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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-05-2016, 10:54 PM

N. Korea says conducted 'successful' hydrogen bomb test

North Korea said Wednesday it had successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb test, marking a major step forward in its nuclear development, if confirmed.

"The republic's first hydrogen bomb test has been successfully performed at 10:00 am on January 6, 2016, based on the strategic determination of the Workers' Party," a state television news reader announced.

If true, you can thank the dem hero-Bill Clinton!!!
Now obama will demand that we help Iran get one too!!!
Folks, you can't make this kind of shit up.
Unless you are American media,leftist, and/or globalist. ;)--Tyr

Black Diamond
01-05-2016, 10:59 PM
Should we blame Truman for not finishing them off?

Black Diamond
01-05-2016, 11:00 PM
Aside from blame, though, this is not good.

01-05-2016, 11:38 PM
The nutty little bastard isn't going to stop until he provokes a full scale invasion. Or his country nuked.

01-05-2016, 11:40 PM


US mulls deployment of B-52 bomber and nuclear-armed submarine to Korea

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-06-2016, 08:42 AM
Should we blame Truman for not finishing them off?

Yes... And for his firing MacArthur...Trumann after all was a damn democrat..
There has not been a good democrat president since long before 1900.. -Tyr

01-06-2016, 08:47 AM
I wonder how many crocodile tears the p[R]esident will shed about this?

Sorry, had to go there.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-06-2016, 08:55 AM
I wonder how many crocodile tears the p[R]esident will shed about this?

Sorry, had to go there.

Remember how they blasted and laughed at the "boner/ JohnBohner" for his tears???
Where is that ridicule now that it is their maggot god fake crying????
Hypocrisy= dems/libs. They are all scum in my book. I spit on them.--Tyr

01-06-2016, 12:12 PM
I think its just more gook BS. an H bomb?? good bye NK

01-06-2016, 03:35 PM
Interesting read....

Nuclear Weapons And Aircraft Waited For Orders


With the oncoming defeat a distinct possibility, talk of using the Atomic Bomb was making the rounds. General Hoyt Vandenberg, speaking for the Air Force, suggested they were prepared to use it.
MacArthur suggested a plan to use numerous bombs. The U.S. had a stockpile of nearly 300 air-burst bombs. Only President Truman could order them used. MacArthur was insisting he be given the sole right to use 50 bombs as he saw fit. He insisted on bombing the Yalu power plants with multiple strikes by B-29s.

Suggestions came from all services and every General offered his own plan. Truman announced the U.S. was considering using the Atomic weapon against North Korea. The situation brought up a question in my mind: Our entire military complex was announcing their plans to drop the bomb, but MacArthur, with the same idea, was criticized for planning the same thing.

A state of affairs was rapidly going from bad to disastrous. In the war room Vandenberg dismissed the idea of further reprimands to MacArthur. "What good would it do? He won't obey the orders". General Ridgway exploded. "You can relieve any commander who won't obey orders, can't you?" Thus the idea of relieving MacArthur was on the table. He again requested that the Pentagon grant him a field commander's discretion to <nobr style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 18px;">employ (http://b-29s-over-korea.com/NorthKorea-A-Bomb/US-Planned-To-A-Bomb-N-Korea-In-1950-War_02.html#)</nobr> nuclear weapons as necessary.
He wanted them stockpiled in Okinawa, which they were finally stored ready for use after MacArthur's request was denied. His plan was to drop between 30 and 50 atomic bombs-strung across the neck of Manchuria, and spread behind us, from the Sea of Japan to the Yellow Sea- a belt of radioactive cobalt for at least 60 years there would be no invasion of Korea from the North. The Russians, he claimed, would be intimidated by this and do nothing. He continued to strongly seek authority to deploy the bomb.

Much More..


01-06-2016, 03:50 PM
For what it's worth, our media reports (domestic BBC and LBC news reporting, anyway) cast some doubt on its being an H-bomb at all. They say that the seismic effect is a lot smaller than they'd have expected from an H-bomb explosion. The suggestion seems to be that either the test went wrong, or more likely, N Korea is hyping up their test to pretend it was something it wasn't.

01-06-2016, 03:59 PM
If true, you can thank the dem hero-Bill Clinton!!!
Now obama will demand that we help Iran get one too!!!
Folks, you can't make this kind of shit up.
Unless you are American media,leftist, and/or globalist. ;)--Tyr

That little fat boy needs an Osama Bin Laden visit!:thumb:

01-06-2016, 04:01 PM


US mulls deployment of B-52 bomber and nuclear-armed submarine to Korea

Rosie, don't let the door hit your fat flabby ass on the way out.

Now Shoo....Scat, worthless Shit.

01-06-2016, 07:43 PM
Interesting read....

Nuclear Weapons And Aircraft Waited For Orders


With the oncoming defeat a distinct possibility, talk of using the Atomic Bomb was making the rounds. General Hoyt Vandenberg, speaking for the Air Force, suggested they were prepared to use it.
MacArthur suggested a plan to use numerous bombs. The U.S. had a stockpile of nearly 300 air-burst bombs. Only President Truman could order them used. MacArthur was insisting he be given the sole right to use 50 bombs as he saw fit. He insisted on bombing the Yalu power plants with multiple strikes by B-29s.

Suggestions came from all services and every General offered his own plan. Truman announced the U.S. was considering using the Atomic weapon against North Korea. The situation brought up a question in my mind: Our entire military complex was announcing their plans to drop the bomb, but MacArthur, with the same idea, was criticized for planning the same thing.

A state of affairs was rapidly going from bad to disastrous. In the war room Vandenberg dismissed the idea of further reprimands to MacArthur. "What good would it do? He won't obey the orders". General Ridgway exploded. "You can relieve any commander who won't obey orders, can't you?" Thus the idea of relieving MacArthur was on the table. He again requested that the Pentagon grant him a field commander's discretion to <nobr style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 18px;">employ (http://b-29s-over-korea.com/NorthKorea-A-Bomb/US-Planned-To-A-Bomb-N-Korea-In-1950-War_02.html#)</nobr> nuclear weapons as necessary.
He wanted them stockpiled in Okinawa, which they were finally stored ready for use after MacArthur's request was denied. His plan was to drop between 30 and 50 atomic bombs-strung across the neck of Manchuria, and spread behind us, from the Sea of Japan to the Yellow Sea- a belt of radioactive cobalt for at least 60 years there would be no invasion of Korea from the North. The Russians, he claimed, would be intimidated by this and do nothing. He continued to strongly seek authority to deploy the bomb.

Much More..


"What good would it do? He won't obey the orders". that was MacArthur undoing right there. we use it and run a risk of bringing Russia in Abomb and all. he was just getting to belligerent and hard to handle. MacArthur was his own worst enemy. saying the military should not owe its allegiance to these temporary tenants of the white house.
I thought the 1977 movie was a real good look at his career from Pearl Harbor to spam in a can

01-06-2016, 09:09 PM
Maybe, just maybe, we could get North Korea ticked off at Iran...

01-06-2016, 09:15 PM
Maybe, just maybe, we could get North Korea ticked off at Iran...

looks like the Saudi's have beat them to it.

After the execution at the weekend in Saudi Arabia of a leading Shia cleric, Iran has accused its Middle Eastern rival of a "trend of creating tension".

The execution of activist Nimr al-Nimr and 46 others sparked protests across the world, including an attack on the Saudi embassy in the Iranian capital Tehran.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-06-2016, 11:41 PM
that was MacArthur undoing right there. we use it and run a risk of bringing Russia in Abomb and all. he was just getting to belligerent and hard to handle. MacArthur was his own worst enemy. saying the military should not owe its allegiance to these temporary tenants of the white house.
I thought the 1977 movie was a real good look at his career from Pearl Harbor to spam in a can

MacArthur was right about China and we should have used the "threat of using a nuke" to settle the Korean War.
Instead Trumann screwed it up and cost us dearly IMHO.
China was North Korea's big ally in that fight.
As usual the dems screwed us in that war and dems never know shit about fighting except the "french way" IMHO.
Dems are notorious for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory..
Just another reason why there never ever should be a damn dem bastard as our President.-Tyr

01-07-2016, 09:40 AM
MacArthur was right about China and we should have used the "threat of using a nuke" to settle the Korean War.
Instead Trumann screwed it up and cost us dearly IMHO.
China was North Korea's big ally in that fight.
As usual the dems screwed us in that war and dems never know shit about fighting except the "french way" IMHO.
Dems are notorious for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory..
Just another reason why there never ever should be a damn dem bastard as our President.-Tyr

I luv ya pal but I disagree. MacArthur brought us to the brink of nuclear war. he was defying orders and deserved to be canned. he opposed the use of nukes against Japan. but in favor of using them here?? China was going to attack anyway. how can you be so sure Russia would not respond ?? that's rolling the nuke dice. remember we just finished a war with nukes. Truman was obligated to the UN to try defuse this dangerous confrontation.
I never considered Truman a liberal. but instead an American. IMO.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-08-2016, 09:08 AM
I luv ya pal but I disagree. MacArthur brought us to the brink of nuclear war. he was defying orders and deserved to be canned. he opposed the use of nukes against Japan. but in favor of using them here?? China was going to attack anyway. how can you be so sure Russia would not respond ?? that's rolling the nuke dice. remember we just finished a war with nukes. Truman was obligated to the UN to try defuse this dangerous confrontation.
I never considered Truman a liberal. but instead an American. IMO.

