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View Full Version : Seattle judge rules gun dealers should pay for crimescommitted with weapons they sell

12-25-2015, 03:07 PM
The liberals have found yet another excuse for transferring wealth (even a little). A judge in Seattle has ruled that gun dealers may have to pay for crimes others commit, using a weapon the dealer sold.

Soon the judge will probably rule that Ford and Chevrolet must pay for people who drive their cars and run over pedestrians or commit hit-and-run crashes.

Lakeisha Holloway might get a break after running down thirty-plus people on the Las Vegas strip, killing one, if she can successfully pretend that the manufacturer of her car was partly to blame.

The liberals' solution to this is, of course, to raise taxes yet again.

Half the price of a gun is taxes already. Now Seattle will raise taxes on them even more, and put a tax on ammunition as well. Apparently ammunition makers are also being blamed somehow.

None of this will prevent crimes, of course. But the liberals are happy to raise taxes, even for useless programs and purposes, to punish those who haven't done anything wrong.

Only in America.



Judge Rules Gun Dealers May Have to Pay For Crimes Committed With Weapons They Sell

By Marie Solis
December 23, 2015 4:44 PM

Seattle will be ringing in 2016 with new gun control legislation.

On Tuesday, King County Superior Court Judge Palmer Robinson ruled that a new tax on guns and ammo would go into effect on Jan. 1, in a case gun rights activists brought against the city. Robinson's decision aligned with City Council's unanimous vote in August, approving a tariff of $25 per gun and 2 or 5 cents per round of ammunition for sellers.

In the eyes of NRA members — the plaintiffs, alongside the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Shooting Sports Foundation — Robinson's ruling flouted the law. But during the case's hearing, a lawyer defending the city testified that the levy is perfectly kosher. The key is the difference between taxation and regulation, the Seattle Times reported.

Attorney William Abrams stated, "Taxation is to raise revenue, and cities have broad powers to raise revenue through a variety of taxes."

This simple fact doesn't mean the NRA will stand down. "This is not the final word," NRA spokesperson Lars Dalseide said in a statement to the Examiner. "We will keep fighting until all legal avenues are exhausted and the people of Seattle are free to exercise their Second Amendment rights without persecution from their elected officials."

12-25-2015, 08:21 PM
So this judge feels that firearms dealers should pay a penalty when a criminal uses the gun they sold him, in a crime.

If a store gets robbed, and the storeowner pulls out his own gun and hold the robber at gunpoint until the cops come and take him away, will this judge pay the gun shop that sold the store owner his gun?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-26-2015, 08:19 AM
The liberals have found yet another excuse for transferring wealth (even a little). A judge in Seattle has ruled that gun dealers may have to pay for crimes others commit, using a weapon the dealer sold.

Soon the judge will probably rule that Ford and Chevrolet must pay for people who drive their cars and run over pedestrians or commit hit-and-run crashes.

Lakeisha Holloway might get a break after running down thirty-plus people on the Las Vegas strip, killing one, if she can successfully pretend that the manufacturer of her car was partly to blame.

The liberals' solution to this is, of course, to raise taxes yet again.

Half the price of a gun is taxes already. Now Seattle will raise taxes on them even more, and put a tax on ammunition as well. Apparently ammunition makers are also being blamed somehow.

None of this will prevent crimes, of course. But the liberals are happy to raise taxes, even for useless programs and purposes, to punish those who haven't done anything wrong.

Only in America.



Judge Rules Gun Dealers May Have to Pay For Crimes Committed With Weapons They Sell

By Marie Solis
December 23, 2015 4:44 PM

Seattle will be ringing in 2016 with new gun control legislation.

On Tuesday, King County Superior Court Judge Palmer Robinson ruled that a new tax on guns and ammo would go into effect on Jan. 1, in a case gun rights activists brought against the city. Robinson's decision aligned with City Council's unanimous vote in August, approving a tariff of $25 per gun and 2 or 5 cents per round of ammunition for sellers.

In the eyes of NRA members — the plaintiffs, alongside the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Shooting Sports Foundation — Robinson's ruling flouted the law. But during the case's hearing, a lawyer defending the city testified that the levy is perfectly kosher. The key is the difference between taxation and regulation, the Seattle Times reported.

Attorney William Abrams stated, "Taxation is to raise revenue, and cities have broad powers to raise revenue through a variety of taxes."

This simple fact doesn't mean the NRA will stand down. "This is not the final word," NRA spokesperson Lars Dalseide said in a statement to the Examiner. "We will keep fighting until all legal avenues are exhausted and the people of Seattle are free to exercise their Second Amendment rights without persecution from their elected officials."

But during the case's hearing, a lawyer defending the city testified that the levy is perfectly kosher. The key is the difference between taxation and regulation, the Seattle Times reported.

Attorney William Abrams stated, "Taxation is to raise revenue, and cities have broad powers to raise revenue through a variety of taxes."

^^^^^^^^ Lawyer claimed it was legal to void the 2nd Amenment because "word games" says so. Almighty word games trumps the 2nd Amendment(!), that lawyer should have his ass stomped all to hell and back, IMHO.
Folks, this is the lunacy that is the lib/left..
They are cockroaches in our society-a solid fact.-Tyr

12-26-2015, 08:52 AM
^^^^^^^^ Lawyer claimed it was legal to void the 2nd Amenment because "word games" says so. Almighty word games trumps the 2nd Amendment(!), that lawyer should have his ass stomped all to hell and back, IMHO.
Folks, this is the lunacy that is the lib/left..
They are cockroaches in our society-a solid fact.-Tyr

Word games are a speciality of the Left. Since its practitioners cannot degrade Right wing commonsense, integrity and righteousness, instead they have to try chipping away at it with word games.

-- Reminds me of a certain somebody. Now .. who could it be ... ??

12-26-2015, 10:10 AM
Does that mean the ILLEGAL gun dealer (the one who kills a cop and steals his gun) is going to be arrested because one of his guns was used in a crime?

Or is this just against LEGAL gun dealers?

12-26-2015, 01:03 PM
So this judge feels that firearms dealers should pay a penalty when a criminal uses the gun they sold him, in a crime.

If a store gets robbed, and the storeowner pulls out his own gun and hold the robber at gunpoint until the cops come and take him away, will this judge pay the gun shop that sold the store owner his gun?

How many people that rob stores own an actually legally purchased firearm?

12-26-2015, 01:22 PM
The liberals have found yet another excuse for transferring wealth (even a little). A judge in Seattle has ruled that gun dealers may have to pay for crimes others commit, using a weapon the dealer sold.




Judge Rules Gun Dealers May Have to Pay For Crimes Committed With Weapons They Sell

By Marie Solis
December 23, 2015 4:44 PM

Seattle will be ringing in 2016 with new gun control legislation.

On Tuesday, King County Superior Court Judge Palmer Robinson ruled that a new tax on guns and ammo would go into effect on Jan. 1, in a case gun rights activists brought against the city. Robinson's decision aligned with City Council's unanimous vote in August, approving a tariff of $25 per gun and 2 or 5 cents per round of ammunition for sellers.

In the eyes of NRA members — the plaintiffs, alongside the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Shooting Sports Foundation — Robinson's ruling flouted the law. But during the case's hearing, a lawyer defending the city testified that the levy is perfectly kosher. The key is the difference between taxation and regulation, the Seattle Times reported.

Attorney William Abrams stated, "Taxation is to raise revenue, and cities have broad powers to raise revenue through a variety of taxes."

This simple fact doesn't mean the NRA will stand down. "This is not the final word," NRA spokesperson Lars Dalseide said in a statement to the Examiner. "We will keep fighting until all legal avenues are exhausted and the people of Seattle are free to exercise their Second Amendment rights without persecution from their elected officials."

Where did it say that in the article?

12-26-2015, 02:49 PM
Where did it say that in the article?:laugh::laugh::laugh:

12-28-2015, 08:35 AM

You should just say you don't know the answer.

12-28-2015, 10:42 AM
You should just say you don't know the answer.

Seriously ... you don't get the joke ?? God, this is just hilarious ... :laugh:

I posted, earlier in this thread ...

Word games are a speciality of the Left. Since its practitioners cannot degrade Right wing commonsense, integrity and righteousness, instead they have to try chipping away at it with word games.

-- Reminds me of a certain somebody. Now .. who could it be ... ??

A following comment, from you ...

Where did it say that in the article?
Attention deficit ? Humour deficit ? Or, your just proving that I could've made a very good point, & how right I was in my characterisation ?

You do give me a good laugh at times, FJ - for which I'll thank you ... :laugh::laugh:

12-28-2015, 11:10 AM
This is such a dumb ruling. Why am I not surprised it's from the Left Coast? Like the ruling about the bar being responsible for the drunk driver. WE are responsible for our own behavior. That bottler doesn't jump up and force booze down your throat and that gun doesn't jump up and on its own and shoot someone.

This leftwingnut notion that it's always something else's fault is pure BS and they need to get a clue.

12-28-2015, 02:19 PM
Seriously ... you don't get the joke ??

It being not in the article would mean that the author created a fallacy.

This is such a dumb ruling. Why am I not surprised it's from the Left Coast?

Meh, they do what they do in Seattle.

12-31-2015, 02:21 AM
What's happening is this:

The rule says the City can collect a tax on firearms sales - The City says that money goes to non-violence programs. The author is twisting that saying the Gun DEALER is paying for the non-violence programs (programs which are loosely translated to 'crimes'.) Thus, the Gun dealer is paying 'for the crimes'. For the programs.

Honestly it's a stupid ruling, but Seattle gets in their "leadership" what they deserve. The voting base in Seattle is full of Fools.

And honestly, Gun dealers aren't paying shit. The gun BUYERS are paying this additional tax.

FJ's question is spot-on.

12-31-2015, 02:28 AM
What's happening is this:

The rule says the City can collect a tax on firearms sales - The City says that money goes to non-violence programs. The author is twisting that saying the Gun DEALER is paying for the non-violence programs (programs which are loosely translated to 'crimes'.) Thus, the Gun dealer is paying 'for the crimes'. For the programs.

Honestly it's a stupid ruling, but Seattle gets in their "leadership" what they deserve. The voting base in Seattle is full of Fools.

And honestly, Gun dealers aren't paying shit. The gun BUYERS are paying this additional tax.

FJ's question is spot-on.

Very rarely are new taxes going to be picked up by businesses, nope they are passed on whether directly or by price increases.

12-31-2015, 07:15 AM
Very rarely are new taxes going to be picked up by businesses, nope they are passed on whether directly or by price increases.

"or by price increases"...

That would be rather directly...