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12-15-2015, 05:39 AM
An intervention attempt.


As a young man, I learned that sometimes that hot chick you're dating is also completely crazy and, as much fun as it is to go out with her, it's going to end badly. That's Donald Trump, the super hottie of the "I Hate the GOP Establishment with a Burning Passion That Has Rendered Me Insusceptible to Reason" crew. He's sexy, he likes to party, and he certainly puts out – in the sense that he fulfills your fantasies about giving it to the RINOs good and hard.

That intensely troubling metaphor aside, the point is still valid. Donald Trump is not a keeper, not the one you want to marry. He’s never going to make you happy. For now, he's going to say what makes you happy, and for now he's going to make a lot of the right people go nuts, but if you get hitched he’ll cheat on you with the liberals. At the end of the day, you’ll walk out of the courtroom wearing a barrel while Trump and the pool boy jet off to Tahiti on your dime.


I get the attraction. He ticks off Barack Obama, he outrages Hillary Clinton, and he gives Jeb Bush conniptions. This is all fine and good. He often says the stuff you’re not supposed to say but that most normal people think. Sometimes he says stuff no sane person thinks. He’s fun at parties, except that after he has a few and puts the lampshade on his head he stops being amusing and starts picking fights with your friends.


Trump believes in nothing, which is why he will say anything. That’s why he's all over the map, varying his positions not only year-to-year, month-to-month, week-to-week, but even hour-to-hour. First he wants to send all Mexicans home, then maybe not all Mexicans, then yes, all Mexicans, then no, not the great ones. The same with Muslims. One minute it's every Muslim gets excluded, then the next minute no, we're going to let some of them back. Who knows what will be tomorrow. I do – whatever gets him the most attention.

When he dumps you, when he goes back to the New York liberal roots that are at the core of his being and starts talking about how he’s decided to switch back to his old positions, that it’s reasonable to take your guns, to liberalize immigration, and to keep Obamacare, you're going to feel like fools. You're going to be humiliated. And the GOP establishment, which is terrible, is going to be looking at you saying, “I told you so.”

You can do better. The failures of the Republican donor and consultant class created Donald Trump. They made you furious, and you have every right to be furious. They have treated you like dirt and it’s no surprise you picked up The Donald on the rebound. But the answer to being treated like a doormat by a bunch of buttoned-down twits is not to embrace somebody who believes in exactly nothing of what you believe in. You can totally do better. There are plenty of fish in the sea, and they aren’t all named Jeb.

Trump doesn't want to make America great. He doesn’t want to make you great. He wants to make you tell him that he's great. He doesn't love you, any more than the stripper in the Champagne Room loves you when you’ve still got money in your wallet.

Sure, that's another deeply disturbing image, but not as deeply disturbing as the image of Donald Trump taking his ego trip on the road in a third-party or otherwise ensuring the election of Hillary Clinton. Just like a gold-digging tramp might leave you with a little something that all the antibiotics in the world can't cure, Donald Trump may leave you with Hillary Clinton, and that means the end of everything you say you stand for.

Don't give Donald Trump your heart. He's only going to break it.

12-15-2015, 09:31 AM
Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds (http://www.moneytalksnews.com/why-youre-probably-better-investing-than-donald-trump/)
Forbes reports Donald Trump is worth $4.1 billion; Trump says $10 billion. Either way, he’d be worth a lot more if he simply retired 30 years ago and put his money in an unmanaged stock fund.

12-15-2015, 09:36 AM
He might not even be the most successful NY real estate investor.

The real reason Donald Trump is so rich (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/09/03/if-donald-trump-followed-this-really-basic-advice-hed-be-a-lot-richer/)

Yet perhaps the most telling comparison is between Trump and his golf buddy, Richard LeFrak. The LeFraks and the Trumps have been rivals in New York's real estate business for generations. LeFrak's father, Samuel LeFrak, took a no-nonsense approach to the business. He focused on minimizing risk and making money, according to a 1992 profile in Business Week (http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/stories/1992-09-06/sam-lefrak-enjoying-the-last-laugh), before the magazine became Bloomberg Businessweek."He might be strutting around like a peacock today, but he's gonna be a feather duster tomorrow," the elder LeFrak told Business Week when asked about Trump.
Over time, the LeFraks came out ahead of their competitors. LeFrak is worth $7 billion today, and he's 181st on Bloomberg's list of the world's richest people (http://www.bloomberg.com/billionaires/profile/richard-lefrak). Bloomberg puts Trump's wealth at just $2.9 billion (http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-07-28/here-s-our-tally-of-donald-trump-s-wealth) -- far less than Forbes's estimate. He doesn't even make the list.

12-15-2015, 09:46 AM
Trump believes in nothing, which is why he will say anything.

I've seen pundits and posters say stuff like this from the get go, and I've posted his stances many times, which haven't changed. I think he believes in those things. In fact, for example, I think he believes in his immigration plan more so than any other candidate on the trail - and that's one of the most important subjects of this campaign to many.

12-15-2015, 09:49 AM
Who said it; Trump or BO?

the government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it’s going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything.

OK, not that hard to figure out.