View Full Version : Girl burned - FJ and others BS stuff

05-22-2015, 08:27 AM
*Kiss my ass you worthless piece of shit (with your back and forth crap).....go argue with someone else...... *Go fuck yourself if you caint find anyone else to argue with...

05-22-2015, 08:30 AM
^You're fun when you're flustered. :)

05-22-2015, 03:35 PM
^You're fun when you're flustered. :)

*Back from work...Your still an idiot...

05-22-2015, 03:42 PM
*Back from work...Your still an idiot...

Maybe so but I'm pretty good with word usage and period conservation. BTW, you whine a lot. Are you British?

05-22-2015, 03:46 PM
Maybe so but I'm pretty good with word usage and period conservation. BTW, you whine a lot. Are you British?

*You must be a board Lonely old fool..

05-22-2015, 03:48 PM
*You must be a board Lonely old fool..

Nope. Maybe you're thinking about "John."

05-22-2015, 04:07 PM
Nope. Maybe you're thinking about "John."
`I busy right now old fool....see ya later *FX "John"....I know all I need to know about You...Frankly you bore me...and others here feel the same I'm sure...Your old news.

05-27-2015, 11:21 AM
... *FX "John"....

Did you figure out who this John was and how he violated you intellectually on a previous board? I'd like to help you figure out the mystery. :)

Do you think she was murdered for "being white"?

05-27-2015, 01:22 PM
Did you figure out who this John was and how he violated you intellectually on a previous board? I'd like to help you figure out the mystery. :)

Do you think she was murdered for "being white"?

Fuck off loser...everyone ( who`s been here awhile) know who you are and what you are Lefty....go find something to do..I am busy now...

`...fj...(Fx-John) (past call name before banned on another site)....the Thread-hopper...*(Deserves an automated response from now on)...a Liberal... Full of sound and fury,...Signifying nothing...adding nothing to a thread except Ignorance and foolishness....a sensitive leftist clown waking up everyday with no memory of the day before and unable to hold a decent conversation with most who oppose his far left views...a downright creepy lost troll *whose idea of debating is nothing more than arguing back and forth endlessly day after day...page after page...hopping from thread to thread looking to find fault...looking to argue...never complementing.........*never moving on and doing something original on his own....maybe this is fj`s idea of enjoyment...who knows...who cares... the sad thing is fj will always remain a sensitive TROLL... always needing to get in the last word...and always looking for that next thread to derail that someone else posted....so it seems fj will remain to be our special house Troll...so be it....let it be written...

05-28-2015, 11:49 AM
Fuck off loser...everyone ( who`s been here awhile) know who you are and what you are Lefty....go find something to do..I am busy now...

How many delusions can you pack into so few words.

1. You have no idea who I am
2. I'm a leftie
3. That you somehow speak for "everyone"
4. That you somehow think you have the capacity to discuss topics.

And you get your panties in a bunch when you are unable to shout down those you can't out debate. You suck at this. :)

Now I'm off to go argue that HC is a right... oh wait, that wasn't me.
I think I'll go argue that we should raise taxes... oh wait, that wasn't me. :cough: your pal :cough:
I think I'll go argue that big government is better than conservative solutions... oh wait, that wasn't me. :cough: your pal :cough:

Oh, and how about some specifics:

...fj...(Fx-John) (past call name before banned on another site)....

Or you can be content with being a lying sack. :)

12-22-2015, 07:32 AM
*Kiss my ass you worthless piece of shit (with your back and forth crap).....go argue with someone else...... *Go fuck yourself if you caint find anyone else to argue with...:clap::clap::clap::clap:

12-22-2015, 07:34 AM
Fuck off loser...everyone ( who`s been here awhile) know who you are and what you are Lefty....go find something to do..I am busy now...

`...fj...(Fx-John) (past call name before banned on another site)....the Thread-hopper...*(Deserves an automated response from now on)...a Liberal... Full of sound and fury,...Signifying nothing...adding nothing to a thread except Ignorance and foolishness....a sensitive leftist clown waking up everyday with no memory of the day before and unable to hold a decent conversation with most who oppose his far left views...a downright creepy lost troll *whose idea of debating is nothing more than arguing back and forth endlessly day after day...page after page...hopping from thread to thread looking to find fault...looking to argue...never complementing.........*never moving on and doing something original on his own....maybe this is fj`s idea of enjoyment...who knows...who cares... the sad thing is fj will always remain a sensitive TROLL... always needing to get in the last word...and always looking for that next thread to derail that someone else posted....so it seems fj will remain to be our special house Troll...so be it....let it be written...

Very well said.

12-22-2015, 07:40 AM
Maybe so but I'm pretty good with word usage and period conservation. BTW, you whine a lot. Are you British?

Back to the trolling stuff, I see, FJ.

Curious comment in any case. As someone who once supposedly publicly 'doubted' I was British, now, you're trying to suggest that another contributor may not be American ?

But I see your difficulty, in a sense. Me - now, I'm wondering, FJ, what planet you're from. And whether your contributions here constitute a form of 'invasion' ...

12-22-2015, 09:41 AM
Suspects in the case.

Those appear to be suspected gang members and not suspects in the murder.

Very well said.

Supporting libel? You're kind of a hypocrite.

Back to the trolling stuff, I see, FJ.

