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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-07-2016, 10:13 AM

New Black Panthers with Guns, Lots of Them

I remember the good old days when President Obama and his Justice Department weren't so worried about nasty racists and felons having guns. I remember when President Obama and his Justice Department refused to do anything about New Black Panthers with guns, even New Black Panthers with criminal records possessing firearms and others threatening to kill cops.

This week President Obama announced legally dubious plans to force private citizens to behave as if they were federal gun dealers and threatened to place the names of certain Americans on a list to prevent them from obtaining firearms. He sought to expand background checks to gun transactions that Congress has long exempted from federal interference.

President Obama claimed he was very concerned about the wrong people having guns.

He wasn't always so concerned about the wrong people having guns.

Over four years ago, I wrote a piece headlined "Eric Holder's Continuing Favors to Criminal New Black Panthers."

Jerry Jackson was the New Black Panther who famously stalked a Philadelphia polling place in 2008 swinging a billy club. The Panthers were deployed to help the president get elected by impairing access to individuals, including Republican pollwatchers there to document election illegalities. As I noted in 2011, the racist New Black Panther Jerry Jackson was also a Democrat Party elected official:

Jackson has a long violent criminal history. He is also a Democratic Party elected official in Philadelphia, not that those two facts have anything in common, of course. He was elected in May 2010 to a seat on the Philadelphia Democratic City Committee in the 14th Ward. ...
It is illegal under federal law (18 U.S.C. 922(g)(1)) for any felon to possess a firearm. As one federal prosecutor told me, “these cases are among the simplest to win. It’s like taking candy from a baby. Did a felon hold a gun, or not? Period.” It matters not if the gun was loaded, or even works."

So, is the Democrat New Black Panther Jerry Jackson indeed a felon? From my Breitbart piece:

According to this criminal complaint, in 1978, Jackson “with another black man did stab and rob comp[lainant] on the highway 4024 W. Girard Ave. . . Charged:” robbery, theft, possession of an instrument of a crime, probation offense with a weapon , criminal conspiracy, simple assault and aggravated assault. On January 10, 1979, Jackson was sentenced for robbery and criminal conspiracy convictions, both first degree felonies under Pennsylvania law.
Mike Roman has reported at Election Journal that Jackson has also been arrested and served time for dealing drugs.

What about King Samir Shabazz, the other New Black Panther posing with firearms?

01-07-2016, 12:31 PM
Seems that under this Admin, blacks and convicted felons are exempt from
Obama's edict.

One look at Chicago, when he was a "Community Organizer (what the hell that is)",
should clue people in.

It shows only blacks can have firearms (Illegally of course), and whites
should be disarmed.

01-07-2016, 04:59 PM

Obama's 2ND In charge?? Shhhhhh....we're not supposed to know that!

01-07-2016, 05:59 PM
I've seen tons of videos showing one person open carrying over their shoulder, and the entire force shows up and the person gets harassed to no end. But why is it ok for these low IQ fools are able to do so and barely a peep? Are the police afraid to take action? Do they believe their actions to be legal? Especially considering the threats they have made over the years?

And forget Obama doing anything. Apparently he was pushed to revoke the freedom medal that was given to Bill Cosby back in the day, but he wouldn't. Now someone in congress is trying to push through legislation giving Obama the authority to do so. I doubt he will. A man with 50 rape accusations shouldn't be getting the highest possible citizen award, nor continuing to possess.

01-07-2016, 07:18 PM
I've seen tons of videos showing one person open carrying over their shoulder, and the entire force shows up and the person gets harassed to no end. But why is it ok for these low IQ fools are able to do so and barely a peep? Are the police afraid to take action? Do they believe their actions to be legal? Especially considering the threats they have made over the years?

And forget Obama doing anything. Apparently he was pushed to revoke the freedom medal that was given to Bill Cosby back in the day, but he wouldn't. Now someone in congress is trying to push through legislation giving Obama the authority to do so. I doubt he will. A man with 50 rape accusations shouldn't be getting the highest possible citizen award, nor continuing to possess.

Jimnyc. Only one example needed to back up your statement...which is right on the mark. And, that example is THE WINDY CITY...Obama's home town, AL CAPONE-LAND, where murders are highest in the nation...in the city with the MOST STRINGENT GUN LAWS in the nation.

Lotta good that does when all the CRIMINALS have the guns, and the victims have OBAMA/RAHM Emanuel.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-08-2016, 08:56 AM
For greater control, disarm the populace. Has worked every time , as it gives government free and easy reign to
murder opponents at will and be as tyrannical as they want to be.
Examples= See Stalin, Hitler and Mao. They murdered a combined total of just over 100 million people!!!

Globalists(our shadow government now)= the new Nazis, Stalinists, Marxists.
The obama is a globalist puppet. -Tyr