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12-15-2015, 07:38 AM
It seems that many that support Trump find that questioning his stands, his past record on issues, and even what he has said to be condescending. I do hope the other GOP contenders take this to heart:

Perhaps there will be more clarity to come?


OPINION (http://www.wsj.com/news/opinion)
MAIN STREET (http://www.wsj.com/news/types/main-street)
Looking Down on the American Voter

Whining about Donald Trump’s support instead of trying to grab it.

Can the American people be trusted?

We’ll find out the Republican answer in a few hours, when their presidential contenders take the stage in Las Vegas for their first post-Paris, post-San Bernardino debate. It promises to be a boisterous night, given how they are already mixing it up offstage. Their challenge will be to get out from under the rhetoric of both President Obama (http://topics.wsj.com/person/O/Obama/4328) and Donald Trump (http://topics.wsj.com/person/T/Donald-Trump/159).

Mr. Obama does not trust the American people. We saw this earlier this month, when he used an Oval Office address about the carnage in San Bernardino to lecture the rest of us about tolerance. Once again he refused to call Islamist terror by its rightful name, perhaps because he is not sure how Americans he once described as clinging to “guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them” might react if he were to speak honestly.
Today Mr. Obama has become our most politically correct president, with nothing real to say on the threats we face. No surprise, then, that the chief beneficiary would be our most politically incorrect candidate, Mr. Trump.

Because when Mr. Trump speaks about suspending Muslim immigration or “bombing the s—t” out of oil fields controlled by Islamic State, what supporters hear is this: I won’t let political correctness stand in the way of keeping America safe. And when Republicans respond by tut-tutting about how distasteful they find him—instead of showing why his argument is full of holes—they too come across as condescending, implicitly sharing the president’s belief that the knuckle-dragging American public just can’t handle the truth.

That’s a pity, because as admirable as a lack of political correctness is in a dangerous world, it’s no substitute for a tough foreign policy. For the main weakness of Trump foreign policy is not that it’s “fascist,” “unhinged” or “outrageous.” It’s that it’s almost all seat-of-the-pants.

In Las Vegas, Mr. Trump’s rivals have an excellent opportunity to move us past chest thumping. He (or she) might start by distinguishing his approach from the lead-from-behind ethos of the Obama years, which has left the world with a highly destabilized Middle East and an Islamic State fast rewriting established borders.


Mr. Trump has been loud about what he would do to terrorists. But again, waterboarding terrorists “even if it doesn’t work” is not a strategy. Neither is treating Vladimir Putin (http://topics.wsj.com/person/P/Vladimir-Putin/6409) like some corrupt Albany pol who only wants his cut of the action.

Come to think of it, have any of Mr. Trump’s debate rivals asked him why any conservative should believe he has the judgment to be president when he himself voted for Barack Obama in 2008?

The point is, we do not need another lecture on tolerance from Las Vegas this Tuesday night. In the 14 years since hijackers shouting “Allahu akbar!” turned civilian aircraft into weapons of mass murder, the FBI statistics inform us that, notwithstanding some ugly incidents, we have had many more “hate crimes” against Jews than we have had against Muslims. So why no presidential lectures about America’s treatment of Jews?


Instead of whining about Mr. Trump’s support and the stupidity of his followers, here’s to the Republican contender with the wit to try to take that support away from Mr. Trump by offering Mr. Trump’s voters a clear, strong and superior alternative.

12-15-2015, 08:06 AM
It seems that many that support Trump find that questioning his stands, his past record on issues, and even what he has said to be condescending. I do hope the other GOP contenders take this to heart:

Perhaps there will be more clarity to come?


From the article:

For the main weakness of Trump foreign policy is not that it’s “fascist,” “unhinged” or “outrageous.” It’s that it’s almost all seat-of-the-pants.

I'm to understand from this that Trump has no foreign policy strategy, or objectives ? No discernible, planned approach ?

Regardless, 'seat of the pants' reactions are surely invaluable, when events call for clear reaction ? Consider 9/11. GW Bush intended an introspectve Presidency, one which put foreign policy issues on a back burner. Then, 9/11 happened, and his reaction, a very strong one, was nearly immediate, it was crystal clear, and it defined the nature of his remaining days in the Oval Office .. turning his original approach on its head, because what had happened, called for it.

Now, we have the emergence of ISIS, not just in the Middle East, but as a clear instigator of international terrorism. What's better .. to react to that quickly and strongly, and in the process act to minimise further loss of life, OR, to remain fossilised within political constraints which could even be describable as being 'of a different era' ?

I suggest that a President who remains totally in touch with reality, and reacts to it as circumstances demand, is an invaluable national commodity.

12-15-2015, 09:42 AM
I like Trump. I like so much about the other candidates as well. I don't mind if folks don't like Trump. I will happily vote for another candidate should one win the nod. Honestly, the negativity "I" see is with folks that don't like Trump and his rhetoric. That's cool with me.... but I don't think you'll find a lot of GOP'ers being angry about other candidates or their supporters. That's my opinion though, no fact of course!

12-15-2015, 09:45 AM
I suggest that a President who remains totally in touch with reality, and reacts to it as circumstances demand, is an invaluable national commodity.

There is nothing to suggest that Trump is in touch with reality. He pales in comparison to GWB in his background and the team that he put together to deal with foreign policy issues.

12-15-2015, 09:47 AM
There is nothing to suggest that Trump is in touch with reality.

Why do you continually ignore the plans he has released? I get you don't like the immigration plan... but everything else is in line with reality. And you always make it sound as if he has no plans at all.

To me, someone who doesn't read anything, then claims its not reality - that's the one not in touch with reality.

12-15-2015, 09:54 AM
Why do you continually ignore the plans he has released? I get you don't like the immigration plan... but everything else is in line with reality. And you always make it sound as if he has no plans at all.

To me, someone who doesn't read anything, then claims its not reality - that's the one not in touch with reality.

Who said I ignore his plans? I might have been the first to ask where they were which at the time was 0 on his website (I think he's up to 5 now). I actually like his tax plan but his foreign trade plan is protectionist and a step backwards.

As far as this thread goes I merely gave my opinion on his foreign policy abilities or potential lack thereof in comparison to Bush.

12-15-2015, 09:58 AM
Why do you continually ignore the plans he has released? I get you don't like the immigration plan... but everything else is in line with reality. And you always make it sound as if he has no plans at all.

To me, someone who doesn't read anything, then claims its not reality - that's the one not in touch with reality.

You're going to force me to agree with FJ? :puke:

He doesn't have a plan. "I'm going to get wonderful amazing people to do wonderful amazing things" is NOT a plan. As far as his rhetoric is concerned, he cannot accomplish one thing he says he can. And I REALLY don't want someone with his penchant for the petty and hair-trigger temper with his finger on that red button.

12-15-2015, 10:03 AM
You're going to force me to agree with FJ? :puke:

Now that smarts. :slap:

12-15-2015, 10:07 AM
Who said I ignore his plans? I might have been the first to ask where they were which at the time was 0 on his website (I think he's up to 5 now). I actually like his tax plan but his foreign trade plan is protectionist and a step backwards.

As far as this thread goes I merely gave my opinion on his foreign policy abilities or potential lack thereof in comparison to Bush.

You're going to force me to agree with FJ? :puke:

He doesn't have a plan. "I'm going to get wonderful amazing people to do wonderful amazing things" is NOT a plan. As far as his rhetoric is concerned, he cannot accomplish one thing he says he can. And I REALLY don't want someone with his penchant for the petty and hair-trigger temper with his finger on that red button.

Tsk tsk, a shame that you guys both vomit out the fact that he has no plans, when I've even posted many of them here. Sure, he has a few on his site. He has also spoken in length on the trail and in interviews. No different than other candidates that you guys apparently think DO have plans. Some have nothing whatsoever, and will build the sites as they go. If you ignore a candidate, then of course you won't know their plans. If you don't follow them - at all - then you won't know their plans. If you don't go out of your way to watch, or read things, you won't know their plans.

Gunny, this is like the 3rd time you wrote that very similar line. The last time I replied with extensive planning I was able to find. I guess it was a wasted effort on my part - if you're going to say the same thing no matter what is produced for you, so I won't. :)

FJ - My point was based on you stating he is not in touch with reality. And past comments on about how he has no plans. And yes, you HAVE asked before and I HAVE posted MORE than what is on his site for you. I'm sorry your hatred for him made you ignore it apparently. I've posted his plans from his site, from other sites, from his interviews and from speeches - quite a few times now.

Claim you guys don't like his plans, I'm cool with that. But claiming he has no plans at all only makes the person stating such look foolish.

12-15-2015, 10:08 AM
You're going to force me to agree with FJ? :puke:

He doesn't have a plan. "I'm going to get wonderful amazing people to do wonderful amazing things" is NOT a plan. As far as his rhetoric is concerned, he cannot accomplish one thing he says he can. And I REALLY don't want someone with his penchant for the petty and hair-trigger temper with his finger on that red button.

Why couldn't he accomplish his tax plan. START THERE ALONE. No rhetoric from you either. No spins. No "it's not a plan". No help from others. We'll go onto other plans later, but for starters, just tell me why his tax plan is immposible to accomplish and we'll go from there.

12-15-2015, 10:09 AM
There is nothing to suggest that Trump is in touch with reality. He pales in comparison to GWB in his background and the team that he put together to deal with foreign policy issues.

How can you assert that there are aspects of his policies you do like, yet say Trump isn't in touch with reality ? An unrealistic candidate would offer nothing of value.

No, the truth is that you're against Trump in his approach to the Muslim problem. You don't like his recent pronouncements, any more than you like anything which suggests any strong line against terrorists. Why, next, you'll start fighting for their 'human rights' .. again ...

In fact, FJ, Trump shows every sign of being in touch with reality the most of ALL the candidates. Trouble is, that it's not a reality the Left wishes to acknowledge. Not 'good news', wouldn't you say, FJ .. h'mm ?

12-15-2015, 10:13 AM
How can you assert that there are aspects of his policies you do like, yet say Trump isn't in touch with reality ? An unrealistic candidate would offer nothing of value.

You made a meaningless assertion backed by nothing more than your opinion and an unrelated story about Bush. He pales in comparison to Bush in terms of knowledge and readiness.

12-15-2015, 10:16 AM
Tsk tsk, a shame that you guys both vomit out the fact that he has no plans, when I've even posted many of them here. Sure, he has a few on his site. He has also spoken in length on the trail and in interviews. No different than other candidates that you guys apparently think DO have plans. Some have nothing whatsoever, and will build the sites as they go. If you ignore a candidate, then of course you won't know their plans. If you don't follow them - at all - then you won't know their plans. If you don't go out of your way to watch, or read things, you won't know their plans.

Gunny, this is like the 3rd time you wrote that very similar line. The last time I replied with extensive planning I was able to find. I guess it was a wasted effort on my part - if you're going to say the same thing no matter what is produced for you, so I won't. :)

FJ - My point was based on you stating he is not in touch with reality. And past comments on about how he has no plans. And yes, you HAVE asked before and I HAVE posted MORE than what is on his site for you. I'm sorry your hatred for him made you ignore it apparently. I've posted his plans from his site, from other sites, from his interviews and from speeches - quite a few times now.

Claim you guys don't like his plans, I'm cool with that. But claiming he has no plans at all only makes the person stating such look foolish.

Where have I said that any time recently? I disagree that he is "in touch" on foreign policy especially as it regards the comparison made.

12-15-2015, 10:20 AM
Where have I said that any time recently? I disagree that he is "in touch" on foreign policy especially as it regards the comparison made.

I didn't say it was yesterday, but you have made such an assertion, too lazy to look. Many are cutting him down based on lies and simple hatred. The main thing he can be cut for is his rhetoric. But far too many want to claim he has no plans and such, which is far from the truth. It would be better for folks to simply state they don't care for his plans than to make things up.

12-15-2015, 10:23 AM
I didn't say it was yesterday, but you have made such an assertion, too lazy to look. Many are cutting him down based on lies and simple hatred. The main thing he can be cut for is his rhetoric. But far too many want to claim he has no plans and such, which is far from the truth. It would be better for folks to simply state they don't care for his plans than to make things up.

I openly acknowledge that I did in fact say it when he ad 0 positions on his website and I also acknowledge that I looked up his positions based on your prompting at sites that track his positions based on his comments; to say that they were contradictory at best is an understatement. I also openly acknowledge that I like his tax plan, for example, so apparently I must have done some investigating as to what it was. So for one to keep insisting that I'm cutting him down on "lies and simple hatred" would of course be incorrect.

12-15-2015, 10:27 AM
I openly acknowledge that I did in fact say it when he ad 0 positions on his website and I also acknowledge that I looked up his positions based on your prompting at sites that track his positions based on his comments; to say that they were contradictory at best is an understatement. I also openly acknowledge that I like his tax plan, for example, so apparently I must have done some investigating as to what it was. So for one to keep insisting that I'm cutting him down on "lies and simple hatred" would of course be incorrect.

These statements that he made while running this year on his stances were contradictory?

Thank you for being at least ONE to acknowledge one good thing about the guy you don't like. :)

12-15-2015, 10:33 AM
These statements that he made while running this year on his stances were contradictory?

Thank you for being at least ONE to acknowledge one good thing about the guy you don't like. :)

They were statements made over time. Some from this year contradicted statements he's made in previous years. I think my point made previously brought into doubt his conservative viewpoints. I still doubt his conservatism, I personally put him in the populist camp.

12-15-2015, 10:36 AM
They were statements made over time. Some from this year contradicted statements he's made in previous years. I think my point made previously brought into doubt his conservative viewpoints. I still doubt his conservatism, I personally put him in the populist camp.

I agree that he has made some "flip flops" from the early 90's until this campaign. But I think he's been mostly consistent since. And yes, I'm not always thrilled with the flip flopping, but all the bastards do it. Do I think he's the most conservative ever? No. But I think he's a lot more conservative than Hillary. If someone else on the GOP side is more conservative, then I hope they step up somehow and I'll vote for them. If not, come election day, my ass is voting for the person that is not Hillary.

12-15-2015, 10:43 AM
You made a meaningless assertion backed by nothing more than your opinion and an unrelated story about Bush. He pales in comparison to Bush in terms of knowledge and readiness.

I see you entirely dodged my point about Muslims. Not surprising, considering your strenuous efforts in the past to consider them.

Yes, I have opinions. Many of us do. Better to be free to offer them than to defer to agendas ...

The Bush example was NOT unrelated. Bush reacted quickly, properly, meeting new situations fully realistically, aware of the nature of the enemy he had to combat. Exactly the same can be said for Trump.

Tell me, how ready was Bush for 9/11 ?

Fact was, FJ, that what Bush did, HAD to be 'seat of the pants' stuff, at least, to begin with. Sometimes, FJ, Presidents have their finest hours when they shine with their realistic, non-compromising, reactions.

Such a pity that Lefties like you 'cannot' extend the truth of that to Trump.

12-15-2015, 10:45 AM
I agree that he has made some "flip flops" from the early 90's until this campaign. But I think he's been mostly consistent since. And yes, I'm not always thrilled with the flip flopping, but all the bastards do it. Do I think he's the most conservative ever? No. But I think he's a lot more conservative than Hillary. If someone else on the GOP side is more conservative, then I hope they step up somehow and I'll vote for them. If not, come election day, my ass is voting for the person that is not Hillary.

I think he would barely register on that scale and it's not hard to be more so than hrc.

12-15-2015, 10:46 AM
Why couldn't he accomplish his tax plan. START THERE ALONE. No rhetoric from you either. No spins. No "it's not a plan". No help from others. We'll go onto other plans later, but for starters, just tell me why his tax plan is immposible to accomplish and we'll go from there.

I honestly don't care about his tax plan. We're on the verge of having to fight for our existence as a society, people, and Nation. I don't even know what his tax plan is. If it doesn't abolish all taxes for everyone, it doesn't matter to me. Bear this in mind though -- coming from a construction worker -- developers NEVER have a plan than doesn't provide them with all the profit. I get $16 an hour and he gets $100 for the service call, and you pay for the first hour no matter what.

12-15-2015, 10:48 AM
Tell me, how ready was Bush for 9/11 ?

Your blatherings aside. Bush was ready for foreign policy far more than trump.

12-15-2015, 10:48 AM
I think he would barely register on that scale and it's not hard to be more so than hrc.

I think his stances this year are almost ALL conservative. Which plans has he laid out that aren't conservative? (not talking about his rhetoric on muslims).

12-15-2015, 10:49 AM
I honestly don't care about his tax plan. We're on the verge of having to fight for our existence as a society, people, and Nation. I don't even know what his tax plan is. If it doesn't abolish all taxes for everyone, it doesn't matter to me. Bear this in mind though -- coming from a construction worker -- developers NEVER have a plan than doesn't provide them with all the profit. I get $16 an hour and he gets $100 for the service call, and you pay for the first hour no matter what.

So you're taking back your statement that he couldn't accomplish any of his plans?

12-15-2015, 10:51 AM
They were statements made over time. Some from this year contradicted statements he's made in previous years. I think my point made previously brought into doubt his conservative viewpoints. I still doubt his conservatism, I personally put him in the populist camp.

Can't a person be both conservative and populist?

12-15-2015, 10:52 AM
I think his stances this year are almost ALL conservative. Which plans has he laid out that aren't conservative? (not talking about his rhetoric on muslims).

I think his interview on 60 Minutes regarding health care aren't conservative; it sounds a whole lot like BO's comments about ACA IMO. I don't think he is a free trader though he claims to be; no free trade deal has ever been good enough for him from what I've read. And I don't think he holds the Constitution as highly as most conservatives.

12-15-2015, 10:53 AM
Can't a person be both conservative and populist?

No. Conservatism is an ideology, populism is merely rhetoric.

12-15-2015, 10:56 AM
I think his interview on 60 Minutes regarding health care aren't conservative; it sounds a whole lot like BO's comments about ACA IMO.

Do you like Obamacare better? What offered plans by other candidates do you like more?

I don't think he is a free trader though he claims to be; no free trade deal has ever been good enough for him from what I've read.

I trust him more than others when it comes to business ideas and trade. I haven't seen anyone in 20 years that hasn't screwed us up in this department.

And I don't think he holds the Constitution as highly as most conservatives.

And I love him because he wants to uphold laws with immigration, and hopefully stop anchor babies, uphold the 2nd.

12-15-2015, 11:06 AM
Do you like Obamacare better? What offered plans by other candidates do you like more?

I trust him more than others when it comes to business ideas and trade. I haven't seen anyone in 20 years that hasn't screwed us up in this department.

And I love him because he wants to uphold laws with immigration, and hopefully stop anchor babies, uphold the 2nd.

ACA sucks. Why did he almost parrot BO in talking about his HC ideas?

I don't trust him on trade. I trust the principles of free markets over an individual.

Most Republicans agree with him on immigration, 2A. I didn't say that he didn't have any conservative viewpoints.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-15-2015, 11:09 AM
I like Trump. I like so much about the other candidates as well. I don't mind if folks don't like Trump. I will happily vote for another candidate should one win the nod. Honestly, the negativity "I" see is with folks that don't like Trump and his rhetoric. That's cool with me.... but I don't think you'll find a lot of GOP'ers being angry about other candidates or their supporters. That's my opinion though, no fact of course!

As if the other candidates do not use rhetoric and are somehow perfect/better for being"more civil". To hell with civil, this election can not be carried on the way McCain did his failed attempt !
Trump says what we think and when we hear or read others supposedly on our side cry how thats bad and won't work -it pisses us off as they are then touting the damn dem/media line for them.
Nobody running has been president yet, so all this bullshit about how Trump cant do it , seems to ignore the fact that none of the other candidates have done it or hold any damn better shot at actually doing it!

Myself, I am just damn tired of this self-righteous preaching by the Trump haters of all stripes--especially since I do not stoop to doing that against candidates that they support.
I've not waged a campaign here against any of Trumps opponents in this primary.
Yet Trump haters do so then accuse us of being , less informed ,etc, etc, etc.
Well by God, I am damned well informed on more than just Trump but far more on the obama than any damn body here IMHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:



This crap is getting old.
Hate trump- go for it but stop the damn insulting us for supporting him.. --Tyr

12-15-2015, 11:09 AM
Can't a person be both conservative and populist?

No. Conservatism is an ideology, populism is merely rhetoric.

You answered a question I didn't ask.

Can't a person be both conservative and populist?

12-15-2015, 11:11 AM
You answered a question I didn't ask.

Can't a person be both conservative and populist?

I answered your question; it was no. My apologies for expanding.

12-15-2015, 11:13 AM
ACA sucks. Why did he almost parrot BO in talking about his HC ideas?

I agree that ACA sucks. What about his plans specifically don't you like? And who is offering much better plans at this point?

I don't trust him on trade. I trust the principles of free markets over an individual.

Not trusting someone is one thing. I suppose that's like a gut feeling. Doesn't speak facts much though, or why his plans may not be solid or beneficial to us.

Most Republicans agree with him on immigration, 2A. I didn't say that he didn't have any conservative viewpoints.

I'm just pointing out that he does have conservative principles.

12-15-2015, 11:14 AM
So you're taking back your statement that he couldn't accomplish any of his plans?

No. I said I don't care about irrelevant BS. If his tax plan doesn't give the bureaucracy a raise, it's dead on the desk before it hits it. No one's putting any reality into this. Trump appeals to emotion, not logic. The reality is, he can't accomplish any of the things he says he can. Congress isn't going to back him. Are you kidding?

So then what? You got a schoolyard bully not getting his way that has a pen and a phone. Think we already got one of those. How's the last 7 years worked for you? I don't want to live under a totalitarian regime regardless which side of the damn aisle it's coming from.

This isn't personal to me. With Trump, you nor anyone else. Anyone wants to take it that way, fine. He can't win.

12-15-2015, 11:16 AM

This crap is getting old.
Hate trump- go for it but stop the damn insulting us for supporting him.. --Tyr


Yups. I haven't either. I don't even think I've insulted another candidate, other than maybe the nitwit Paul. MY OPINION - is that those liking Trump are those being attacked, as if they are somehow dumb for not seeing the same things that others do about him. I've defended - yep - but that's about it.

12-15-2015, 11:20 AM
No. I said I don't care about irrelevant BS. I

No point going further. It doesn't seem like you really want to discuss the points, or backup your positions. I don't think the economy and our taxes are irrelevant. I agree not quite as important as other things, but important nonetheless. You said his plans couldn't be accomplished. But when I try and bring them up it's YOU who doesn't want to discuss them, and letting emotions take over, not me. Every question ends up with calling him names and such. That's not a discussion, really. Just sayin!

12-15-2015, 11:24 AM
I agree that ACA sucks. What about his plans specifically don't you like? And who is offering much better plans at this point?

Not trusting someone is one thing. I suppose that's like a gut feeling. Doesn't speak facts much though, or why his plans may not be solid or beneficial to us.

I'm just pointing out that he does have conservative principles.

If we agree that ACA sucks why would you support someone who seems to be saying what BO said about ACA?

It's interesting when a free trade deal is never good enough, just need to negotiate better. When China doesn't succumb to his negotiating prowess will we retaliate with protectionism? It's not like protectionism never destroyed our economy before; read 1929.

I never said he didn't say conservative things.

12-15-2015, 11:25 AM

Yups. I haven't either. I don't even think I've insulted another candidate, other than maybe the nitwit Paul. MY OPINION - is that those liking Trump are those being attacked, as if they are somehow dumb for not seeing the same things that others do about him. I've defended - yep - but that's about it.

Like trump all you want. Just tell us why his positions are so much better.

12-15-2015, 11:29 AM
If we agree that ACA sucks why would you support someone who seems to be saying what BO said about ACA?

It's interesting when a free trade deal is never good enough, just need to negotiate better. When China doesn't succumb to his negotiating prowess will we retaliate with protectionism? It's not like protectionism never destroyed our economy before; read 1929.

I never said he didn't say conservative things.

Why do you continue to avoid the question about other candidates positions on the subject and what is better? Do you not know their plans? Too busy going off on who you don't like to even be informed about the others? I really don't know, left guessing when you avoid my questions. And you're damn skippy, before you ask, as I sure as shit am avoiding yours at the same time. I don't play that game. If you don't want to answer, just say so.

12-15-2015, 11:31 AM
Like trump all you want. Just tell us why his positions are so much better.

Why? You don't seem to listen. You don't seem to know anything about the other candidates either. Seems all you want me to do is defend Trump from you. You ain't voting for the man and are uninformed about other candidates, not exactly someone who I'll run to in order to defend Trump. In other words, it seems like a waste of time if you avoid questions.

12-15-2015, 11:33 AM
Like trump all you want. Just tell us why his positions are so much better.

Oh, and Btw - proof in the pudding, as I've done this many times already. I've discussed Trump, cruz, Fiorina, Carson and Rubio mostly. I've touched on the varied stances and why between them all that I like Trump the most. I'm not going to repeat myself to folks who hate him and aren't even reading and keep repeating the same questions.

12-15-2015, 11:37 AM
As if the other candidates do not use rhetoric and are somehow perfect/better for being"more civil". To hell with civil, this election can not be carried on the way McCain did his failed attempt !
Trump says what we think and when we hear or read others supposedly on our side cry how thats bad and won't work -it pisses us off as they are then touting the damn dem/media line for them.
Nobody running has been president yet, so all this bullshit about how Trump cant do it , seems to ignore the fact that none of the other candidates have done it or hold any damn better shot at actually doing it!

Myself, I am just damn tired of this self-righteous preaching by the Trump haters of all stripes--especially since I do not stoop to doing that against candidates that they support.
I've not waged a campaign here against any of Trumps opponents in this primary.
Yet Trump haters do so then accuse us of being , less informed ,etc, etc, etc.
Well by God, I am damned well informed on more than just Trump but far more on the obama than any damn body here IMHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:



This crap is getting old.
Hate trump- go for it but stop the damn insulting us for supporting him.. --Tyr

What you don't get is I'm not a Trump hater. Nor have I insulted anyone for supporting him. He means nothing to me. I don't think like a civilian. I see everything in grid squares and personnel and materiel. It's just how I think. It pisses civilians off too, because y'all are intolerant except when it comes to you where difference is concerned.

I understand his appeal. I don't disagree with a lot of his ideas. I disagree with his behavior and making promises that if he's as smart as thinks he is knows he can't keep.

I want to win. I don't want another Dem -- especially that criminal Hillary -- in office. And we're not going to because the right is too divided. And like it or not, Trump is the main reason this time around. He's not conservative, and he appeals to only angry conservatives with his rhetoric. You don't get the independent and moderate vote, might as well stay home. Especially when the Nazi's on the left will vote in goose step. WE are the majority in this country yet the Dems win. Why? Because they are united (like lemmings) and we are divided.

But I haven't offended anyone(except Dems) for their choice. If you take it personally I don't like your candidate, that's on YOU, not me.

12-15-2015, 11:38 AM
I answered your question; it was no. My apologies for expanding.

What rubbish you do talk, FJ ...

Conservatism is an ideology, yes ... BUT ... it isn't limited by that ideology. The big difference between Conservatism and Leftieism, certainly in terms of its application, is that though there's ideological direction, it DOES adapt to evolving realities in a way that Leftieism refuses to.

This is something you've never understood, because adherence to ideology is all you really care about, politically speaking - and it's something that helps expose you as the Leftie you are.

A conservative is a realist. Now, you claim that a Conservative cannot be a populist .. yes ? Yet ... sometimes, being a populist can itself be an example of realism at work. Did you not think of that ?

Trump's continuing support testifies not only to the popular nature of his message, but, that it addresses a reality which resonates with his supporters ! So, he, as a Conservative, speaks and acts as one.

Meanwhile, you Lefties are ALL about ideology ... and your enslavement to it. You cannot budge from it ! To you, reality is what you say it is, not WHAT it is. This is why 'PC' thinking and behaviour is of the LEFT wing.

12-15-2015, 11:38 AM
Why do you continue to avoid the question about other candidates positions on the subject and what is better? Do you not know their plans? Too busy going off on who you don't like to even be informed about the others? I really don't know, left guessing when you avoid my questions. And you're damn skippy, before you ask, as I sure as shit am avoiding yours at the same time. I don't play that game. If you don't want to answer, just say so.

So you can not answer questions but I have to? Interesting. Bush has a good plan but probably doesn't go as far as the massive deregulation I would prefer.

12-15-2015, 11:40 AM
So you can not answer questions but I have to? Interesting. Bush has a good plan but probably doesn't go as far as the massive deregulation I would prefer.

Umm, because I asked it 2x while answering your questions. At that point I stop until you start answering questions too. It's not interesting, it's boring, quote frankly. I prefer to debate with folks who will actually not have to be badgered to answer questions.

12-15-2015, 11:40 AM
Why? You don't seem to listen.

I don't listen? I asked a question which implies that I'll listen. It wasn't answered so what am I supposed to do?

12-15-2015, 11:42 AM
Meanwhile, you Lefties are ALL about ideology ...

My God you are stupid.

12-15-2015, 11:44 AM
Umm, because I asked it 2x while answering your questions. At that point I stop until you start answering questions too. It's not interesting, it's boring, quote frankly. I prefer to debate with folks who will actually not have to be badgered to answer questions.

Then badger me to answer a question. I'm all for it. At this point I'm not wedded to anyone and I'll tell you if I think something is good or something is bad.

12-15-2015, 11:52 AM
My God you are stupid.

Now turn AWAY from that mirror ...

This is the best you can do ? It's the same old thing, eh ... when you run out of ways to refute, so the insults start.

What I assert, is no less than true.

To drift away from the thread subject for a moment, just to illustrate the point .... you've long since argued that Conservatives are low taxation in their preferences and biases. Which, so far as that goes, is true. HOWEVER, British Conservatives went through a period of having to raise some taxes, just as, also, they had to launch their austerity measure package.

From a Conservative standpoint, none of that was 'ideal' - but it was nonetheless DONE, because realism demanded it. But you, a Leftie pretending not to be, failed to budge from the thinking that this realism wasn't Conservative .. so, you disagreed with it all.

And that was your mistake. A Leftie only thinks in terms of dogmatic enslavement to ideology, just as you did. A Conservative - a TRUE Conservative - deals with REALITY.

12-15-2015, 12:24 PM
Now turn AWAY from that mirror ...

This is the best you can do ? It's the same old thing, eh ... when you run out of ways to refute, so the insults start.

What I assert, is no less than true.

To drift away from the thread subject for a moment, just to illustrate the point .... you've long since argued that Conservatives are low taxation in their preferences and biases. Which, so far as that goes, is true. HOWEVER, British Conservatives went through a period of having to raise some taxes, just as, also, they had to launch their austerity measure package.

From a Conservative standpoint, none of that was 'ideal' - but it was nonetheless DONE, because realism demanded it. But you, a Leftie pretending not to be, failed to budge from the thinking that this realism wasn't Conservative .. so, you disagreed with it all.

And that was your mistake. A Leftie only thinks in terms of dogmatic enslavement to ideology, just as you did. A Conservative - a TRUE Conservative - deals with REALITY.

The problem here is Democrats are not liberal and Republicans aren't conservative. They are a bureaucracy hell bent on maintaining the status quo. They suck off the government dime while doing nothing. They can't even get the one thing they HAVE TO DO done once a year .. our budget. They work only half the days of the year.

They don't face realism until it's shoved down their throats.

12-15-2015, 12:36 PM
The problem here is Democrats are not liberal and Republicans aren't conservative. They are a bureaucracy hell bent on maintaining the status quo. They suck off the government dime while doing nothing. They can't even get the one thing they HAVE TO DO done once a year .. our budget. They work only half the days of the year.

They don't face realism until it's shoved down their throats.

Happy to take that point, as it complements mine. Realism, its application, doing what's called for ... that is what proper Conservatives SHOULD be doing.

12-15-2015, 01:27 PM
Happy to take that point, as it complements mine. Realism, its application, doing what's called for ... that is what proper Conservatives SHOULD be doing.

It's what proper ANYONE minus a label should do. We've become nations of stupid ideals we put first when reality should come first. You can sit home and believe in whatever you want. But that elephant in the room ain't going to disappear while you're doing it.

12-15-2015, 01:52 PM
It's what proper ANYONE minus a label should do. We've become nations of stupid ideals we put first when reality should come first. You can sit home and believe in whatever you want. But that elephant in the room ain't going to disappear while you're doing it.

Lefties are Lefties, though, so certainly, THEY cannot. It's being wedded to a directive, so cannot see beyond it. Where Conservatives are concerned, as I see it, they don't have any excuse. Same - to take your point - for anyone likewise not enslaved to imperatives.

12-15-2015, 02:08 PM
Lefties are Lefties, though, so certainly, THEY cannot. It's being wedded to a directive, so cannot see beyond it. Where Conservatives are concerned, as I see it, they don't have any excuse. Same - to take your point - for anyone likewise not enslaved to imperatives.

And politicians are politicians. Want to do some homework? Compare Hitlery's stances in 08 to her almost if she had one stances now.

12-15-2015, 05:19 PM
A lot of Republicans are currently asking themselves "should I support Donald Trump?"
If enough of them decide "yes," they will soon be contemplating another question:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6l7ZEIN7zxM/U0Z39Zo0jBI/AAAAAAAAqI8/g9VnOPORS1s/s1600/hillary+clinton+2016+Madam+President+or+Mrs.+Presi dent+-+the+world+of+hillary+clinton+-+03.png

12-15-2015, 05:40 PM
A lot of Republicans are currently asking themselves "should I support Donald Trump?"
If enough of them decide "yes," they will soon be contemplating another question:

Have you forgotten that Hillary is a scumbag? Or that she is a criminal? Or that she has more scandals to her name than all other candidates on both sides combined?

Of course you haven't. That's about just how the Dems like them!

12-15-2015, 07:05 PM
A lot of Republicans are currently asking themselves "should I support Donald Trump?"
If enough of them decide "yes," they will soon be contemplating another question:

You are an intelligent person.

How you can cling to this liar, exaggerator, and fraud is beyond me.

12-15-2015, 07:09 PM
Have you forgotten that Hillary is a scumbag? Or that she is a criminal? Or that she has more scandals to her name than all other candidates on both sides combined?

Of course you haven't. That's about just how the Dems like them!

She should not be allowed to run for President. She should be arrested and prosecuted. And then she should be escorted to Federal Prison

12-15-2015, 07:11 PM
Have you forgotten that Hillary is a scumbag? Or that she is a criminal? Or that she has more scandals to her name than all other candidates on both sides combined?

Of course you haven't. That's about just how the Dems like them!

I haven't forgot. And you might recall, I don't care for Hillary one bit. But no one on the Dem side has the nads to challenge her.
Someone in another thread wanted to know why the news media has given up covering the Dem primaries. The answer is because there is really no competition. Bernie Sanders is merely a curiosity.
The only real race is on the GOP side.

12-15-2015, 07:13 PM
These statements that he made while running this year on his stances were contradictory?

Thank you for being at least ONE to acknowledge one good thing about the guy you don't like. :)
Hello there bud! I've said repeatedly that he brings up topics that should have been seriously discussed long, long ago. That's part of his appeal, he reflects what many, (including myself), believe are extremely important things. The problem I have with him is that I don't believe he politically wishes to deal with them. Perhaps more importantly, based on his past and even the answers I've seen in the debates and in interviews he only stays on 'how incompetent' all others are and 'how great he'll do whatever,' his stances tend towards the liberal when pushed. His past is quite liberal, not Bernie liberal, but Hillary liberal.

12-15-2015, 07:15 PM
I haven't forgot. And you might recall, I don't care for Hillary one bit. But no one on the Dem side has the nads to challenge her.
Someone in another thread wanted to know why the news media has given up covering the Dem primaries. The answer is because there is really no competition. Bernie Sanders is merely a curiosity.
The only real race is on the GOP side.

You and others that dislike her, can challenge her with your vote. :poke:

12-15-2015, 07:17 PM
I think his interview on 60 Minutes regarding health care aren't conservative; it sounds a whole lot like BO's comments about ACA IMO. I don't think he is a free trader though he claims to be; no free trade deal has ever been good enough for him from what I've read. And I don't think he holds the Constitution as highly as most conservatives.

Anyone who thinks that it's a grand idea for the government to confiscate private property to enrich 'the community' through private enterprise is not conservative. He is in favor of Kelo.

12-15-2015, 07:20 PM
She should not be allowed to run for President. She should be arrested and prosecuted. And then she should be escorted to Federal Prison

She obviously violated security protocol when Sec of State.
Private E-mail account and private server? So she could send
messages into a government system? That is a violation of
the statues on Intelligence and information sharing. Even
creating a link from one to the other opens it all up to
illegal access.

I know full well what is required and not even the President
should violate those statutes. If I got info at work that I had
to send to my home account, I had to encrypt them and make
them password protected.

12-15-2015, 07:22 PM
Have you forgotten that Hillary is a scumbag? Or that she is a criminal? Or that she has more scandals to her name than all other candidates on both sides combined?

Of course you haven't. That's about just how the Dems like them!

I think her point is it isn't the left putting her in office. They're sitting back and watching us self-destruct. They'll pick up the pieces and they drone right after that hag.

