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View Full Version : Team to hunt for clues about Amelia Earhart

07-13-2007, 12:19 AM
Story Highlights

Group to scour island for evidence the famed aviator made it to shore
Earhart and her navigator vanished over the Pacific in 1937
Team to use metal detectors and infrared-equipped surveying devices


Things like this case and the one about DB Cooper fasicnate me. It would be really amazing id they could deermine what happened to her. Do an of you have any ideas? Do you go with the theroy that they could have made it to land and survived? Do you think she was killed on impact? Do you think she was taken prisoner in the war(one theroy looks into that, and it makes sense)?

07-13-2007, 12:53 AM
But i never studied it maybe i will when I have time. I'm about to go on my last patrol then home I go for my weekend.