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12-23-2015, 11:56 AM
In the spirit of love and understanding, our Muslim neighbors are going to attend Christmas eve services at our church. I told them to extend an invitation to others at their mosque.
Our neighbors celebrate Christmas the same way we do. They have a Christmas tree and greet others with "Merry Christmas!" They observe all American holidays, in order to allow their children to properly assimilate with others. They also observe all Muslim holidays.
You may not like it or agree with it, but we do all worship the same God.

12-23-2015, 12:05 PM
In the spirit of love and understanding, our Muslim neighbors are going to attend Christmas eve services at our church. I told them to extend an invitation to others at their mosque.
Our neighbors celebrate Christmas the same way we do. They have a Christmas tree and greet others with "Merry Christmas!" They observe all American holidays, in order to allow their children to properly assimilate with others. They also observe all Muslim holidays.
You may not like it or agree with it, but we do all worship the same God.

Better take a gun with you.

12-23-2015, 12:08 PM
I doubt we will need guns. Unless a group of intolerant rednecks show up. :cool:

Black Diamond
12-23-2015, 12:09 PM
Fuck Islam and all those who believe in it. And fuck Obama, too. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Gabs

12-23-2015, 12:12 PM
Thank You, BD. Same to you. Minus the first part, of course. :cheers2:

12-23-2015, 12:16 PM
I doubt we will need guns. Unless a group of intolerant rednecks show up. :cool:

We don't shoot noncombatants for no reason. Last I checked, we don't have a damned jihad going on. And you better hope we don't get one because I can guarantee you bleeding heart liberal mindless fools will be first on the list.

12-23-2015, 12:18 PM
When you hear them scream "ALLAH ACKBAR", it will be too late.

12-23-2015, 12:22 PM
When you hear them scream "ALLAH ACKBAR", it will be too late.

A. I wouldn't go.

B. If I did for some inexplicable reason, I'd have a .45 on my hip and a .380 in my boot.

12-23-2015, 12:24 PM
Typical leftwingnut mentality: letting Muslims invade a Christian church.

12-23-2015, 12:33 PM
A. I wouldn't go.

B. If I did for some inexplicable reason, I'd have a .45 on my hip and a .380 in my boot.

Won't do you any good if they use bombs.

Black Diamond
12-23-2015, 12:44 PM
Typical leftwingnut mentality: letting Muslims invade a Christian church.

Depends whether Muslims are able to get church to move their goalposts. Or if goalposts have already been moved.

12-23-2015, 12:48 PM
I'm sure they will be thrilled. Maybe they'll even think of switching their faiths. Then they will be declared apostates and unfortunately need to be killed. And it's all your fault.

12-23-2015, 12:52 PM
Won't do you any good if they use bombs.

There IS that. I can only do what I can do. If I have a chance, somebody's kissing the donkey. If I don't, guess I won know about it. However, in all of these recent shootings, the common denominator is clear: unarmed citizens.

Black Diamond
12-23-2015, 12:56 PM
I'm sure they will be thrilled. Maybe they'll even think of switching their faiths. Then they will be declared apostates and unfortunately need to be killed. And it's all your fault.

Better than frying after death. Just sayin'

12-23-2015, 12:58 PM
Better than frying after death. Just sayin'

If a muslim woman blows herself up for her faith, does she too get 72 virgins?

Black Diamond
12-23-2015, 12:58 PM
There IS that. I can only do what I can do. If I have a chance, somebody's kissing the donkey. If I don't, guess I won know about it. However, in all of these recent shootings, the common denominator is clear: unarmed citizens.

Obama wants America and Americans marginalized. More dead Americans the better. Particularly white Americans.

Black Diamond
12-23-2015, 12:59 PM
If a muslim woman blows herself up for her faith, does she too get 72 virgins?

No. She fries.

12-23-2015, 01:11 PM
If a muslim woman blows herself up for her faith, does she too get 72 virgins?

Mexicans. :laugh:

12-23-2015, 01:14 PM
Ain't NO way I'm walking into a church full of ragheads without being loaded to the hilt and I'm standing against the back wall. And you'd have to waterboard me to get me there to begin with.

Black Diamond
12-23-2015, 01:24 PM
Ain't NO way I'm walking into a church full of ragheads without being loaded to the hilt and I'm standing against the back wall. And you'd have to waterboard me to get me there to begin with.

would this be if there are a few ragheads or a room full of them?

12-23-2015, 01:27 PM
would this be if there are a few ragheads or a room full of them?

Are they breathing? I've got six trips to the Middle East and one war. I can't stand being in a convenience store with one of them.

12-23-2015, 02:17 PM
If a muslim woman blows herself up for her faith, does she too get 72 virgins?

Interesting question; however, from what I have seen the interpretation of the Koran
is male centered, fully denigrating females.

12-23-2015, 02:54 PM
You may not like it or agree with it, but we do all worship the same God.

Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/12/22/do-christians-and-muslims-worship-same-god.html)

After a media firestorm erupted last week when a Wheaton College professor was suspended for asserting that Muslims and Christians worship the same God, a handful of Christian theologians have written about whether or not the professor was right.

Soon after The Christian Post reported that Wheaton professor Larycia Hawkins posted to Facebook that she was going to wear a hijab during Advent to show solidarity with Muslims and stated "we worship the same God," the school placed the tenured professor on paid administrative leave because her "theological implications" appear to be "in conflict with the College's Statement of Faith."
While students at Wheaton have protested in support of Hawkins and claimed she has not violated the school's statement of faith, prominent Evangelicals such as Franklin Graham have chastised Hawkins' "same God" as shameful and "absolutely wrong."
But coming to Hawkins' defense is Yale theology professor Miroslav Volf, a croatian Protestant theologian whom Hawkins cited when defending her "same God" claim in a follow up post on Facebook.
Read the Original Story from ChristianPost.com (http://www.christianpost.com/news/wheaton-college-professor-suspension-bible-scholars-christians-muslims-worship-same-god-152920/)

12-23-2015, 03:16 PM
gabosaurus, I hope you don't get your head cut off.

Abbey Marie
12-23-2015, 10:12 PM
Gabby, it's not really interfaith. It's just a Christian service (I hope!), being attended by Muslims.

12-23-2015, 11:04 PM
I think it is really sad that so many of you hold an entire religion responsible to the actions of a few radicals.
It would be like me refusing to allow my daughter to attend a Catholic service because I am afraid that the priest my molest here.
Or perhaps calling police every time I saw a group of bikers because I suspected they were a criminal gang.

The vast majority of Muslims living in America are very peaceful. They don't own weapons, they don't want to chop your head off.
Because of the present climate of hate, most Muslims are more afraid of you than you are of them.

I have been to prayer services at a Mosque. They were very accepting and willing to explain their faith.
They understand the crazy people being whipped into a frenzy by presidential election politics. Same thing happened in after Sept. 11. Stupid people saying and doing stupid things.

Once again, I am more frightened by gun nuts than Muslims.

Black Diamond
12-23-2015, 11:14 PM
Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/12/22/do-christians-and-muslims-worship-same-god.html)

Is Allah the God of Abraham? It's an academic point imo. But you can answer if you like.

Black Diamond
12-23-2015, 11:24 PM
I think it is really sad that so many of you hold an entire religion responsible to the actions of a few radicals.
It would be like me refusing to allow my daughter to attend a Catholic service because I am afraid that the priest my molest here.
Or perhaps calling police every time I saw a group of bikers because I suspected they were a criminal gang.

The vast majority of Muslims living in America are very peaceful. They don't own weapons, they don't want to chop your head off.
Because of the present climate of hate, most Muslims are more afraid of you than you are of them.

I have been to prayer services at a Mosque. They were very accepting and willing to explain their faith.
They understand the crazy people being whipped into a frenzy by presidential election politics. Same thing happened in after Sept. 11. Stupid people saying and doing stupid things.

Once again, I am more frightened by gun nuts than Muslims.

I wouldn't let my kid be an altar boy... And if some raghead says convert or die, I'll put a bullet in his fucking head. No problem.

12-23-2015, 11:27 PM
I wouldn't let my kid be an altar boy... And if some raghead says convert or die, I'll put a bullet in his fucking head. No problem.

What about a fire and brimstone preacher who commands that you repent or die? Would you put a bullet in his head as well?

Black Diamond
12-23-2015, 11:28 PM
What about a fire and brimstone preacher who commands that you repent or die? Would you put a bullet in his head as well?

God does the condemning in that situation. But you knew that. You're quite intelligent.

12-23-2015, 11:46 PM
I am smart enough to know when I feel threatened and when I am not.
Way too many of you paint society with too broad of a cloth. The Muslim that works long hours, six days a week to feed his family is not the same as the Muslim who waves guns around and threatened jihad.
At the same time, the vets who ride bikes around handing out toys to needy kids are not the same as the biker gangs who transport drugs and order executions.

I attend a "spirit filled" church. It is far from a traditional service where the minister talks and the congregation sings hymns. My church is about two-thirds black, the rest Anglo and Latino. We have a band, a choir and a lot of whooping and hollering. Attendees are free to shout "Hallelujah!" and praise God however they see fit.

By contrast, Muslim prayer services are relatively quiet. There are calls to prayer, a few readings from the Quran and then a message offered by an Iman. Newcomers who contact the Mosque in advance are often given a pamphlet detailing the service and how to prepare for it.
I admit that it is quite different. But in the two hours I was there, I heard nothing but prayers to Allah.
Right-wing hate sites would be very disappointed. :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
12-23-2015, 11:48 PM
I am smart enough to know when I feel threatened and when I am not.
Way too many of you paint society with too broad of a cloth. The Muslim that works long hours, six days a week to feed his family is not the same as the Muslim who waves guns around and threatened jihad.
At the same time, the vets who ride bikes around handing out toys to needy kids are not the same as the biker gangs who transport drugs and order executions.

I attend a "spirit filled" church. It is far from a traditional service where the minister talks and the congregation sings hymns. My church is about two-thirds black, the rest Anglo and Latino. We have a band, a choir and a lot of whooping and hollering. Attendees are free to shout "Hallelujah!" and praise God however they see fit.

By contrast, Muslim prayer services are relatively quiet. There are calls to prayer, a few readings from the Quran and then a message offered by an Iman. Newcomers who contact the Mosque in advance are often given a pamphlet detailing the service and how to prepare for it.
I admit that it is quite different. But in the two hours I was there, I heard nothing but prayers to Allah.
Right-wing hate sites would be very disappointed. :rolleyes:

How do you feel about the hooting and hollering?

12-24-2015, 09:10 AM
I think it is really sad that so many of you hold an entire religion responsible to the actions of a few radicals.
It would be like me refusing to allow my daughter to attend a Catholic service because I am afraid that the priest my molest here.
Or perhaps calling police every time I saw a group of bikers because I suspected they were a criminal gang.

The vast majority of Muslims living in America are very peaceful. They don't own weapons, they don't want to chop your head off.
Because of the present climate of hate, most Muslims are more afraid of you than you are of them.

I have been to prayer services at a Mosque. They were very accepting and willing to explain their faith.
They understand the crazy people being whipped into a frenzy by presidential election politics. Same thing happened in after Sept. 11. Stupid people saying and doing stupid things.

Once again, I am more frightened by gun nuts than Muslims.

Ask them what would happen if they did in fact become apostates - and then announced that to their friends and relatives. Never mind YOUR head, it's THEIR heads that are now in danger for apostasy. And at the very, very least, if not their heads, they are now done in the community.

And Btw, folks aren't being whipped into any frenzy over politics - if anything is getting people upset with muslims - it's the endless killings and terror attacks around the world. So yeah, not all muslims are bad people, and folks like your neighbors, they sure as hell aren't any indication of all muslims either.

While there's nothing wrong with fearing gun nuts - how many of them have declared their hatred for everything America? How many of them out of ALL Americans are radicalized?

Why do I put ?? at the end of sentences when discussing anything with you, since you never answer anything?

12-24-2015, 09:14 AM
Way too many of you paint society with too broad of a cloth

15-25% of muslims are radicalized. This was from findings from several studies, and studies that were done over many years throughout many countries. It wasn't just something tossed out there. Now THAT'S a broad cloth of their society, and it's a HUGE cloth. Maybe American muslims are less so, but that doesn't change the numbers as a whole. It doesn't do anything to change the numbers of folks that have been arrested around the nation, over JUST ISIS, never mind other terror groups and cells. Why are these folks being arrested for giving material support to ISIS and worse? Because at the end of the day, they are muslims first, not infidels, and they are extremely easily swayed to radical ways.

12-24-2015, 09:20 AM
In the spirit of love and understanding, our Muslim neighbors are going to attend Christmas eve services at our church. I told them to extend an invitation to others at their mosque.
Our neighbors celebrate Christmas the same way we do. They have a Christmas tree and greet others with "Merry Christmas!" They observe all American holidays, in order to allow their children to properly assimilate with others. They also observe all Muslim holidays.
You may not like it or agree with it, but we do all worship the same God.

Allah is no God, he is a pedophile that some wish to worship. As for your neighbor how cool, she celbrat6es both holidays, I have met a few that did that over the years, most where Jewish and celebrated both.

12-24-2015, 09:24 AM
I was once told that they were the same, that "allah" was just arabic for God. I was told wrong. I've since been told by muslims and christians alike that they are different, and of course my reading from reputable authorities state the same.

12-24-2015, 09:27 AM
I am smart enough to know when I feel threatened and when I am not.
Way too many of you paint society with too broad of a cloth. The Muslim that works long hours, six days a week to feed his family is not the same as the Muslim who waves guns around and threatened jihad.
At the same time, the vets who ride bikes around handing out toys to needy kids are not the same as the biker gangs who transport drugs and order executions.

I attend a "spirit filled" church. It is far from a traditional service where the minister talks and the congregation sings hymns. My church is about two-thirds black, the rest Anglo and Latino. We have a band, a choir and a lot of whooping and hollering. Attendees are free to shout "Hallelujah!" and praise God however they see fit.

By contrast, Muslim prayer services are relatively quiet. There are calls to prayer, a few readings from the Quran and then a message offered by an Iman. Newcomers who contact the Mosque in advance are often given a pamphlet detailing the service and how to prepare for it.
I admit that it is quite different. But in the two hours I was there, I heard nothing but prayers to Allah.
Right-wing hate sites would be very disappointed. :rolleyes:

How about if you name one club that all they do is order hits or run drugs ???? Hell Name one club that you know for a fact has ever done either.

As for your spirit filled church, well you show once again how full of shit you are, I have never been in a church where you couldn't yell out if you so desired, I have seen folks fall to the ground sobbing, I have seen folks screaming yes , and praying out loud as the preacher keeps the sermon going, so as for your church being so special, BULL SHIT

Personally I would love to hand over all liberals to the Muzzie's but for now like I have always said, when the sheot hits the fan and these animals are raping and killing folks because of their religion, I will be more than happy to watch your good friends cut your head off, actually I am looking forward to that. :rolleyes:

12-24-2015, 11:33 AM
Is Allah the God of Abraham? It's an academic point imo. But you can answer if you like.

There is but one God.

12-24-2015, 11:37 AM
I am smart enough to know when I feel threatened and when I am not.
Way too many of you paint society with too broad of a cloth. The Muslim that works long hours, six days a week to feed his family is not the same as the Muslim who waves guns around and threatened jihad.
At the same time, the vets who ride bikes around handing out toys to needy kids are not the same as the biker gangs who transport drugs and order executions.

I attend a "spirit filled" church. It is far from a traditional service where the minister talks and the congregation sings hymns. My church is about two-thirds black, the rest Anglo and Latino. We have a band, a choir and a lot of whooping and hollering. Attendees are free to shout "Hallelujah!" and praise God however they see fit.

By contrast, Muslim prayer services are relatively quiet. There are calls to prayer, a few readings from the Quran and then a message offered by an Iman. Newcomers who contact the Mosque in advance are often given a pamphlet detailing the service and how to prepare for it.
I admit that it is quite different. But in the two hours I was there, I heard nothing but prayers to Allah.
Right-wing hate sites would be very disappointed. :rolleyes:

Look in the mirror.

12-24-2015, 11:39 AM
How about if you name one club that all they do is order hits or run drugs ???? Hell Name one club that you know for a fact has ever done either.

As for your spirit filled church, well you show once again how full of shit you are, I have never been in a church where you couldn't yell out if you so desired, I have seen folks fall to the ground sobbing, I have seen folks screaming yes , and praying out loud as the preacher keeps the sermon going, so as for your church being so special, BULL SHIT

Personally I would love to hand over all liberals to the Muzzie's but for now like I have always said, when the sheot hits the fan and these animals are raping and killing folks because of their religion, I will be more than happy to watch your good friends cut your head off, actually I am looking forward to that. :rolleyes:


12-24-2015, 11:39 AM
I was once told that they were the same, that "allah" was just arabic for God. I was told wrong. I've since been told by muslims and christians alike that they are different, and of course my reading from reputable authorities state the same.

Allah is the Arabic word for God. If you want to discuss the differences between God and Allah as it pertains to Christianity and Islam, that would be a different discussion. The same thing for Yahweh and Judaism.

12-24-2015, 11:45 AM
Allah is the Arabic word for God. If you want to discuss the differences between God and Allah as it pertains to Christianity and Islam, that would be a different discussion.

"God" is a word. He is different to ALL religions. This is an exercise in semantics. This interfaith Christmas crap with Muslims is crap. Want to have a party? Fine. But you don't walk into someone else's church when you believe everyone but you is going to Hell when you revolve your life around your religion. If your belief is everyone that doesn't believe what you believe should be killed, I don't want you around.

12-24-2015, 11:45 AM
I would say that perhaps 5 percent of Muslims are radicalized. Far less of that amount in the U.S.

My husband is Baptist. My college roommate was Catholic. My paternal grandparents were Presbyterian. My best friend and her husband are Anglican. All the services I have been to of those faiths have been fairly formal.
I love going to a spirit filled church because I feel God actively speaks to me there. It is my personal feeling and not meant to apply to anyone else. I respect all people of all religions.

The "endless terror attacks around the world" are prepared and carried out by groups of a few hundred of less. Much less than American groups of organized crime. Or the biker gangs who shoot up restaurants, run drug operations and engage in human traffic smuggling.

As for all Muslims being "prone to radicalization," that is pretty much a fallacy. Or perhaps just as accurate as the notion of all rural Southerners having multiple cars on blocks, running moonshine, marrying their sisters and having grandchildren at the age of 30.

12-24-2015, 11:46 AM
Allah is the Arabic word for God. If you want to discuss the differences between God and Allah as it pertains to Christianity and Islam, that would be a different discussion. The same thing for Yahweh and Judaism.

Not what I meant. I was stating that many will say that it's one and the same, but it's not.

12-24-2015, 11:47 AM
I would say that perhaps 5 percent of Muslims are radicalized. Far less of that amount in the U.S.

My husband is Baptist. My college roommate was Catholic. My paternal grandparents were Presbyterian. My best friend and her husband are Anglican. All the services I have been to of those faiths have been fairly formal.
I love going to a spirit filled church because I feel God actively speaks to me there. It is my personal feeling and not meant to apply to anyone else. I respect all people of all religions.

The "endless terror attacks around the world" are prepared and carried out by groups of a few hundred of less. Much less than American groups of organized crime. Or the biker gangs who shoot up restaurants, run drug operations and engage in human traffic smuggling.

As for all Muslims being "prone to radicalization," that is pretty much a fallacy. Or perhaps just as accurate as the notion of all rural Southerners having multiple cars on blocks, running moonshine, marrying their sisters and having grandchildren at the age of 30.

Obama speaks. :rolleyes:

12-24-2015, 11:48 AM
I would say that perhaps 5 percent of Muslims are radicalized.

Sure, you know better than folks who spent YEARS doing a study on the subject. I don't think so.

And EVEN IF - you're now talking about 90,000,000+ that are radicalized. But that still goers against all studies.

12-24-2015, 11:54 AM
:rolleyes: Merry Christmas, Jim. :rolleyes:

12-24-2015, 11:57 AM
:rolleyes: Merry Christmas, Jim. :rolleyes:

Merry Christmas, captain Retard. But bailing from facts doesn't say much. You admitted that you think there are about 90 MILLION radicalized muslims, I simply point that out, and the rolling eyes come out and another quick bailing you perform. Odd.

12-24-2015, 11:57 AM
"God" is a word. He is different to ALL religions. This is an exercise in semantics. This interfaith Christmas crap with Muslims is crap. Want to have a party? Fine. But you don't walk into someone else's church when you believe everyone but you is going to Hell when you revolve your life around your religion. If your belief is everyone that doesn't believe what you believe should be killed, I don't want you around.

Exactly. But I think you're overstating what is actually going on. I don't think gab's neighbor's are going to talk smack at their church.

Not what I meant. I was stating that many will say that it's one and the same, but it's not.

There is but one God. Different interpretations though.

12-24-2015, 12:00 PM
Sure, you know better than folks who spent YEARS doing a study on the subject. I don't think so.

And EVEN IF - you're now talking about 90,000,000+ that are radicalized. But that still goers against all studies.

You ain't going to fix that leftwingnut California-think with facts, logic and common sense.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-24-2015, 12:00 PM
I would say that perhaps 5 percent of Muslims are radicalized. Far less of that amount in the U.S.

My husband is Baptist. My college roommate was Catholic. My paternal grandparents were Presbyterian. My best friend and her husband are Anglican. All the services I have been to of those faiths have been fairly formal.
I love going to a spirit filled church because I feel God actively speaks to me there. It is my personal feeling and not meant to apply to anyone else. I respect all people of all religions.

The "endless terror attacks around the world" are prepared and carried out by groups of a few hundred of less. Much less than American groups of organized crime. Or the biker gangs who shoot up restaurants, run drug operations and engage in human traffic smuggling.

As for all Muslims being "prone to radicalization," that is pretty much a fallacy. Or perhaps just as accurate as the notion of all rural Southerners having multiple cars on blocks, running moonshine, marrying their sisters and having grandchildren at the age of 30.

Whats 5% of 1.4 billion people? At least 70 million, WHICH IS NOT A SMALL NUMBER!
5%+ 15% =20% , THATS THE LOW ESTIMATE.
20% OF 1.4 BILLION IS 280 MILLION! And thats the low estimate!
280 million that believe and want all of us dead..
You should wake up and understand nothing -no love, not mercy, not consideration, not tolerance--NOTHING comes before the all consuming, all conquering muslim agenda!
If possible they would murder you and every human you have ever known!
You judgment, numbers and comparisons are all dead wrong. -Tyr

12-24-2015, 12:07 PM
There is but one God. Different interpretations though.

That's what you say, and what us catholics/christians are taught. Muslims will tell you that their god is different than the one christians worship. To them, the only similarity is the generic name "god", but they do not believe this is the same, and the "one god" that we all believe in.

And surely, if the god IS the same, then of course we all believe he had the same son, correct?

And their name was originally al-ilah, which was THE god. One of 360 of them or so in mecca. There's THE god for them, then 360 others - so hard for them to say there is but one god.

12-24-2015, 12:09 PM
Whats 5% of 1.4 billion people? At least 70 million, WHICH IS NOT A SMALL NUMBER!
5%+ 15% =20% , THATS THE LOW ESTIMATE.
20% OF 1.4 BILLION IS 280 MILLION! And thats the low estimate!
280 million that believe and want all of us dead..
You should wake up and understand nothing -no lone, not mercy, not consideration, not tolerance--NOTHING comes before the all consuming, all conquering muslim agenda!
If possible they would murder you and every human you have ever known!
You judgment, numbers and comparisons are all dead wrong. -Tyr

Fwiw, the estimates are as high as 1.8 billion, but at least 1.6 billion at minimum. So those numbers increase.

12-24-2015, 12:18 PM
That's what you say, and what us catholics/christians are taught. Muslims will tell you that their god is different than the one christians worship. To them, the only similarity is the generic name "god", but they do not believe this is the same, and the "one god" that we all believe in.

And surely, if the god IS the same, then of course we all believe he had the same son, correct?

And their name was originally al-ilah, which was THE god. One of 360 of them or so in mecca. There's THE god for them, then 360 others - so hard for them to say there is but one god.

Actually they've been trying to convince people it's the same God by a different son of Abraham. "God" is a word. The interpretation of it is the problem. If your "God" can't get you to pull your head out of your 7th century a$$, then that's not MY creator.

12-24-2015, 12:38 PM
I just have to laugh at the sheer stupidity of this crap.

What's the one universal line in every muzzie attack that gets reported?

Neighbor : "I just can't believe that Abdul sawed off that poor woman's head! He was such a nice, quiet, peaceful person."

Co-Worker : "I just can't believe that Achmed blew up that kitten factory! He was a peaceful, friendly employee!"

Family member : "I just can't believe that Mohammed gunned down all those random people while screaming Allah Ackbar! He was such a quiet, caring person!"

I am smart enough to know when I feel threatened and when I am not.

No. No, you're not.

The "endless terror attacks around the world" are prepared and carried out by groups of a few hundred of less.


You are such a blithering fool.

12-24-2015, 03:49 PM
That's what you say, and what us catholics/christians are taught. Muslims will tell you that their god is different than the one christians worship. To them, the only similarity is the generic name "god", but they do not believe this is the same, and the "one god" that we all believe in.

And surely, if the god IS the same, then of course we all believe he had the same son, correct?

And their name was originally al-ilah, which was THE god. One of 360 of them or so in mecca. There's THE god for them, then 360 others - so hard for them to say there is but one god.

No. Christians recognize Jesus as the Son of God, Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet, and Jews recognize him as a Messianic Claimant, but we are all of an Abrahamic religion.

12-24-2015, 07:29 PM
I would say that perhaps 5 percent of Muslims are radicalized. Far less of that amount in the U.S.

My husband is Baptist. My college roommate was Catholic. My paternal grandparents were Presbyterian. My best friend and her husband are Anglican. All the services I have been to of those faiths have been fairly formal.
I love going to a spirit filled church because I feel God actively speaks to me there. It is my personal feeling and not meant to apply to anyone else. I respect all people of all religions.

The "endless terror attacks around the world" are prepared and carried out by groups of a few hundred of less. Much less than American groups of organized crime. Or the biker gangs who shoot up restaurants, run drug operations and engage in human traffic smuggling.

As for all Muslims being "prone to radicalization," that is pretty much a fallacy. Or perhaps just as accurate as the notion of all rural Southerners having multiple cars on blocks, running moonshine, marrying their sisters and having grandchildren at the age of 30.

Again you stupid ass, name one club you can say for a fact does anything you say they do. Your as full of shit as a Christmas goose.

A few hundred huh, well so much for me trying to prove how full of shit you are, you just did it for me. :thumb:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-24-2015, 07:30 PM
No. Christians recognize Jesus as the Son of God, Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet, and Jews recognize him as a Messianic Claimant, but we are all of an Abrahamic religion.

but we are all of an Abrahamic religion.

No, only the Jews and the Christians are of an Abrahamic faith.
Islam was a counter to both those since its birth by moham the stinking , murdering pervert!
No true Christian or true Jew would dare include it as a part of Abraham's legacy!
That lying spin comes directly from muslim propaganda that has been so readily embraced by idiots, fools , Jew and Christian haters, ignorant people, deceivers, cowardly appeasers, globalist liars, mass media , our deeply corrupted government, atheists, leftists ,socialist and dems..

When you use the term-"we are all" exactly which faith are you claiming?????
I fully expect that you'll not answer this question and thus I will know which one. -Tyr

12-24-2015, 07:35 PM
Whats 5% of 1.4 billion people? At least 70 million, WHICH IS NOT A SMALL NUMBER!
5%+ 15% =20% , THATS THE LOW ESTIMATE.
20% OF 1.4 BILLION IS 280 MILLION! And thats the low estimate!
280 million that believe and want all of us dead..
You should wake up and understand nothing -no love, not mercy, not consideration, not tolerance--NOTHING comes before the all consuming, all conquering muslim agenda!
If possible they would murder you and every human you have ever known!
You judgment, numbers and comparisons are all dead wrong. -Tyr

Hell whats the big deal, 70 million or a few hundred, all sounds the same to me, :rolleyes: I guess we can send Gabby tough ass sister in law to get rid of the 300 bad people in the world.

Honestly I have to wonder why I even give Gabby's post a second look. we all know she isn't capable of telling the truth, and hell when all else fails her and her daughter will meet with who ever and have lunch with who ever and fix what ever. :laugh: To make a statement as stupid as there are only a few hundred terrorist :laugh: you just can't make this shit up. :thumb:

12-24-2015, 10:45 PM
No, only the Jews and the Christians are of an Abrahamic faith.

When you use the term-"we are all" exactly which faith are you claiming?????

Incorrect. All three trace descendants to Abraham. The same one I've always claimed. :)

Oh, another excellent rant tacked on to your being incorrect; I think you've added a few. :laugh:

Black Diamond
12-24-2015, 11:00 PM
Incorrect. All three trace descendants to Abraham. The same one I've always claimed. :)

Oh, another excellent rant tacked on to your being incorrect; I think you've added a few. :laugh:

Ishmael and Isaac....

Ishmael being the Islam, Isaac being the Judaism and Christianity

Ishmael nation being the wild ass of a man, it should be noted.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-25-2015, 12:25 AM
Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
Incorrect. All three trace descendants to Abraham. The same one I've always claimed.

Oh, another excellent rant tacked on to your being incorrect; I think you've added a few.

Ishmael and Isaac....

Ishmael being the Islam, Isaac being the Judaism and Christianity

Ishmael nation being the wild ass of a man, it should be noted.

Useless for you to attempt to educate an ass my friend.
Have a bit of mercy on him and ignore him for a day.
As its the season of giving .
He is neck deep in the spoiled fruits of the rotten branch on the tree my friend..-Tyr

12-25-2015, 08:37 AM
A. I wouldn't go.

B. If I did for some inexplicable reason, I'd have a .45 on my hip and a .380 in my boot.

A man after my own heart, 45 on the hip and a 380 in my vest, never leave home without em.

12-25-2015, 08:45 AM
What about a fire and brimstone preacher who commands that you repent or die? Would you put a bullet in his head as well?

Difference is, the preacher isn't going to kill anyone, he is simply telling you to repent and you will have eternal life, where as the rag head is saying convert of I will kill you, big difference Gabs, but then again you knew that.

12-25-2015, 10:06 AM
Useless ...

That was an interesting way to admit you're wrong. :shrug: Have a rage-y, passive-aggressive new year. I know you will. :)

12-25-2015, 10:07 AM
Ishmael and Isaac....

Ishmael being the Islam, Isaac being the Judaism and Christianity

Ishmael nation being the wild ass of a man, it should be noted.

A little bit more:

The Contrast Between Isaac and Ishmael (http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/1012030/jewish/The-Contrast-Between-Isaac-and-Ishmael.htm)

12-25-2015, 11:15 AM
"God" is a word. He is different to ALL religions. This is an exercise in semantics. This interfaith Christmas crap with Muslims is crap. Want to have a party? Fine. But you don't walk into someone else's church when you believe everyone but you is going to Hell when you revolve your life around your religion. If your belief is everyone that doesn't believe what you believe should be killed, I don't want you around.


12-25-2015, 11:19 AM
A man after my own heart, 45 on the hip and a 380 in my vest, never leave home without em.

*Yes...in a Free country we all have our "choice" of weapons....Myself...I prefer G20-SF and a back-up G19...both 15+1 rounds....

12-25-2015, 11:35 AM
*Yes...in a Free country we all have our "choice" of weapons....Myself...I prefer G20-SF and a back-up G19...both 15+1 rounds....

Main weapon = S&W Model 29 .44 Magnum. Backup - Walther PPK. I don't need 15 rounds. One round will do the trick. And I want it to be the biggest round I can part your skull with. Like most things, it a matter of personal choice and what suits you best. I can fire a .44 Mag with either hand. Most people need two. Not a knock on anyone. If the best thing I could handle was a .25, I'd be as best as I could with a .25.

My favorite is an M1911A1 .45. Next in line is the Browning P-35 (Hi-Power). Most accurate pistol I've ever fired. Due to unfortunate circumstances. mine was "liberated" from me by a conniving bitch in a communist state and I haven't yet replaced it. But I DO already have the Model 29. :)

Texas don't care about dumbass IL gun laws.

12-25-2015, 11:47 AM
Main weapon = S&W Model 29 .44 Magnum. Backup - Walther PPK. I don't need 15 rounds. One round will do the trick. And I want it to be the biggest round I can part your skull with. Like most things, it a matter of personal choice and what suits you best. I can fire a .44 Mag with either hand. Most people need two. Not a knock on anyone. If the best thing I could handle was a .25, I'd be as best as I could with a .25.

My favorite is an M1911A1 .45. Next in line is the Browning P-35 (Hi-Power). Most accurate pistol I've ever fired. Due to unfortunate circumstances. mine was "liberated" from me by a conniving bitch in a communist state and I haven't yet replaced it. But I DO already have the Model 29. :)



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-25-2015, 12:06 PM
That was an interesting way to admit you're wrong. :shrug: Have a rage-y, passive-aggressive new year. I know you will. :)

Do not change my quote to insult me with it. You are yet again spitting in Jim's face by disregarding his new rule about how to handle quotes.
Not only are you a fool and a troll but an arrogant ass while doing so.
Tis not shit about me passive you ffing moron, you'd know that if trying that crap face to face with me ,you cowardly little idjit. -Tyr

12-25-2015, 12:23 PM
That was an interesting way to admit you're wrong. :shrug: Have a rage-y, passive-aggressive new year. I know you will. :)

STOP with doing this with the quotes. This is not was is meant by "shortening" the posts you are quoting.

12-25-2015, 12:52 PM
Returning to the original subject, we went to Christmas Eve service and it is quite wonderful. Our church welcomes everyone to walk in and offer praises to the birth of Jesus, so it was quite full.
Our Muslim neighbors enjoyed it and were able to connect some parts of the service to their own faith.
What many of you might be surprised to know is that the Birth of Jesus is detailed in The Quran. Among other things associated with the Christian faith.


Abbey Marie
12-25-2015, 01:00 PM
Returning to the original subject, we went to Christmas Eve service and it is quite wonderful. Our church welcomes everyone to walk in and offer praises to the birth of Jesus, so it was quite full.
Our Muslim neighbors enjoyed it and were able to connect some parts of the service to their own faith.
What many of you might be surprised to know is that the Birth of Jesus is detailed in The Quran. Among other things associated with the Christian faith.


Christmas Eve services are wonderful. My favorite part of ours is singing Silent Night with the lights dimmed and everyone holding a lit candle.

12-25-2015, 01:01 PM
Returning to the original subject, we went to Christmas Eve service and it is quite wonderful. Our church welcomes everyone to walk in and offer praises to the birth of Jesus, so it was quite full.
Our Muslim neighbors enjoyed it and were able to connect some parts of the service to their own faith.
What many of you might be surprised to know is that the Birth of Jesus is detailed in The Quran. Among other things associated with the Christian faith.


How well did they respond when you told them that Jesus is the son of God and our savior? Do they believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and that we will get into Heaven through him?

Now. Ask your neighbors. Can you walk into their mosque with them, and sit and pray, and discuss with them how Jesus IS the son of God, and that he is more than just a prophet as they believe? I don't believe you that this took place, but I DO believe that Catholic/Christian churches are welcoming of everyone. Mosques aren't quite as welcoming to the infidels. Oh, do you have those pictures? You know, the ones you claimed you had, and then haven't responded about since?

12-25-2015, 01:03 PM
Christmas Eve services are wonderful. My favorite part of ours is singing Silent Night with the lights dimmed and everyone holding a lit candle.

I used to take my Grandmother to Christmas Eve mass every year. The music was always fantastic, and of course the huge and beautiful church was also lit up. I haven't been to another mass on Christmas eve since she passed. :(

Abbey Marie
12-25-2015, 01:13 PM
How well did they respond when you told them that Jesus is the son of God and our savior? Do they believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and that we will get into Heaven through him?

Now. Ask your neighbors. Can you walk into their mosque with them, and sit and pray, and discuss with them how Jesus IS the son of God, and that he is more than just a prophet as they believe? I don't believe you that this took place, but I DO believe that Catholic/Christian churches are welcoming of everyone. Mosques aren't quite as welcoming to the infidels. Oh, do you have those pictures? You know, the ones you claimed you had, and then haven't responded about since?

And I understand a husband and wife would have to worship separately in a Mosque. :p

12-25-2015, 01:20 PM
And I understand a husband and wife would have to worship separately in a Mosque. :p

And I doubt they would be happy with any style of make up. Do women have to cover up going to the mosque as well?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-25-2015, 01:21 PM
And I understand a husband and wife would have to worship separately in a Mosque. :p

Thats true, the woman is like property, you know like a goat..
They have special pens inside the mosque or out back for the women.
Tis why at night they get them mixed up as certain videos show..
But gabs says its a truly wonderful religion, if you male and like playing with animals at night..:laugh:-Tyr

12-25-2015, 01:31 PM
Do not change my quote to insult me with it. You are yet again spitting in Jim's face by disregarding his new rule about how to handle quotes.
Not only are you a fool and a troll but an arrogant ass while doing so.
Tis not shit about me passive you ffing moron, you'd know that if trying that crap face to face with me ,you cowardly little idjit. -Tyr

If you'd bother to make actual discussion points rather than quoting about me to others, the definition of passive you cowardly little idjit, :) especially when you're clearly wrong then I wouldn't have to shorten your post to the only useful word in it; Apparently you'd rather whine. BTW, I don't spit in Jim's face. ;)

STOP with doing this with the quotes. This is not was is meant by "shortening" the posts you are quoting.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-25-2015, 01:40 PM
incorrect. All three trace descendants to abraham. The same one i've always claimed. :)

oh, another excellent rant tacked on to your being incorrect; i think you've added a few. :laugh:

the same one i've always claimed. :)

which one do you claim????
As yet again you have avoided printing that one word.
I make it easy for you , pick the number you claim.

1.islam, 2. Christianity, 3. Judaism

or will you try to spin away again??? -tyr

12-25-2015, 01:42 PM
which one do you claim????
As yet again you have avoided printing that one word.
I make it easy for you , pick the number you claim.

1.islam, 2. Christianity, 3. Judaism

or will you try to spin away again??? -tyr

No spin. The same one I've always claimed. :)

12-25-2015, 02:09 PM
In the spirit of love and understanding, our Muslim neighbors are going to attend Christmas eve services at our church. I told them to extend an invitation to others at their mosque.
Our neighbors celebrate Christmas the same way we do. They have a Christmas tree and greet others with "Merry Christmas!" They observe all American holidays, in order to allow their children to properly assimilate with others. They also observe all Muslim holidays.
You may not like it or agree with it, but we do all worship the same God.

Over here, we've had the Archbishop of Canterbury supply a remarkably candid message.

Gone are the days where his predecessor argued that we should get used to a limited introduction of Sharia Law !! No, his successor has warned of the great threat to Christians in the Middle East.


The Archbishop of Canterbury today claimed Christianity faces 'elimination' in its birthplace at the hands of Isis in a considerably less optimistic Christmas address than the Queen's.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby branded Islamic extremists as the 'Herod of today', a reference to the despot King of Judea at the time of Jesus's birth in his speech at Canterbury Cathedral.

He warned that Isis could wipe out the Christian faith in the place it was born two millennia ago, as they ignite 'a trail of fear, violence, hatred and determined oppression' in the region.

The Christmas Day Sermon took a much more dramatic tone than the Queen's Speech will, which also quotes the bible, but focuses on how the light will overcome the dark.

The Archbishop, however, warned of the 'end days', and talk of the apocalypse as he took a dramatic tone on the threat Isis poses to the world because of their intolerant attitudes.

He told the congregation: 'Confident that these are the last days, using force and indescribable cruelty, they seem to welcome all opposition, certain that the warfare unleashed confirms that these are indeed the end times.

'They hate difference, whether it is Muslims who think differently, Yazidis or Christians, and because of them the Christians face elimination in the very region in which Christian faith began.

'This apocalypse is defined by themselves and heralded only by the angel of death.'

The Archbishop, the head of the global Anglican communion, added: 'To all who have been or are being dehumanised by the tyranny and cruelty of a Herod or an ISIS, a Herod of today, God's judgement comes as good news, because it promises justice.'

You, like all Lefties, will argue that ISIS aren't typical of 'mainstream' Muslims. But, this doesn't explain how it is that ISIS is a currently thriving 'Movement' (even despite all the bombing of them in Iraq and Syria). It doesn't explain how they've got so many followers, or how it is that they continue to recruit, if Islam truly is 'a religion of peace'.

And of course, you Lefties have NO explanation AT ALL for the sheer proliferation of so many Islamic terrorist groups, AND in so much of the world today !

No, rather .... we learn that Muslims want to wipe out Christianity .. in its birthplace !!

In the face of that truth, you'd be wise to 'suspect' what the TRUTH about those Muslims attending any Christian church really is.

I also suggest that those maintaining the church should do a thorough search for bombs afterwards. Urgently.

12-25-2015, 02:13 PM
Do not change my quote to insult me with it. You are yet again spitting in Jim's face by disregarding his new rule about how to handle quotes.
Not only are you a fool and a troll but an arrogant ass while doing so.
Tis not shit about me passive you ffing moron, you'd know that if trying that crap face to face with me ,you cowardly little idjit. -Tyr

Well said. What we see is trolling behaviour (typically from FJ), serving no other purpose.

12-25-2015, 02:21 PM
Ishmael and Isaac....

Ishmael being the Islam, Isaac being the Judaism and Christianity

Ishmael nation being the wild ass of a man, it should be noted.

Lefties will stoop to any extreme to equivalise in order to nullify objections to Islam. We've got one happy that Muslims attend a Christian church (presumably WITHOUT a body search being conducted ??). We've got another one trying to minimise differences between Christianity and Islam !! Different branches of the same argument 'tree'.

Except that it's not a tree. It's a useless weed.

12-25-2015, 02:44 PM
And I understand a husband and wife would have to worship separately in a Mosque. :p

They only separate the ugly, hairy Muslim women from their husbands.

12-25-2015, 04:39 PM
Christmas Eve services are wonderful. My favorite part of ours is singing Silent Night with the lights dimmed and everyone holding a lit candle.

I too loved my Christmas Eve, Midnight Mass. I worked til 7, went grocery shopping after. Got home around 8:30. I really wanted to go to Mass, but became tired and changed to jammies, must have fallen asleep immediately. Woke up at 11:10 and thought, 'what the heck.' Threw on jeans and Christmas sweater and off I went.

