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View Full Version : What methods for reducing mass shootings and murders, have actually worked?

12-18-2015, 01:58 PM
Liberals have shown that the gun laws they have implemented so far, don't work. In fact, murderers and terrorists have sought out the liberals' "gun free zones" as good places to kill people, since none of their victims can shoot back. And the cities with the strictest gun laws, which disarm only the people who obey laws, are almost always the cities with the highest crime rates.

There are only two methods that have successfully reduced (never eliminated) the mass shootings:

1.) Allow all law-abiding adults to carry guns if they want to. Though most still won't bother, a few will, and the criminal contemplating his next mass shooting will know that there's probably a few people in the crowd who have a gun and know how to use it. So they'll never be able to rack up the huge body count they want. And some of them will decide not to even try. Those who do, will find themselves disabled or even dead after their first few shots.

2.) Ban all guns from all citizens, including the law-abiding. And build up a huge police force with extraordinary powers to go door to door, searching every house whether the owner likes it or not, confiscating every gun you find, to make sure ALL guns are gone. That way no criminals can get them either. And keep doing searches and seizures until the end of time, in case someone brings a gun in or even makes one. This will result in a massive police state.

Do you think liberals favor Method #1? Or Method #2?

(hint: they still keep proposing more laws that restrict the law-abiding, instead of freeing them. And they constantly praise the results in countries like Australia, Japan, England etc, where guns are almost completely banned from law-abiding citizens.)

12-18-2015, 02:09 PM
Liberals have shown that the gun laws they have implemented so far, don't work. In fact, murderers and terrorists have sought out the liberals' "gun free zones" as good places to kill people, since none of their victims can shoot back. And the cities with the strictest gun laws, which disarm only the people who obey laws, are almost always the cities with the highest crime rates.

There are only two methods that have successfully reduced (never eliminated) the mass shootings:

1.) Allow all law-abiding adults to carry guns if they want to. Though most still won't bother, a few will, and the criminal contemplating his next mass shooting will know that there's probably a few people in the crowd who have a gun and know how to use it. So they'll never be able to rack up the huge body count they want. And some of them will decide not to even try. Those who do, will find themselves disabled or even dead after their first few shots.

2.) Ban all guns from all citizens, including the law-abiding. And build up a huge police force with extraordinary powers to go door to door, searching every house whether the owner likes it or not, confiscating every gun you find, to make sure ALL guns are gone. That way no criminals can get them either. And keep doing searches and seizures until the end of time, in case someone brings a gun in or even makes one. This will result in a massive police state.

Do you think liberals favor Method #1? Or Method #2?

(hint: they still keep proposing more laws that restrict the law-abiding, instead of freeing them. And they constantly praise the results in countries like Australia, Japan, England etc, where guns are almost completely banned from law-abiding citizens.)

Think you could load those questions any better? :slap:

I ain't waiting around for some damned cop to save me when they arrive 30 minutes after the fact.

12-18-2015, 02:26 PM
Think you could load those questions any better?

You're welcome to introduce other questions on the subject if you don't like these, Gunny. And/or point out what you think is wrong with these.

For example, do you know any other method for reducing mass shootings, that has actually worked?

12-19-2015, 10:35 AM
You're welcome to introduce other questions on the subject if you don't like these, Gunny. And/or point out what you think is wrong with these.

For example, do you know any other method for reducing mass shootings, that has actually worked?

I just DID introduce my method. I'm going after the killer. You can't stop these nut-jobs and the MSM is complicit as Hell by always giving them attention and then beating it day after day after day. Then the Dems want to overreact and try to take away everyone's guns; when, in fact, armed people with some balls could cut this crap off at the quick. The only people obeying the law are law-abiding citizens; thereby, disarming themselves to obey stupid. BS leftwingnut laws.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-19-2015, 01:28 PM
First step- destroy the lib/dem party utterly.
Second step, stop letting crazy bastards roam free.
Third and most important step, start deporting every muzzie here, regardless of birth...
They swear allegiance to a quasi military/political /religious cult that seeks our ultimate and total destruction-
thus voluntarily abandoning their constitutional rights.
Do those three and 99.9999% of these types mass murders goes away.
None of it will ever be done. Sad, tis' it not...
That we are so blind and so concerned aboot our enemies that we will let our own kids and grandkids be murdered or else enslaved!-Tyr

12-19-2015, 08:20 PM
First step- destroy the lib/dem party utterly.
Second step, stop letting crazy bastards roam free.
Third and most important step, start deporting every muzzie here, regardless of birth...
They swear allegiance to a quasi military/political /religious cult that seeks our ultimate and total destruction-
thus voluntarily abandoning their constitutional rights.
Do those three and 99.9999% of these types mass murders goes away.
None of it will ever be done. Sad, tis' it not...
That we are so blind and so concerned aboot our enemies that we will let our own kids and grandkids be murdered or else enslaved!-Tyr

Geez ... got a solution? :laugh2:

12-19-2015, 10:31 PM
If you banned the possession, sale and importation of all firearms, you would have very few mass shootings.
The majority of mass shootings are the work of mentally unhinged individuals. These not normal folks going about their daily business. Cut off their access to firearms and you greatly reduce the problem.

