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View Full Version : More migrants die as U.S. tightens border security

07-12-2007, 08:28 PM
REYNOSA, Mexico (Reuters) - Tougher security along the U.S.-Mexico border is forcing migrants to take more dangerous, remote routes to cross into the United States and pushing up the number of deaths in the desert.

This year could see a record of well over 500 such deaths. At least 275 Mexican bodies have been found in the first six months, according to a Mexican Congressional report backed by U.S. and Mexican border groups and academics.

They say at least 4,500 Mexicans have died trying to cross since the United States drastically increased border controls in late 1994 to stem illegal immigration.

Following the failure of President George W. Bush's immigration reform proposals in Congress last month, U.S. policy is centered on tighter border security rather than giving immigrants more options to find jobs legally.

But some border experts say enforcement does not stop those trying to get into the United States and only makes it more dangerous, greatly raising the fees charged by people smugglers. As security increases, so will the number of deaths, they say.

"Has enhanced border security increased the number of migrant deaths? Unquestionably," said Wayne Cornelius, an immigration expert at the University of California San Diego. "There is no other way to explain the sharp increase in fatalities."

The Border Patrol recovered some 116 bodies in the Arizona desert between last October 1 and the end of June, and it only records deaths on the U.S. side of the frontier. It blames ruthless smugglers for taking migrants through dangerous terrain and sometimes abandoning them there.

"The number of migrant deaths is increasing because smugglers are taking them to less-patrolled, more dangerous areas," Border Patrol spokesman Ramon Rivera said. He said agents rescued 1,450 people in the desert in the same period.

Unknown numbers of migrants from Central America and other countries also die each year.

The U.S. government has raised its Border Patrol deployment to around 13,500 agents today from fewer than 4,000 in 1993 and plans to add a further 9,600 agents by 2012. It deployed 6,000 National Guard troops to the border last year for a two-year period until more agents are hired.

Washington aims to have "operational control" of the border by 2013 by building a 700-mile (1,120-km) wall along parts of the frontier and creating a "virtual fence" in desert areas with drones, sensors, cameras, satellite technology and vehicle barriers.


Before the stepped-up enforcement operations, experts say most deaths were due to traffic accidents as migrants dashed across freeways in border areas. Today, most die from hypothermia in the desert or by drowning in the Rio Grande and irrigation canals.

Many Mexicans seeking work in the United States try the overnight trek through the hostile Arizona desert and away from urban areas such as Tijuana on the California border.

Between 2000 and 2005, 802 bodies were found in the desert, compared to 125 between 1990 and 1999, according to the University of Arizona.

Surveillance is expected to increase in the Arizona desert but some experts say that will simply encourage more people to try to cross remote swamp areas of the Rio Grande in Texas.

"As they increase enforcement in Arizona, we will see a shift toward the eastern and western fringes of the border. In Texas, we are already seeing more drownings," said Claudia Smith of the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, which campaigns for immigrants' rights.

Migrant shelters in Mexican border towns say they see no sign of less illegal immigration despite a fall in Border Patrol arrests. Some shelters, such as in Reynosa in northeastern Mexico, are expanding to offer more beds.

U.S. wage levels that are much higher than in Mexico remains the main incentive for attempting the difficult border crossing.

"I've got an uncle in Florida and the chance of something is so much better than here," said Adan Zendejas, a 24-year-old who cannot swim, as he readied to cross the Rio Grande from Reynosa on a car tire.


07-12-2007, 08:29 PM
If the bastards came here legally, they wouldn't be dying in the desert. This isn't the fault of America, the blame lies solely with Mexico.

07-12-2007, 08:31 PM

07-12-2007, 08:41 PM
REYNOSA, Mexico (Reuters) - Tougher security along the U.S.-Mexico border is forcing migrants to take more dangerous, remote routes to cross into the United States and pushing up the number of deaths in the desert.

This year could see a record of well over 500 such deaths. At least 275 Mexican bodies have been found in the first six months, according to a Mexican Congressional report backed by U.S. and Mexican border groups and academics.

They say at least 4,500 Mexicans have died trying to cross since the United States drastically increased border controls in late 1994 to stem illegal immigration.

Following the failure of President George W. Bush's immigration reform proposals in Congress last month, U.S. policy is centered on tighter border security rather than giving immigrants more options to find jobs legally.

But some border experts say enforcement does not stop those trying to get into the United States and only makes it more dangerous, greatly raising the fees charged by people smugglers. As security increases, so will the number of deaths, they say.

"Has enhanced border security increased the number of migrant deaths? Unquestionably," said Wayne Cornelius, an immigration expert at the University of California San Diego. "There is no other way to explain the sharp increase in fatalities."

The Border Patrol recovered some 116 bodies in the Arizona desert between last October 1 and the end of June, and it only records deaths on the U.S. side of the frontier. It blames ruthless smugglers for taking migrants through dangerous terrain and sometimes abandoning them there.

"The number of migrant deaths is increasing because smugglers are taking them to less-patrolled, more dangerous areas," Border Patrol spokesman Ramon Rivera said. He said agents rescued 1,450 people in the desert in the same period.

Unknown numbers of migrants from Central America and other countries also die each year.