Unlike home, there were perhaps about 300 people there, instead of 800 or more. Church was decorated very nice, but less formal. Didn't recognize all of the music being played before the beginning of mass.

Unlike home, the processional hymn was not, "Joy to the World," that was played as recessional. The first was I think a Native American song. Opening of the mass was traditional greeting, then a small nativity play with 8 children and a baby doll put into the crib. Then mass started.

The hymns played during mass were a mix of the traditional ones, Indian ones, and Spanish ones. Very reflective of the area. Just like home; people were very quick to say "Merry Christmas," before mass; during the 'sign of peace' and after mass.

There were two songs at the end, "Joy to the World" was second and used as recessional. The closing was "Felize Navidad" and while certainly American traditional, not something I'd heard in church before. Everyone sang and there was a lot of movement and smiling and little kids near dancing. Very enjoyable.

Black Diamond
12-25-2015, 07:16 PM
Wanted to go to Christmas Eve midnight service. But wife had to work.

12-25-2015, 07:34 PM
I'm glad I'm Southern Baptist and ain't got to be hanging out at church at midnight. We go to church three times a week as it is.

Black Diamond
12-25-2015, 07:56 PM
I'm glad I'm Southern Baptist and ain't got to be hanging out at church at midnight. We go to church three times a week as it is.

That is probably good. Lot of sinning happens between Sundays.

12-25-2015, 08:00 PM
That is probably good. Lot of sinning happens between Sundays.

Y'think? Unfortunately, when granddad is a Deacon and the Superintendent of Sunday School, guess where you're going twice on Sunday and every Wednesday?

12-25-2015, 08:29 PM
I would say that perhaps 5 percent of Muslims are radicalized. Far less of that amount in the U.S.

My husband is Baptist. My college roommate was Catholic. My paternal grandparents were Presbyterian. My best friend and her husband are Anglican. All the services I have been to of those faiths have been fairly formal.
I love going to a spirit filled church because I feel God actively speaks to me there. It is my personal feeling and not meant to apply to anyone else. I respect all people of all religions.

The "endless terror attacks around the world" are prepared and carried out by groups of a few hundred of less. Much less than American groups of organized crime. Or the biker gangs who shoot up restaurants, run drug operations and engage in human traffic smuggling.

As for all Muslims being "prone to radicalization," that is pretty much a fallacy. Or perhaps just as accurate as the notion of all rural Southerners having multiple cars on blocks, running moonshine, marrying their sisters and having grandchildren at the age of 30.

I am not going to pound you on your religion and faith, my friend.
That is yours and yours alone and should be respected. Not gonna touch that.

Yet you again exaggerate fact. More that 5% of Muslims are radicalized.
Surveys have shown that. It is just the Libs who refuse to read the FACTS
that twists your thinking.

That bottom line is pure bullshit. Southern rednecks are far more resilient
and self-capable than virtually any urban resident, such as in Huntington Beach.
When the shit hits the fan, a redneck straps up his/her trousers, laces his/her boots
and confronts the issue.

Urban folk largely sit back and do nothing but whine and complain that nobody
comes to their aid. Point in fact....Katrina, New Orleans.

12-25-2015, 09:09 PM
Now. Ask your neighbors. Can you walk into their mosque with them, and sit and pray, and discuss with them how Jesus IS the son of God, and that he is more than just a prophet as they believe? I don't believe you that this took place, but I DO believe that Catholic/Christian churches are welcoming of everyone. Mosques aren't quite as welcoming to the infidels. Oh, do you have those pictures? You know, the ones you claimed you had, and then haven't responded about since?

One discusses Christianity in a Christian church and Islam in a mosque. Why would anyone do otherwise?
I have gone to a mosque. With my neighbors, who introduced us. Muslims tend to be welcoming, if a bit more distant to those they are unfamiliar with. Women and men are seated separately. No big deal to me.
I never wear makeup, so I never have to worry about that. Women are not required to wear hijabs and very few do. Women usually wear pants or long dresses. You are required to take off your shoes before entering.

12-26-2015, 07:39 AM
They only separate the ugly, hairy Muslim women from their husbands.

OK so they do separate husband and wife at the Mosque :laugh:

12-26-2015, 07:53 AM
One discusses Christianity in a Christian church and Islam in a mosque. Why would anyone do otherwise?
I have gone to a mosque. With my neighbors, who introduced us. Muslims tend to be welcoming, if a bit more distant to those they are unfamiliar with. Women and men are seated separately. No big deal to me.
I never wear makeup, so I never have to worry about that. Women are not required to wear hijabs and very few do. Women usually wear pants or long dresses. You are required to take off your shoes before entering.

I've spoken with an imam before, and all of my questions were directed around both religions, to understand.

As for how women dress, you must have went to a weird mosque. Methinks you are now definitely yanking our chains, as no mosque following Islam is going to nonchalantly let women in there and not cover properly. This goes ALL the way back to muhammad and is followed everywhere. You CANNOT go in without covering portions of yourself.

Islam requires that its adherents wear clothes that portray modesty. Men are supposed to come to the mosque wearing loose and clean clothes that do not reveal the shape of the body. Likewise, it is recommended that women at a mosque wear loose clothing that covers to the wrists and ankles, and cover their heads with a hijab or other covering. Many Muslims, regardless of their ethnic background, wear Middle Eastern clothing associated with Arabic Islam to special occasions and prayers at mosques


Conditions of women going out to the mosque

Is it permissible for women to go and pray tahajjud in the mosque without a mahram when the mosque is next to the house and the men in the family do not do this prayer?.
Praise be to Allaah.

It is permissible for women to go to the mosque and pray, subject to certain conditions. It is not one of these conditions that she should be accompanied by a mahram, so there is nothing wrong with her going to the mosque to pray without a mahram.

It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 7/332:

It is permissible for a Muslim woman to pray in the mosque and her husband does not have the right to stop her if she asks him for permission to do that, so long as she is properly covered and no part of her body is showing that it is forbidden for “strangers” (non mahrams) to see. It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “When your womenfolk ask you for permission to go to the mosque, give them permission.” According to another version, “Do not forbid women their share of the mosques if they ask you for permission.” Bilaal – a son of ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar – said, “By Allaah, we will stop them.” ‘Abd-Allaah said to him, “I say ‘The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said…’ and you say, ‘We will stop them’?!” Both reports were narrated by Muslim.

If the woman is uncovered and any part of her body is showing that it is forbidden for “strangers” (non mahrams) to see, or she is wearing perfume, then it is not permissible for her to go out of her house in this state, let alone go out to the mosque and pray there, because of the fitnah (temptation) involved. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer palms of hands or one eye or dress like veil, gloves, headcover, apron), and to draw their veils all over Juyoobihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands…”


“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allaah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”




What should I wear?

It is most appropriate to wear modest, loose-fitting clothes. For men, it is better to wear long pants, and for women to wear pants or full-length skirts or dresses, with long sleeves. Muslim women typically wear a headscarf as well.


12-26-2015, 07:55 AM
Another, from Cali. Either it's necessary, or you disrespected your neighbors and their mosque:

We are glad that you have decided to visit our mosque, which is a place of worship for all Muslims. We welcome anyone who would like to visit and observe the daily prayers and participate in the activities at the Masjid Abu Bakr Al-Siddeeq. The mosque is wheelchair-accessible.

The following are the most frequently asked questions about visiting a mosque. If you need any more clarification, please contact us.

What is a mosque?

A mosque (or masjid in Arabic) is literally any place where Muslims make salat, the prayer performed in the direction of Mecca; it needn’t be a building.

What should I wear?

It is most appropriate to wear modest, loose-fitting clothes. For men, it is better to wear long pants, and for women to wear pants or full-length skirts or dresses, with long sleeves. Muslim women typically wear a headscarf as well. A female visitor may cover her head if she wishes to show respect to other worshipers or to enrich her own experience.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-26-2015, 08:03 AM
No spin. The same one I've always claimed. :)

Too stupid to answer either 1,2, or 3.. That are else doing the spin..
Either one points to your deceit or stupidity.-:laugh::laugh::laugh:-Tyr

12-26-2015, 08:04 AM
Clothes to wear to the mosque?

One lady told me that when praying to Allah or at the mosque, you are not allowed to wear jeans. So my question is if I go to the mosque to pray, what should I wear? Can I wear loosefitting jeans, a loose fitting longsleeve shirt and a hijab? Is that fine? tweet

Like these jeans and this shirt, with the top of the shirt covered with a hijab like this? tweet

Is that ok for the mosque? tweet

Salamu alaikum sister!

When you go to the mosque, you must not wear clothing that reveals the form or shape of your body. While each piece you showed me individually could work, together they don’t seem to be modest enough to be worn to a mosque. You can wear a long spring jacket with jeans so that they cover your behind/thighs, or you can wear a loose skirt coupled with a long shirt. The hijab you showed me is perfectly fine as long as it doesn’t reveal skin from your neck or bits of your hair while you’re moving around during prayer. Make sure it stays secure! For me personally, when I go to the mosque I just wear the traditional prayer clothes that we use at home (the skirt you can pull over pants and the long head piece that covers your arms and back).. I find it a lot easier to pull that on so I don’t have to worry about how I look or if my shirt is going to go up my back when I bend down during prayer.


12-26-2015, 08:06 AM
One discusses Christianity in a Christian church and Islam in a mosque. Why would anyone do otherwise?
I have gone to a mosque. With my neighbors, who introduced us. Muslims tend to be welcoming, if a bit more distant to those they are unfamiliar with. Women and men are seated separately. No big deal to me.
I never wear makeup, so I never have to worry about that. Women are not required to wear hijabs and very few do. Women usually wear pants or long dresses. You are required to take off your shoes before entering.

And lastly, since you not only won't provide the pictures you used to backup your words here on the board, you also outright ignore the questions about them, I'll assume I am correct and it's a made up story and never happened. Something that can take seconds to backup your claims, and you refuse. Hell, even blurring faces takes seconds. I knew better than to believe that bullshit.

12-26-2015, 08:11 AM
I would say that perhaps 5 percent of Muslims are radicalized. Far less of that amount in the U.S.

My husband is Baptist. My college roommate was Catholic. My paternal grandparents were Presbyterian. My best friend and her husband are Anglican. All the services I have been to of those faiths have been fairly formal.
I love going to a spirit filled church because I feel God actively speaks to me there. It is my personal feeling and not meant to apply to anyone else. I respect all people of all religions.

The "endless terror attacks around the world" are prepared and carried out by groups of a few hundred of less. Much less than American groups of organized crime. Or the biker gangs who shoot up restaurants, run drug operations and engage in human traffic smuggling.

As for all Muslims being "prone to radicalization," that is pretty much a fallacy. Or perhaps just as accurate as the notion of all rural Southerners having multiple cars on blocks, running moonshine, marrying their sisters and having grandchildren at the age of 30.

There's no way I'll realistically accept just a 5% figure (and you claim LESS than that for the US ... a country they take joy in singling out for their hatreds ... who are you kidding ????).

But for the sake of this argument, let's say I believed your estimates.

OK .. let's say ONE percent in the US are radicalised. On a 2010 estimate, that means we're talking about one percent of approximately three million Muslims (given another 5 years, the real figure is bound to be higher) in America. That works out at 30,000 radicalised Muslims, Gabby.

How many did it take to perpetrate all the attacks constituting 9/11 ?

How many '9/11's' would it be possible for 30,000 Muslims to commit, Gabby ... this from fully radicalised Muslims, remember ?

Or, if you 'prefer' ... how about 15,000 equivalents to San Bernardino ??

Lefties such as you who want to send people to sleep when it comes to alertness over Muslims .. should reflect on what 15,000 San Bernardino-type attacks would do to American society. Trust me ... people would be BEGGING to have Trump as their President, just after a fraction of those attacks had been committed.

And well you know it, Gabby.

12-26-2015, 08:32 AM
And lastly, since you not only won't provide the pictures you used to backup your words here on the board, you also outright ignore the questions about them, I'll assume I am correct and it's a made up story and never happened. Something that can take seconds to backup your claims, and you refuse. Hell, even blurring faces takes seconds. I knew better than to believe that bullshit.

Jim in order for all the BS stories Gabs tells about her lunches and running the Mosques and sheot out there in Cali she would have to live in the enchanted forest, hell the BS being slung out of Cali is unreal. :laugh:

12-26-2015, 01:17 PM
Clothes to wear to the mosque?

One lady told me that when praying to Allah or at the mosque, you are not allowed to wear jeans. So my question is if I go to the mosque to pray, what should I wear? Can I wear loosefitting jeans, a loose fitting longsleeve shirt and a hijab? Is that fine? tweet

Like these jeans and this shirt, with the top of the shirt covered with a hijab like this? tweet

Is that ok for the mosque? tweet

Salamu alaikum sister!

When you go to the mosque, you must not wear clothing that reveals the form or shape of your body. While each piece you showed me individually could work, together they don’t seem to be modest enough to be worn to a mosque. You can wear a long spring jacket with jeans so that they cover your behind/thighs, or you can wear a loose skirt coupled with a long shirt. The hijab you showed me is perfectly fine as long as it doesn’t reveal skin from your neck or bits of your hair while you’re moving around during prayer. Make sure it stays secure! For me personally, when I go to the mosque I just wear the traditional prayer clothes that we use at home (the skirt you can pull over pants and the long head piece that covers your arms and back).. I find it a lot easier to pull that on so I don’t have to worry about how I look or if my shirt is going to go up my back when I bend down during prayer.


Wranglers. Starched and creased. Both jeans and tan shirt. Stetson hat and Justin boots. Got a big old Texas seal belt buckle to go with that ensemble. :laugh:

12-26-2015, 04:41 PM
In the spirit of love and understanding, our Muslim neighbors are going to attend Christmas eve services at our church. I told them to extend an invitation to others at their mosque.
Our neighbors celebrate Christmas the same way we do. They have a Christmas tree and greet others with "Merry Christmas!" They observe all American holidays, in order to allow their children to properly assimilate with others. They also observe all Muslim holidays.
You may not like it or agree with it, but we do all worship the same God.

