit sandwich.

If you're down here in GOP Friendly Florida, where Chicagoans are moving down at a rapid rate to escape the high taxes, crime and liberal politics, this is that same sandwich with just the bread.

I find it rather ironic that them damned snowbirds talk about southerners like were some barefoot,backwards assed people yet they they're invading us worse than the Northern Army in the Civil War. If we're so dumb and backward, stay where you are. We don't want you.

12-01-2015, 11:54 AM
I find it rather ironic that them damned snowbirds talk about southerners like were some barefoot,backwards assed people yet they they're invading us worse than the Northern Army in the Civil War. If we're so dumb and backward, stay where you are. We don't want you.

Floriduh hasn't been part of The South for decades.

12-01-2015, 12:03 PM
Floriduh hasn't been part of The South for decades.

Depends on where you go. North and central FL are still redneck-ville. The saying we had about Miami was " Would the last American leaving Miami please bring our flag?" :laugh: