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View Full Version : Report: Al Qaeda renewing efforts to sneak terror plotters into U.S.

07-12-2007, 05:50 PM
Story Highlights

AP: Report says Al Qaeda has most of the capabilities it needs to strike in U.S.
Report says al Qaeda has found a safe haven in the tribal areas of Pakistan
Al Qaeda will bolster efforts to position operatives inside U.S., report says
Findings in classified National Intelligence Estimate; still in draft form


This is pretty scary if you sit here and think about it. Nothing can really be done to determine who is already here in a Sleeper Cell waiting to attack.

07-12-2007, 05:59 PM
Yep they are watching a number of them but they don't know for sure how many there are. But then the libs don't want us to eavesdrop on the cells, they don't want us to fight in iraq or afganhistan, they don't want the borders closed. They don't want illegals shipped out. They don't want anything that logically protects the citizens. So its a good idea to be scared cause the libs are going to cause lots of people to die. But they don't care cause they can get more power and they hate Bush.

07-12-2007, 07:42 PM

A. Our intelligence has any credibility any more and

B. bin Laden and Al quaeda actually ARE in the "border areas of Pakistan" and

C they are the enemy that we REALLY should be doing battle with then

why doesn't congress declare war on them ? Have they forgotten they can do that stuff?

07-12-2007, 07:45 PM
Big question: Does the US have more warning to a 9/11 type attack? Are these 'gut feelings' in response to car bombings? If so, yawn.

07-12-2007, 09:19 PM
Big question: Does the US have more warning to a 9/11 type attack? Are these 'gut feelings' in response to car bombings? If so, yawn.

According to them it's not if they are gonna hit us this summer it is going to be when.

07-12-2007, 09:21 PM

A. Our intelligence has any credibility any more and

B. bin Laden and Al quaeda actually ARE in the "border areas of Pakistan" and

C they are the enemy that we REALLY should be doing battle with then

why doesn't congress declare war on them ? Have they forgotten they can do that stuff?

Unfortunatly Pelosi and her crew that she has running the House and the Senate are a bunch of spinless wimps. We know where most of them are, we know who is funding them and getting them their weapons(Iran and Pakistan) but yet we do nothing. Were over there anyways, why not finish hat we set out to do? I think they want to wait until another 3,000+ people die on another attack on the US. like 9/11.