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View Full Version : Free Speech doesn't live in the rest of the world

12-15-2015, 04:08 AM

Preacher commenting on Islam; called it satanic. He's now been charged for 'offensive' speech.

God Bless America.

12-15-2015, 04:47 AM

Preacher commenting on Islam; called it satanic. He's now been charged for 'offensive' speech.

God Bless America.
There are many, including in our government that think the same should be reality here.

12-15-2015, 07:15 AM

Preacher commenting on Islam; called it satanic. He's now been charged for 'offensive' speech.

God Bless America.

I'm not at all surprised. This would be regarded as 'hatespeech', actionable in law. It's all about whether remarks have the power, the mere potential, to offend to the point of incitement to violence or civil disorder, you see.

The thing of it is, that the original thinking behind such legislation was to have a power available to crack down on the likes of Abu Hamza, a Muslim 'hate preacher' who'd regularly give speeches of an anti-Western nature. The Muslims have managed to completely turn this around to serve THEIR interests, instead. We see the result.

Should Trump be banned from entering the UK, I've no doubt that this thinking will be behind it. Because, if he were allowed in, then made comments of the nature he HAS made recently while on British soil, it'd only be diplomatic immunity that would prevent our authorities from arresting HIM for speaking out. It'd doubtless gall our people to know that Trump would be immune from prosecution ... a sentiment that our Left would share ...

We're big on the thinking which has it that 'With Freedom Comes Responsibility' (.. which, of course, is no less than true). Here, we hold people legally accountable for what they say.

12-15-2015, 07:21 AM
I'm not at all surprised. This would be regarded as 'hatespeech', actionable in law. It's all about whether remarks have the power, the mere potential, to offend to the point of incitement to violence or civil disorder, you see.

The thing of it is, that the original thinking behind such legislation was to have a power available to crack down on the likes of Abu Hamza, a Muslim 'hate preacher' who'd regularly give speeches of an anti-Western nature. The Muslims have managed to completely turn this around to serve THEIR interests, instead. We see the result.

Should Trump be banned from entering the UK, I've no doubt that this thinking will be behind it. Because, if he were allowed in, then made comments of the nature he HAS made recently while on British soil, it'd only be diplomatic immunity that would prevent our authorities from arresting HIM for speaking out. It'd doubtless gall our people to know that Trump would be immune from prosecution ... a sentiment that our Left would share ...

The way to hell is paved with good intentions OR slippery slopes. Lesson here, hold onto the principles and one is likely to come out better.

12-15-2015, 07:29 AM
The way to hell is paved with good intentions OR slippery slopes. Lesson here, hold onto the principles and one is likely to come out better.

I have latitude to agree with you, to a certain extent. One should, indeed, hold on to one's principles, one's claim to reputability with regard to them. And to value those principles you'd claim to have.

To inexplicably act in a manner contrary to this is no less than ultimately counterproductive. Which is exactly as it should be.

12-15-2015, 09:35 AM
Northern Ireland, no freedom of speech. Wasn't Noir just having a blast mocking Trump because he THOUGHT he was going to somehow impede freedom of speech? That must suck to not simply be able to speak your mind.

12-15-2015, 10:02 AM
Anyone thinks we have free speech HERE needs to share what they're smoking.

12-15-2015, 03:43 PM

Preacher commenting on Islam; called it satanic. He's now been charged for 'offensive' speech.

God Bless America.

dmp. The same applies to anyone who says anything the Obama administration also considers offensive, as in telling the TRUTH about Obama's endless lies. Come to think of it. A close examination of the Obama principles, theories, and Executive Orders seem offensively Satanic too!:laugh:

12-15-2015, 03:52 PM
Anyone thinks we have free speech HERE needs to share what they're smoking.

I agree, it's being diminished. But we're still the freest nation in the world in that department. You see what can happen in NI. I dare anyone to test their freedoms to speak in an Islamic lead country! And yep, even some in the free countries, think there should be punishments. Jafar, on quite a few occasions, stated that he though folks should be fined if they insult someone else, similar to getting a speeding ticket. I couldn't possibly disagree with that more.

Folks always want the freedom to speak what they wish, until someone else says something they don't like. I'd MUCH rather be insulted, or know that I could be insulted, as opposed to making more regulations and laws, and especially telling people they cannot speak their opinions.

