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View Full Version : Only…yes, ONLY 1,067 cars were torched by Muslim thugs on New Year’s Eve this time

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-03-2016, 06:20 PM

FRANCE: Only…yes, ONLY 1,067 cars were torched by Muslim thugs on New Year’s Eve this time

Gee, I wonder if the number of burned vehicles was down because many car owners now know better than to park their cars in Muslim-heavy areas? What does it say about a city when authorities are joyous at the news of “only” 1,067 torched cars?
France24 It happens every year and the unveiling of the night’s tally is as traditional as New Year’s Eve itself: Muslim residents of France’s notorious suburbs go on a car-burning spree.
Hundreds of empty, parked cars go up in flames in France each New Year’s Eve, set afire by young rangy Muslims, a much lamented tradition that remained intact this year with 1,193 vehicles burned, Interior Minister Manuel Valls said Tuesday.

His announcement was the first time in three years that such figures have been released. The conservative government of former President Nicolas Sarkozy had decided to stop publishing them in a bid to reduce the crime — and not play into the hands of car-torching youths who try to outdo each other.
France’s current Socialist government decided otherwise, deeming total transparency the best method, and the rate of burned cars apparently remained steady. On Dec. 31, 2009, the last public figure available, 1,147 vehicles were burned.

Vehicle arson – mostly confined to disadvantaged suburbs near big cities – has become an embarrassing tradition of bringing in the New Year in France. Furthermore, the public expects to be informed exactly how many cars were set alight, in what could be seen from abroad as a unique and bizarre annual ritual. Valls was quick to point out that there had been a 10% drop in the number of incidents on last year.
The infamous custom can be traced to the northeastern city of Strasbourg that straddles France’s border with Germany. Strasbourg, which hosts thousands of tourists who flock to the city for its renowned Christmas market, first began to be blighted by holiday season vehicle arson in the late 1980s. But the phenomenon exploded to alarming levels during the 1990s.

The year 1997 proved to be decisive. After that, the national media descended en mass on the bustling picturesque city following a spree of car burnings, as young Muslim vandals from rival housing estates began “competing” for the media spotlight.
Local government official Patrice Magnier said at the time he saw a clear “correlation between the media focus on the phenomenon and the rise in incidents.” Despite efforts by the police and local bodies, the tradition has not been stamped out. Rather, it has spread across France, with a new peak in New Year’s car burning between 2005 and 2009.

Car burning is not limited to New Year celebrations in France. Bastille Day, France’s national holiday on July 14, also sees a peak in incidents.
Observers who have studied urban violence in France say youths from poor communities, burn cars as a form of protest against the state, who they blame for their lack of economic opportunities. It is also a direct way for them to defy law enforcement, and provoke confrontations with police.

The spike in New Year’s Eve car arson starting in the mid-2000s is likely related to the wave of urban unrest that gripped France in October and November 2005.
Following the controversial death of two Muslim teens in the Parisian suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois, young men from disadvantaged districts across the country clashed with police for several nights, burning public buildings and dozens of vehicles each night.

Blaming media coverage and the obsession for figures, Valls’ two predecessors at the interior ministry decided not to give figures on the seasonal wave of destruction in 2010 and 2011. However, this move also prompted criticism from some corners. Opponents said that the ministers were more than willing to share the number of arrests on New Year’s Eve and were in fact only hiding those figures that could prove embarrassing for the government.
Valls, a Socialist, reinstated the practice of revealing the car burning numbers last year, and pledged to do the same in 2013 as the year drew to a close. This year’s festivities showed the troubling tradition remains widespread.
From last year:

By BareNakedIslam • Posted in EnemyWithin-foreign

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26 comments on “FRANCE: Only…yes, ONLY 1,067 cars were torched by Muslim thugs on New Year’s Eve this time”

JANUARY 1, 2015 @ 11:53 AM
surely; they are losing their country to islamo fascist viral civilizational jihad…. chaos

JANUARY 1, 2015 @ 9:55 AM
We have a war on our hands. Unless we have already handed over our entire security infrastructure to our Muslim enemies we need to start marching. Once Isis emerges from the sewers then it will be too late.

JANUARY 1, 2015 @ 6:56 AM
These suburban “youth” have no access to anything – why? Their behavior. France is in a terrible economic state. Acting like a perpetual Palestinian won’t help.

PINGBACK: ???????????

JANUARY 18, 2014 @ 7:12 AM
Bring them back to their own jahiliyah country. The land full of blood shed and polygamers

JANUARY 1, 2015 @ 7:39 AM
Canada should ban ALL muslim immigrations before its to late

JANUARY 3, 2014 @ 9:25 PM
Thanks Sheila for sending this analysis of French permanent “bordel” in our suburbs.

Le problème provient principalement :

– de la démission des parents après les évènements de mai 68 …
– des carences de notre système éducatif où, “morale” et “instruction civique” n’étaient pratiquement plus au programme. D’ailleurs, nous sommes passés de l’ “Instruction publique” dont le rôle était d’enseigner à, l’ “Éducation nationale” qui se voit ainsi confier un rôle d’éducateur autrefois à la charge des parents …,
– de la suppression par Chirac du Service militaire qui faisait l’amalgame entre les jeunes des différentes classes de la société et leur apprenait à vivre en communauté en imposant des règles de vie basées sur la discipline et le respect de l’autre.
– de la montée de l’islamisme radical ( le point de non-retour est déjà dépassé … )facilitée par la lâcheté de nos politiciens qui ont besoin des voix musulmanes sans lesquelles ils ne pourraient garder leurs sièges et leurs prébendes.
– de la désinformation permanente pratiquée par nos médias “aux ordres” et en général de gauche …
– etc … etc …

Toutefois, le reste de l’Europe occidentale n’est pas épargné par le fléau islamiste, à des degrés différents cependant, en fonction du courage de leurs dirigeants …

Merci de prier pour la France.

A.Rauscher 82 ans Montlevicq France.

JANUARY 4, 2014 @ 1:06 AM
Alain, this is second and last time I will ask you not to post in French unless you include an English translation with it.

JANUARY 3, 2014 @ 9:02 PM
Merci à Sheila pour cet envoi relatif au “bordel” permanent qui règne dans nos banlieues..

Causes probables :

– Démission des parents amplifiée par les évènements de mai 68.
– Carences de notre système éducatif où ” Instruction Civique ” et ” Morale ” n’étaient quasiment plus au programme. D’ailleurs, le fait d’avoir changé l'”Instruction publique ” en ” Éducation nationale ” impose à nos enseignants, un rôle éducatif autrefois dévolu aux parents.
– Suppression par Chirac du “Service militaire” qui faisait l’amalgame entre les différentes classes sociales et imposait des règles de vie communes basées sur la discipline et le respect de l’autre.
– Montée de l’islamisme radical ( le point de non-retour est maintenant dépassé … ) que nos politiciens, trop occupés à récupérer les voix musulmanes pour garder leurs sièges et leurs prébendes, n’ont pas, par lâcheté, su ou voulu éradiquer.
– etc … etc …
Les mesures préconisées dans les commentaires précédents me semblent adaptées à la situation … mais qui aura le courage de les mettre en œuvre ?

Toutefois, le reste de l’Europe occidentale n’est pas épargné par le fléau islamiste, à des degrés différents cependant, en fonction du courage de leurs dirigeants …

Merci de prier pour la France …

A.RAUSCHER 82 ans Montlevicq France

JANUARY 3, 2014 @ 9:04 PM
Alain, you need to provide an English translation.

JANUARY 3, 2014 @ 5:04 PM
Wake up France kick those MUZRATS out

JANUARY 3, 2014 @ 10:44 AM
yum…only americans turn a blind eye to his bullshit

JANUARY 3, 2014 @ 10:43 AM
the sight of how they integrate in to western societies

This just happened, where is obama's condemnation, or American muslim outrage over this?
Or our media blasting their pages with it???
See who is protected the most to find out who is going to be your masters folks!!!
Western politicians cede control and victory to Islam every single time.
Unless the people band together to fight for survival we all will perish!
A damn solid gold fact..

Why werent they shot down like the mad raving dogs deserved!??????-Tyr

01-03-2016, 08:26 PM
I admit I read quickly, but did click the link and read quickly there too. But before I go back and read slowly... am I to understand that this, lets just say *1,000 average cars being burnt around new years eve, seems to happen as a yearly event, and it's supposedly muslims doing so?

If in my area, if this were just 10 cars per year, you would think it would start getting special attention for finding the scumbags doing this. That's an awful lot of damage. Even at say $8k per car, assuming 1k cars, that's 8 million beans.

time for the last game of the year, and a division title is on the line, look into this one more later or tomorrow!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-04-2016, 09:37 AM
I admit I read quickly, but did click the link and read quickly there too. But before I go back and read slowly... am I to understand that this, lets just say *1,000 average cars being burnt around new years eve, seems to happen as a yearly event, and it's supposedly muslims doing so?

If in my area, if this were just 10 cars per year, you would think it would start getting special attention for finding the scumbags doing this. That's an awful lot of damage. Even at say $8k per car, assuming 1k cars, that's 8 million beans.

time for the last game of the year, and a division title is on the line, look into this one more later or tomorrow!!

Islam sets a standard of its own--complete and utter intolerance of all that is not Islam!
Its victims sets a standard in return- Let us strive to tolerate anything they (muslims) do!
Those two statements are undeniably true.
And both show exactly why they are so convinced that they will win and get to murder hundreds of millions.
Unless, America regrows its backbone, bite the bullet and fight the bastards we will fall ,our children and grandchildren are either murdered, enslaved or converted. A fact, that only awaits the passage of time.
You do not bow to and/or placate a mad, rabid dog--you shoot it!!
Yet we let idiots tell us to be kind to it while it bites and runs around doing as it pleases.
Islam will force that war , when we are weak enough to be defeated, thats their strategy.
Thats how they've operated for over 1400+ years..

We simply must destroy the dems as they've betrayed this nation and allied with the muslims. A fact.--Tyr

01-04-2016, 01:05 PM
This is simply a continuation of Obama's Cash for Clunker's program. Liberals believe that destroying things of value helps the economy.