12-19-2015, 10:36 PM
If you banned the possession, sale and importation of all firearms, you would have very few mass shootings.
The majority of mass shootings are the work of mentally unhinged individuals. These not normal folks going about their daily business. Cut off their access to firearms and you greatly reduce the problem.

You mean like we have very few illegal aliens? Try again. Think this time.

12-19-2015, 10:42 PM
Gunny dear, you are a perfect example. You have admitted that you have an ornery disposition and a very short and explosive temper. If you are out and about and a group of thugs start yelling unsavory and abusive comments about your daughter and grandchild, what would prevent you from taking out your gun and shooting all of them? Because you have a gun on you and you are quite pissed off.
That is how these things happen.

12-19-2015, 11:09 PM
Gunny dear, you are a perfect example. You have admitted that you have an ornery disposition and a very short and explosive temper. If you are out and about and a group of thugs start yelling unsavory and abusive comments about your daughter and grandchild, what would prevent you from taking out your gun and shooting all of them? Because you have a gun on you and you are quite pissed off.
That is how these things happen.

Really. I'm a perfect example of what, exactly? You need to grow up. I wouldn't pull a firearm on anyone for any reason except self defense or defense of others IF one was pulled on me. I'd rather kick your ass and let you live to whine about it.

I've got a temper, yes. Take awhile to get to it. Am I angry? Yes. But I can focus it. I just turn into a machine.

And what if I did pull a firearm and kill everyone trying to kill noncombatants? Unarmed sheep like you. You'd be the first to blame me for saving your life because some jackass zealot started unloading an illegally owned and illegally modified to fully automatic weapon on YOU.

And you're damned right I'd put a round right through his skull without hesitation. How many people are in the hospital still because they were just sheep? Because people like you keep people like me from carrying? You got no argument here.

You lefties don't want to close the border yest you wonder where the guns come from. I can smuggle guns and drugs easier than people. Get a clue.

12-20-2015, 08:34 AM
If you banned the possession, sale and importation of all firearms, you would have very few mass shootings.
The majority of mass shootings are the work of mentally unhinged individuals. These not normal folks going about their daily business. Cut off their access to firearms and you greatly reduce the problem.

Wow yea and when the criminals hand all their dirty guns in then they can play hop scotch with the FBI. I say it all the time but a liberal mind is a terrible thing to have. Lets see Gabs, the criminals will just hand their guns over because they are told to, just like they where told , don't rob, don't shoot....ect, yea a normal person gets the point at this point, no need to drag out for what the blind can't see already.

12-20-2015, 08:48 AM
Wow yea and when the criminals hand all their dirty guns in then they can play hop scotch with the FBI. I say it all the time but a liberal mind is a terrible thing to have. Lets see Gabs, the criminals will just hand their guns over because they are told to, just like they where told , don't rob, don't shoot....ect, yea a normal person gets the point at this point, no need to drag out for what the blind can't see already.

Direct line from Hungary to Mexico and across the US border.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-20-2015, 08:50 AM
Geez ... got a solution? :laugh2:

Extreme measures cited to illustrate what decades of complacency and working with the stinking other side
on gun control has brought us to.
We let insane people dictate to us how our sanity, common sense and decency was wrong--and how their stupidity, insanity and liberalism was right and had the solutions.
And we end up with an obama(traitor), our nation being destroyed(by obama, socialists and dems) and they dems/libs/media praising him and the nation's destruction as if he single handedly has saved us and the entire world!
obama= vermin
dem party= vermin
mainstream media= vermin.
Fed government= vermin

I despise vermin!--Tyr

12-20-2015, 08:56 AM
Extreme measures cited to illustrate what decades of complacency and working with the stinking other side
on gun control has brought us to.
We let insane people dictate to us how our sanity, common sense and decency was wrong--and how their stupidity, insanity and liberalism was right and had the solutions.
And we end up with an obama(traitor), our nation being destroyed(by obama, socialists and dems) and they dems/libs/media praising him and the nation's destruction as if he single handedly has saved us and the entire world!
obama= vermin
dem party= vermin
mainstream media= vermin.
Fed government= vermin

I despise vermin!--Tyr

I got no problem. I don't believe in safe haven cities nor gun free zones.