12-15-2015, 04:13 PM
I agree, it's being diminished. But we're still the freest nation in the world in that department. You see what can happen in NI. I dare anyone to test their freedoms to speak in an Islamic lead country! And yep, even some in the free countries, think there should be punishments. Jafar, on quite a few occasions, stated that he though folks should be fined if they insult someone else, similar to getting a speeding ticket. I couldn't possibly disagree with that more.

Folks always want the freedom to speak what they wish, until someone else says something they don't like. I'd MUCH rather be insulted, or know that I could be insulted, as opposed to making more regulations and laws, and especially telling people they cannot speak their opinions.

The problem we have is with that freedom comes the responsibility. And it seems the left wants to regulate everything we say. But so do Neo-Cons. I don't need to be told what I can say. Problem is the people that are just plain jackasses about it. They abuse the right at the expense of others.

12-15-2015, 04:47 PM

Preacher commenting on Islam; called it satanic. He's now been charged for 'offensive' speech.

God Bless America.

Well that is frikkin ludicrous!

What do their leaders do all the time?
Just spout death to 'infidels' is all.

12-15-2015, 04:52 PM
The problem we have is with that freedom comes the responsibility. And it seems the left wants to regulate everything we say. But so do Neo-Cons. I don't need to be told what I can say. Problem is the people that are just plain jackasses about it. They abuse the right at the expense of others.

Simply put, they get all sorts of butt-hurt if you
dispute or disagree with them.

Their 'rights' always trumps other's very
often in their minds.

Spoiled, spoon pounding brats.

12-15-2015, 05:05 PM
The problem we have is with that freedom comes the responsibility. And it seems the left wants to regulate everything we say. But so do Neo-Cons. I don't need to be told what I can say. Problem is the people that are just plain jackasses about it. They abuse the right at the expense of others.

Not me, I would never tell someone what they can say and cannot say. I'll tell someone they're an asshole for what they say, but that's about it. I like my freedoms to say such things, so I fully expect to hear some things back from time to time.

That's what scares me about visiting places abroad. I'm so used to our freedoms, that I'm afraid crappier places may jail me or fine me - for simply using the freedoms that I am so accustomed to.

I don't think one of those things should be like what we are discussing, a preacher discussing what he thinks is satanic or worse. Hell, we even allow the Westboro nitwits to speak what they will here, however disgusting it is.

** Kinda off topic but not. What about Islam in such places, and not even going outside of the book and hadiths? What if within a mosque they are reading their great literature, and talking about how bad the infidels are, and world domination, and how those infidels need to convert, or die... And then things that can be done to woman and man.... I wonder if since it's written in their book, if that's what is makes it ok?

Either way, I know I won't be visiting any crappy places that folks need to worry about what they say when speaking with friends or more, for fear of being arrested. Hell, and then the electronic communications thing - I may even be arrested by Noir - not for going out and speaking - but for voicing my opinions online? If what I'm reading is true - no thanks.

12-15-2015, 05:28 PM
This story has been ongoing for a while here, the mans an old style preacher (sadly we still have too many of them here) but aside from that i don't think I've heard him saying anything i would deem criminal.

12-15-2015, 05:41 PM
This story has been ongoing for a while here, the mans an old style preacher (sadly we still have too many of them here) but aside from that i don't think I've heard him saying anything i would deem criminal.

Honesty, I like it, thank you! I don't think folks necessarily have to like such things, but I disagree if some call things criminal in order to shut others up, and that's what I call a lot of these things.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-15-2015, 07:40 PM

Preacher commenting on Islam; called it satanic. He's now been charged for 'offensive' speech.

God Bless America.

Coming here soon!
Mark my words.. The sold out media, dem party , libs and public education system will demand it.
I just called Islam, Satanic, myself this morn before ever seeing this thread.
And it is, they can kiss my ass -all of them. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-15-2015, 07:44 PM
Well that is frikkin ludicrous!

What do their leaders do all the time?
Just spout death to 'infidels' is all.

But their stinking leaders are always protected by damn infidel cowards, lying bastards, morons and the usual ilk.
Sickening that these murdering son bitches get extra special protection by western idiots and traitors!
Every name of every damn APPEASING, COWARDLY MUSLIM LOVING BASTARD should be recorded for future reference IMHO.-TYR