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View Full Version : Algerian friend on Trump

12-29-2015, 12:54 AM
He's muslim, but not practicing. In fact, he really doesn't follow really at all, and would be beheaded if ISIS ever got a hold of him! LOL But he still has some friends and other relatives that I guess still follow and are "true" muslims. He's been a Trump supporter from day one. He would continually ask me questions and send me videos about Trumps stances and appearances and such. We discussed other candidates too though.

He just asked me what I thought of Trump's comments on banning muslims from entering the country. He wasn't really "angry", but definitely was insulted, and scoffed and pointed out the huge numbers of muslims around the world, and how it would be offending folks that aren't involved, like people from Algeria, and places like India where there are huge amounts of muslims.

I stated my belief, that temporarily all until they can vet properly, then just block refugees from Syria, or those who cannot be vetted and coming from countries on watch lists or wars going on. He was a tad more in agreement with that one, although not entirely.

But I still say, until they know they can vet these folks properly, then none get in. Then after that they need to be extremely cautious with how they proceed.

What does this all mean? I have no clue at all! :laugh: Just that at least one muslim took a step back as a result of the comments, but still likes all of his other stances, and is now in a holding pattern and not ready to declare who he will vote for yet.

12-29-2015, 01:01 AM
He's muslim, but not practicing. In fact, he really doesn't follow really at all, and would be beheaded if ISIS ever got a hold of him! LOL But he still has some friends and other relatives that I guess still follow and are "true" muslims. He's been a Trump supporter from day one. He would continually ask me questions and send me videos about Trumps stances and appearances and such. We discussed other candidates too though.

He just asked me what I thought of Trump's comments on banning muslims from entering the country. He wasn't really "angry", but definitely was insulted, and scoffed and pointed out the huge numbers of muslims around the world, and how it would be offending folks that aren't involved, like people from Algeria, and places like India where there are huge amounts of muslims.

I stated my belief, that temporarily all until they can vet properly, then just block refugees from Syria, or those who cannot be vetted and coming from countries on watch lists or wars going on. He was a tad more in agreement with that one, although not entirely.

But I still say, until they know they can vet these folks properly, then none get in. Then after that they need to be extremely cautious with how they proceed.

What does this all mean? I have no clue at all! :laugh: Just that at least one muslim took a step back as a result of the comments, but still likes all of his other stances, and is now in a holding pattern and not ready to declare who he will vote for yet.

Darkies always stick together. Always.

12-29-2015, 01:10 AM
Darkies always stick together. Always.

He's not really a darkie. Maybe mistaken for hispanic, but looks more like a white boy. :) Imagine that, from Africa and he looks like a white man!

I think it's more support based on relatives that he loves still practicing, and his knowledge as he grew up practicing until he moved to the US. Loyalty. But he made it clear that he wasn't upset with the idea because he thought it was a bad idea to stop having immigrants or refugees coming here - but rather that it was directed at islam/muslims.

And now he suckered me into doing a favor for him tomorrow. I gotta hit the phone store and get a replacement screen for his Iphone and swap it out for him. What a pain in the ass that it. And then of course deliver it to him later in the day!! Damn muslim bastard!! :laugh:

12-29-2015, 01:15 AM
~ "He wasn't really "angry", but definitely was insulted"~

~ "He's muslim, but not practicing. In fact, he really doesn't follow really at all" ~

TOUGH shit...If he`s a "muslim" ...he follows...You should ask him about the.. "Insulting" things "muslim" countries do...

All the things (koran reading) muslims do and "believe"... *Insults many AMERICANS....

12-29-2015, 01:25 AM
~ "He wasn't really "angry", but definitely was insulted"~

~ "He's muslim, but not practicing. In fact, he really doesn't follow really at all" ~

TOUGH shit...If he`s a "muslim" ...he follows...You should ask him about the.. "Insulting" things "muslim" countries do...

All the things (koran reading) muslims do and "believe"... *Insults many AMERICANS....

Oh, I do! I don't hold back unless his mom is around. I mean, we don't talk religion a lot, but when we do, I'll speak my mind. He will usually condemn everything that happens worldwide too. He's a flip flopper though. Depending on the mood he is in, he can go back and forth on what he defends.

I know, I'm a hypocrite. But I can't say no to people. He always calls looking for favors, rides, borrow money, fix this or fix that... and I always say yes, even though I am saying the word no, it just comes out yes. :(

He doesn't read the quran, so he says. Outside of English, his other fluent language is French, which is what they speak in the region of algeria that he is from. I don't see the guy too awfully much, so it's always hard to gauge him.

12-29-2015, 02:41 PM
When you hear [him] scream "ALLAH ACKBAR", it will be too late. .

12-29-2015, 06:11 PM
My oldest is close friends to a couple of guys from Saudi Arabia and they've talked quite a bit about Trump. They were pretty angry about his stance on letting Muslims into the country.

We discussed it and I pointed out that Saudi citizens can prove who they are and why they want to come here, unlike the Syrians. Who, once they reach Europe, claim to be from just about every Muslim country out there. We don't know who they are and if that can't be established than why should we let them in.

It is possible to have a discussion, with both sides at least acknowledging that the other person has a point.