Absolutely not! And, if you don't evangelize them, their blood is on your hands. Ahmed, the Muslim I worked with earlier in the year made a valid point when he wondered what kind of religion is expressed when mostly naked women walk around with crosses on their neck like they do at the South Texas beaches. I showed him pictures of the Amish and Mennonites. His reaction was that no Muslim would have a problem with that kind of Christian. I further explained that my church, while not primitive like those churches, doesn't allow women pastors nor women church leaders. I gave him a gospel leaflet and he read it. Now he at least knows the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Many devout Muslims think that American values and Christian values means homosexual rights, promiscuity, abortion and general immorality. Ahmed learned that many Christians are as outraged by those things as the Muslims are. One reason all this Muslim-bashing outrages me is that Muslims are a natural constituency for the Republican and conservative movement. Muslims are also a good mission field for Fundamentalist Christians. The mentality about Muslims so well represented on this message board is a huge missed opportunity. I also explained to Ahmed that my thirst for well crafted computer code is to some extent role modeled after how the Amish make furniture. I was able to befriend an Amish bishop and get to know the congregation and learn about some of their attitudes. That was truly a blessing.

12-26-2015, 07:23 PM
And lastly, since you not only won't provide the pictures you used to backup your words here on the board, you also outright ignore the questions about them, I'll assume I am correct and it's a made up story and never happened. Something that can take seconds to backup your claims, and you refuse. Hell, even blurring faces takes seconds. I knew better than to believe that bullshit.

Next thing we'll all be hearing, or learning about in the news will be....Gabby, taking her daughter over to the SANDY SOILS of ISISLAND where she will become a concubine as one of the awards to ISIS members for the 72 virgin program.....dedicated to killing and maiming Americans.

Of course. Gabby won't provide any photo's of that either...SINCE HER, and HER DAUGHTER will have their faces covered as protection against the IRS, CIA, and FBI who will join forces to EXTRADITE her back to Californication.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-27-2015, 12:05 AM
Absolutely not! And, if you don't evangelize them, their blood is on your hands. Ahmed, the Muslim I worked with earlier in the year made a valid point when he wondered what kind of religion is expressed when mostly naked women walk around with crosses on their neck like they do at the South Texas beaches. I showed him pictures of the Amish and Mennonites. His reaction was that no Muslim would have a problem with that kind of Christian. I further explained that my church, while not primitive like those churches, doesn't allow women pastors nor women church leaders. I gave him a gospel leaflet and he read it. Now he at least knows the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Many devout Muslims think that American values and Christian values means homosexual rights, promiscuity, abortion and general immorality. Ahmed learned that many Christians are as outraged by those things as the Muslims are. One reason all this Muslim-bashing outrages me is that Muslims are a natural constituency for the Republican and conservative movement. Muslims are also a good mission field for Fundamentalist Christians. The mentality about Muslims so well represented on this message board is a huge missed opportunity. I also explained to Ahmed that my thirst for well crafted computer code is to some extent role modeled after how the Amish make furniture. I was able to befriend an Amish bishop and get to know the congregation and learn about some of their attitudes. That was truly a blessing.

One reason all this Muslim-bashing outrages me is that Muslims are a natural constituency for the Republican and conservative movement.
^^^ You must be insane!!! Muslims are more against our Constitution than are the ffing lib/socialist dems!!!
Sharia law is totally at odds with Constitutional rights!!
You should be saying they are good prospects for the dem party!! Which is itself almost at total odds with our freedoms and Constitution.
Whatever you have been smoking on your little vacation from here has even further addled your brain.
You mean you think they are great because they treat women like slaves and like shit, which sure seems to be your M.O. too.--Tyr

12-27-2015, 10:56 PM
Absolutely not! And, if you don't evangelize them, their blood is on your hands. Ahmed, the Muslim I worked with earlier in the year made a valid point when he wondered what kind of religion is expressed when mostly naked women walk around with crosses on their neck like they do at the South Texas beaches. I showed him pictures of the Amish and Mennonites. His reaction was that no Muslim would have a problem with that kind of Christian. I further explained that my church, while not primitive like those churches, doesn't allow women pastors nor women church leaders. I gave him a gospel leaflet and he read it. Now he at least knows the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Many devout Muslims think that American values and Christian values means homosexual rights, promiscuity, abortion and general immorality. Ahmed learned that many Christians are as outraged by those things as the Muslims are. One reason all this Muslim-bashing outrages me is that Muslims are a natural constituency for the Republican and conservative movement. Muslims are also a good mission field for Fundamentalist Christians. The mentality about Muslims so well represented on this message board is a huge missed opportunity. I also explained to Ahmed that my thirst for well crafted computer code is to some extent role modeled after how the Amish make furniture. I was able to befriend an Amish bishop and get to know the congregation and learn about some of their attitudes. That was truly a blessing.

The purpose of this post is to have Gabs consider evangelizing those Muslims for Jesus since she's going to all this trouble anyway. Comments from the Peanut Gallery are not of interest.

12-28-2015, 09:26 AM
Well said. What we see is trolling behaviour (typically from FJ), serving no other purpose.

Proving you to be a lying hypocrite is not the definition of trolling. :)

12-28-2015, 09:30 AM
Too stupid to answer either 1,2, or 3.. That are else doing the spin..
Either one points to your deceit or stupidity.--Tyr

You must have the memory of a gnat.

12-28-2015, 09:35 AM
How lovely - At what point during the interfaith festivities are those with the wrong faith told they're on the path to hellfire and damnation etc?

12-28-2015, 09:49 AM
How lovely - At what point during the interfaith festivities are those with the wrong faith told they're on the path to hellfire and damnation etc?

Ask ANY muslim that won't lie to you, and there you will have your answer. The muslim friends I have outright told me along those lines (minus the hellfire). Any muslim scholar will tell you that non believers are kuffir, or infidels, and need to convert or go to hell. You will hear such talk even in mosques.

Within a catholic church you will not hear a priest telling parishioners such, nor guests. Yes, you will have some parishioners telling non-believers that they will not enter the kingdom of heaven unless they accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

One is forceful around the world, even killing hundreds of thousands in the past few years for being the "wrong faith".

12-28-2015, 09:53 AM
Proving you to be a lying hypocrite is not the definition of trolling. :)

You must have the memory of a gnat.

Stop fucking with quotes. Do I seriously need to change the rules to make it so damn specific so that folks don't touch them in the slightest bit? You are just curving around what I have asked in order to fuck with those who have asked you to cease. I'm just banning folks from the threads they are doing so in, in the future. I literally just asked a couple of days ago for this to stop, that this wasn't the intent of "shortening" posts, and yet here it is again.

12-28-2015, 10:05 AM
Ask ANY muslim that won't lie to you, and there you will have your answer. The muslim friends I have outright told me along those lines (minus the hellfire). Any muslim scholar will tell you that non believers are kuffir, or infidels, and need to convert or go to hell. You will hear such talk even in mosques.

Within a catholic church you will not hear a priest telling parishioners such, nor guests. Yes, you will have some parishioners telling non-believers that they will not enter the kingdom of heaven unless they accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

One is forceful around the world, even killing hundreds of thousands in the past few years for being the "wrong faith".

Maybe the Catholic Church is more progressive in the states that here, but if you're ever in town you can come to a local church and here the hellfire and damnation awaiting me and my like.

12-28-2015, 10:09 AM
Maybe the Catholic Church is more progressive in the states that here, but if you're ever in town you can come to a local church and here the hellfire and damnation awaiting me and my like.

Is that why you condemn the church so much, and are somewhat mum on Islam?

And what did you see/hear when you went to your local mosque?

12-28-2015, 10:26 AM
Absolutely not! And, if you don't evangelize them, their blood is on your hands. Ahmed, the Muslim I worked with earlier in the year made a valid point when he wondered what kind of religion is expressed when mostly naked women walk around with crosses on their neck like they do at the South Texas beaches. I showed him pictures of the Amish and Mennonites. His reaction was that no Muslim would have a problem with that kind of Christian. I further explained that my church, while not primitive like those churches, doesn't allow women pastors nor women church leaders. I gave him a gospel leaflet and he read it. Now he at least knows the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Many devout Muslims think that American values and Christian values means homosexual rights, promiscuity, abortion and general immorality. Ahmed learned that many Christians are as outraged by those things as the Muslims are. One reason all this Muslim-bashing outrages me is that Muslims are a natural constituency for the Republican and conservative movement. Muslims are also a good mission field for Fundamentalist Christians. The mentality about Muslims so well represented on this message board is a huge missed opportunity. I also explained to Ahmed that my thirst for well crafted computer code is to some extent role modeled after how the Amish make furniture. I was able to befriend an Amish bishop and get to know the congregation and learn about some of their attitudes. That was truly a blessing.

I agree with parts of your statement 110%. Islam is THE dictionary definition of conservative. Hasn't moved in 14 centuries. Perhaps we should revise our labels of "liberal" and "conservative"? Serious misuse of words going on here.

12-28-2015, 10:28 AM
You must have the memory of a gnat.

I resemble that remark. Especially trying to remember which thread on the same topics I post in. :laugh:

12-28-2015, 10:30 AM
Ask ANY muslim that won't lie to you, and there you will have your answer. The muslim friends I have outright told me along those lines (minus the hellfire). Any muslim scholar will tell you that non believers are kuffir, or infidels, and need to convert or go to hell. You will hear such talk even in mosques.

Within a catholic church you will not hear a priest telling parishioners such, nor guests. Yes, you will have some parishioners telling non-believers that they will not enter the kingdom of heaven unless they accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

One is forceful around the world, even killing hundreds of thousands in the past few years for being the "wrong faith".

Took the words right out of my mouth. Preaching Hellfire an Brimstone is NOT "convert or die".

12-28-2015, 10:44 AM
Is that why you condemn the church so much, and are somewhat mum on Islam?

And what did you see/hear when you went to your local mosque?

Somebody feed him too much extra strength tea today, or what?

Here's a plan for ya Noir:

I'm willing to fight and die for my religion, my family and my home. And I ain't lonely in that boat. Get that pestilence that so convinced their religion is the true religion to do an about face, go back to THEIR homes and defend them instead of invading ours and expecting us to change our ways for a bunch of scared rabbits.

Why don't you try defending what's made you free instead of a bunch of oppressive assholes.

12-28-2015, 02:28 PM
Stop fucking with quotes. Do I seriously need to change the rules to make it so damn specific so that folks don't touch them in the slightest bit? You are just curving around what I have asked in order to fuck with those who have asked you to cease. I'm just banning folks from the threads they are doing so in, in the future. I literally just asked a couple of days ago for this to stop, that this wasn't the intent of "shortening" posts, and yet here it is again.

A. I did what others do.
B. You should never have changed the rule because the problem is knuckleheads who whine at the drop of a hat when someone dares have an alternate opinion. I can easily stop messing with quotes but they can't easily stop trolling and whining. :)

12-28-2015, 02:49 PM
A. I did what others do.
B. You should never have changed the rule because the problem is knuckleheads who whine at the drop of a hat when someone dares have an alternate opinion. I can easily stop messing with quotes but they can't easily stop trolling and whining. :)

I didn't see anyone else do that since the change, but report such posts when you see it so that I can make sure they understand this too. And regardless, that certainly wouldn't mean "join in", and it's still going against what I have asked you several times now.

12-28-2015, 02:54 PM
I didn't see anyone else do that since the change, but report such posts when you see it so that I can make sure they understand this too. And regardless, that certainly wouldn't mean "join in", and it's still going against what I have asked you several times now.

I don't report posts. ;) Your rule change just doesn't solve the problem.

12-28-2015, 03:03 PM
I don't report posts. ;) Your rule change just doesn't solve the problem.

Then you have no right to complain about any posts. And quite frankly, I don't care if you think it solves a problem or not. The ONLY person I see abusing what I asked them to cease is you. The problem with altering quotes IS solved if you would stop doing it, as well as others.

12-28-2015, 03:07 PM
Then you have no right to complain about any posts. And quite frankly, I don't care if you think it solves a problem or not. The ONLY person I see abusing what I asked them to cease is you. The problem with altering quotes IS solved if you would stop doing it, as well as others.

And knuckleheads will still be knuckleheads. Altering quotes is not the problem.

12-28-2015, 03:11 PM
And knuckleheads will still be knuckleheads. Altering quotes is not the problem.

It's MY problem, because you have been abusing the rules, then stating it's not the problem. If you don't think it solves anything, tough shit. When folks pull shit like this and think they run things here and know better - that's when it makes me want to tell such folks "fuck off if you don't like it". But you'll still follow the rules. If it's too fucking hard for you to handle one such small rule, maybe a breath of fresh air is better for you at the moment. Either way, do it again and removed from such threads. Your choice.

12-28-2015, 03:12 PM
It's MY problem, because you have been abusing the rules, then stating it's not the problem. If you don't think it solves anything, tough shit. When folks pull shit like this and think they run things here and know better - that's when it makes me want to tell such folks "fuck off if you don't like it". But you'll still follow the rules. If it's too fucking hard for you to handle one such small rule, maybe a breath of fresh air is better for you at the moment. Either way, do it again and removed from such threads. Your choice.


12-28-2015, 04:17 PM
Is that why you condemn the church so much, and are somewhat mum on Islam?

And what did you see/hear when you went to your local mosque?

I wouldn't dirty my feet by walking into a mosque.
That said I don't want them burned down either.

12-28-2015, 04:49 PM
And knuckleheads will still be knuckleheads. Altering quotes is not the problem.

Knock your shit off. And I speak on behalf of ME, not Jim nor the board. You provide me endless entertainment. If you get your ass kicked off the board, I will be deprived of said hours of entertainment. Misrepresenting what others say is NOT part of said hours of entertainment, and is basically nothing but dishonest. Thought you were all about the truth.

Some don't care for your style of humor and therein lies YOUR flaw. You don't know when to back off and/or who to just leave alone. Jim bans his own family. Where do you think YOU sit in that batting lineup?

12-28-2015, 04:53 PM
Knock your shit off. And I speak on behalf of ME, not Jim nor the board. You provide me endless entertainment. If you get your ass kicked off the board, I will be deprived of said hours of entertainment. Misrepresenting what others say is NOT part of said hours of entertainment, and is basically nothing but dishonest. Thought you were all about the truth.

Some don't care for your style of humor and therein lies YOUR flaw. You don't know when to back off and/or who to just leave alone. Jim bans his own family. Where do you think YOU sit in that batting lineup?

Aww, I didn't know you cared. :gay:

I am prepared to take one for the team. I don't want you to turn into this:


The board can't handle it.

12-28-2015, 05:05 PM
Aww, I didn't know you cared. :gay:

I am prepared to take one for the team. I don't want you to turn into this:


The board can't handle it.

Dude, I babysit all of my waking hours. I wouldn't get too proud of myself that you're more entertaining than a baby that says goo-goo and blah a lot. Not like you're meeting a high standard, :laugh:

12-28-2015, 07:16 PM
I wouldn't dirty my feet by walking into a mosque.
That said I don't want them burned down either.

I'm honestly baffled with you at times. You obviously detest Islam, or wouldn't make such a statement. But most of the time it appears that any discussion around Islam, terrorists, terrorism, radical Islam... not much input or condemnation from you. But you grew up the catholic way, I assume been to quite a few churches as well. Obviously there aren't continued and nearly daily attacks of sorts within the christian world. No one will kill you if you don't convert. In fact, I don't think any harm in the slightest bit will come to you for your beliefs or not wanting to be a part of the faith. And yet, for whatever reason, you don't seem to miss a chance to condemn or take a swipe at said faith.

Why so much effort towards the obviously harmless religion, and not much interest in the deadly one? Does it not bother you, the endless killings around the world? I understand that there aren't folks jumping up and down supporting them, therefore no "debate" for you, but that doesn't add up for me. We all talk tons and tons of stuff when not debating the other folks, you know, a "discussion" of sorts. But appears you don't have any interest.

12-28-2015, 07:24 PM
Knock your shit off. And I speak on behalf of ME, not Jim nor the board. You provide me endless entertainment. If you get your ass kicked off the board, I will be deprived of said hours of entertainment. Misrepresenting what others say is NOT part of said hours of entertainment, and is basically nothing but dishonest. Thought you were all about the truth.

Some don't care for your style of humor and therein lies YOUR flaw. You don't know when to back off and/or who to just leave alone. Jim bans his own family. Where do you think YOU sit in that batting lineup?

The domino effect. Bottom line - when one person starts doing something with the quotes, then others will mimic the activity, or simply find an alternative means. I don't need to tell you how it can create reported posts and/or PM's from others complaining, regardless of the issue/complaint. And it's VERY unnecessary, as I think every member on this board is capable of getting their points across, whether good or nasty, without having to alter the other posters words. If some didn't get angry over having the words altered, then others would never do it. Therein lies the goal.

12-28-2015, 07:42 PM

Is this against the rules... my graying out the parts I don't want to address?


12-28-2015, 07:51 PM
@jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1)

Is this against the rules... my graying out the parts I don't want to address?


No, because your intent is to quote everything, and then make it clear what you're posting in reply to - I don't see any altering. It wouldn't be no different than had you deleted the grayed out areas and left only that one sentence as well. Either one will be fine. Let's face it, the goal by some was to make little alterations that would likely aggravate the person they quoted. So long as someone isn't doing that, I don't see a problem.

12-28-2015, 07:53 PM
No, because your intent is to quote everything, and then make it clear what you're posting in reply to - I don't see any altering. It wouldn't be no different than had you deleted the grayed out areas and left only that one sentence as well. Either one will be fine. Let's face it, the goal by some was to make little alterations that would likely aggravate the person they quoted. So long as someone isn't doing that, I don't see a problem.

Thanks for the clarification. Again, we see that fj would do better to model his life after the one set by Perianne, lol.

(joking, fj1200)

12-29-2015, 12:49 PM
The domino effect. Bottom line - when one person starts doing something with the quotes, then others will mimic the activity, or simply find an alternative means. I don't need to tell you how it can create reported posts and/or PM's from others complaining, regardless of the issue/complaint. And it's VERY unnecessary, as I think every member on this board is capable of getting their points across, whether good or nasty, without having to alter the other posters words. If some didn't get angry over having the words altered, then others would never do it. Therein lies the goal.

I hate to give you credit for anything, but you are more lenient than I was on the matter. Of course I had a different cast of characters, but I didn't allow it unless you posted in bold what you did and changed the color of what you twisted. It was a ban-able offense. You have to draw a line somewhere and it is a microcosm of our society. There's always someone pushing the rules.

I like FJ. He just needs to learn when to back off. If he altered MY quotes I'd probably never know it. Nor would I care.

And I agree it is quite unnecessary. At the same time, we all have different senses of humor. I KNOW mine's warped. FJ's an antagonist. Don't know how many times I have to say it. He finds a soft spot and digs right in. I actually think he's funny as Hell. He doesn't care what he's arguing about ... he's playing people.

12-29-2015, 02:45 PM
You must have the memory of a gnat.

Judging by your 'inadvertent' quote selectivity, you must have the attention span of a myopic goldfish wearing microscopic blinkers, FJ ....

12-29-2015, 03:03 PM
I hate to give you credit for anything, but you are more lenient than I was on the matter. Of course I had a different cast of characters, but I didn't allow it unless you posted in bold what you did and changed the color of what you twisted. It was a ban-able offense. You have to draw a line somewhere and it is a microcosm of our society. There's always someone pushing the rules.

I like FJ. He just needs to learn when to back off. If he altered MY quotes I'd probably never know it. Nor would I care.

And I agree it is quite unnecessary. At the same time, we all have different senses of humor. I KNOW mine's warped. FJ's an antagonist. Don't know how many times I have to say it. He finds a soft spot and digs right in. I actually think he's funny as Hell. He doesn't care what he's arguing about ... he's playing people.

FJ is definitely an antagonist ... is anything more obvious ?

But I think he does care what he's arguing about, because of (a) the selectivity involved, and (b) because there are lengths he won't go to. Such as, conceding the subhumanity of Muslim terrorists. Such as, arguing in a manner totally consistent with Margaret Thatcher's beliefs, despite saying he's a supporter of hers. Such as, strongly condemning anything Obama does, to the point of thinking he should pay any actual price for it.

There's a thread running through the lengths FJ won't go to. Surprise ... it's the consistent avoidance of positions which betray the Leftie core of his TRUE beliefs.

Or to put it another way ... there's an agenda involved.

12-29-2015, 03:18 PM
Judging by your 'inadvertent' quote selectivity, you must have the attention span of a myopic goldfish wearing microscopic blinkers, FJ ....

Need to let it go, bubba. FJ and the rules are between he and Jim. I put in my two pence on a personal level to FJ. I can tell you that if you push Jim too far he'll ban your ass.

Who are you going to argue with if he bans FJ? Just go back to fussing about something besides the rules. You can also thank God I don't run this place. I'd have already crushed both your asses. Doesn't matter who Jim agrees with personally. When you run the board, you run the board. Jim loses either way. I'm not taking up for that wuss (:) ) personally; rather, the position. If Jim thought I liked him I'd never hear the end of it. :laugh:

12-29-2015, 03:32 PM
Need to let it go, bubba. FJ and the rules are between he and Jim. I put in my two pence on a personal level to FJ. I can tell you that if you push Jim too far he'll ban your ass.

Who are you going to argue with if he bans FJ? Just go back to fussing about something besides the rules. You can also thank God I don't run this place. I'd have already crushed both your asses. Doesn't matter who Jim agrees with personally. When you run the board, you run the board. Jim loses either way. I'm not taking up for that wuss (:) ) personally; rather, the position. If Jim thought I liked him I'd never hear the end of it. :laugh:

If Jim wants to ban me, he's at liberty to do so. I've already left once, after all, and only returned through being persuaded to do so (and at length). If I were to leave a second time, I'd definitely not return.

I argue according to the appropriateness of it. FJ makes his posts what he does in order to invite those arguments, so arguments is what he gets (you said it yourself: he's an antagonist). If FJ were banned, do you honestly think I'd 'miss' his not being here ????

I argue, or debate, according to my beliefs and conscience ... which is easily the best way to proceed. Not everyone does that, of course, and that's their problem. I'm beyond caring about whether others approve of me, my beliefs, my conduct ... whatever. I am true to myself, and will always be so.

12-29-2015, 03:52 PM
If Jim wants to ban me, he's at liberty to do so. I've already left once, after all, and only returned through being persuaded to do so (and at length). If I were to leave a second time, I'd definitely not return.

I argue according to the appropriateness of it. FJ makes his posts what he does in order to invite those arguments, so arguments is what he gets (you said it yourself: he's an antagonist). If FJ were banned, do you honestly think I'd 'miss' his not being here ????

I argue, or debate, according to my beliefs and conscience ... which is easily the best way to proceed. Not everyone does that, of course, and that's their problem. I'm beyond caring about whether others approve of me, my beliefs, my conduct ... whatever. I am true to myself, and will always be so.

Don't take things so personally. My comment was a general one. But you DO need to look at the facts ... if FJ's gone, your favorite pastime goes with. :) And threats mean nothing to me. I was off the internet for over 3 years and came back on MY terms. Nobody asked me to and more people hate me than like me.

The one thing I can get away with is I've run a couple of boards. I don't run anything now. I can say what staff can't. They have to play nice. I don't. And I hated it when I had to do it. They just sit back and watch me say what they want to. I'd have to walk away from the computer at times. If you don't think those imbeciles on that other board can drive you up the wall, go log in there.

My point in a roundabout way was aimed at FJ, not you. but don't get caught up in it. Jim's board. Jim's rules. Simple as that.

12-29-2015, 04:21 PM
Don't take things so personally. My comment was a general one. But you DO need to look at the facts ... if FJ's gone, your favorite pastime goes with. :) And threats mean nothing to me. I was off the internet for over 3 years and came back on MY terms. Nobody asked me to and more people hate me than like me.

The one thing I can get away with is I've run a couple of boards. I don't run anything now. I can say what staff can't. They have to play nice. I don't. And I hated it when I had to do it. They just sit back and watch me say what they want to. I'd have to walk away from the computer at times. If you don't think those imbeciles on that other board can drive you up the wall, go log in there.

My point in a roundabout way was aimed at FJ, not you. but don't get caught up in it. Jim's board. Jim's rules. Simple as that.

I'm not into taking things personally. I simply answered you honestly.

If you think FJ is a 'pastime' of mine, you seriously misunderstand what I'm all about. FJ is an irritant. He's also completely and outrageously bogus (further cause for irritation). If he were to leave here, it absolutely would be NO 'loss' to me whatever .. let me assure you of that.

After what caused me to leave previously, my mindset here has changed in a certain subtle way or 2. These days, all I care about is posting according to what I think is right for the moment. If people object, I'll listen to and consider the objection, and hopefully in a fair and just way (since these things do matter to me) but if said objection would have the effect of compromising what contribution I feel like making here, I'd likely disregard it.

Respect is for those who earn it.

Perhaps I will sign up to a 'more contentious' board in future (after all, I had a British one close up on me relatively recently .. I had no plans to leave it, it simply closed down after its owner received legal letters ..). Such boards can take or leave what I'd post to them.

12-29-2015, 04:37 PM
Judging by your 'inadvertent' quote selectivity, you must have the attention span of a myopic goldfish wearing microscopic blinkers, FJ ....

That doesn't even make sense. But then again, you're a troll. :)

12-29-2015, 04:46 PM
That doesn't even make sense. But then again, you're a troll. :)

If it doesn't make sense, then most likely you'll approve of it. Your 'Thatcherism' doesn't make sense, yet you claim political identification with her.

You're an irritant, you're an antagonist. YOU are the troll here.

12-29-2015, 04:47 PM
If it doesn't make sense, then most likely you'll approve of it. Your 'Thatcherism' doesn't make sense, yet you claim political identification with her.

You're an irritant, you're an antagonist. YOU are the troll here.

It's a shame that a simple rule change didn't make you any less of a troll or your posts contain any more intelligence.

You do know that you're on a debate site don't you? I mean, even you can't be that dumb. Can you?

12-29-2015, 04:48 PM
I'm not into taking things personally. I simply answered you honestly.

If you think FJ is a 'pastime' of mine, you seriously misunderstand what I'm all about. FJ is an irritant. He's also completely and outrageously bogus (further cause for irritation). If he were to leave here, it absolutely would be NO 'loss' to me whatever .. let me assure you of that.

After what caused me to leave previously, my mindset here has changed in a certain subtle way or 2. These days, all I care about is posting according to what I think is right for the moment. If people object, I'll listen to and consider the objection, and hopefully in a fair and just way (since these things do matter to me) but if said objection would have the effect of compromising what contribution I feel like making here, I'd likely disregard it.

Respect is for those who earn it.

Perhaps I will sign up to a 'more contentious' board in future (after all, I had a British one close up on me relatively recently .. I had no plans to leave it, it simply closed down after its owner received legal letters ..). Such boards can take or leave what I'd post to them.

What caused me to leave before was taking everything personally. I had lost my perspective. As I have mentioned in the past, I like your perspective, but you DO have that stubborn Brit about you. I'm okay with bonnets, boots and lorries (you can explain to the audience).

The last time I had an actual reasonable debate in politics was probably 12 years ago, minimum. My GF doesn't even get it. I joined political message boards to discuss politics. Not to insult others, not hang out on 4 different types of media AND the board and in PM. I never even knew that crap was going on even when I ran boards. I've even gotten into it with more than a few people. But if those people make me leave, they are in control and I'll be damned before THAT happens. Even had a couple screw up my life in the real world and all I can say about that is ..I'm STILL f-ing here. Nice try - no cigar.

You need to understand I am Southern and use the "you" word in a ubiquitous manner. I didn't mean YOU specifically. Y'all and you are general terms for us. And I'm not taking FJ's side. No one was talking about you going anywhere. I got on FJ at a personal level about him busting the rules. Wasn't anything more to it than that.

12-29-2015, 04:54 PM
It's a shame that a simple rule change didn't make you any less of a troll or your posts contain any more intelligence.

You do know that you're on a debate site don't you? I mean, even you can't be that dumb. Can you?

Need I comment ? Yours is a troll post. The latest in a long line of them, all designed to antagonise.

You are a very sad individual. In fact, Gunny got it wrong. If anyone here 'needs' such contentious rot, it's YOU, not ME. Me ... I'll be happy if you just go away.

Of course, you won't. You need these exchanges. Your problem.

12-29-2015, 04:57 PM
Need I comment ? Yours is a troll post. The latest in a long line of them, all designed to antagonise.

You are a very sad individual. In fact, Gunny got it wrong. If anyone here 'needs' such contentious rot, it's YOU, not ME. Me ... I'll be happy if you just go away.

Of course, you won't. You need these exchanges. Your problem.

Mine is a troll post yet you've been blathering away about me to someone else? :laugh: Boy, you really are an idiot. It goes well with you being a lying hypocrite.

12-29-2015, 05:01 PM
I'm honestly baffled with you at times. You obviously detest Islam, or wouldn't make such a statement. But most of the time it appears that any discussion around Islam, terrorists, terrorism, radical Islam... not much input or condemnation from you. But you grew up the catholic way, I assume been to quite a few churches as well. Obviously there aren't continued and nearly daily attacks of sorts within the christian world. No one will kill you if you don't convert. In fact, I don't think any harm in the slightest bit will come to you for your beliefs or not wanting to be a part of the faith. And yet, for whatever reason, you don't seem to miss a chance to condemn or take a swipe at said faith. Why so much effort towards the obviously harmless religion, and not much interest in the deadly one? Does it not bother you, the endless killings around the world? I understand that there aren't folks jumping up and down supporting them, therefore no "debate" for you, but that doesn't add up for me. We all talk tons and tons of stuff when not debating the other folks, you know, a "discussion" of sorts. But appears you don't have any interest.

How do you not get bored of asking the same question every time >,>

...Can someone please make a post were they state how happy they are that someone burned down a cathedral or something so i can condemn both the action of burning down a Christian building and challenge the poster who rejoiced in the action, so i can watch Jims mind implode.

12-29-2015, 05:07 PM
How do you not get bored of asking the same question every time >,>

...Can someone please make a post were they state how happy they are that someone burned down a cathedral or something so i can condemn both the action of burning down a Christian building and challenge the poster who rejoiced in the action, so i can watch Jims mind implode.

I think I've handed out 2 negs in 15 years. You trying for my third?

How about the 4 Christian churches in the South that have been burnt down or the worshippers murdered in SC? But let someone burn down a mosque and HOLY HELL ... here come the apologistas.

12-29-2015, 05:10 PM
What caused me to leave before was taking everything personally. I had lost my perspective. As I have mentioned in the past, I like your perspective, but you DO have that stubborn Brit about you. I'm okay with bonnets, boots and lorries (you can explain to the audience).

The last time I had an actual reasonable debate in politics was probably 12 years ago, minimum. My GF doesn't even get it. I joined political message boards to discuss politics. Not to insult others, not hang out on 4 different types of media AND the board and in PM. I never even knew that crap was going on even when I ran boards. I've even gotten into it with more than a few people. But if those people make me leave, they are in control and I'll be damned before THAT happens. Even had a couple screw up my life in the real world and all I can say about that is ..I'm STILL f-ing here. Nice try - no cigar.

You need to understand I am Southern and use the "you" word in a ubiquitous manner. I didn't mean YOU specifically. Y'all and you are general terms for us. And I'm not taking FJ's side. No one was talking about you going anywhere. I got on FJ at a personal level about him busting the rules. Wasn't anything more to it than that.

I don't know if I qualify as a particularly 'stubborn Brit'. I just know my own mind, I have my standards, I stick to them.

Bonnets, boots, lorries, happy to explain to anyone needing a translation (? Glockmail).

Several years ago, I had the experience of being part of what appeared to be a perfectly reasonable, personable debating group on a site not altogether unlike this one. However, it was a site where its Admin believed, absolutely, in the 'freedom of speech' principle .. so it was that the site was invaded, and there was ZERO Admin control exercised against their emerging troll activity. Reasonable discussion became a near-impossibility. Appeals made to Admin staff fell on deaf ears.

Around 10-15 of its regular contributors (me included) left it in protest. I and a handful of others then joined the one which, for me, immediately preceded THIS one, and where Tyr found me. Since those days, the site in question toughened up. It had to. Its failure to was threatening its very viability.

With freedom, comes responsibility. This is undeniable. Admin staff on that other site believed in freedom, but they took no responsibility for where it led, minus controls. The result was dysfunctionality ... chaos.

I like to stand back and take a practical approach to issues .. a reason why FJ's trolling cannot work on me beyond a certain, very limited point. And it's why FJ's attempts to 'own me' are simply his own delusional thinking at work. I am my own person. I say, think and do things my way. Nobody will change that.

Keeping objective - there's a certain sublime effect to it. I do so. FJ choosing not to believe that, or to test it, is mere commentary on how sad an individual he is.

12-29-2015, 05:26 PM
Mine is a troll post yet you've been blathering away about me to someone else? :laugh: Boy, you really are an idiot. It goes well with you being a lying hypocrite.


12-29-2015, 05:27 PM
How do you not get bored of asking the same question every time >,>

...Can someone please make a post were they state how happy they are that someone burned down a cathedral or something so i can condemn both the action of burning down a Christian building and challenge the poster who rejoiced in the action, so i can watch Jims mind implode.

Another Leftie would-be antagonist.

You lot should at least form an orderly queue ...

12-29-2015, 05:30 PM
I don't know if I qualify as a particularly 'stubborn Brit'. I just know my own mind, I have my standards, I stick to them.

Bonnets, boots, lorries, happy to explain to anyone needing a translation (? Glockmail).

Several years ago, I had the experience of being part of what appeared to be a perfectly reasonable, personable debating group on a site not altogether unlike this one. However, it was a site where its Admin believed, absolutely, in the 'freedom of speech' principle .. so it was that the site was invaded, and there was ZERO Admin control exercised against their emerging troll activity. Reasonable discussion became a near-impossibility. Appeals made to Admin staff fell on deaf ears.

Around 10-15 of its regular contributors (me included) left it in protest. I and a handful of others then joined the one which, for me, immediately preceded THIS one, and where Tyr found me. Since those days, the site in question toughened up. It had to. Its failure to was threatening its very viability.

With freedom, comes responsibility. This is undeniable. Admin staff on that other site believed in freedom, but they took no responsibility for where it led, minus controls. The result was dysfunctionality ... chaos.

I like to stand back and take a practical approach to issues .. a reason why FJ's trolling cannot work on me beyond a certain, very limited point. And it's why FJ's attempts to 'own me' are simply his own delusional thinking at work. I am my own person. I say, think and do things my way. Nobody will change that.

Keeping objective - there's a certain sublime effect to it. I do so. FJ choosing not to believe that, or to test it, is mere commentary on how sad an individual he is.

Here's what I suggest: lay off the staff. They're probably gritting their teeth to not get involved. Why do you think they haven't shut me up? I can say what they can't. Y'all need to back up off each other.

If you know FJ's trolling you, WHY do you let him do it? I don't let my enemy dictate terms of battle.

Since I actually like both of you, do what you want. A mod can take over here. I'm not one and don't want to be in the middle of this crap. I'll just point out that y'all wreck every thread you get in to. Some of us would just like to discuss the topic.

When you get finished with those definitions, explain driving on the left side of the road. You'll blow some brain cells with that one for sure.:laugh:

12-29-2015, 05:37 PM
It's a shame that a simple rule change didn't make you any less of a troll or your posts contain any more intelligence.

You do know that you're on a debate site don't you? I mean, even you can't be that dumb. Can you?

That's because the rule change had nothing at all to do with Drummond. And since you want to continue to go on about rules, and how they haven't changed anything, I might point out this rule was mostly made after someone repeatedly complained about you being the one to change the quotes. And other than the few times where you continued to skirt the rules, the change did in fact work.

Now can we stop all the crap with altering quotes, and discussing the merits of the rules.

12-29-2015, 05:46 PM
How do you not get bored of asking the same question every time >,>

...Can someone please make a post were they state how happy they are that someone burned down a cathedral or something so i can condemn both the action of burning down a Christian building and challenge the poster who rejoiced in the action, so i can watch Jims mind implode.

Thousands and thousands of attacks by Islam, and you can't find a moment to condemn such actions. This has nothing to do with burning down a cathedral. This is about condemning endless deaths. You can find the time non-stop to condemn words of christianity and other stances - but when it comes to islam, not even mass death can get you to speak out.

Your excuses are lame and transparent, IMO. My belief is that you don't have much of an issue with islam, as no one "pushed" that religion on you while you were growing up. Only reason I can think of that has you endlessly questioning and condemning the peaceful religion, and basically ignoring the one that is basically committing genocide.

12-29-2015, 05:54 PM
Here's what I suggest: lay off the staff. They're probably gritting their teeth to not get involved. Why do you think they haven't shut me up? I can say what they can't. Y'all need to back up off each other.

If you know FJ's trolling you, WHY do you let him do it? I don't let my enemy dictate terms of battle.

Since I actually like both of you, do what you want. A mod can take over here. I'm not one and don't want to be in the middle of this crap. I'll just point out that y'all wreck every thread you get in to. Some of us would just like to discuss the topic.

When you get finished with those definitions, explain driving on the left side of the road. You'll blow some brain cells with that one for sure.:laugh:

What limited success FJ has in trolling comes from his total dishonesty. He cannot possibly be as he advertises himself. We both know it, and FJ does his best to exploit my irritation with his wholly bogus representation of himself.

I much prefer straightforward, honest posting. FJ seems incapable of it. So, he gains his very limited successes, as I point out how he's bogus, he denies it, piles abuse and abusive conduct on top of it, etc etc ....

Driving on the left hand side of the road ! Well, we do this, because we prefer to drive on the correct side of the road !! Our driving on the left hand side dates way back to 1835 !


In the past, almost everybody travelled on the left side of the road because that was the most sensible option for feudal, violent societies. Since most people are right-handed, swordsmen preferred to keep to the left in order to have their right arm nearer to an opponent and their scabbard further from him. Moreover, it reduced the chance of the scabbard (worn on the left) hitting other people.

Furthermore, a right-handed person finds it easier to mount a horse from the left side of the horse, and it would be very difficult to do otherwise if wearing a sword (which would be worn on the left). It is safer to mount and dismount towards the side of the road, rather than in the middle of traffic, so if one mounts on the left, then the horse should be ridden on the left side of the road.

The trend among nations over the years has been toward driving on the right, but Britain has done its best to stave off global homogenisation. With the expansion of travel and road building in the 1800s, traffic regulations were made in every country. Left-hand driving was made mandatory in Britain in 1835. Countries which were part of the British Empire followed suit. This is why to this very day, India, Australasia and the former British colonies in Africa go left. An exception to the rule, however, is Egypt, which had been conquered by Napoleon before becoming a British dependency.

So there y'go. It's a mixture of well-founded (and practical) practices, and good old fashioned stubbornness. Now, what could be more reasonable than that ?

12-29-2015, 05:57 PM
If Jim wants to ban me, he's at liberty to do so. I've already left once, after all, and only returned through being persuaded to do so (and at length). If I were to leave a second time, I'd definitely not return.

I argue according to the appropriateness of it. FJ makes his posts what he does in order to invite those arguments, so arguments is what he gets (you said it yourself: he's an antagonist). If FJ were banned, do you honestly think I'd 'miss' his not being here ????

I argue, or debate, according to my beliefs and conscience ... which is easily the best way to proceed. Not everyone does that, of course, and that's their problem. I'm beyond caring about whether others approve of me, my beliefs, my conduct ... whatever. I am true to myself, and will always be so.

I just have been reading this stuff this afternoon. There isn't any banning going one, and it hasn't even crossed my mind. The only thing I have considered would be 'thread bans' for folks who abuse the altering quotes thing. And I haven't seen any issue with that from you.

12-30-2015, 07:48 AM
Thousands and thousands of attacks by Islam, and you can't find a moment to condemn such actions. This has nothing to do with burning down a cathedral. This is about condemning endless deaths. You can find the time non-stop to condemn words of christianity and other stances - but when it comes to islam, not even mass death can get you to speak out. Your excuses are lame and transparent, IMO. My belief is that you don't have much of an issue with islam, as no one "pushed" that religion on you while you were growing up. Only reason I can think of that has you endlessly questioning and condemning the peaceful religion, and basically ignoring the one that is basically committing genocide.

I have plenty issue with Islam, it is the single worst religion in our world today, and I have a great interest in arguing against it. What I do not have an interest in is posting in threads just to agree with everyone, when some pro-islam buffoon enters the discussion there will be reason enough to debate with them*, but there is no debate on an issue in which EVERYONE HERE AGREES (i have to make this point so often - just get it.)

*Not that there will likely be much debate because i imagine some of the response from other members towards a Muslim member would soon result in their leaving.

12-30-2015, 08:04 AM
I have plenty issue with Islam, it is the single worst religion in our word today, and I have a great interest in arguing against it.
What I do not have an interest in is posting in threads just to agree with everyone, when some pro-islam buffoon enters the discussion there will be reason enough to debate with them*, but there is no debate on an issue in which EVERYONE HERE AGREES (i have to make this point so often - just get it.)

*Not that there will likely be much debate because i imagine some of the response from other members towards a Muslim member would soon result in their leaving.

I post often about Islam. The majority of my posts aren't made simply to "agree" with others. I usually discuss current events, or the religion itself and how it's related to things around the world. There are different events every other day, and not everything is everyone here back slapping one another. In fact, a fair amount of it does in fact end up with a back and forth discussion, and some of it in disagreement with others. I have no interest in threads that are folks going "yes yes yes yes" and everyone parroting in agreement either. Point being - it's not ALL threads of parroting. There have been MANY MANY threads with debating and disagreement. I think during those times you must have been at a Belfast game! :)

One does not need to be "pro islam" in order to be on the side of a discussion that leads to disagreement. For example, discussions around rights for women and Sharia. Sharia outside of Islamic countries. Non muslims joining terror groups and what rights do they get... Not things I am expecting answers/discussions about right here, just off the top of my head examples is all. I would imagine that if you opened and read some of the lengthy threads involving Islam/muslims, that you may have seen what I mean. EVERYONE HERE DOES NOT AGREE on the subjects. Sorry to disappoint. :)

12-30-2015, 08:29 AM
What limited success FJ has in trolling comes from his total dishonesty. He cannot possibly be as he advertises himself. We both know it, and FJ does his best to exploit my irritation with his wholly bogus representation of himself.

I much prefer straightforward, honest posting. FJ seems incapable of it. So, he gains his very limited successes, as I point out how he's bogus, he denies it, piles abuse and abusive conduct on top of it, etc etc ....

Driving on the left hand side of the road ! Well, we do this, because we prefer to drive on the correct side of the road !! Our driving on the left hand side dates way back to 1835 !


So there y'go. It's a mixture of well-founded (and practical) practices, and good old fashioned stubbornness. Now, what could be more reasonable than that ?

I don't care about the "why". I analyze a situation and react to it. I'm a Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant, not Ben Carson. Fj's not dishonest, IMO. He's just about getting under your skin and as long as you let him, he will. You react to everything he says. The why is irrelevant to me. You'd have to ask FJ.

And I'm not being judgmental except where y'all wrecking threads is concerned. Honestly, and I doubt I'm the only one, I just leave a thread once you two get into it. There are people I don't like and I know a lot don't like me. I just avoid them. I've been called asshole enough that I think there's some truth to the rumor.

Y'all need to get a room.

12-30-2015, 10:40 AM
I don't care about the "why". I analyze a situation and react to it. I'm a Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant, not Ben Carson. Fj's not dishonest, IMO. He's just about getting under your skin and as long as you let him, he will. You react to everything he says. The why is irrelevant to me. You'd have to ask FJ.

And I'm not being judgmental except where y'all wrecking threads is concerned. Honestly, and I doubt I'm the only one, I just leave a thread once you two get into it. There are people I don't like and I know a lot don't like me. I just avoid them. I've been called asshole enough that I think there's some truth to the rumor.

Y'all need to get a room.

It was pointed out quite recently that we have The Cage here ... and that an FJ versus 'me' spat would be best conducted there. I'm certainly inclined to agree. If FJ wants an exchange there, I'll oblige him.

Still, FJ has previously been challenged, there, and by another contributor .... and after a while (when he was losing) he just bailed out of the thread. Nothing learned ... nothing conceded ... no concessions adopted, apologies given, nothing at all achieved. It seemed to add up to a waste of time, since FJ continues on as he always did, and does.

FJ enjoys contention, he foments it, and isn't inclined to ever give up on it -- any more than any committed troll would. And I have to disagree about FJ 'not' being dishonest (unless you're suggesting mental illness ?). FJ claims things about himself that are obviously not true. That he 'never attacks Conservatives' here, for example (a laughable suggestion !!). That he's a 'Thatcherite' and a 'Conservative' (he's provably neither).

FJ snipes, waits for statements, then tries to deconstruct them. He avoids INITIATING thoughts, preferring just to react instead. Why, if he's unafraid of exposing the thoughts he in fact has ? He SHOULD be unafraid, if genuine. If bogus, then he WOULD be.

We've been discussing an agitator, but one who singles out Conservatives to annoy. Because ... he IS one, himself ??

Never in a million years, Gunny !:laugh:

12-30-2015, 11:35 AM
I post often about Islam. The majority of my posts aren't made simply to "agree" with others. I usually discuss current events, or the religion itself and how it's related to things around the world. There are different events every other day, and not everything is everyone here back slapping one another. In fact, a fair amount of it does in fact end up with a back and forth discussion, and some of it in disagreement with others. I have no interest in threads that are folks going "yes yes yes yes" and everyone parroting in agreement either. Point being - it's not ALL threads of parroting. There have been MANY MANY threads with debating and disagreement. I think during those times you must have been at a Belfast game! :)

One does not need to be "pro islam" in order to be on the side of a discussion that leads to disagreement. For example, discussions around rights for women and Sharia. Sharia outside of Islamic countries. Non muslims joining terror groups and what rights do they get... Not things I am expecting answers/discussions about right here, just off the top of my head examples is all. I would imagine that if you opened and read some of the lengthy threads involving Islam/muslims, that you may have seen what I mean. EVERYONE HERE DOES NOT AGREE on the subjects. Sorry to disappoint. :)

I don't think I've ever seen anyone post here that Sharia law should be implimented in non-Islamic countries, or that a women should have any sort of restriction on their rights because of Islamic law.
But as you say, maybe I missed those threads. Feel free to @ me in when the next one comes along

12-30-2015, 11:49 AM
I don't care about the "why". I analyze a situation and react to it. I'm a Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant, not Ben Carson. Fj's not dishonest, IMO. He's just about getting under your skin and as long as you let him, he will. You react to everything he says. The why is irrelevant to me. You'd have to ask FJ.

And I'm not being judgmental except where y'all wrecking threads is concerned. Honestly, and I doubt I'm the only one, I just leave a thread once you two get into it. There are people I don't like and I know a lot don't like me. I just avoid them. I've been called asshole enough that I think there's some truth to the rumor.

Y'all need to get a room.

Indeed. One wants apologies, concessions, etc., the other wants the same. There is no discussion.

12-30-2015, 11:52 AM
I don't think I've ever seen anyone post here that Sharia law should be implimented in non-Islamic countries, or that a women should have any sort of restriction on their rights because of Islamic law.
But as you say, maybe I missed those threads. Feel free to @ me in when the next one comes along


12-30-2015, 12:12 PM
I don't think I've ever seen anyone post here that Sharia law should be implimented in non-Islamic countries, or that a women should have any sort of restriction on their rights because of Islamic law.
But as you say, maybe I missed those threads. Feel free to @ me in when the next one comes along

The why are you always on the side of those that bring Sharia law here and want to apologize for them? Or portray them as the victims? Our law. as is yours, is based on the Magna Carta. It is the complete opposite of Sharia law. In the hopes of not repeating myself a millionth time, if you come here, leave your baggage where you came from.

Black Diamond
12-30-2015, 12:13 PM
The why are you always on the side of those that bring Sharia law here and want to apologize for them? Or portray them as the victims? Our law. as is yours, is based on the Magna Carta. It is the complete opposite of Sharia law. In the hopes of not repeating myself a millionth time, if you come here, leave your baggage where you came from.
I don't get how the Left embraces homosexuality AND Islam.

12-30-2015, 12:19 PM
I don't get how the Left embraces homosexuality AND Islam.

I kind of understand the math to it, but like you, I don't get it. Why does our president embrace our enemies and shun our allies? And WHO voted for the idiot?

Black Diamond
12-30-2015, 12:21 PM
I kind of understand the math to it, but like you, I don't get it. Why does our president embrace our enemies and shun our allies? And WHO voted for the idiot?

Desperate the first time. Stupid the second.

Black Diamond
12-30-2015, 12:23 PM
I kind of understand the math to it, but like you, I don't get it. Why does our president embrace our enemies and shun our allies? And WHO voted for the idiot?

I feel like the left hates Christianity for being intolerant of gays. But embraces Islam, who wants gays slain.

12-30-2015, 12:29 PM
Desperate the first time. Stupid the second.

I'm not as kind. There's a disconnect between the left and reality. He got busted in lie after lie and they STILL voted for him. Hillary, who claims to hate the elite right is an elitist from word go. She should be in prison. And the left will STILL voter for her fat ass.

12-30-2015, 12:31 PM
The why are you always on the side of those that bring Sharia law here and want to apologize for them? Or portray them as the victims? Our law. as is yours, is based on the Magna Carta. It is the complete opposite of Sharia law. In the hopes of not repeating myself a millionth time, if you come here, leave your baggage where you came from.

Did you bother to even read the post you just quoted from me? This is the exact opposite of what I've been saying.

Black Diamond
12-30-2015, 12:33 PM
I'm not as kind. There's a disconnect between the left and reality. He got busted in lie after lie and they STILL voted for him. Hillary, who claims to hate the elite right is an elitist from word go. She should be in prison. And the left will STILL voter for her fat ass.
Her anatomy will play some role, just as skin color did for Osama bama.

12-30-2015, 12:34 PM
Did you bother to even read the post you just quoted from me? This is the exact opposite of what I've been saying.

Maybe you should read what you post? A simple disclaimer on your part means about s much as Hillary saying she didn't break the law with her server. You're constantly apologizing for these sh*tbags. One post ain't going to fix stuck on stupid.

12-30-2015, 12:38 PM
Maybe you should read what you post? A simple disclaimer on your part means about s much as Hillary saying she didn't break the law with her server. You're constantly apologizing for these sh*tbags. One post ain't going to fix stuck on stupid.

Surething, meanwhile you can go back to trying to tell me that Islam is no worse than any other religion :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
12-30-2015, 12:40 PM
Surething, meanwhile you can go back to trying to tell me that Islam is no worse than any other religion :rolleyes:

Based on your posting history, you think Christianity is WORSE than any other religion.

12-30-2015, 12:42 PM
Based on your posting history, you think Christianity is WORSE than any other religion.

You mean the post history where I repeatedly state that Islam is in a very real sense worse than any other religion? Ace.

12-30-2015, 12:49 PM
You mean the post history where I repeatedly state that Islam is in a very real sense worse than any other religion? Ace.

Because it is? You want to play word games I suggest you find someone else. You consistently apologize for the bad guys. As a cover-up disclaimer now you want to call people out on specifics just like the good little fascist leftwinger you are. You think we got time or inclination to research your posts? Oh yeah ... you know we are going to. You bet on it as a matter of fact. If you were worth the effort you'd have to do some tapdancing.

Black Diamond
12-30-2015, 12:51 PM
You mean the post history where I repeatedly state that Islam is in a very real sense worse than any other religion? Ace.

Again a couple exceptions. You piss on Christianity on this board every chance you get, while defending Islam. Everyone knows that.

12-30-2015, 01:00 PM
That's because the rule change had nothing at all to do with Drummond. And since you want to continue to go on about rules, and how they haven't changed anything, I might point out this rule was mostly made after someone repeatedly complained about you being the one to change the quotes. And other than the few times where you continued to skirt the rules, the change did in fact work.

Now can we stop all the crap with altering quotes, and discussing the merits of the rules.

I fixored quotes because of mindless blatherings and whinings. Has it stopped after I stopped fixing quotes?

12-30-2015, 01:01 PM
Again a couple exceptions. You piss on Christianity on this board every chance you get, while defending Islam. Everyone knows that.

Noir hardly defends Islam.

Black Diamond
12-30-2015, 01:01 PM
Noir hardly defends Islam.

Then I would hate to see if he were.

12-30-2015, 01:15 PM
Noir hardly defends Islam.

Which means nothing. His tactic of attacking our beliefs and never theirs is pretty obvious.

12-30-2015, 01:37 PM
Which means nothing. His tactic of attacking our beliefs and never theirs is pretty obvious.

I guess that makes me a diehard Hindu too.

12-30-2015, 05:17 PM
Which means nothing. His tactic of attacking our beliefs and never theirs is pretty obvious.

There is a difference between attacking and not defending.

12-30-2015, 06:20 PM
There is a difference between attacking and not defending.

There is. One's a bit sneakier than the other. Or, one's more indirect than the other.

So ?

12-30-2015, 06:38 PM
I fixored quotes because of mindless blatherings and whinings. Has it stopped after I stopped fixing quotes?

Sorry, not playing that game. If you have an issue with quoting others, you can just hit the reply button without quoting them, or just not reply to them at all.

12-30-2015, 06:56 PM
There is a difference between attacking and not defending.

Not much. When your attack is to cover your defense.

The Nazis had one of the most offensive armies in its day. They didn't defend very well.

01-02-2016, 02:38 PM
There is. One's a bit sneakier than the other. Or, one's more indirect than the other.

So ?

Only when you're trying to make some distinction where none exists.

Sorry, not playing that game. If you have an issue with quoting others, you can just hit the reply button without quoting them, or just not reply to them at all.

I'm not playing any games. I have no issue quoting others.

01-02-2016, 07:00 PM
Only when you're trying to make some distinction where none exists.

H'm. Well, I'm sure Noir can speak for himself when expressing his thanks for your support.

01-02-2016, 07:13 PM
Allah is *NOT* the God of Heaven, Gabs.

In the spirit of love and understanding, our Muslim neighbors are going to attend Christmas eve services at our church. I told them to extend an invitation to others at their mosque.
Our neighbors celebrate Christmas the same way we do. They have a Christmas tree and greet others with "Merry Christmas!" They observe all American holidays, in order to allow their children to properly assimilate with others. They also observe all Muslim holidays.
You may not like it or agree with it, but we do all worship the same God.

01-02-2016, 07:51 PM
Ask ANY muslim that won't lie to you, and there you will have your answer. The muslim friends I have outright told me along those lines (minus the hellfire). Any muslim scholar will tell you that non believers are kuffir, or infidels, and need to convert or go to hell. You will hear such talk even in mosques.

Within a catholic church you will not hear a priest telling parishioners such, nor guests. Yes, you will have some parishioners telling non-believers that they will not enter the kingdom of heaven unless they accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

One is forceful around the world, even killing hundreds of thousands in the past few years for being the "wrong faith".

Listen to some REAL preaching. Fast forward to 7 minute mark to the 8 minute mark if you don't have time for the whole sermon. Only Jesus Christ can save one from hell.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-02-2016, 08:11 PM
I'm honestly baffled with you at times. You obviously detest Islam, or wouldn't make such a statement. But most of the time it appears that any discussion around Islam, terrorists, terrorism, radical Islam... not much input or condemnation from you. But you grew up the catholic way, I assume been to quite a few churches as well. Obviously there aren't continued and nearly daily attacks of sorts within the christian world. No one will kill you if you don't convert. In fact, I don't think any harm in the slightest bit will come to you for your beliefs or not wanting to be a part of the faith. And yet, for whatever reason, you don't seem to miss a chance to condemn or take a swipe at said faith.

Why so much effort towards the obviously harmless religion, and not much interest in the deadly one? Does it not bother you, the endless killings around the world? I understand that there aren't folks jumping up and down supporting them, therefore no "debate" for you, but that doesn't add up for me. We all talk tons and tons of stuff when not debating the other folks, you know, a "discussion" of sorts. But appears you don't have any interest.

Why so much effort towards the obviously harmless religion, and not much interest in the deadly one?

^^^^ Fear and cowardice, all damn libs in the world are ate up with it although they in their , arrogant and hard hearts, have no revulsion at the actual murder in the millions of their opponents.

Within every liberal's chests beats a wick and black heart filled with conceit, arrogance , hate , envy and abject stupidity.
Correct me, if I have left any proper adjective out.. Tyr