View Full Version : Trump

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-17-2015, 09:07 PM

Abbey Marie
12-17-2015, 09:28 PM

Trump on the stump
Makes all the Dems jump


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-17-2015, 11:03 PM

Trump on the stump
Makes all the Dems jump


When he was good
he was good
When he was bad
he was bad
If only he could
vaporize every damn dem
he would be glad......:)

See, you messed up my expectation for a damn good rant.....
Made me smile....
Damn, you are just too smart for me, methinks! -Tyr

12-17-2015, 11:14 PM








12-17-2015, 11:48 PM

Trump on the stump
Makes all the Dems jump


I like it...That was good Abby! :)

....I am to a Point now....where I dont care about anyone's "negativity" about Donald anymore...Reason being..he numbers look good.... and for now most people like him...The way I look at ...we will see how it goes...Now... I also Like Cruz as a second choice / VP....(as I mentioned before)....

*BTW...I dont care for Rubio at all...:laugh:

12-18-2015, 11:49 AM
I don't like nor dislike Trump. He's nobody to me except he's dividing the right when the right needs to get its act together most. People are taking this way too personally. If I thought he could win, I'd say so. He's got some serious flaws and any of his supporters that I am hard on him, let him get the GOP nomination and all the fuss-fest debates are over. The Dems are going to crucify him.

It's going to take a TEAM, not a bag of hot air to win. Look at the strategy Kennedy used in 60. He wasn't going to win that election on his own. He chose as his running mate the most powerful politician in the South to secure the vote of Southerners. Leftwingers like to blame this mythical "Southern strategy" on Nixon, when in fact, it was Kennedy, a Dem, that used it first.

For those that like Trump, enjoy your ride on the Titanic. For those who want to take it personally that I don't like your candidate? I don't log on to kiss anyone's ass. If y'all like him, that's your Right. I don't. I haven't from the beginning and probably minus a miracle I'm not going to.

Black Diamond
12-18-2015, 12:18 PM
I don't like nor dislike Trump. He's nobody to me except he's dividing the right when the right needs to get its act together most. People are taking this way too personally. If I thought he could win, I'd say so. He's got some serious flaws and any of his supporters that I am hard on him, let him get the GOP nomination and all the fuss-fest debates are over. The Dems are going to crucify him.

It's going to take a TEAM, not a bag of hot air to win. Look at the strategy Kennedy used in 60. He wasn't going to win that election on his own. He chose as his running mate the most powerful politician in the South to secure the vote of Southerners. Leftwingers like to blame this mythical "Southern strategy" on Nixon, when in fact, it was Kennedy, a Dem, that used it first.

For those that like Trump, enjoy your ride on the Titanic. For those who want to take it personally that I don't like your candidate? I don't log on to kiss anyone's ass. If y'all like him, that's your Right. I don't. I haven't from the beginning and probably minus a miracle I'm not going to.
Sounds good. I don't see any reason why we can't all have honest conversations about trump. That goes for his supporters and for people who don't like him.

It just comes down to people being pissed off at the terrible job the republicans have done in stopping Obama. Republicans have been pussies and Obama has run them over. Trump ain't soft. And he isn't PC.

12-18-2015, 01:08 PM
Sounds good. I don't see any reason why we can't all have honest conversations about trump. That goes for his supporters and for people who don't like him.

It just comes down to people being pissed off at the terrible job the republicans have done in stopping Obama. Republicans have been pussies and Obama has run them over. Trump ain't soft. And he isn't PC.

I understand the frustration and anger. You should be the one wearing the uniform, target in sight and told you can't do anything because it isn't politically correct. Frustrated and angry at that big pussy carpetbagger occupying the Commander in Chief's space? You betcha. I wouldn't want ME as President. The difference between me and Trump is I can focus my anger. He snaps off at the stupidest crap and loses focus.

This isn't about who's angriest or tougher. It's about who's smarter and who knows how to lead. If they made Trump my CO, I'd be requesting a transfer. Matter of fact, the last time I got a CO like him, I put in my retirement papers. I don't want people getting killed for political gain on MY damned watch.

And I've said since the 90s with the Republican's "deal with America" and did nothing they were a bunch of pussies. The ones that weren't, like Gingrich and Lott got hounded out. Not by the left. By the Republicans afraid of the accusations. And in both of those cases, the accusations were trivial yet Hillary is getting a pass for actual crimes.

I get the picture. And I am not being condescending against anyone that likes him. When you spend 21 years with your life and the life of your subordinates in their hands, you learn to size them up REAL quick. And it can't be some knee jerk crap. ALL the pundits are saying the same thing and I agree with them -- and if you know ANYTHING about me, I hardly ever agree with those yapping puppies ... Trump is appealing to that anger. But anger can blind people.

Look at what he says ... "I'm going to get amazing wonderful people to do wonderful things". He sounds like a developer to me and he should stick to what he can handle. Hire everyone else to do his work. As an actual leader IMO? He gets an F.