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View Full Version : McCain Campaign Almost out of Money...............

07-12-2007, 05:42 PM
WASHINGTON (CNN) — CNN has learned the already-dire situation for Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign has actually gotten even worse, with two sources close to the candidate saying the campaign only has a paltry $250,000 left.

The sources tell CNN that next week the McCain campaign will reveal it has about $1.75 million in unpaid debts, wiping out the $2 million in cash-on-hand the campaign currently has in the bank.

Full Story................

:laugh2: That sucks. He's probably gonna have to drop out of the race. He should have sided with the Democrats as much as he did. :laugh2:

07-12-2007, 06:23 PM

I hope he fades into the woodwork.

07-12-2007, 07:19 PM

I hope he fades into the woodwork.

I bet his campaign announcment next week is going to be withdrawing from the campaign.

07-12-2007, 09:23 PM
:laugh2: McCains Campaign keeps taking one hit after another, that's what he get's for trying to give Amnesty to over 12,000,000 Felons. :laugh2:

07-12-2007, 09:38 PM
WASHINGTON (CNN) — CNN has learned the already-dire situation for Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign has actually gotten even worse, with two sources close to the candidate saying the campaign only has a paltry $250,000 left.

The sources tell CNN that next week the McCain campaign will reveal it has about $1.75 million in unpaid debts, wiping out the $2 million in cash-on-hand the campaign currently has in the bank.

Full Story................

:laugh2: That sucks. He's probably gonna have to drop out of the race. He should have sided with the Democrats as much as he did. :laugh2:

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::c lap:

07-12-2007, 09:40 PM
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::c lap:

His campaign has been one big mistake from the beginning. If he can't run a campaign to be President I don't think he would be able to run the country as President.

07-12-2007, 09:41 PM
I think he really believes that people don't think he is incompitent, which he really is and in a major way.

07-13-2007, 12:52 AM
I bet his campaign announcment next week is going to be withdrawing from the campaign.

i dont know about that... quite possible he will keep trying. its his last chance for the Presidency.

07-13-2007, 01:05 AM
i dont know about that... quite possible he will keep trying. its his last chance for the Presidency.

I dunno.......It's been one disaster after another.

07-13-2007, 04:49 PM
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Despite a shrinking staff and nearly depleted funds, Sen. John McCain said Friday his presidential bid is still headed to victory.

“We go to the town hall meetings, we fix our financial difficulties, and we win,” the Arizona Republican told reporters while campaigning in the crucial primary state of New Hampshire. “I am very confident; you can see the response you get here today from the people in New Hampshire.”

The GOP presidential hopeful also brushed aside suggestions he no longer has adequate recourses to compete in the early primary states after several key staff members departed following bleak second-quarter fundraising numbers and excessive spending.

“We’ve always had relatively small staff and we’ve never been able to compete on money. We’ll win the same way we almost won in 2000,” the Arizona Republican told reporters.

Asked about possible misspending by campaign staffers, in light of his years railing against misspending by Congress, McCain said, “When I see mistakes, I correct them.”

McCain also acknowledged his stances on some of the most controversial issues have dogged his campaign. “My position on immigration was obviously not helpful with the Republican base,” he said. McCain was among a bipartisan group of senators that worked out compromise legislation aimed at overhauling U.S. immigration laws. The bill was ultimately defeated in Congress, partly because many conservatives rallied against it, arguing it offered “amnesty” to illegal immigrants.

He added, “I think my position on the war in Iraq has obviously at least not been helpful with independents.”

McCain has been a very public advocate of keeping U.S. troops in Iraq.


Atleast he has a positive attitude. :laugh2: