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12-16-2015, 12:53 PM
I wondered about that at the time:


Staffers on the Senate Intelligence Committee are looking into whether Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) disclosed classified information during the debate, according to the committee chair."I'm having my staff look at the transcripts of the debate right now," Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told reporters on Wednesday, according to The Hill (http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/263443-burr-investigating-if-cruz-discussed-classified-information-during-debate). "Any time you deal with numbers... the question is 'Is that classified or not?' or is there an open source reference to it."

While Rubio and Cruz were debating each other's records on national security and surveillance, Cruz got into some details about what the bulk data program covers.

"What he knows is that the old program covered 20 percent to 30 percent of phone numbers to search for terrorists," Cruz said, referring to Rubio. "The new program covers nearly 100 percent. That gives us greater ability to stop acts of terrorism, and he knows that that’s the case."

It's not clear if Cruz, who is unpopular with many of his Senate colleagues, revealed classified information. But in his response to Cruz, Rubio noted that he did not want to say too much about the program.


12-16-2015, 12:55 PM
I wondered about that at the time:


Like I said ... if it's a Republican/conservative ....

Black Diamond
12-16-2015, 01:05 PM
Like I said ... if it's a Republican/conservative ....

Yeah Cruz will probably hang and Hillary will be president for eight years.

12-16-2015, 01:18 PM
Yeah Cruz will probably hang and Hillary will be president for eight years.

Geez. I'm hoping not. While some think I am attacking them personally, such is not the case. I want to win and I know HOW to win and know who won't win. If Hillary is president for 8 years we're screwed.

Black Diamond
12-16-2015, 01:26 PM
Geez. I'm hoping not. While some think I am attacking them personally, such is not the case. I want to win and I know HOW to win and know who won't win. If Hillary is president for 8 years we're screwed.

Cataclysmic event. That's how Obama won. May be what if takes for Trump to win.

12-16-2015, 06:41 PM
I wondered about that at the time:


Kathianne, et al. A simple search on GOOGLE can get all the answers anyone needs. Not to mention, Wikipedia, and all of the information (classified or not), that Hillary had on her EMAIL account, and server IN HER HOME.
Of course. Cruz's enemies will try to bury him with such BS. That's how Washington/Liars work.

12-16-2015, 07:11 PM
It does not appear to be classified, even a low as FOUO.

Someone is just grandstanding.:laugh:

12-16-2015, 08:29 PM
It does not appear to be classified, even a low as FOUO.

Someone is just grandstanding.

Someone is sharpening up the Long Knives if this qualifies as a "scandal." Though Republicans have to be prepared for more to come.
I suspect the campaign will turn up the vicious level quite a few notches at the outset of 2016.

12-16-2015, 08:44 PM
Someone is sharpening up the Long Knives if this qualifies as a "scandal." Though Republicans have to be prepared for more to come.
I suspect the campaign will turn up the vicious level quite a few notches at the outset of 2016.

You're right, M'Lady...

Make a mountain out of a mole-hill when there is no fact
to support it. Just denial tactics, I think and diversion from
their own ills!

12-17-2015, 06:32 AM
It sounds like Cruz read the same articles I did on this. I just didn't repeat what I read. :laugh: