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View Full Version : Homeless vet, beaten by teens, dies...............

11-26-2015, 10:31 PM
Video and Text.....A homeless vet, beaten at a gas station in Olney, has died` :(


11-26-2015, 10:35 PM
From comments:

~ "Yahoos reporting at it again. Only 3 were teens. 12, 13 and 14. The other three was 34 , 24 and 23. One was a mother to one of the kids." ~

~ "(White) Homeless Veteran Dies Months After Brutal Attack (by pack of black females) Outside Philly Gas Station

Kaisha DugginsAleathea Gilliard and Shareena JoachimRobert BarnesA homeless veteran has died months after a brutal

attack outside a Philadelphia gas station that left him in a coma. Robert Barnes, 51, died Wednesday. Barnes was

attacked by a group of six people on April 7 outside the Sunoco gas station at 5th Street and Somerville Avenue in the

city’s Olney section. The attack involved a hammer, a piece of wood and mace. The entire attack was caught on surveillance camera.

The video shows a group jump from a minivan and rush towards Barnes as he stood outside the gas station. They then
punch him, stomp on him and strike him with a hammer.

After attacking Barnes, the group jumped back into the minivan and sped off. Three adults -- Aleathea Gillard, 34, Shareena Joachim, 23, and Kaisha Duggins, 24 – are charged in the case. Gillard, Joachim and Duggins all rejected plea deals and will stand trial in January. The charges are expected to be upgraded following Barnes' death. Police say one of Gillard’s children falsely accused Barnes, a homeless veteran, of hitting him, which prompted the attack. - (Black-on-white)
I wonder if obama is deeply concern or will blacklivesmatter show up to protest ?Maybe spike lee would like to comment ?" ~"

11-26-2015, 10:53 PM
From comments:

~ "Yahoos reporting at it again. Only 3 were teens. 12, 13 and 14. The other three was 34 , 24 and 23. One was a mother to one of the kids." ~

~ "(White) Homeless Veteran Dies Months After Brutal Attack (by pack of black females) Outside Philly Gas Station

Kaisha DugginsAleathea Gilliard and Shareena JoachimRobert BarnesA homeless veteran has died months after a brutal

attack outside a Philadelphia gas station that left him in a coma. Robert Barnes, 51, died Wednesday. Barnes was

attacked by a group of six people on April 7 outside the Sunoco gas station at 5th Street and Somerville Avenue in the

city’s Olney section. The attack involved a hammer, a piece of wood and mace. The entire attack was caught on surveillance camera.

The video shows a group jump from a minivan and rush towards Barnes as he stood outside the gas station. They then
punch him, stomp on him and strike him with a hammer.

After attacking Barnes, the group jumped back into the minivan and sped off. Three adults -- Aleathea Gillard, 34, Shareena Joachim, 23, and Kaisha Duggins, 24 – are charged in the case. Gillard, Joachim and Duggins all rejected plea deals and will stand trial in January. The charges are expected to be upgraded following Barnes' death. Police say one of Gillard’s children falsely accused Barnes, a homeless veteran, of hitting him, which prompted the attack. - (Black-on-white)
I wonder if obama is deeply concern or will blacklivesmatter show up to protest ?Maybe spike lee would like to comment ?" ~"

They don't have an emoticon for this. If all these fucking niggers are so righteous, then why is it that it always rakes a gang of those black pussies to do anything? They can't man up for jack shit. Always need a gun of 5 on 1 and always preying on the defenseless. Pussies.

You NEVER see them picking on anyone with balls. Ain't one picked on me since jr high and when he got done scraping half his face off the wall locker it got slammed into, I got left alone.

Mobbing on some homeless guy? That's all these people are worth.

11-26-2015, 10:55 PM
LongTerm. We're not supposed to talk about, discuss, or even hint that such things happen when it involves a white victim. That is nothing short of being an Obama Racist...daring to show a TOUCHED-UP, OBVIOUSLY PHONY VIDEO designed to prove how PROFILING is nothing but a Black Lives are Stupid game, sponsored by the Democrat party, and the Obama, Muslim Brotherhood branch of the NAACP.

11-26-2015, 11:13 PM
LongTerm. We're not supposed to talk about, discuss, or even hint that such things happen when it involves a white victim. That is nothing short of being an Obama Racist...daring to show a TOUCHED-UP, OBVIOUSLY PHONY VIDEO designed to prove how PROFILING is nothing but a Black Lives are Stupid game, sponsored by the Democrat party, and the Obama, Muslim Brotherhood branch of the NAACP.

I've done my best to not get angry about this crap but THIS pisses me off. Fuck those nigger bitches. If I'd have been around you'd have seen a truck stop on a dime and I'm a waking arsenal. And having gone to school in ghetto schools, I have no mercy on black chicks, They're scarier than than black men.

Abbey Marie
11-26-2015, 11:30 PM
This is enraging.

And to paraphrase my husband, there shouldn't be homeless veterans in the first place.

11-26-2015, 11:35 PM
This is enraging.

And to paraphrase my husband, there shouldn't be homeless veterans in the first place.

Tell your husband no shit.

11-27-2015, 01:03 AM
I've done my best to not get angry about this crap but THIS pisses me off. Fuck those nigger bitches. If I'd have been around you'd have seen a truck stop on a dime and I'm a waking arsenal. And having gone to school in ghetto schools, I have no mercy on black chicks, They're scarier than than black men.

Thats a no shitter, they scream louder than their men do and haven't learned to run like hell when the sheot hits the fan, I think honestly they just can't figure out to get the hell out of dodge, but without a doubt those loud mouths are the worse in the bunch.

11-27-2015, 01:11 AM
And we (Tax paying Americans are forced to FEED THEM)...When I say "Them"...not all black folks...but people who act like this....and are worthless to society

11-27-2015, 01:12 AM
And we (Tax paying Americans are forced to FEED THEM)...When I say "Them"...not all black folks...but people who act like this....and are worthless to society

Ought to take these animals and send them to ISIS, with them running those big dam mouths, there heads would be lopped off in minutes.

11-27-2015, 01:19 AM
Ought to take these animals and send them to ISIS, with them running those big dam mouths, there heads would be lopped off in minutes.

*Understand ...it makes me sick to my stomach and angry...These fuuuucccckers are everywhere...and our Law enforcement have "Very Liberal" binds Placed on them...and scared of losing their jobs...or worse...if they have to shoot one...But there is a cure...It will take someone with Guts and no half way shit.....................................

11-27-2015, 01:34 AM
*Understand ...it makes me sick to my stomach and angry...These fuuuucccckers are everywhere...and our Law enforcement have "Very Liberal" binds Placed on them...and scared of losing their jobs...or worse...if they have to shoot one...But there is a cure...It will take someone with Guts and no half way shit.....................................

It's getting almost scary close, but I must admit nothing but excitement here in GA.