The U.S. government has raised its Border Patrol deployment to around 13,500 agents today from fewer than 4,000 in 1993 and plans to add a further 9,600 agents by 2012. It deployed 6,000 National Guard troops to the border last year for a two-year period until more agents are hired.

Washington aims to have "operational control" of the border by 2013 by building a 700-mile (1,120-km) wall along parts of the frontier and creating a "virtual fence" in desert areas with drones, sensors, cameras, satellite technology and vehicle barriers.


Before the stepped-up enforcement operations, experts say most deaths were due to traffic accidents as migrants dashed across freeways in border areas. Today, most die from hypothermia in the desert or by drowning in the Rio Grande and irrigation canals.

Many Mexicans seeking work in the United States try the overnight trek through the hostile Arizona desert and away from urban areas such as Tijuana on the California border.

Between 2000 and 2005, 802 bodies were found in the desert, compared to 125 between 1990 and 1999, according to the University of Arizona.

Surveillance is expected to increase in the Arizona desert but some experts say that will simply encourage more people to try to cross remote swamp areas of the Rio Grande in Texas.

"As they increase enforcement in Arizona, we will see a shift toward the eastern and western fringes of the border. In Texas, we are already seeing more drownings," said Claudia Smith of the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, which campaigns for immigrants' rights.

Migrant shelters in Mexican border towns say they see no sign of less illegal immigration despite a fall in Border Patrol arrests. Some shelters, such as in Reynosa in northeastern Mexico, are expanding to offer more beds.

U.S. wage levels that are much higher than in Mexico remains the main incentive for attempting the difficult border crossing.

"I've got an uncle in Florida and the chance of something is so much better than here," said Adan Zendejas, a 24-year-old who cannot swim, as he readied to cross the Rio Grande from Reynosa on a car tire.


It's almost like the paper is making our Government out to be the bad guy's for putting more guards on the border making the illegals go a different route and die.

07-12-2007, 08:44 PM
I don't see why we cant use the same technology on our borders that our Government uses to keep people out of Area-51. If you step over the line anywhere you will be approached by guards within minutes. That would work beautifally. Also if they keep aircraft and helocopters flying over the border constantly doing patrols they will see the illegals coming in, especially at night with their night vision technology.

07-12-2007, 09:34 PM
Well first off if these clowns didnt try to come across illegally they wouldn't be dieing. Also if they are dieing it will slow down illegal immigration anyways thats what we should have done after 9-11 put up a mine field and or issue hunting licenses the bastards shoot at us from their side of the border. But if we shoot across the border at them its illegal and you will go to jail. How stupid is that??:lame2: :pee:

07-12-2007, 09:38 PM
Well first off if these clowns didnt try to come across illegally they wouldn't be dieing. Also if they are dieing it will slow down illegal immigration anyways thats what we should have done after 9-11 put up a mine field and or issue hunting licenses the bastards shoot at us from their side of the border. But if we shoot across the border at them its illegal and you will go to jail. How stupid is that??:lame2: :pee:

We couldn't put up a mine field, then one of our agents might set it off or an animal. Guard towers would work with motion sensors and aircraft patrolling the border 24/7.

07-12-2007, 09:48 PM
sniper towers and hunting licenses?? For the border states. I say it should be open season...

07-12-2007, 09:55 PM
sniper towers and hunting licenses?? For the border states. I say it should be open season...

As much as I would like to say yes, that couldn't be done either.

07-12-2007, 10:16 PM
If the bastards came here legally, they wouldn't be dying in the desert. This isn't the fault of America, the blame lies solely with Mexico.

You're wrong.

We are a wrong for creating and maintaining a better country. We are wrong for trying to secure our borders. We are wrong for enforcing our laws. Afterall, mexico lets gringos in, to even own land in mexico. Yeah, thats right, us evil americans can buy land there and it is totally secure, will never be confiscated by the mexican government. Never, I swears it.

07-12-2007, 10:22 PM
If the bastards came here legally, they wouldn't be dying in the desert. This isn't the fault of America, the blame lies solely with Mexico.


07-12-2007, 10:23 PM
You're wrong.

We are a wrong for creating and maintaining a better country. We are wrong for trying to secure our borders. We are wrong for enforcing our laws. Afterall, mexico lets gringos in, to even own land in mexico. Yeah, thats right, us evil americans can buy land there and it is totally secure, will never be confiscated by the mexican government. Never, I swears it.

:laugh2: The United States of Mexico! :laugh2:

07-12-2007, 10:24 PM

:laugh2: How do you really feel about it? :laugh2:

07-12-2007, 11:01 PM
sniper towers and hunting licenses?? For the border states. I say it should be open season...

I say you should join Stormfront. We as a Nation are better than that.

07-12-2007, 11:09 PM
But I will join Border Rescue, If they ever email me back.

07-12-2007, 11:12 PM
why does no one die trying to sneak into mexico?

07-12-2007, 11:12 PM
MIGRANTS???? Holy Hell...."Tighter Border leads to more deaths of Criminals" - that's how the title should read.

07-12-2007, 11:36 PM
I say you should join Stormfront. We as a Nation are better than that.

Yup, hunting them down is not the right way to handle it unless the situation warrants it. Although it would start detering them.

07-12-2007, 11:37 PM
why does no one die trying to sneak into mexico?

They do, we just don't hear about it. The Federalis are ruthless and corrupt.