12-15-2015, 07:22 PM
Why do you continue to avoid the question about other candidates positions on the subject and what is better? Do you not know their plans? Too busy going off on who you don't like to even be informed about the others? I really don't know, left guessing when you avoid my questions. And you're damn skippy, before you ask, as I sure as shit am avoiding yours at the same time. I don't play that game. If you don't want to answer, just say so.

There's a degree of truth in what you are saying about anyone really being aware of the other candidates positions in this cycle thus far. Trump has taken over all the coverage given by the media-liberal and conservative. He just calls and they put him on.

Following each debate, whomever makes some good points, gets a bump then Trump follows up after with his tweets and further interviews.

12-15-2015, 07:27 PM
Have you forgotten that Hillary is a scumbag? Or that she is a criminal? Or that she has more scandals to her name than all other candidates on both sides combined?

Of course you haven't. That's about just how the Dems like them!

and that is why the whole Trump thing is so upsetting to me. BTW, in this thread from what I've seen the only name calling has been against those who don't like/support/love Trump-not you doing the name calling, I'm just throwing that in since I've been reading that over and over again.

12-15-2015, 07:27 PM
There's a degree of truth in what you are saying about anyone really being aware of the other candidates positions in this cycle thus far. Trump has taken over all the coverage given by the media-liberal and conservative. He just calls and they put him on.

Following each debate, whomever makes some good points, gets a bump then Trump follows up after with his tweets and further interviews.

Since when did Presidential candidates "tweet"? Being Presidential and actin like a teenage girl on an i phone doesn't exactly bolster my opinion. Fox News is the absolute worst. Spend more time pimping "tweet me at ..." than they do on the damned news. I can can send you a bird that goes "tweet". :rolleyes:

12-15-2015, 07:28 PM
Since when did Presidential candidates "tweet"? Being Presidential and actin like a teenage girl on an i phone doesn't exactly bolster my opinion. Fox News is the absolute worst. Spend more time pimping "tweet me at ..." than they do on the damned news. I can can send you a bird that goes "tweet". :rolleyes:

Be that as it may, that is what he does. The tweets are covered by the media and his followers.

12-15-2015, 07:31 PM
Be that as it may, that is what he does. The tweets are covered by the media and his followers.

I'm sick of the crap. Everyone has their faces stuck in their damned phones. It's ridiculous to me. I'm a people, not a damned phone or computer.

12-15-2015, 07:33 PM
Be that as it may, that is what he does. The tweets are covered by the media and his followers.

Fwiw, it's not just "he", EVERY candidate on the trail is using twitter to get the word out and reach newer audiences.

12-15-2015, 07:35 PM
There's a degree of truth in what you are saying about anyone really being aware of the other candidates positions in this cycle thus far. Trump has taken over all the coverage given by the media-liberal and conservative. He just calls and they put him on.

Following each debate, whomever makes some good points, gets a bump then Trump follows up after with his tweets and further interviews.

The other candidates are free to use twitter. Are they also calling or trying for interviews - and being denied? I honestly haven't read of that happening to anyone.

12-15-2015, 07:36 PM
Fwiw, it's not just "he", EVERY candidate on the trail is using twitter to get the word out and reach newer audiences.
and as I said, the others aren't 'covered' unless they post something, no matter how remotely about Trump.

12-15-2015, 07:38 PM
The other candidates are free to use twitter. Are they also calling or trying for interviews - and being denied? I honestly haven't read of that happening to anyone.

Really? Which one of them just could call up any news show on FOX, CNN, PBS, the big 3 and be put on the air? None, save Trump. Why? Ratings. Gabby is right on the entertainment value of the man. Folks tune in.

How many interviews with Trump by his 'golden escalator?' Seriously, hundreds if not thousands-we can't catch them all.

12-15-2015, 07:38 PM
and as I said, the others aren't 'covered' unless they post something, no matter how remotely about Trump.

I've read many many articles that have covered what all the candidates have stated about various things. I honestly don't care much about what they had to say, but I've seen it out there plenty of times.

12-15-2015, 07:41 PM
Really? Which one of them just could call up any news show on FOX, CNN, PBS, the big 3 and be put on the air? None, save Trump. Why? Ratings. Gabby is right on the entertainment value of the man. Folks tune in.

How many interviews with Trump by his 'golden escalator?' Seriously, hundreds if not thousands-we can't catch them all.

Which are being denied interviews is all I asked. I'm guessing that's a "none" then?

12-15-2015, 07:42 PM
I've read many many articles that have covered what all the candidates have stated about various things. I honestly don't care much about what they had to say, but I've seen it out there plenty of times.

Articles, yes. Just today saw one on how Rubio has nearly single handedly put the wrench in Obamacare (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/how-marco-rubio-is-quietly-killing-obamacare/2015/12/14/c706849a-a275-11e5-b53d-972e2751f433_story.html). How many times have you heard that?

We're talking about the media pushing Trump as a phenomena. Certainly it has to do with air time, advertising for both print and electronic media. It may also be that they want him up against Hillary for some reason.

12-15-2015, 07:47 PM
I've read many many articles that have covered what all the candidates have stated about various things. I honestly don't care much about what they had to say, but I've seen it out there plenty of times.

Thing is, we don't need to be getting testy with each other. Some of y'all like Trump and some of us don't. If you look at the numbers he can't win. Again, I want to win. There's a lot at stake and Trump's blowing it for the right.

The MSM isn't giving Trump media coverage out of good grace. The strategy and tactic is so simple it's pathetic. Prop up a sure loser to ensure our side wins.

12-15-2015, 07:47 PM
Fwiw, it's not just "he", EVERY candidate on the trail is using twitter to get the word out and reach newer audiences.

and as I said, the others aren't 'covered' unless they post something, no matter how remotely about Trump.

I've read many many articles that have covered what all the candidates have stated about various things. I honestly don't care much about what they had to say, but I've seen it out there plenty of times.

Articles, yes. Just today saw one on how Rubio has nearly single handedly put the wrench in Obamacare (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/how-marco-rubio-is-quietly-killing-obamacare/2015/12/14/c706849a-a275-11e5-b53d-972e2751f433_story.html). How many times have you heard that?

We're talking about the media pushing Trump as a phenomena. Certainly it has to do with air time, advertising for both print and electronic media. It may also be that they want him up against Hillary for some reason.

I thought we were talking about Twitter, and I pointed out that all of the candidates use it. My bad if not. I was merely pointing out that ALL of the candidates use Twitter and they will be covered if they use it. I thought you were implying that it was only Trump who used Twitter, and that he was the only one who had the twitter covered. Again, my bad.

12-15-2015, 07:51 PM
Thing is, we don't need to be getting testy with each other. Some of y'all like Trump and some of us don't. If you look at the numbers he can't win. Again, I want to win. There's a lot at stake and Trump's blowing it for the right.

The MSM isn't giving Trump media coverage out of good grace. The strategy and tactic is so simple it's pathetic. Prop up a sure loser to ensure our side wins.

I disagree with some on where the anger and testy stuff comes from. I love all of the candidates. I honestly don't see others going after other members for those that they support. And it seems like those that don't like Trump often say stuff like "Don't you see that if he..." and stuff like that, as if those of us that do support him are retarded.

Additionally, as an aside - why are those that don't like Trump, posting very very little about who they do like, and spending much more time contesting the stuff Trump says and trying to knock down those who do support him thus far?

I don't get the stuff either, But I know I'm sure as hell not seeking anyone out on the gop side for who they support thus far. I'd be happy with any member here supporting any gop candidate.

12-15-2015, 07:51 PM
I think it is hilarious. That people are freaking out about Trump. It is their fault he is getting so much attention. :laugh:

Do you guys ever think that it is because people actually support him? He is doing something that the others aren't doing. He is using his own money and his own intellect he is not the establishment. I respect that. And I agree with him. He loves America.

I believe some people are TOO afraid of hillary. It may be blinding. I hope he wins.

I think I will volunteer here in Ohio for Trump. We need a President, that isn't a wuss.

I am not afraid, I am angry, My heart breaks for my country. Oh and by the way Trump is a big supporter of the Military and all Veterans.

I am afraid some people hate Trump because his personality isn't conducive to their own

12-15-2015, 07:51 PM
I thought we were talking about Twitter, and I pointed out that all of the candidates use it. My bad if not. I was merely pointing out that ALL of the candidates use Twitter and they will be covered if they use it. I thought you were implying that it was only Trump who used Twitter, and that he was the only one who had the twitter covered. Again, my bad.

I was the one talking about twitter. Goofy-ass crap. And no, the implication is that HIS "tweets" (disgusts me just to type that -- birds tweet) get more coverage than anyone else's. Every morning on the news you hear about what Trump tweeted. You don't hear it about anyone else.

12-15-2015, 07:51 PM
Which are being denied interviews is all I asked. I'm guessing that's a "none" then?

Jim, I didn't say 'denied' what I said was the coverage of Trump has drowned out all the others. Walker couldn't gain traction, he at least got out to let others try. I do wish it would go down to 3, then let them find out what's up for the primaries.

12-15-2015, 07:53 PM
I thought we were talking about Twitter, and I pointed out that all of the candidates use it. My bad if not. I was merely pointing out that ALL of the candidates use Twitter and they will be covered if they use it. I thought you were implying that it was only Trump who used Twitter, and that he was the only one who had the twitter covered. Again, my bad.

No, I was referring to the fact that the media covers his tweets, I agree that they all have social media pages, lord knows. What I was referring to is the media covering what they write.

12-15-2015, 07:53 PM
I think it is hilarious. That people are freaking out about Trump. It is their fault he is getting so much attention.

This is partly true, even right here on this board. I like all of the candidates, hence I follow all of them and their campaigns. I don't know for sure what will happen in the end. But I'm sure not going to spend my time condemning one candidate I don't like while ignoring all of the other candidates.

12-15-2015, 07:54 PM
Jim, I didn't say 'denied' what I said was the coverage of Trump has drowned out all the others. Walker couldn't gain traction, he at least got out to let others try. I do wish it would go down to 3, then let them find out what's up for the primaries.

Walker and Perry were actually the best two candidates in my opinion. Trump drowns everyone that is a threat to him because he can afford to.

12-15-2015, 07:54 PM
Jim, I didn't say 'denied' what I said was the coverage of Trump has drowned out all the others. Walker couldn't gain traction, he at least got out to let others try. I do wish it would go down to 3, then let them find out what's up for the primaries.

What I don't get is why so darned many Republicans are running for President. That is dumb. The RNC is to blame.

Trump is proving that super pacs are a waste of money.

12-15-2015, 07:54 PM
No, I was referring to the fact that the media covers his tweets, I agree that they all have social media pages, lord knows. What I was referring to is the media covering what they write.

Well that's what I thought originally. I don't know about others, but like I said, I have seen tons of "tweets" covered by all of the candidates. Most of it is lame. Trump gets more coverage as a) he uses it more than others and b) he is more aggressive than the others in what he says. But I don't see a failure in coverage.

12-15-2015, 07:55 PM
I was the one talking about twitter. Goofy-ass crap. And no, the implication is that HIS "tweets" (disgusts me just to type that -- birds tweet) get more coverage than anyone else's. Every morning on the news you hear about what Trump tweeted. You don't hear it about anyone else.

I don't see it that way. What major stuff written by other candidates has been ignored, that you feel was worthy of being discussed?

12-15-2015, 07:56 PM
Jim, I didn't say 'denied' what I said was the coverage of Trump has drowned out all the others. Walker couldn't gain traction, he at least got out to let others try. I do wish it would go down to 3, then let them find out what's up for the primaries.

You said Trump can just call up the various stations and get interviews. Why can't other candidates do the same?

12-15-2015, 07:56 PM
This is partly true, even right here on this board. I like all of the candidates, hence I follow all of them and their campaigns. I don't know for sure what will happen in the end. But I'm sure not going to spend my time condemning one candidate I don't like while ignoring all of the other candidates.

There are plenty of ways to look at all the candidates.

I like Cruz. As for the others ah, not so much. I really dislike Lindsey Graham. Santorum Is a good guy too. It is sad that Americans would rather vote for a Muslim than a Christian. That is where we are. Have you seen how insane Facebook is lately.

Obsessing over Trump is not going to defeat him, nor is it going to have an affect on my vote

12-15-2015, 07:59 PM
You said Trump can just call up the various stations and get interviews. Why can't other candidates do the same?

They would not get on the air. Really. Even the media has agreed that people want to hear what he'll say. I do believe that the attacks on Meghan Kelly were via Twitter? Most of his most attention grabbing stuff is, then it's 'explained' on the air-be it FOX, CNN, etc.

12-15-2015, 08:00 PM
I don't see it that way. What major stuff written by other candidates has been ignored, that you feel was worthy of being discussed?

Since getting me on twitter (? right) would take an act of Congress abd I'd be dead before they ever acted, I know what I see on the news everyday. I know WHO I see on the news every day and quote an old Elton John song from Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, "I've seen that Movie Too." I don't want a rock star for a President. I want a President for a President. Trump is about as qualified as Obama. Meaning he isn't.

12-15-2015, 08:02 PM
You said Trump can just call up the various stations and get interviews. Why can't other candidates do the same?

Because they are busy spending the pac money to make commercials

12-15-2015, 08:15 PM
Did you guys know why Obama and Lindsey Graham call ISIS; ISIL?

That is basically, saying that ISIS owns Israel and other countries. IT is a region on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea north of the Arabian Peninsula and south of Turkey, usually including the area of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria. In other words Obama doesn't recognize Israel as a State. And when Lindsey Graham repeats that he is saying the same. Linsdey Graham is an idiot

12-15-2015, 08:16 PM
They would not get on the air. Really. Even the media has agreed that people want to hear what he'll say. I do believe that the attacks on Meghan Kelly were via Twitter? Most of his most attention grabbing stuff is, then it's 'explained' on the air-be it FOX, CNN, etc.

Are we assuming this, or have they tried and have been denied?

12-15-2015, 08:19 PM
Since getting me on twitter (? right) would take an act of Congress abd I'd be dead before they ever acted, I know what I see on the news everyday. I know WHO I see on the news every day and quote an old Elton John song from Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, "I've seen that Movie Too." I don't want a rock star for a President. I want a President for a President. Trump is about as qualified as Obama. Meaning he isn't.

Odd. I've been seeing media about the other candidates, both online and what little TV I watch. It's really not that hard to find. Yes, Trump is all over the place. Not unexpected as he IS the leader. But it's not like the other candidates are locked out. How many of the campaign events have you watched from the other candidates? Which ones?

12-15-2015, 08:31 PM
Odd. I've been seeing media about the other candidates, both online and what little TV I watch. It's really not that hard to find. Yes, Trump is all over the place. Not unexpected as he IS the leader. But it's not like the other candidates are locked out. How many of the campaign events have you watched from the other candidates? Which ones?

He isn't a leader. Not even close. But since he's the front runner for some reason unbeknownst to anyone he gets the scrutiny, he's going to get the flak. Tough sh*t. Hang your ass out there and get shot, no one to blame but you.

I've repeatedly stated why he won't win. And I have a diaper to change. I've called every election since 1980. Doubt I'll be wrong this time. This crap is really too damned easy.

I DO find it interesting that you folk take it personally when someone doesn't like your guy. Pointing out Trump's loudmouth bull is about HIM, not you. And if anyone doesn't like me because I don't like windbags that can't and will never deliver, then so be it. I ain't running on emotion. This is a chess game to me.

Black Diamond
12-15-2015, 08:37 PM
Did you guys know why Obama and Lindsey Graham call ISIS; ISIL?

That is basically, saying that ISIS owns Israel and other countries. IT is a region on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea north of the Arabian Peninsula and south of Turkey, usually including the area of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria. In other words Obama doesn't recognize Israel as a State. And when Lindsey Graham repeats that he is saying the same. Linsdey Graham is an idiot

Truer words have never been spoken. He isn't exactly conservative either.

12-15-2015, 08:39 PM
He isn't a leader. Not even close. But since he's the front runner for some reason unbeknownst to anyone he gets the scrutiny, he's going to get the flak. Tough sh*t. Hang your ass out there and get shot, no one to blame but you.

I've repeatedly stated why he won't win. And I have a diaper to change. I've called every election since 1980. Doubt I'll be wrong this time. This crap is really too damned easy.

I DO find it interesting that you folk take it personally when someone doesn't like your guy. Pointing out Trump's loudmouth bull is about HIM, not you. And if anyone doesn't like me because I don't like windbags that can't and will never deliver, then so be it. I ain't running on emotion. This is a chess game to me.

So that's a negative on what you have tuned into on other candidates? I fail to see how me asking questions is making anything personal. Where does that come from? I'm simply pointing out that the stuff about the other candidates IS out there and covered for those who want to read or tune into. The stuff is there, and not my fault if others don't tune in. But why spend so much time on Trump, instead of learning about other candidates?

Black Diamond
12-15-2015, 08:39 PM
It seems to be trump vs Cruz at this point??

Be interesting to see if they go after one another tonight.

Black Diamond
12-15-2015, 08:42 PM
So that's a negative on what you have tuned into on other candidates? I fail to see how me asking questions is making anything personal. Where does that come from? I'm simply pointing out that the stuff about the other candidates IS out there and covered for those who want to read or tune into. The stuff is there, and not my fault if others don't tune in. But why spend so much time on Trump, instead of learning about other candidates?

Media has made sure we pay attention to Trump. Plus he says things no one else dares say.

12-15-2015, 08:42 PM
It seems to be trump vs Cruz at this point??

Be interesting to see if they go after one another tonight.

Rubio ..Cruz will be the battle...But the libs will `push` for a fight on all fronts....

Ok...its starting...:cool:

12-15-2015, 08:45 PM
So that's a negative on what you have tuned into on other candidates? I fail to see how me asking questions is making anything personal. Where does that come from? I'm simply pointing out that the stuff about the other candidates IS out there and covered for those who want to read or tune into. The stuff is there, and not my fault if others don't tune in. But why spend so much time on Trump, instead of learning about other candidates?

I don't tune in on any of them. I don't watch the debates. I watch the news. And EVERY DAMNED TIME it's all about Trump. Hell, I wish the bastard would get off my damned tv. I don't need to look at any other candidates' stances to know he can't do a damned thing he's promising.

Black Diamond
12-15-2015, 08:45 PM
Rubio ..Cruz will be the battle...But the libs will `push` for a fight on all fronts....

Ok...its starting...:cool:

I would think Cruz would be in Trumps sights. Given he is the frontrunner in iowa.

Black Diamond
12-15-2015, 08:47 PM
I don't tune in on any of them. I don't watch the debates. I watch the news. And EVERY DAMNED TIME it's all about Trump. Hell, I wish the bastard would get off my damned tv. I don't need to look at any other candidates' stances to know he can't do a damned thing he's promising.

I would rather see trump on there than Obama. But yeah l like I said media gets everyone talking about him.

12-15-2015, 11:28 PM
Rubio lost the battle with Cruz...IMO...

*Loved how Trump said Cruz would be his running mate...`either way`....Cruz was Very Strong also...!

...Great Debate...!...Donald was smooth and able to Adjust....

...Donald Trump / Ted Cruz 2016!

"Establishment" now ....is put into "Check"....Their move...

12-16-2015, 06:19 AM
A lot of Republicans are currently asking themselves "should I support Donald Trump?"
If enough of them decide "yes," they will soon be contemplating another question:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6l7ZEIN7zxM/U0Z39Zo0jBI/AAAAAAAAqI8/g9VnOPORS1s/s1600/hillary+clinton+2016+Madam+President+or+Mrs.+Presi dent+-+the+world+of+hillary+clinton+-+03.png

I prefer: YOU'VE LOST.

12-16-2015, 08:02 AM
I would rather see trump on there than Obama. But yeah l like I said media gets everyone talking about him.

Honestly, I don't want to see any of them. Trump, Hillary and I want to shoot the tv when O-blah-blah gets on. We got 11 more months of this BS and everyone's already at everyone else's throats. Guilliani said it best this morning: I'm sitting back and watching to see who can best beat Shrillery AND be a good President.

12-16-2015, 08:02 AM
I prefer: YOU'VE LOST.

Again. :)

12-16-2015, 01:26 PM
... a Leftie pretending not to be...

Your dumbF*ery aside. If you want to have a conversation leave your ignorance on your side of the pond. We could have had a nice little discussion regarding conservatism vs. populism but you need to drag every thread down your festering hole of ignorance.

12-16-2015, 02:17 PM
Your dumbF*ery aside. If you want to have a conversation leave your ignorance on your side of the pond. We could have had a nice little discussion regarding conservatism vs. populism but you need to drag every thread down your festering hole of ignorance.

Alrighty then. Now that everyone is pissed off in this thread (or am I pissed off in different one?), f*ck all of y'all. :laugh2: Getting all bent over people that don't even care if you exist. I mean, really ....

12-16-2015, 02:21 PM
Your dumbF*ery aside. If you want to have a conversation leave your ignorance on your side of the pond. We could have had a nice little discussion regarding conservatism vs. populism but you need to drag every thread down your festering hole of ignorance.

You're obviously in a bad mood. I'm guessing my 'YOU'VE LOST' post hasn't exactly helped ?

Tough - I'm not apologising.

I've already covered the conservatism v populism debate (you may need to refresh your memory).

As for 'my ignorance' .. is this a joke, coming from a self-alleged 'One True Thatcherite', who didn't even grasp that her whole style of Conservative leader defied some of what YOU claim to believe in, as a Conservative ?

Ah, but there it is, you need to keep the contention alive. Perhaps I shouldn't play your game.:trolls:

Black Diamond
12-16-2015, 02:26 PM

12-16-2015, 03:41 PM
... f*ck all of y'all. :laugh2:


... my 'YOU'VE LOST' post...

You make up a lot of things that aren't true. As I said, if you want to discuss anything like an adult you're more than welcome to leave your ignorant blather out of it. I don't believe you are capable given your trolling propensities.


I second that. ;)

12-17-2015, 01:25 AM
Rubio lost the battle with Cruz...IMO...

*Loved how Trump said Cruz would be his running mate...`either way`....Cruz was Very Strong also...!

...Great Debate...!...Donald was smooth and able to Adjust....

...Donald Trump / Ted Cruz 2016!

"Establishment" now ....is put into "Check"....Their move...

You cannot get any more establishment than Rubio. He really rubs me the wrong way, and his stance on immigration will just get us all killed