This thread has been dead for 7 months and I'm trolling? You don't really know the definition do you?

12-22-2015, 10:18 AM
Supporting libel? You're kind of a hypocrite.

I think that you were well described. Your contention is refuted.

This thread has been dead for 7 months and I'm trolling? You don't really know the definition do you?

Fact is, FJ, that you do SO MUCH trolling here that I obviously haven't kept track of it all (.. and why would I seek to, anyway ?).

Now, even IF old, we have yet more evidence of it. What's more, you're keen - passage of time, or not ! - to continue to defend it.

-- Says it all.

As for the definition of 'troll' .. try this ..

troll (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=troll&defid=5096)

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=newsgroup) or message board (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=message+board) with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
Describes you perfectly.

12-22-2015, 10:23 AM
I think ...

It's a shame direct proof wasn't enough to prove it to you. It is admirable though how you try and cover for the inadequacies of your pals.

12-22-2015, 10:25 AM
As I stated previously, it will turn out that it was done either by blacks or by muslims.
So it was blacks..... no shocker..
Same kind of savage beasts, just wearing different suits, both are fond of doing Satan's bidding.. --Tyr

You do realize that they were picked up on unrelated charges don't you?

12-22-2015, 10:27 AM
It's a shame direct proof wasn't enough to prove it to you. It is admirable though how you try and cover for the inadequacies of your pals.

It seems I must re-post that definition of a troll posted just minutes ago .. attention deficit plaguing you once more ?


troll (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=troll&defid=5096)

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=newsgroup) or message board (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=message+board) with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument

12-22-2015, 10:31 AM
It seems ...

Thank you for proving you're a troll. I didn't bring up months-old posts with sycophantic clappy hands.

12-22-2015, 10:54 AM
Thank you for proving you're a troll. I didn't bring up months-old posts with sycophantic clappy hands.

You think that your contentious posting just somehow ceases to be that, if time elapses ?

Merit where merit is due, FJ. Start posting as a GENUINE Conservative, instead of as a troll doing a thoroughly inadequate job (pathetic, really) of stupidly CLAIMING to be one .. and who knows. Maybe, even YOU could earn some merit, too.

Of course, it'll take rather a lot in your case. First, you'd have to - yes - cease to be fraudulent. You'd have to actually believe in Conservatism, rather than your version of Leftieism (currently billed as some form of anarchic Libertarianism ??), which you're keen to sell as Conservatism .. when even a Libertarian blogger publicly disagrees !!.

You'd need to stop all the trolling. ALL of it. Yes, really.

You'd need to somehow see other Conservatives as allies .. and not targets to attack, as you currently do.

You'd need to offer some genuine support for a notable Conservative or 2.

You'd need to dispense with mantras, and substitute them for actual THOUGHT PROCESSES showing true, clear, Conservative thinking. It'd help, for example, if you could muster some level of support for the notion that Obama DESERVES strong censure, culminating in appropriate ACTION.

And here's a thought. Jimmy Carter's sympathy for terrorist human rights (!!!) is the product of a LEFTIE mindset. You'd do well to NOT move heaven and earth to copy him in such thinking and sympathies. Yes, FJ, it's a bit of a giveaway !!!

I'm telling you all this because I believe you to be so Left wing as to be incapable of attempting any substantial proportion of any of what I've described to you. That you'd have to be goaded into taking the proper path, of course, doesn't help you either.

But that's just too bad .. LEFTIE.

12-22-2015, 10:59 AM
Start posting as a GENUINE Conservative...

:bla: You ignore what you don't understand and proves you wrong. It's awesome though how Mags and I agree on torture. :) Thanks again for proving you're a troll; Jimmy Carter? :laugh: You're such a hack.

12-22-2015, 11:11 AM
:bla: You ignore what you don't understand and proves you wrong. It's awesome though how Mags and I agree on torture. :) Thanks again for proving you're a troll; Jimmy Carter? :laugh: You're such a hack.

And there it is. Just as expected. You were given good advice. You've ignored it. Because you were incapable of measuring up to it ? Or, because you're such a Leftie-driven troll that lending a millisecond of time to seriously considering it was never on the cards ?

Proving the truth about you, FJ, is if anything a bit TOO easy.

Attention deficit or no, fact is that it was YOUR troll activity that sparked off this current exchange. As for Jimmy Carter, I fail to see your problem with acknowledging the truth in play: Carter WAS concerned with fighting for terrorists' human rights, and you've appended many posts on this forum which prove much the same to be true of you.

I believe you're way too much of a Leftie to ever deviate from that path. Care to tell me, again, how 'disgusting' my stance is that terrorists are, demonstrably, NOT even human .. ?

Go for it - LEFTIE ....

12-22-2015, 03:31 PM
... fact is that it was YOUR troll activity that sparked off this current exchange.

:laugh: You're incredibly ignorant to your own activities. Not to mention a liar and a hypocrite. :)

12-23-2015, 01:51 PM

Black Diamond
12-23-2015, 02:03 PM

12-23-2015, 02:06 PM

I ain't getting involved in this shit. These guys fuss at each other like old women. Since I like all of them, I just stay out. :laugh:

12-24-2015, 09:42 PM

Hell Bored go to the cage, always fun reading there. :laugh:

12-25-2015, 09:40 AM

You may need one of these