My good friend,
1. Mac did disobey orders, thats true, I give ya that in spades! However, I give him kudos for that myself as Trumann was dead wrong.
Had we used nukes on a second foe(China), history would have shown less future violence that what has occurred by our not doing that. Fear being the world's second greatest motivator(greed is first)...And China would not own us now as they obviously do .

Truman was obligated to the UN to try defuse this dangerous confrontation.
2. ^^^ Since when has our obeying dictates of the UN ever advanced the security,welfare and prosperity of this nation and its citizens?

3. Sorry my friend, Truman was a dem and by default a liberal, even if not as bad as was FDR and the current ilk IMHO.

01-08-2016, 09:18 AM
A bit more info on this 'hydrogen bomb' test picked up from our sensors here in Alaska :


The red lines are from a nuke they detonated in 2013, overlaid on the black lines with the explosion from 2 days ago.

Same bomb, same size, same place, same results.

He doesn't have the hydrogen bomb; it's another lie from the fat little lunatic with the funny haircut.

01-08-2016, 09:33 AM
I have to wonder about the citizens over there, and just how brainwashed they are. Do they really think we are aggressive towards them? What have we done to them in the past 50 years or so? I would love to see their state sponsored media for a few weeks. These folks seemingly like it over there, and I guess they just think their life is normal, nothing to compare it to. Poor bastards.

01-08-2016, 09:39 AM
I have to wonder about the citizens over there, and just how brainwashed they are. Do they really think we are aggressive towards them? What have we done to them in the past 50 years or so? I would love to see their state sponsored media for a few weeks. These folks seemingly like it over there, and I guess they just think their life is normal, nothing to compare it to. Poor bastards.

That's the real problem. The peasants are lied to from birth, and we're not talking small distortions of the truth - their history that they're taught is nothing like actual history.

When it comes down to war - and it will eventually - they will fight ferociously because in their minds their fight will be righteous and everyone else are the barbarians that will eat their children, should they lose.

01-08-2016, 09:48 AM
I would love to see their state sponsored media for a few weeks.

Check out their official twitter :

https://twitter.com/DPRK_News?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7 Ctwgr%5Eauthor

Here's some just in the last few hours :

Pyongyang Cricket Club undefeated in international competition as no teams have answer for invincible "Songun Bowl".

Thousands in California driven to madness by leak of subterranean gas into already polluted air.

Widespread reports of chaos and gunfire in U.S. as mathematical midgets fight for opportunity to win fictitious lottery.

North Hamgyang province mushroom farms reporting 2000% increase in yields in past 72 hours.


01-08-2016, 09:57 AM

I'm thinking that the poor shlubs don't know how to convert those numbers.

Ministry of Agricultural Distribution announces increase in working families cabbage soup allotment from 1.5 gallons to 4.5 liters!

01-08-2016, 09:59 AM
Check out their official twitter :

https://twitter.com/DPRK_News?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7 Ctwgr%5Eauthor

Here's some just in the last few hours :






WTF? They must raise the people to be retarded as well, as simple common sense and logic would have anyone raise their eyebrows on some of these.

Corrupt US courts require thirty years to execute mass murderer Oscar Bolin. Average time from sentence to execution in DPRK is six days.

Workers and peasants in Oklahoma cower under bombardment of earthquakes. Tremors blamed on illegal U.S. underground atomic warhead testing.

This one is kinda funny :)

Slanderous human pimple Hillary Clinton urged to retract statement that DPRK is "bully." Matchless Korean Peoples Army placed on high alert!

US province of Alabama threatens to secede over government mandate of sodomy and similar American perversions.

Social unrest increases throughout England as fears mount concerning ascension of drooling incompetent Charles III to English throne.

The BEST for last!!

Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un singlehandedly saves 6 young women from CIA assassins.

01-08-2016, 10:07 AM
DAMN, you beat me to it!

The BEST for last!!

Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un singlehandedly saves 6 young women from CIA assassins.

wtf, CIA? You knuckleheads had better get your shit together!

01-08-2016, 10:18 AM
That's the real problem. The peasants are lied to from birth, and we're not talking small distortions of the truth - their history that they're taught is nothing like actual history.

When it comes down to war - and it will eventually - they will fight ferociously because in their minds their fight will be righteous and everyone else are the barbarians that will eat their children, should they lose.

many of them have fled this killing field over the border into China. you don't play ball its off to prison and your family to. for life. years ago I saw a documentary hosted by Lisa Ling. inside NK by NG. its about an hour long but worth it. I was fascinated by what I saw