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12-09-2015, 06:44 PM
I have always said that in the end, the Liberals/Leftists will win because they never. give. up. Here is an example of attacking the American way of life. Quite outrageous actually, but good for their most loyal constituents.

The author of the piece starts out with "Let’s get rid of private housing", and then goes on to explain why it is wrong for (white) people to own houses and land. His solution?

Public housing
Ultimately, though, the best antidote to private housing is public housing.

This is one of the most head-scratching things I have ever read. But I would not be surprised if it catches on with those goofballs.


12-09-2015, 07:29 PM
This is one of the most head-scratching things I have ever read. But I would not be surprised if it catches on with those goofballs.


I disagree.

It is one of the most bat-shit crazy things I have ever read!:laugh:

It suggests, in my minds eye, that Gulags or Concentration Camps
are to be desired. Well, the Warsaw Ghetto of the 1930's - 1940's comes to mind.

12-09-2015, 08:31 PM
Before you discuss public and subsidized housing, you need to understand what it is and why it is there.

12-09-2015, 08:35 PM
Before you discuss public and subsidized housing, you need to understand what it is and why it is there.

It is there for people who either can't support themselves or won't support themselves.

12-09-2015, 08:53 PM
It is there for people who either can't support themselves or won't support themselves.

The "won't support themselves" thing doesn't fly. My cousin has been a social worker for more than a decade. I know exactly who gets into public house.
Let's say you are married and have three kids. Your husband beats you up and abuses your kids. So you leave. None of your relatives want to deal with your kids. You are a full time mother and never developed any marketable skills.
These are the kind of people who get subsidized housing.
Why are there crack heads and deadbeats in public housing? Because the responsible agencies are severely understaffed and can't check everyone.

Perianne, think about yourself. Suppose you are in a serious auto accident and are left disabled and indigent. Your family turns its back on you. Where do you live? Who provides for you?

12-09-2015, 09:22 PM
The "won't support themselves" thing doesn't fly. My cousin has been a social worker for more than a decade. I know exactly who gets into public house.
Let's say you are married and have three kids. Your husband beats you up and abuses your kids. So you leave. None of your relatives want to deal with your kids. You are a full time mother and never developed any marketable skills.
These are the kind of people who get subsidized housing.
Why are there crack heads and deadbeats in public housing? Because the responsible agencies are severely understaffed and can't check everyone.

Perianne, think about yourself. Suppose you are in a serious auto accident and are left disabled and indigent. Your family turns its back on you. Where do you live? Who provides for you?

I would move in with the black family next door. :)

12-09-2015, 09:46 PM
Ultimately, though, the best antidote to private housing is public housing.

This would translate quite well to the English ...

... over here, a public house is a pub (publicly owned housing is run by local councils, so we call it council housing ..) !!

Many a private house resident has felt that his local pub was an excellent antidote to his residence .. especially after a few pints !! :laugh2::laugh2::alcoholic::alcoholic:

12-09-2015, 09:54 PM
It is there for people who either can't support themselves or won't support themselves.

.. or, in the case of the UK, the odd terrorist or two ...


Nick Clegg has sparked outrage by defending the taxpayer-funded £1.25million house lived in by hate preacher Abu Hamza’s family.

The Deputy Prime Minister rejected demands to cut benefits for the hook-handed cleric’s wife and children after he was convicted of 11 terror offences in the U.S.

The firebrand – who for years spouted evil on Britain’s streets – is expected to die behind bars after a jury in New York found him guilty of aiding the kidnapping of hostages in Yemen in which three Britons were killed and trying to set up an Al Qaeda training camp in Oregon.

There was one Muslim hate-preacher who hated Britain, but somehow, he strangely failed to hate all the benefits he received from the British taxpayer.

I look forward to some Leftie or other coming along on this board and insisting to us that consideration for his 'human rights' was paramount ....

12-09-2015, 10:11 PM
I would move in with the black family next door. :)

I am sure they would allow you to be a live-in housekeeper. As long as you agreed to only use the staff entrance and empty your pockets before you leave the house. :cool: